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Lord Rannos

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About Lord Rannos

  • Birthday 08/13/1991

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  • Biography
    There's plenty. I do some writing, some making music, but a lot more reading and listening to music.
  • Occupation
    Not much of one

Lord Rannos's Achievements


Otaku (3/6)



  1. Honestly, I think it's hilarious for anyone to be actually chosen to play Edward, considering how many pages total must have been spent describing how perfectly beautiful he's supposed to be. Or at the very least it must be a pretty serious ego trip for Pattinson. I'm not particularly looking forward to the movie on the basis that I didn't like the book that much, but it seems like the sort of thing that I'll get dragged out to see at some point. I'm just not really positive that there's anything that will benefit from the transfer to the screen. Especially since the book is written in first person. I think it'll be too hard for them to capture what Bella is thinking, which will take away a lot of the value that the book held for me. Then again, the entire thing may be worth watching just for the vampire fight scenes. Only time will tell.
  2. [COLOR=DarkRed]Oh, yes. Finally the band geeks come together. Rawk. Yes, I'm definately a band geek. I've been playing drums since the 5th grade. Mostly playing anything but xylophone and marimba because I can't stand mallet instruments. Used to play a little cello, but that was only for one year. Last year I did marching band even though I didn't have to, but I had to play in the pit. Timpani's, by the way, are a serious pain to haul around. And a pain to tune in the middle of a song. This year I got promoted up to snare line, even though I'm only a sophmore. I'm convinced that the band directors have been preparing me for it, because I've gotten most if not ever snare part in band for the last couple years. Half of the other drummers hated me because of that, too. I'm only in school band (not a lot of other bands use marching snares...) and because I'm not very good on drumset. I'm happy with marching and concert band, though. Drumline. We're hard corps.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkRed]I really can't help but sing. Everytime a song comes on that I know, I sing along with it. At this point, it really feels weird to not sing. I just don't sing that much when there's a lot of people around. My friends and family are the only ones who have to suffer. Although I personally think my singing's pretty good. I can sing along to pretty much anything I've listened to multiple times. So basically my entire Ipod library (almost). The only songs I can sing really well without the music playing are by Harry Chapin. His singing style is really similar to mine, so it's easy for me to learn the lyrics. Current favorites are Corey's Coming and Sequel. [SIZE=1] Bonus points to anyone who's actually heard of Harry Chapin...[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  4. [COLOR=DarkRed]Mods are around to try to enforce the rules and keep the threads in a general order. If a thread isn't up to the rule's standards, then they'll close it. If the thread looks like it's going to create spammy conversation (e.g. if it starts "I'm bored and want friends!!!!11111) then it's not going to add anything to the boards so we don't want it there. Also, a lot of times, mods do give threads a chance before closing them. On numerous occasions I've seen mods give a thread a "warning" that the responses have been spammy and give people a chance to shape up before closing a thread. If there's a mistake with how you posted your thread (where you posted it or if you're missing a rating or something), the mods are mostly just going to tell you what you did wrong, tell you to read the rules, and close the thread because it's posted wrong. Unfortunately, Lord of Spirits, you cannot actually change where you posted your thread or what the title was. So the old, mistaken one needs to be closed before you can create a new one. Point is, threads are only closed when they need to be. If the post is in accordance with the rules and could generate some conversation, it won't be closed. That simple.[/COLOR]
  5. [QUOTE=kingN]i'll say the 32 trip cause thers more to see and you can stop a different places and eat a different places too. this an't to good but it's all i could think of have super powers and be an out cast or be the only one without super powers?[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed] Definitely have the super powers. I'm a loner anyway, and super powers would be cool. This is one I thought of at a percussion lesson. Would you rather: [I][B] Make a lot of mistakes when playing an instrument and be able to work hard to fix them.[/B][/I] or [B][I] Make few mistakes but be unable to see/fix them.[/B][/I][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkRed]I have to say, there is almost always nothing inherently wrong with the dog in an "attack". If dogs are properly socialized, they will extremely rarely hurt anyone. Unless provoked. For the example of the kid who was killed by the pit bulls: Odds are, he was doing something to provoke the dogs. I'm not blaming the child; he was only 4 and wouldn't know better. All the same, would it be the dogs fault if the kid was accidentaly hurting them and the retaliated? When I was about one, I cornered my dog and was poking at her eyes. She then bit me. Is it her fault that she was scared and reacted as such? No, it's mine for provoking her. She wasn't even a "dangerous" breed. We can't just ban a breed based on what some of them do. The problem is in how people treat the breed, as has been said. A pit bull may not be the best dog to leave with a 4 year old. If you can control the dog, by all means have it; but if you cannot keep your dog under control, it isn't the dog's fault. [/COLOR]
  7. [QUOTE=The Boss][color=darkgreen][size=1] [B]The tape was rewinded. [/B] Riddle: At Morning, I walk on four legs. At Noon, I walk on two legs. At Dusk, I walk on three legs. What am I? (Hope this wasn't already done.) [/color][/size][/QUOTE] A person in the eye of a sphinx. As a baby (the morning) you crawl on four legs. As an adult (noon) they walk on 2 legs and as an elderly person (dusk) they walk with a cane, making up their third leg. [B]After teaching his class all about roman numerals (X = 10, IX=9 and so on) the teacher asked his class to draw a single continuous line and turn IX into 6. The only stipulation the teacher made was that the pen could not be lifted from the paper until the line was complete. How could this be done?[/B]
  8. [COLOR=DarkRed]The scales seem to be tilting in the 50's favor. But the fact stands: [B]it is not the rich people's fault the poor people are poor.[/B] What, just because they're less lucky than the 5 the 50 now have the right to break the law? The 5 didn't cause the 50 to lose their livelihoods, nor did they force the 50 to move to California. I'll give you that it may seem wrong of the 5 to offer the 50 lower wages, but I think that since it's during the depression they're lucky to have any job. For that matter, the 50 don't have to work for the 5. They can go try to find jobs somewhere else. In the end, it's never going to be right for the 50 to rob the 5. I admit that, in that situation, I wouldn't do the right thing, either. It doesn't change the fact that it's wrong to do it, just that I could understand their reasons for doing it.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkRed] [quote name='Anne Lamott']You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.[/quote] Ah, I love that quote. Back on topic... Sure I believe in God. I just don't believe in your God. Basically, I have this strong sense that there is a higher power. I can't define why, or anything like that. I never had a sudden moment where I realized that God is da shiz. But that's kinda the basis of "faith" for me. Something you don't need proof or a reason to believe in. I am not, however, a Christian, Jew, Muslim or anything other organized faith. I don't have issues with God. I think people can choose their own religion based on whatever they want. There are just certain Christians that bother me. Namely, the hypocritical ones. And it's often based on their influence that I understand how some people actually do view the Christian faith. For example, people who pick and choose bits of the bible they like. Some people believe things like "God created the Earth in [I]exactly[/I] 7 days" and "We are [I]all[/I] descended from Adam and Eve". And yet they believe the whole "spare the rod, spoil the child" bit is supposed to be taken metaphorically. Of course, there are then the people who do beat their children in the name of God. At least they're consistent. I understand that not all Christians believe in this, but I've already seen some people in this thread saying [I]this[/I] part is metaphorical but [I]that[/I] part is literal. To wrap this up, I would just like to say: Have a personal relationship with your God (or not). You don't need a priest, a book, or anything to tell you what's "right". I believe that if you're a good person, you'll do fine when you die. Whether or not you go to Church. Feel free to prove me wrong, I'm always interested to learn about other's faiths.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkRed]I think that the point to be made is that the 5 [B]should[/B] give to the 50, but they are [B]not obligated to[/B]. Morally, sure, the rich should be helping the poor. Especially if the rich fell into their money. But these people worked hard for their money. They have earned their right, in my eyes, to live in luxury. Now, without more information we cannot condemn the 50, but supposing for a moment that they didn't work as hard as the 5 did? Does that mean that they are still entitled to money when they might have been one of the 5 if they had just worked those extra hours? I know that wasn't given, but it's a factor to consider. Also, is it right to call the 5 greedy when they're not the ones trying to run other people down for their money? They're just living their lives, not bothering anyone necessarily, whereas the 50 would go and rob, ruin, or kill these people for their money. I side with the 5.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkRed]I don't think the world will suddenly collapse, because we won't suddenly run out of oil. As we run out, it'll get more expensive to the point where companies can make money selling alternate fuel sources. I'm not going to venture a guess as to what the new fuel source will be, but I'm sure something else will become readily available. Even if it costs more to get fuel than it currently does, because everyone's going to need it. All the same, depending on how expensive a new power source would be, bicycles and solar panels might become a lot more popular.[/COLOR]
  12. Lord Rannos


    [COLOR=DarkRed]Hmm...I feel so uncool now. Everyone else has already done drugs... But seriously, I feel that, for the most part, it is the individual's choice. I don't think anyone should be called a "bad person" for doing drugs of any kind. I think it should up to the individual if they want to do drugs. That being said, I'm definitely going to try pot. Not necessarily crack or anything like that, but I want to know what it feels like. In short, I'm here to experience life and I think that's gonna be one of the most interesting experiences out there.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkRed]Whoa, you can just put stuff on at the end instead of .com? Sweet. My website's gonna be .awesome. But seriously, I'm not sure doing anything to make the site feel more mystical would really be helpful. Since this is an anime based forum, I think people trying to find wands or elves would be slightly disappointed. And I don't think we're necessarily trying to attract people doing random searches for Fantasy based stuff. For that matter, I don't really think the URL of a website affects my experience there a whole lot.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkRed] One more time, why not? 1. Pick a band or artist: Goo Goo Dolls 2. Are you male or female: Never Take the Place of Your Man 3. Describe yourself: Laughing 4. How do some people feel about you: January Friend 5. Decsribe youe ex boyfriend/ girlfriend: Somethin Bad 6. Desribe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: I'm Addicted 7.Descrobe where you want to be: Broadway 8. Describe how you love: Aint That Unusual (I was [I]this[/I] close to putting "Up Yours" ;)) 9. What would you ask if you had just one wish: Better Days 10. Share a few words of wisdom: We Are the Normal 11. Now say goodbye: Long Way Down[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkRed]1. Pick a band or artist: Bruce Springsteen 2. Are you male or female: Nothing Man 3. Describe yourself: Born in the USA 4. How do some people feel about you: Blood Brothers 5. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend (I don't have an ex..): You're Missing 6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend (Don't have one): Countin' on a Miracle 7. Describe Where You want To be: Paradise 8. Describe How You love: Dancing in the Dark 9. What would you ask if you had just one wish: Let's Be Friends (Skin to Skin) 10. Share a few words of wisdom: Waitin' On a Sunny Day 11. Now say goodbye: Better Days Ok...kinda got weak near the end there, but...[/COLOR]
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