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Lord Rannos

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Everything posted by Lord Rannos

  1. Ok, we are near te waterfall, and the battle starts.....how again?Im kinda confused. OOC:I'm picky 'bout this, so it's cleric, no k.And yes, Zantar is kinda new.(no offense)
  2. Utterly confused, Talonir decided that it would be best to heed the strangers warning. He wandered into an undamaged inn.He took not of the curious looks following him, so he simply grabbed a drink and headed up to his room. After resting for a couple hours, he set off in the town questioning townspeople until he got a general idea of where Inanis lived. As he entered, Inanis jumped in front of him. "Why have you come here?" asked Inanis, "weren't you about to doom this down?" "I've come to talk to you about that," said Talonir,"I live to defeat the dark lord, and if I were to reveal this town, he would come here and I would destroy him, if you want to stand in my way, do it now."
  3. I felt that this game completely sucks you in.I would be doing that all the time if not for this.You find new people wanting to join your "clan" as you progress through missions.And the screen is just about as good as the playstation version.It's a really good game and is much easier to understand than FFT.The only problem is the laws, but you can alter those.Much better than the original.
  4. OK, we know about the favorite villians, but what about your fav person in general?Mine's Squall.He is just cool, collected, and anti-social.PLus, he whips butt with his gunblade.
  5. OK,bahamut is my fav boss ever for FF8.He puts you through impossible questions, then you have one of the hardest fights of the game on your hands.When you get him, he is an awesome GF.
  6. A minotaur staggered drunkenly out of a hole in a pub wall that he had just beaten down with his axe while clutching a drink. "Well then, i can tell when i'm not wanted, so i'm out of here."He then threw his drink at someone so hard that they fell over unconcious. "Allright, that's it, your gonna pay!"yelled the bartender.He then drew a club and rushed at the minotaur.The minotaur whipped around, suddenly alert and beheaded the bartender. "there is nothing more for me to do here,"he said.Before he walked off, a villager asked,"who....who are you?" The minotaur slowly turned around and said,"My name is Talonir," He then began walking away from the town.
  7. Name:Talonir Race:Minotaur Class:Warrior(mercenary) Weapon of Choice:Giant Pike or Horns Physical Description:A huge minotaur that strikes fear into the hearts of those around him. Bio:In that case, Talonir is a traveling minotaur, born of the dark lord but not under his control.He doesn't care who likes or dislikes him, he only cares about becoming more powerful.His current quest is too find the dark lord, for if he can be defeated, Talonir would be the strongest in all the world.
  8. Dondar was training with his abra in Azlea Town when his best friend Talonir came running up and said, "Have you heard? The gym leaders are retiring, and so we can now all try to become gym leaders!" Dondar thanked him and quickly got his stuff ready.
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