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Everything posted by Lord Rannos
The new year! whats the first thing you did or are gonna do?
Lord Rannos replied to orbindo's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=DarkRed]I was very proud of the way I started this year. Leading up to it, me and a bunch of friends were sitting around watching movies. We then watched the ball drop...somewhere. Anyway, it was then midnight. That very instant, I chugged about half of a Bawls. I then proceeded to eat a package of pocky. To finish things off, me and my friends played Halo the rest of the night. A good start. I just feel sorry for all the people who got completely smashed and had to work the next day, like one of my brother's friends. He was lookin kinda surly the next day...[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed]Hah. I love all of my music too much to be embarrassed by it. And I am being honest in this list. My City of Ruins--Bruce Springsteen So Far Away--Dire Straits Everbody's Talkin'--Jimmy Buffett Work--Jimmy Eat World Somebody Loved Me--Reel Big Fish Silence Must Be Heard--Enigma Left Behind Full--Slipknot Girl Like That--Matchbox 20 Another Day in Paradise--Phil Collins Broadway--Goo Goo Dolls That list actually does a great job of summing up the type of music I listen to. Little Dire Straits, little Jimmy Buffett, little Slipknot. Very strange combination. ~dq[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I'm glad somone started this. I saw the movie after hearing my brother tell me how awesome the play was for about half my life. I must say, I wasn't disappointed. I really liked the way Mimi was portrayed as being young and naiive, where Roger was so cynical and jaded. I also felt I could reall identify with Mark, how he really detatches himself from the world. It's sometimes how I feel, that I'm just watching and not really participating. I got the CD from my brother, and I haven't stopped listening to it since I saw the movie. Very good music. ~dq [/COLOR]
Haunting Experiences (and advice)
Lord Rannos replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
Nothing much has happened to me. Well there was this one time... Me and a friend were doing one of these city tour things; they drove us around in a Hearse to all the supposedly haunted spots around Des Moines. It wasn't too interesting, except in one house where there was a bunch of candles burning, and one of them started flickering. There wasn't a breeze, and none of the others which were right next to it were flickering. Then we went into another room, and some lady said something about a weird shadow. When we got back into the first room, the candle that was flickering was out. Kinda strange, but nothing to write home about. My brother says there was a particularly nasty spirit in a grave yard near his old house, but he had an arrangement with it. Then again, he's kinda more sensitive to these things than most. ~dq -
I understand what you're all saying, and I just wanted to clarify a couple things. First, that I honestly didn't realise that there were this many people that were offended or bothered by swearing. It's not something that's ever bothered me, so I didn't anticipate it. If the majority of people would prefer for there to be no swearing, I agree that we shouldn't have it. Second, that while I still believe it shows maturity to use swear words appropriately, I concede that many people do/would use them inappropriately, and thus lower board quality. Thirdly, I wasn't using the M ratings to suggest we don't allow people under 17 to participate, just to show that the majority of people were at least in their teens. I don't believe in limiting who can join RP's at all. [quote name='Citrus']Oh, yea. What makes you think that if the OB does make a age limit that the individuals under the age limit will make up a birthday and sign up anyways, hmm?[/quote] Again, and I wanted to address this individually because of the condescending tone, I was not suggesting that we block OB to anyone willing to join. Just that we should be allowed to use swearing, when appropriate. Thanks for tuning in. ~dq
This is something I've been kind of curious about. Why does Otakuboards have limitations against swearing? I mean, it doesn't seem like this forum is exactly geared towards children, nor are there a lot of children here. For example, in Morpheus's poll for people's ages, only 1 out of the 35 people who voted thus far were under 13. (Located [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=51181]here[/URL]) Plus, looking at the 28 threads in the adventure inn (On Dec. 27, tracking the last 2 weeks), only about 5 are not rated M. I just think these all point towards the forum really doesn't have much in the way of kids. Now, I'm not saying that we should allow porn or directly offensive language (i.e. the "N" word ), nor do I suggest every post requires a swear word to be meaningful. I just don't believe in censorship in any form, and that sometimes you just want to say *******.
[COLOR=DarkRed]Got everything I hoped for this Christmas. Except for Soul Calibur 3, but I'll just buy that myself. [list] [*]30 gig Ipod video. The screen is so beautiful... [*]POCKY! So very, very addictive. Currently munching on it, in fact. [*]Assorted other foodstuffs. [*]Case of Bawls. [*]Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory from my bro. [*]Watch from my grandma. It's a Lorus, very nice and shiny. [/list] [/color]
Jokes - You got any you want to share?
Lord Rannos replied to Shadow Blade's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=DarkRed]I've got a shirt with a bunch of band jokes on it (a couple of them have been said) so I'm gonna steal some of those. Fair warning, they had no mercy when designing this shirt. [B]What do you call a Bass Clarinetist with half a brain?[/B] [I]Gifted[/I] [B]How do you make a Trombone sound like a French Horn?[/B] [I]Put your hand in the bell and miss a lot of notes[/I] [B]What's the definition of a Gentleman?[/B] [I] Someone who knows how to play the Trombone but doesn't[/i] [B]What's the range of a tuba?[/B] [i] Twenty yards if you've got a good arm[/i] [B]What do you call someone who hangs around with muscicians?[/B] [i] A Drummer[/i] [B]How can you tell if a violin is out of tune?[/B] [i] The bow is moving[/i] [B]How do you know an Alto is at your door?[/B] [I]She can't find her key[/I] [B]What has 32 feet and an IQ of 83?[/B] [I]A Flag Corps[/I] [B]What does a vaccum cleaner and an electric guitar have in common?[/B] [I]When you plug them in, they both suck.[/i] [B]Lawyer payback:[/B] A Charlotte, NC, lawyer purchased a box of very rare and expensive cigars, then insured them against fire among other things. Within a month having smoked his entire stockpile of these great cigars and without yet having made even his first premium payment on the policy, the lawyer filed a claim against the insurance company. In his claim, the lawyer stated the cigars were lost "in a series of small fires." The insurance company refused to pay, citing the obvious reason: that the man had consumed the cigars in the normal fashion. The lawyer sued ...and won! In delivering the ruling, the judge agreed with the insurance company that the claim was frivolous. The Judge stated, nevertheless, that the lawyer held a policy from the company in which it had warranted that the cigars were insurable and also guaranteed that it would insure them against fire, without defining what is considered to be unacceptable fire, and was obligated to pay the claim. Rather than endure lengthy and costly appeal process, the insurance company accepted the ruling and paid $15,000 to the lawyer for his loss of the rare cigars lost in the "fires." NOW FOR THE BEST PART After the lawyer cashed the check, the insurance company had him arrested on 24 counts of ARSON! With his own insurance claim and testimony from the previous case being used against him, the lawyer was convicted of intentionally burning his insured property and was sentenced to 24 months in jail and a $24,000 fine. [B]Good old fashioned forum joke:[/B] [B]How Many Forum Members Does it Take to Change a Light Bulb?[/B] 1 to change the light bulb and to post that the light bulb has been changed 14 to share similar experiences of changing light bulbs and how the light bulb could have been changed differently 7 to caution about the dangers of changing light bulbs 1 to move it to the Lighting section 2 to argue then move it to the Electricals section 7 to point out spelling/grammar errors in posts about changing light bulbs 5 to flame the spell checkers 3 to correct spelling/grammar flames 6 to argue over whether it's "lightbulb" or "light bulb" .. another 6 to condemn those 6 as stupid 2 industry professionals to inform the group that the proper term is "lamp" 15 know-it-alls who claim they were in the industry, and that "light bulb" is perfectly correct 19 to post that this forum is not about light bulbs and to please take this discussion to a lightbulb forum 11 to defend the posting to this forum saying that we all use light bulbs and therefore the posts are relevant to this forum 36 to debate which method of changing light bulbs is superior, where to buy the best light bulbs, what brand of light bulbs work best for this technique and what brands are faulty 7 to post URL's where one can see examples of different light bulbs 4 to post that the URL's were posted incorrectly and then post the corrected URL's 3 to post about links they found from the URL's that are relevant to this group which makes light bulbs relevant to this group 13 to link all posts to date, quote them in their entirety including all headers and signatures, and add "Me too" 5 to post to the group that they will no longer post because they cannot handle the light bulb controversy 4 to say "didn't we go through this already a short time ago?" 13 to say "do a Google search on light bulbs before posting questions about light bulbs" 1 forum lurker to respond to the original post 6 months from now and start it all over again. [/COLOR] -
Two statements I'd like to disagree with real quick here. [quote name='The Newfie][COLOR=SeaGreen']Considering that Cell Phones use Satelites, than, unless the Terrorists were supposedly flying around Mars at the time, the Cell Phones could work from any where as long as they have the right service provider, or if they have SatPhone. Besides, a lot of planes have built in phones that can contact the ground - they have to work somehow, don't they?[/COLOR][/quote] Actually, normal cell phones send their signals to towers. Not satellites. So, without towers, they wouldn't function. However, there are towers near New York. Plenty of 'em. Which brings me to my second point... [quote name='chabicou'] He also mentioned how it was absolutely impossible for cell phones to work at the altitude the planes were at when they were first hijacked (the scientists tested this out themselves), though there were reports of cell phone calls made from the planes....[/quote] I find this unlikely, considering that A) It's very possible for a tower's signal to reach the altitude of a plane and B) I've had my cell phone ring on planes. So unless the planes were flying unusually high, and stayed that high until right before crashing the plane, a cell phone could probably work. Anyway, I personally think it's fairly unlikely that the U.S. would have fabricated 9/11. The time and money alone to create the entire illusion of this would have been incalcuable. Second, this requires crashing a plane full of people into a building full of people, resulting in a couple thousand deaths. Considering the sheer amount of first hand accounts of people that had loved ones or friends in the towers or on the planes, I'd say it's likely that people did indeed die. And I can't believe the government would kill that many people for money. With the video, I actually think they made some very good points. Let us, for the moment, assume all quotes, pictures, and facts concerning what material was released is true. A bit to assume, maybe, but if they are, it paints a good case for a government cover up. I wonder, personally, why the FBI would never release footage of the plane hitting the pentagon. Also, the question as to where the wreckage of the plane went, and how it punched that neat little hole. Naturally, this video could be complete crap. But it makes you wonder...
I live in Iowa, so yeah, we get plenty of snow. Unfortunately, this means we know how to deal with snow. So, unless it's more than six inches at about 2:00 AM, the streets will be cleared in time for school. Not to mention that our super intendent refuses to let us have snow days if there is any way to get us in school. So, we rarely have snow days. The few times we DO have snow days, I'm always almost inside. It's too cold out there to play in the snow! I enjoy my heat and my video games.
[COLOR=DarkRed][B]Name:[/B] Jamie [B]Classification: [/B]Cyber Replacement/Clone [B]Nickname/Codename:[/B] Number 3 [B]Age:[/B]28 [B]Sex:[/B] Sexless (Though I plan to us "he" for a pronoun) [B]Physical Description: [/B] Jamie is about 5' 4". Though only 28, he looks like he's forty. There are already lines in his face and his hair is graying. He always wears the same style clothes; a neat button down shirt and nondescript slacks. He always wears white. The sybol of Psylabs is embroidered on most of his shirts. [B]Mental stability:[/B] Generally stable, he suffers from some schizophrenia. This manifests itself in "episodes" brought on by extreme stress where the other personalities will take over. [B]Personallity:[/B] Jamie is generally very cold and arrogant. He believes he is the best there is at what he does, and thus is better than everyone. When he has one of his episodes, though, he can be anything from unnaturally happy to violently angry. [B]Occupation:[/B] Jamie works for cyberlabs, more than partially as a test subject. He also does pretty much whatever Psylabs needs him for, from interrogation to infiltration. [B]Cybernetics[/B]: He has a cybernetic eye, which can be set to record everything he sees. He has implantations in his arms and legs to increase his strength and speed. There are also a couple implantations in his head specifically to enhance his Psychic abilities. [B]Faction:[/B] His first priority is to Psylabs, but he supports Caladbolg whenever he can. [B]Weapons:[/B] Jamie prefers to use his mind as his first weapon, talking his way out of most situations with some telepathic suggestions. If necessary, however, he can use handguns as well as many and better than most. He usually carries one on his person. [B]Background:[/B] Jamie was a clone created from the genes of a powerful psychic in the employ of psylabs. He was created as a sexless adult, and thus never had anything resembling a child hood. The only friends he has are his "brother" and "sister", two clones created from the same basic genes as him. They were used in an experiment which proved that Jamie was more powerful without gender. He has worked for Psylabs for all his life, and doesn't plan to stop. He does, however, believe that Aros should be overthrown and works as hard as he can to further this ambition.[/COLOR] Not bad...tell me if you want more detail or anything.
[COLOR=DarkRed]I can't wait for the PS3, cause I'm a Play Station fanboy. Which is not to say that I want Nintendo to fail. On the contrary, I hope Nintendo does well. Because I think they are aiming for a different market. The Play Station consoles have always had an emphasis on RPG's and such. With the Revolution, it seems like Nintendo is going more for uniqueness in their games. With the controller layout they have, they'll be able to do a lot of nifty things. So, people who like that kind of uniqueness will be more drawn towards the Revolution. Final Fantasy fans will most likely prefer the PS3. And if the Revolution really is that cheap, it really won't interfere with sales of other consoles that much anyway.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]My best friend's name is Gabe. I can say with relative certainty that he is my best friend, partially because we've been friends for literally as long as I remember. More than half my life, in fact. Also, there's the weird fact that we've never gone to the same school. We were going to in middle school (he even open enrolled to get in the same one), but then my parents decided it was a good time for us to move out to Johnston. Luckily, I've still kept in touch. And, until I get my license, I can con my parents into driving me 1/2 an hour out there.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Yo soy Dylan, mucho gusto. I'm 14 going on 20 according to most of my family. If you hadn't guessed from my name, I am male. I live in the center of America, Iowa. Possibly one of the safest places in the U.S. And, while I'm 14, I still don't have any sort of job or my permit, because I'm too damn lazy to get one. I've got one older brother, 22, who I seem to emulate as much as possible. I don't exactly mean to, but it happens. Also, I have a severe phobia of wasps/bees.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]It is tense in here... I'm currently stuggling with my sense of religion. The only thing I really know currently is that I'm not christian. I really don't agree with organized religion, and the rules attached to them. It all seems a bit judgemental to me. I hate the "Do this or go to Hell!" and "You're going to Hell because you did this!" attitude that a lot of christians have. However, I do believe in spiritualism. I recognize that faith has brought many great things to many people. Fact is, I don't share their beliefs. I'm in a bit of a limbo in my beliefs. I do believe there's some sort of a god, just not that He/She/It/They control the course our lives run. For that matter, I think God's a little more forgiving than what Christians tend to teach. If christianity is correct, then why would a generally good guy have to spend an eternity in Hell just for not going to church every sunday? I also have some belief in...I guess you could call it Paganism, by today's standards. Though I'm loath to call it that, since it makes mine and my brother's beliefs seem way too organized. I'm kind of teetering on the edge of some things. For example: Spells. While this is the sort of thing my brother believes in, and has done, I just don't know about it. There's an internal cynicism that makes it hard for me to believe things that I can't touch and feel; see and experience. Some things have worked for me, though, like the Tarot. I don't have a lot of experience with them or anything, just that they have shown me things. Also, if anyone out there believes that the term Paganism or a pentacle (NOT pentagram) or anysuch associated symbols are evil and satanistic, then you are, frankly, wrong. The position of many with beliefs similar to my brother's and mine is tolerance, that everyone has their own path. We don't endorse evil, and we don't hate God.[/COLOR] Ask an honest question, get an honest answer....
Gaming Online Morals....have we lost them?
Lord Rannos replied to Gelgoog Pilot's topic in Noosphere
[COLOR=DarkRed]I actually had a good experience playing Final Fantasy 11 over at my brother's house. Everyone there was fairly friendly, and it just knida felt like an open community. Things like some random healer casting cure2 on me when I was hurting. Or tossing me a linkshell (Or whatever you call those...been a little while). Seemed pretty nice. I'm ashamed to say that I actually know one of those douches on Runescape. He's kind of at the top level and has more crap than he can carry, so he amuses himself by joining up with people then killing them... :( So watch out for someone named...I think it's Tyren.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed]It sounds like a good idea; it would certainly prevent the problem of people resurrecting old threads. They just become clutter once locked. So it would be nice to have them not accessible. I have no idea if this is even possible, though, let alone how to do it. I just assume technology works mostly by magic. Or faries. Or 3 billion hamsters on wheels... The only real downside I can think of is that now we won't be able to tell who's read the FAQ. This way, we know anyone who brings up a dead thread hasn't read the rules. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I don't personally have much to add. Just that I sometimes feel like I'm in a similar position, so I kind of know what you're talking about. I don't believe in trying to label yourself or others; if you're attracted to a guy, be attracted to him. Or attracted to a girl. It doesn't matter what gender you are. You don't need to call yourself bi, gay, straight, whatever. The titles don't matter. Nice words, huh? I guess it's not that easy. Society, as a whole, seems to frown upon homosexuality. This makes it nearly impossible for me to even think "Maybe I am gay" without this little part of me telling me that it would be wrong. Maybe that's part of the problem... In any case, good luck. Hope everything turns out fine for ya. Oh, yeah, one more thing. I disagree with anyone who says you shouldn't be thinking about these things. The teenage years are a horomonal time. People start dating, loving, hating. This is when we start defining who we are: personality, sexuality, etc. Who you're attracted to is one of the things that needs to be thought about. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I've only gone through one identity crisis on these boards. I used to be Dondar. And originally, I thought I made that name up because it sounded cool. Then I read my old Diadem books again, and it turns out Dondar is one of the planets in the universe. Bit of a surprise for me actually. So I switched to Lord Rannos. This one, I honestly did make up (I think). It's just one of those names I use for RP's, video games, etc. I just like the Lord part to make me seem more important. No real significance in either of these, but I am happy that I didn't have to add numbers to get them. Actually, I cannot confirm nor deny Rannos being based on Rezo from Slayers.[/COLOR]
Sign Up Fire Emblem Ten: Ruler of all Lands [PG-13 VL]
Lord Rannos replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in Theater
Whoo! A Fire Emblem RP! [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Name:[/B] Rannos Qyiron (Kee-Ron) [B]Age:[/B] 22 [B]Class:[/B] Pirate (Yar) [B] Appearance:[/B] Attatched. Pretty much that without the guns. [B]Bio:[/B] A born and raised pirate of Rigarde. He was born on a ship and spent most of his young life on one. His father captained his own ship, the [I]Flying Dagger[/I]. Rannos grew up learning how to fight, and not much else. He was a strong boy, sure-footed on deck and skilled with an axe. The only thing he ever learned of honor was that some men wouldn't kill you because of it. He also learned how this could be put to his advantage. His father soon died, passing on his ship to Rannos. He was a decent captain, but was often rash and impatient. He quickly gave it over to his crew, and went ashore. Rannos wandered for several years; fighting, gambling and drinking his way across the countryside. He found his way to the capital city of Rigarde, and, lacking money, signed up with Rigarde's army. In a skirmish with outlaws from J'ren, Rannos proved himself by saving a nobleman's son. Because of this deed, he was promoted quickly. He had no skill as an officer, but still could fight as well as many and better than most. The prince recognized this in him, and promoted Rannos into his personal guard. [B]Personality:[/B] Rannos is brave and rash. He's friendly to most people, but is also quick to take offense and quicker to start a fight about it. He is fairly impulsive and irresponsible. He never has a plan, and more often than not never considers the consequences of his actions. The only thing he ever seems to take seriously is his pride in Rigarde. He believes strongly that he lives in the greatest nation on the continent, and this inspires a fierce loyalty to the prince within him. [/COLOR] Might put up another character, probably won't. I like to be able to focus on one at a time. Oh, yeah, and I made a map to help myself remember what's going on. If anyone wants me to put it up here, PM me. Warning, it's really crappy. -
[COLOR=DarkRed]I'd have to go with life as well. Mostly because, I don't want to risk it. Sure, maybe everyone goes to the great garden in the sky, but by the rules of several religions, I'm already going to Hell. And crap, I don't want to go to Hell. Unfortunately, I also don't really feel like stopping a couple of my favorite sins... (Gluttony being top among them) I guess it wouldn't be so bad if I just didn't feel anything, and there was nothing (As science says). But again, I don't want to experience, or rather not experience, that kind of non-existence. Only I wouldn't care, because I wouldn't exsist...and now my brain hurts. Great. It would be nice to be able to live until you choose to die, though. Also, a point my friend made: Your friends and family will die anyway, but if you don't, you can go on enjoying life. To the George R.R. Martin fans: [I]Valar Morghulis[/I] [/COLOR]
[FONT=tahoma][COLOR=DarkRed]I love Thanksgiving, personally (Or as I prefer to call it: Turkey Day). You eat turkey, potatoes, and pie, then pass out a couple hours later. I fail to see the downside. This year, however, I decided to suggest that we have my aunt's potatoes. They're delicious, you see. This ended in my parents deciding I should make said potatoes. So I just got done peeling 10 friggin potatoes. Me and my bro will probly be here all day. It's always nice to have a little family time. And I'm pretty sure my family will play euchre (Pronounced: Yuker). We always play euchre. Even at my aunt's funeral. Cue family tradition. Things I am thankful for: [B]My stuff.[/B] I don't think I could live without all my video games, computer stuff, TV, etc. [B]Friends. [/B]I got real good friends out here, and I'm thankful for it. [B]Family.[/B] I've got parents who, reportedly, love me and stuff. Plus, they give me money. Also, my bro is awesome. [B]Turkey![/B] Come on, it's delicious![/COLOR][/FONT]
[QUOTE=shadowofdeath13] [size=1][color=darkred] [spoiler]Odin was ok, but I liked Gilgamesh alot better[/spoiler][/color][/size] [/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Aw, come on. At least Odin ALWAYS kills whatever he comes up against. Anyway, I've got my general run down here (Not edited for length): [B]FF7[/B] Didn't get that far into it, but I gotta say I love the chocobo and fat chocobo summons. Comic relief is always great, and it actually did ok damage. [B]FF8[/B] Ah, yes, my favorite. While Diablos is 7 kinds of awesome for damage and look, I've got one I like better for either category. I like Bahamut's look better. I mean, come on, he's a bloody dragon! We like dragons. Anyway, Eden (If you have the patience and/or awesomeness to get it), usually does more damage. You can boost to 250 EVERY TIME and, [spoiler] You can get above 9999 damage[/spoiler] [B]FF9[/B] I don't remember this one as well, but I recall liking the Ramuh summone a lot. Just thought it looked nifty. Again, a nod to Bahamut, and a general agreement that Odin is awesome. Next! [B]FF10[/B] Again, didn't get very far. I know, however, that I really didn't care much for Bahamut in that one. I didn't really like the look of feathers and stuff. I did, however, like Ifrit in there. With the fire and the pain and such. Good stuff. Overall, FF8's Bahamut. Just can't beat Dragons.[/COLOR]
Gaming Soma Cruz (Castlevania) vs. Dante (Devil May Cry) who will win?
Lord Rannos replied to a topic in Noosphere
[COLOR=DarkRed]Well, Soma is awfully mortal. And at best, he's vampire (I can't recall the exact Soma-Dracula relationship). Dante is half Devil. In my book, devil is always gonna beat human or vampire. Given, though, he is only half devil. The way I see it, Soma can open up with sword attacks, but not much else. Dante can hang back and blast at him with guns. Sure, Soma can pop out a couple of tricks from monsters he's defeated, but we're assuming he's beaten something pretty nifty. Even then, it's going to suck up MP. Dante can dodge around (In more dimensions, for that matter) and smack him around with a sword. Or more shooting. Or his dual swords, cerberus, whatever. And that never runs out. Not to mention, Dante can go Devil form. If he can get near Soma like this, Soma's screwed. Dante comes off with a skeleton spear in the side, Soma comes off in multiple pieces. Dante wins.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed]Mine is obviously less common than I thought. More than replacing words with letters, worse than 1337, is the stupidity Apple is responsible for. They sell the ipod, and their advertisement is: "Holds 1000 songs!" or whatever the number is. And now there are people who say stuff like, "My ipod can hold 4000 songs!" NO. IT CAN'T. Memory is not measured in songs, dammit! GIGABYTES! IT'S MEASURED IN GIG! So stop measuring yout mp3 player's memory in songs. Wow, that was a serious rant that I never meant to have happen. Wacky.[/COLOR] Edit: In retrospect, I apologize if this offended anyone. I realize listing the memory in song count is so people can get a relative idea of how many songs their mp3 player can hold. It just annoys me.