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Everything posted by Lord Rannos
Sign Up Hunters: Free Of The Shadow (PG - VL)
Lord Rannos replied to SilverCyclone's topic in Theater
Name: Orin Race: Human Age: 27 Gender: Male Appearance: (See attatchment) Minus the cloak and pointy ears. Bio: Orin grew up a slave to the demons. He labored constantly in their mines, under the watchful eyes of the demons. There, he grew strong as his hatred rose. Finally, one day, he attacked one of the demon guards. Taking its weapons and the few supplies he had gathered, Orin ran off into the darkness. Orin is a kind man, benevolent to other humans suffering the fate the he had. When demons are involved, however, he is ruthless and cruel, stopping at nothing to kill them. He lives off the land, trusting his own foraging skills rather than stealing food. Weapon (s): A blessed longbow and a blessed broadsword. Also carries a common dagger. Spells: [i]Flamebolt[/i]-A bright bolt of blessed fire leaps from Orin's hand, hitting any creature directly in front of him. -
[quote](Quick question: how do you do that thing with the black beam?)[/quote] Just put spoiler tags like [ spoiler ] I like pie[ /spoiler ] with out the spaces it's [spoiler] I like pie[/spoiler] The most irritating moments are those where you know what you need to do, but can't figure out how. My proof? Legacy of Kain: Defiance for PS2. I really like the game as a whole (graphics, gameplay, and such), but when you get stuck, you are dead in the water. I got up to the vampire citadel with Raziel and into a mysterious room with water where I'm supposed to break down a cracked wall. One which I am sure does not exist, after hacking at every wall I saw. Second frustrating moment: The ruby dragon fight in FF8 [spoiler]with Laguna[/spoiler]. I like FF8 (and death to those who don't) but this stupid minigame thing got me stuck. The blocking is faulty and your attacks are overly weak.
[COLOR=DarkRed]Me and my friend, buffy_boy_, have decided to make a small sprite comic. For now, it's mostly random attempts at humor, but there will be a storyline....eventually.....Anyway, please give us some feedback on how we're doing, and be sure to check back because there will be more to come. My character is Rannos, and buffy_boy_'s is Zantar. The first, fourth, and fifth strips are mine, and the other two are made by buffy_boy_ [/COLOR] [SIZE=1]Sprites courtesy of [url]www.videogamesprites.net[/url] and [url]http://sprites.planet-megaman.com[/url][/size]
Gaming Mega Man Battle Network 4: Red Sun / Blue Moon
Lord Rannos replied to Dragonballzman's topic in Noosphere
[COLOR=DarkRed]Hmmm.....When I first heard about them, I immediately dubbed them evil and sacriligious for not following the traditional megaman style. Also, it did not have Zero in it. :bawl: But after convincing my friend to let me play it, (and believe me, it took some convincing) I decided that it was actually pretty cool. I think that I'll get one of them.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed]Name: Rannos Qyiron Gender: Male Age: 35 Look: Rannos is tall, with large, sinewy musceles that stand out from his body. He is unclean and unkept, his entire body reeking of urine. He wears a long, black cloak that conceals him most of the time; helping him to avoid the people that he constantly believes are after him. He has a blood red tunic under it tied at the waist with a heavy rope. Personality: Rannos is very paranoid. He believes that, ever sice he was imprisoned for the murder of his village's priest, people are going to imprison him again. He is constantly looking over his shoulder. Because of his paranoia, Rannos finds it nearly impossible to speak with people. Often times, actually, it is they who don't want to speak with him. He is generally silent, only speaking when it is necessary, and never much at that. Ring Type: [i] Black Ring[/i] Information: Framed. That was what he had always said. He said it to his town's guards, he siad it to his loved ones. He even screamed it in his cell as he pounded against its walls. He was accused of commiting the only murder that the small village of Varatnuu had ever seen. After his ceremony to split his soul, Varatnuu's priest had been found inside of his home; Rannos's hunting knife in his back. They had imprisoned him for it; since they could find no other person who could have killed him. They had planned to keep him locked up for his entire life, but they found a better use for him. Since the Council of Denrohedge had ordered all of the ringers to kill the Ring Hunters, theyt agreed to give him full pardon if he would join this "quest". Needless to say, he agreed.[/COLOR]
This is the book that I'm writing in and for a publishing class.It's going to be a fanasy novel, and I need some feedback as to how it's going. It's my first, so I hope that everyone likes it! There will be more to come. [b][SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER][FONT=arial]Before the End of Time[/font][/center][/size][/b] [center][FONT=lucidaconsole]Lord Rannos[/font][/center] [FONT=Arial Black][center]Chapter One[/center][/FONT] [FONT=couriernew] Rannos was scared. He wasn?t proud of it, but with a 10 foot tall ogre on his tail, he felt that he had a right to be. He dashed through the forest, dry leaves underfoot crackling. Hearing a loud roar, he quickly threw a glance over his shoulder. He saw, about seven feet behind him, a huge, pale beast, with legs half as large around as tree trunks and bulging muscles. It dashed after him with grim light in its eye, holding its club high above its head. It was big, and it was pissed. ?Shoot this bloody monster!? Rannos yelled at the trees, hoping that one of his fellows would hear him, praying to whatever gods he knew that he wouldn?t be killed. His prayers were soon answered; two arrows came shooting from the treetops, landing directly above a short spear that was hurled directly into the ogre?s stomach. Again, it roared out its rage to the world as it pulled out the spear and cast it away. Rannos kept on running, but chanced a look back when he heard a cry of pain from the bushes where the thrown spear had landed. No time to stop for him?.. Rannos thought, chancing another glance over his shoulder. He saw the ogre bearing down on him; it would soon catch up to him. ?Rannos!? came a voice from behind the ogre, ?Strike it down!? Rannos smiled. This was his cue. He quickly whirled around to face his foe; eyes alight with a golden glow. ?Die, beast!? he said gravely, slowly spreading his arms. Lightning crackled between his outstretched hands, as the ogre charged him. He grinned mirthlessly as he slammed his hands together, sending out a bolt of lightning from his fingertips. It struck the ogre full on in the chest, and it toppled over. ?I think that?s the last of them,? came a voice from the trees, as its owner leapt nimbly down from a branch. ?Right you are,? came another voice; similar to the first, but slightly deeper. He leapt down, as well, both of them smiling faintly. They were both of elven descent, short in comparison to a man, but pretty average height for an elf. They both had golden hair that was cut short failing to cover their pointed ears. They carried a longbow apiece, with a quiver strapped to their backs. ?Draan, Traan. Nice to see that you finally decided to help me with that creature.? The twin brothers gave a mock bow. ?Your wish is our command, O lord.? Rannos pushed past them, going into the woods behind the ogre?s carcass to look for the warrior that had accompanied them. He started poking through the thick undergrowth. "Where is that swordsman.....?" he wondered aloud, rubbing ruefully at his temples. It had been a long night, looting a gnoll base. At least they would be reimbursed by the mayor of the town who had hired them in the first place. "I'm over here!" came a voice from somewhere off to his left. Rannos started running in the direction of the voice. He soon saw a large man sitting in a clearing with his back to a large tree and a bloody spear lying on the ground next to him. His plate armor was dented where the ogre's club had struck him, and he had a large hole in his armor where the spear had hit him. "You look terrible, Kojaan," Rannos said, grinning. "That spear that Gyrin threw got me," Kojaan said, his face pale. Rannos began walking towards him. "Actually, the ogre threw that spear away," Rannos said, checking Kojaan's wounds, ?these wounds won't kill you, Kojaan, but we had better get you back to town and find you a healer. For now....." Rannos slowly spun his arm in a long circle, leaving a long white cloth where it went. Rannos knelt over and handed the cloth to Kojaan, helping him to remove his armor. "I didn't know that you did healing magic," Kojaan said, binding his stomach where the spear had struck him. "New thing I'm trying," Rannos said as he tightened the bandages, "let's get back to town now.? "Fine, but I can't walk alone." Kojaan said, struggling to his feet. Rannos chuckled and grunted as Kojaan shifted some of his weight onto him. [SIZE=4][center]* * *[/center][/SIZE] Quonth stood over a pool of dark liquid, chanting softly. As he chanted, the water started moving; first rippling, then starting to shift upwards. It formed the figure of a podium reaching up from the liquid. It showed many shadowy figures in it, constantly moving and melting into one another. He frowned and stared at the liquid for another moment. All of the shadows melded into three figures, although their appearance was impossible to discern. He scowled darkly at the pool, and dashed the liquid away with one hand. Trying to read the future was pointless. Especially if it was inside, without a clear lake to do it with. Quonth sighed softly. It was no use, his master had a castle, and it would have to do. Replacing the scowl on his face, Quonth walked quickly towards the large oaken door of his chambers. As he reached for the handle, it flung open, revealing a small man with dark green robes. ?What do you want?? Quonth snarled at him. He was in a bad mood. ?The master wishes to see you,? the servant said with a bow. ?In his chambers, I suppose?? Quonth asked, walking out into the hallway. ?Yes, Lord,? the servant said, hurrying after him. ?Be about your business, then,? Quonth told him, turning left down a passageway. Whenever the master called, he usually wanted Quonth to go on some mission or another for him. He walked for another minute, counting his paces carefully. Fifty-seven, fifty-eight, fifty-nine??.60! He tapped upon the wall to his right three times, and turned. The gray stone slowly melted away, leaving a dark portal where the wall had been. Quonth hesitated only a second before pushing through. A cold clammy feeling crept over him, and he suddenly felt cold, afraid, like he was going to never get out. Luckily, that feeling was never actualized. Stepping out of the portal, Quonth found himself in front of a black, ironbound door; the one that led to his master?s chambers. Quickly straightening his robes, he grabbed up the large knocker in the shape of a dragon?s head. After knocking slowly on the door three times, he took a step back. The knocker came alive before him, slowly opening its red eyes and staring at him. Quonth slowly brought his right hand up to face level, revealing the ring upon his forefinger in the shape of intertwined leaves. The dragon blinked once, and lowered its head. Slowly, the door opened to reveal a long, dark chamber. Peering hard against the darkness, Quonth could see a figure far off in the distance. ?I?ve been waiting for you?.? said the shadowy figure in a cold, monotone voice. ?I came hear as quickly as I could, Master,? Quonth said, kneeling and keeping his head down facing the floor of the chamber. ?Yes?..of course you did?..? there was a small laugh from the shadows,? In any case, I have a new mission for you. Quonth sighed mentally, but kept his body still. Usually his master sent him out to gather herbs or something. It got very tiresome. ?I need you to intercept a band of warriors,? the master said again. There was a rustling in the darkness, and a map of Varutyrm appeared. On it, there was a black spot to mark his master?s citadel. Suddenly, there was a flashing red dot just south of the citadel, ?they will arrive here soon. You are to intercept them, and bring them back to me. Use any force necessary; short of killing them. ?My visions have told me that you would need only three?..? Quonth said, barely controlling the fear in his voice. It was unwise to contradict the master. ?Indeed? Then attempt to find out who these three are, and bring them here. You are dismissed.? [/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=ArialBlack][center]Chapter Two[/center][/FONT] [font=couriernew] Rannos strode confidently towards the city gate, the rest of the group he had been traveling with trailing slightly behind. ?Would you guys hurry up? We?re almost to Laothen,? Rannos said, stopping for a moment to look over his shoulder. ?We, unlike some cocky elementalists, are worried about bandits on the road robbing us,? Kojaan growled, looking around warily. ?Well, if we were in the city, there would be less chance of being robbed,? Rannos said impatiently, setting off towards the distant city. ?I wouldn?t be so sure of that,? said Gyrin quietly, speeding up to keep pace with Rannos, ?some of the worst thieves lurk in the shadows of cities, large or small. As for roads, they?re a perfect place for an ambush.? Rannos became quieter after that, choosing to fall back into step with the others. He felt that they were overreacting, but it never hurt to be careful. Since Gyrin had given him that warning, Rannos felt on edge and nervous. His eyes were shifting to the sides of the road involuntarily. They traveled the rest of the way in silence, warily watching the trees. As they reached the city?s outer perimeter, they were stopped by a small contingent of guards. They were all dressed in full armor with a long sword held before them. Their shields bore a large sword split at the end upon a dark green background, the official symbol of the city, Rannos surmised. The guards stopped three feet from them and held their swords high in front of them. One guard stepped forward and addressed them. ?Who are you, and what is your business here?? he asked, driving his sword point down into the ground in front of him and crossing his arms across his chest. Rannos was unsurprised by the guard?s suspicion; they had been fighting through the night and must have looked terrible. Rannos reached slowly into his bag, keeping the opening towards the guard so that he could see what was being pulled out. ?We have this agreement with the guardian, to kill the nearby tribe of snagorths,? Rannos said, holding up a large, much wrinkled, piece of parchment bearing the cities seal. The guard stepped forward and scrutinized the seal. He grabbed a monocle from a small pocket within his armor. He held it to his eye and stared at the parchment a moment longer before ushering them in. ?You are to go directly to the guardian?s manor. He will meet with you once you have had a chance to rest and be fed. Is this understood?? the guard fixed Rannos with an icy stare. ?Understood,? said Rannos, turning back to his companions. They all nodded and they set off through the town, weeding their way between tightly packed houses. After a short time of walking, they came upon the finer part of the city; where large houses and rich merchants were common. Here would also lay the guardians manor. ?Wait here for a moment,? said Gyrin, taking his spear from his back and leaning it against a nearby wall. He then pulled out a long, black rope that seemed to writhe at one end as if it were alive. He started swinging it in a tight, slow circle, and released it at the top of its swing. It flew upwards and grabbed hold of the roof of a building, and clung there. Gyrin tugged the rope twice sharply, and started to climb it. He scaled the side of the building quickly, and was soon sitting on top of the house. Rannos saw him stand up and look around for a couple moments before he leapt to the ground. Gyrin hit the ground hard and rolled for a couple feet before he stopped, struggling to get up. ?What?s up there?? Kojaan asked, helping Gyrin to stand up. ?Not much. The guardian?s house is over that way,? Gyrin pointed to the north, dusting himself off,?and let that be a lesson to me about jumping off of buildings.? Chuckling, the small band made its way toward the large building in the distance. It wasn?t very far off, so they soon reached the large building with large green banners bearing the cities seal. They walked quickly up to the door, and were met, once again, by a guard. ?Let me guess?..state our name and business?? Rannos asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. ?I don?t appreciate your tone,? the guard said icily, narrowing his eyes at Rannos. ?Rannos??? Kojaan said threateningly, giving him a warning glare. Rannos shrugged apologetically, as Kojaan continued. ?We had an agreement with the guardian; to kill the snagorth tribe.? ?Alright then, you may enter,? the guard said, stepping aside and opening the large manor door. As it swung open, Rannos leaned forward; peering into the prevailing darkness around the chamber. ?Why is it so dark in??Rannos started, but he was cut off by the door slamming behind him. ?What!? What is this?? Draan said. Rannos heard a rustling of cloaks, which he could only assume was Draan pulling out his sword. ?I like this not??? Traan said, also pulling out a sword. Rannos was about to draw his own, but he never had a chance to. Suddenly, many lights came on all about them. Rannos saw that he stood in the center of a large room, surrounded by now flickering torches. Directly in front of them stood a tall, stately seeming man with a bushy white mustache. He looked to be old, but his muscles were firm. He wore a simple green tunic that was belted at the waist. He leaned upon a jewel-encrusted sword. ?Ah. I see that you have finally returned. I trust that those pests are taken care of?? the guardian asked, raising one eyebrow inquisitively. Rannos snorted. Calling thirty of those creatures a pest was hardly fitting. They were shaped as snakes, but had arms and claws that could tear a man?s throat out. Add to that the fact that they could fly as well as any bird, and you had a deadly combination. Before Rannos could air his opinions on what the guardian had said, Kojaan replied. ?Yes, we have killed the snagorths. I trust that you have prepared our payment???? ?Yes, yes, of course,? the guardian said, waving his hand dismissively. Five bags appeared upon the ground; one in front of each of the adventurers. Draan and Traan quickly sheathed their weapons and leapt upon their sacks. Rannos leaned down and picked his up. He untied the string keeping his shut and looked inside tentatively. He smiled at what he saw: A sack literally bulging with gold coins. ?Perfect,? Rannos said, ?well, now that we have our payment, I suppose that we?ll be off, then?..? ?Also, in thanks for your help, I have reserved you all rooms in my favorite tavern: The Jagged Blade,? the guardian told them. He then proceeded to give directions to the tavern. ?Well?.thank you,? Rannos said, turning to his companions, ?are we finished here?? ?I?..suppose so,? said Gyrin, shouldering his payment and heading for the door. ?We, as well,? Traan and Draan said together. ?Let?s go to that tavern, then,? Kojaan said, turning toward the door of the building. Rannos yawned. He had been slightly energized by the adrenaline of the guardian?s entrance, but Rannos?s eyes were beginning to droop; he was afraid that he would fall asleep where he stood. Walking slowly out of the manor, Rannos started towards the Jagged Blade. He saw a large, orange sword off in the distance; near the poorer district. After walking for a time in a half-awake trance, Rannos came upon the tavern. Rannos could see why they had gotten in for free. It was one of the most run-down taverns that he had ever seen. Rannos sighed and walked in, anyway; hoping that at least their water would be clean enough to bathe in.[/font]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Good god.....I can't believe that I'm posting this....... Well, it was a few years back. I was......six or seven, probably. My family and I were vacationing in Arizona.....where havelinas (sp?), a pig-like animal, live. My parents and older brother then convinved me that if I stood on one foot, plugged my nose with two fingers, and sonrted, I would call a havelena. Then, my brother was to catch it in his coat. Needless to say, it didn't work, and my brother managed to get a picture of me doing it......Which he put on the internet.....where all of his friends saw it...... :bawl:....... Why, oh, why did I post that?[/COLOR]
[color=darkred]Talahan crept up to the Z-Tech building, keeping a sharp eye out for soldiers that weren't where that old fool Gorasuk had [i]said[/i] they would have been. [i]Well, at least he was on this time....[/i] Talahan thought; he didn't see anyone else. He walked casually up to the door and tried it. It was locked, not that that mattered to him. He had his orders from the hasty meeting behind the dumpster. He was the decoy. Talahan grinned, it was his favorite job. He pulled back one huge fist, and slammed it with as much force as he could muster into the door. It went flying inward, and a loud alarm went off. Talahan quickly turned to hius bear form as several of his fellow resistance members rushed past him. He let out a terrifying roar and lumbered forward, going to meet the Z-Tech soldiers. He swung one huge paw at the head of the foremost soldier, knocking him to one side. He grabbed the next one's throat, and held the soldier's body in front of him. "Damn zoanthropes!" one of the remaining soldiers yelled, firing at Talahan. Talahan simply snarled and blocked the shots with the body he held. He threw it at the soldiers in front of him just as more began arriving. Talahan knew that he was outnumbered now, so he ran straight forward, bulling his way through a crowd of soldiers. [i]Time to get out of here....[/i] Talahan thought, running for the elevator at thye end of the hall. He came up to th door and pounded the up button. as soon as the door began opening, he tore it open and headed up to the top floor.[/color]
[COLOR=darkred]Talahan ducked between the shadows, his eyes alert for any sign of Z-tech soldiers. He came up to a shabby looking garage. He stepped up to it and knocked upon it. [i]Rap.....rap-rap-rap......rap-rap...he put his ear to the door and heard a raspy voice from beyond. "WHat is the password?" the voice whispered in a monotone. Talahan sighed and brushed some dirt from his jacket he stepped closer to the door. "Dragon-Sphere." he frowled,"now let me in, you stupid rat. He heard another rasping laugh from behind the door as it opened. A very small, albino man with thin, gray hair. He was dressed in rags and was covered in dirt. "Talahan. Your very special password." he laughed again, ushering him in," you are almost late. The meeting's starting." Talahan rushed into the back room, almost knocking the door off of its hinges as he threw it open. He saw a group of other people there, all seated around a table. "You're fine. Sit down." commanded one man, standing up and pulling down a map. The map was of the city, with blue lines running along it and red dots placed periodically. "Alright then. Let's hear it, Gorasuk. "These are our bases," said Gorasuk, the one who had stood up. He was obviously the leader. He pointed at the red dots with a laser pointer that he had pulled out of one of his pants pockets," these blue lines represent the typical patrols of Z-Tech troops. Our plan is to attack the Z-Tech central. Right....here." he pointed at a large building, "this goes down at midnight. The troops will all be at the edges of the city, and will take a while to return to their base if their's an emergency call. We're going to sneak in and destroy them, and, most importantly, find out about this secret project they've been setting up." "Sounds good, then. But they'll use killing force the second they spot most of us." Talahan said, leaning back in his chair. "I know," said Gorasuk, his face suddenly becoming grave, "there may be casualties, but it's necessary. This for the good of Zoanthrope kind." he slammed hs fist on the table, shaking it, "This is worth it! This is more than all of our lives!" 'We understand, Gorasuk," said Talahan," we're all ready. Where will we meet tonight?" "At exactly 11:30, meet in this dumpster across the street from their base." "Alright." Talahan said as he got up. "Talahan." Gorasuk said, his back turned to him, "I am still in charge of this faction. Do not let your arrogance bring you to a polace that you do not want to be. You don't want to cross me." Talahan snorted defiantly as he stared at him, "Perhaps you've been leader for too long. You're getting old and paranoid." Without waiting for an answer, Talahan left, suscpicion obvious in Gorasuk's eyes.[/COLOR]
[FONT=georgia][COLOR=Darkred]Talonir exited the tunnels, waving to the cheery dwarves behind him. As long as they got a little compensation, they were great for navigation. He stood and srveyed the outside world. The world that he had been sheltered from. So far it looked pretty.....boring. It was a grassy plain, leading up to what appeared to be a small town in the distance. Talonir squinted, and he could just make out smoke rising from the town. He sighed gratefully. That much could have only come from chimneys. Talonir looked around once more before he began to spin his hand in a slow circle in the air, speeding up steadily. After a couple minutes of this, what appeared to be a small tornado appeared. Talonir jumped upon it, his will and his magic keeping him steady upon it. He thought a solitary order to his tornado.[i]Forward[/i]. The tornado shot off towards the town, the wind blowing back Taloinir's hair and causing his eyes to water. He would be there soon enough. Talonir wandered the streets of the town, excited to be on his own at last. Walking through the slums was depressing, so he decided to go towards the inner, richer parts of the city. He was walking through there, admiring the architecture of the many buildings there. [i]So many buildings....and most made of stone, too![/i] he thought, marveling at a large church. His ears perked up as he heard voices from the otherwise silent street. He ran forward, using the shadows and inborn dexterity to keep silent. Finally, he came upon the two speakers. With them was a guard who seemed not to notice them. "......you pass." he heard one of them say, as one who looked like a cat strode towards a house behind them. Talonir inched closer, his curiosity overcoming his fear of being spotted.[/color][/FONT]
[COLOR=darkorange]"Hold on a sec," Paul said, standing up, "I'm still here. I suppose....my code-name will be Sonic." he thought for a moment, then added," and I ain't a damn hedge hog, either." He saw some of the other students grin as he took his seat. He rolled his eyes. Probably a bad choice in nick-names, too. Now he probably couldn't go through a hall with out someone laughing at him....no matter. He'd live. He watched the other kids in the class for a minute, seeing all of the other kids. The only people that were like him and coould understand what he had gone through. "Alright," said Tiger, standing again," write that paper about yourself, and hand it in when you're done." he sat down again, and surveyed the students through slitted eyes. Paul (Hereby referred to as Sonic) sat down and got to work. Although he really didn't like these assignments, he had to do it. Might as well leave a good impression. He hit all of the major details in his life; there wasn't alot to tell. He was born, got infected, spent a month at the hospital, and was homeschooled. [i]That social relations class will be very helpful...[/i] he thought, grinning. It wasn't that he wasn't nice or anything...he just never saw anyone other than his parents.[/COLOR]
[color=darkorange]Paul flew as fast as he could towards the school, firing out his echo-location as he went. Finally, he saw, even through his dim eyesight, a large building looming ahead. [i]That must be it![/i] he thought, starting to land, [i] But where is everyone else?[/i] he turned around quickly, looking for any sign of another student, or even a teacher.[i]Crap. Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap. I'm late.[/i] He quickly came up to the door, knocked on it and waited, his toe tapping anxiously. After about five minutes, he knocked again. Finally, someone came to the door. "Hold yer horses.....I'm comin!" someone opened the door, and Paul stared for a moment. The man he saw before him was tall, not to mention covered in thick, brown fur. "Oh, you're here for the school...." "Y-yes," Paul stammered, he had never seen anyone else like him. "Well, my name's Rock, you can call me Bear, and you should probably drop your stuff off at your room. Just...." he pointed to a stairway to his left, "Go up to the fourth floor, you can have the room at the end of the hall. After that, you've got.....10 minutes to explore the school before your first class." "Okay...." Paul said, hoisting his bag onto his shoulder and heading towards the stairway. He went up the stairs to his room, dumping his stuff on the floor and grabbing his schedule. "Crap.....I can't read it....." he went into the hall, looking for someone with normal eyesight. After a couple minutes of looking around, he bumped into Tiger. "Whoops...sorry," Paul said, "Err....I have crappy eyesight, can you tell me what class I have first?" "Sure....Ah! You first have English, with me, Tiger, and then..." he proceeded to tell Paul his entire schedule. He had him repeat a couple times until he memorized it. "No problem. See you in a few minutes." Paul went down the stairs, heading toward the room theat Tiger had directed him to for English. He went in and sat down, even though he was a few minutes early.[/color]
Personally, I believe that the only thing the movie actually had in common to the games is the fact that they are both called final fantasy. Also, I think that the general setup of the FF games is that they have only a couple links: There is always someone named Cid, there is always a Biggs and a Wedge, and there are always chocobo. This explains my "Final Fantasy the movie has nothing to do with the games" theory. No chocobos! Basically, it's possible that they are connected, but it doesn't seem to be what the game design suggests. The exception, of course, being FF10 and FF10-2.
Name: Paul Detson Code-Name: Sonic (No, he's not a hedge hog...) Age: 16 Class: Predators Personality: Paul is very nice and social. He likes to talk to people--alot. Sometimes this gets him in trouble. Especially in very boring classes. He is usually nice to everyone he meets, but sometimes simply finds something that makes him dislike people for some reason. Animal: Bat Appearance: Paul has a generally human form, but he is lightly covered in dark brown fur. He has two leathery wings protruding from his back. His ears are more pointed and he has very bad eyesight--although he never wears glasses. Short Bio: After Paul had been affected by the virus, he had lain on his "deathbed" for a month before the transformation began. His eyesight began to dim significantly, and he seemed to grow hair at an accelerated rate. Once his wings began to sprout, his parents realized what had happened. They had home schooled him until this school opened. Techniques: Paul is able to fly using the over-large wings that had grown. He can also use his sonar to locate things as opposed to actual sight. His echo-location is undetectable by human ears, but he can also make the sonic waves audible, this typically causes pain to normal humans.
Name: Talahan Age: 22 Gender: Male Nationality: American Beast Form: Bear (Grizzly to be exact) Fighting Style: Brawling. Using slow, but very strong attacks in conjunction with grappling. Appearance: Talahan is generally huge and very muscular. He has black hair and wears a black shirth with a black and white camo vest over it. He has a scar running from his right temple to his jaw. Personality: Talahan is stiff and unsocial--not to mention very practical. He never does things that aren't useful, and is critical of all others. He assumes most zoanthropes--and all humans--are beneath him in some fashion or another. Short Bio: Talahan grew up in Japan, hiding his powers from everyone he met. His parents hid him so that he could have equal opportunities in the world and not be discriminated against. One day, however, he got engaged in a schoolyard fight where he revealed himself to be a Zoanthrope. Since then, he has been on the run--hiding from the Z-Tech agents and trying to stay out of sight. One year ago, he found that his parents had been imprsioned for not informing Z-Tech about him. Talahan then joined a small resistance faction based in China, slowly growing in power before they moved their operations back to Japan.... Evil Clone: Stun the Ogre
[COLOR=DarkRed]Name: Talonir Age: 124 (Young Adult) Race: Wood Elf Class: Elementalist Weapon(s): Uses a longsword passed down through his family. Magic: Manipulates elements that are on hand--he can shape fire into the form of a dragon, but he cannot create it. He is most proficient when influencing the wind/weather. Appearance: [URL=http://www.animeshrine.com/image.php?/magnacarta/calintz.jpg]Appearance[/URL] Bio/Personality: Talonir grew up in a secluded forest--ringed by grand mountains that were nearly impossible to cross. Unless you befriended the gruff dwarves dwelling there and were able to travel through their tunnels. Talonir learned the basics of life that every elf should know. Chivalry, honor, swordplay, and magic. He was usually alone--sitting in the branches of the tallest trees and feeling the wind about him. Talonir is a nice enough fellow--but often appears very naive. He grew up sheltered from the world, so he doesn't know of suffering and cruelty. He believes in his code of honor, and goes to great lengths to uphold it.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Red]Dondar walked into the police station and stopped to survey the scene. He saw about 6 people in the room, a few of them looked to be his own age.... "Alright, I'm here, what do you want?" he asked, addressing the room as a whole. "Well, you, and a few other trainers," Zire said indicating the trainers in the room, "are here to help us track down and kill Suicune, Raikou, and Entei." He saw a girl on the floor brushing her pikachu cringe as Zire said kill, and saw another guy holding an ultraball sneer. Noting this, he turned back to Zire. "What do they have to do with anything?" "They," Zire said, his face grave, "caused the attacks on those cities." Dondar felt his jaw clench up and fists begin to ball up as his vision began to have with his fury. [i]They are responsible......they killed my parents.....[/i] "What do we have to do?" he asked, staring down Zire, "where are they? What's our plan?" "For now," Zire informed him, "we have to wait until the rest of the trainers are here." "Fine." Dondar said, and sat down in a corner to be alone with his memories.[/color]
That looks pretty good. I would suggest putting in some sort of a back ground, it might make it more interesting. Also, I demand that you put in a picture of Squall :p
I never have issues with the slider.....mostly because I never have the volume on. I'm always watching TV while I play. Anyway, my most recent annoyance is centered around Magi Nation (for GBC). First thing, I can't beat any of the Hyrens....:( also, I can't beat the third Shadow Geyser! My monsters aren't strong enough.......I hate training........
Request Magi-Nation Set (Pics included)
Lord Rannos replied to Lord Rannos's topic in Creative Works
Thank you VERY much. You do some great stuff for avis and banners, I've noticed. -
Well, my one move has been fairly small, but there is this one thing that was kinda funny..... Well, it was time for me to start middle school. I was fully prepared to follow in my brother's footprints and go to Marrill Middle School. I even got my friend to open-enroll (He had to even though he lived closer to Marrill that Calinan) and then my parents decide to tell me....we're moving to Johnston! My friend went through the trouble of open-enroll for nothing.It's nice because we have a bigger house now, though, and I made new friends, and I can still see my old friends. (This all happened in Iowa.)
Whether or not you have heard of the game, I need a banner using the FIRST image that says "The reincarnation of Kyros is here" and "Lord Rannos" along the bottom. If you can, get red of the orange symbols. For an avitar, simply resize the SECOND image so it's within the specs., and get rid of the orange arrow things. Many thanks!
My first name, Dondar, I thought was just this relatively cool name that i came up with. Little did I know, it was actually the name of a planet in the Diadem series. My current username was something that is 100% original. Although it may be based off of Rezo (From Slayers)
Narozyk left the room and headed towards the armory, wondering once again what had become of his brother upon the frosty peaks of the Isocrags. When the snow storm hit, they had been seperated. If that hermit hadn't found him...... he shook his head. There was no sense dwelling in the past, anyway. He approached the armory door, where a guard stood, armed with a spear. "Halt!" he cried, leveling his spear at Narozyk's stomach, "Identify yourself!" "My name is Narozyk," he said, pushing the guards spear away with his scepter,"and I suggest that you get yourself and that crude pig-sticker out of my way before I get annoyed." The guard gulped, as if just by looking into Narozyk's eyes he was sealing his own fate. "Just....go ahead," he said, shuffling out of the way. Narozyk smirked and walked into the room, sneering at the racks with heavy armor and weapons that were too big to use efficiently. He went through the piles, searching first for an appropriate armor. After 15 minutes of going through most of the available armor, he finally found something that would do. It was a breast plate made entirely from human bone. With it, he found a matching pair of skeletal greaves. Choosing to us his own weapon, he took his armor and went to his assigned quarters to rest and prepare for the following day.
The man stood before Sciros, his black eyes staring as if they could see into his soul. "My name is Narozyk," he said slowly, " I am a necromancer, hailing from the mountains Isocrags......where I have learned my art." Sciros sighed, "Well, whoever you are, what do you want with me? I'd expect someone like you to throw in with Rellus." " Come now, just because I work with the dead does not make me evil...." he let out a cackling laugh, sending shivers down Scrios' spine. "I came here to tell you that I believe that my services would be....beneficial to you." "How so?" "You are short on troops. I," he said, spreading his arms, "have as many as I need." as he finished his last sentance, he slammed his hands together, and slowly spread his fingers over the ground, chanting softly. The stones under his hands began to shake, then were pushed out of place by a skeletal head, followed by a torso and legs. "This is merely a taste of what I can do. I can turnyour dead into my mindless servants." Narozyk gloated. He then clenched his hand and the skeleton who he had raised turned to dust. "I wish to help you with your little war here. As long as I get my just rewards."