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Lord Rannos

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Everything posted by Lord Rannos

  1. To gain everyone's pity, this is my first RP. :faint: The land of Varutyrm.....endless fields and prosperity reigns.....Then a shadow falls across the land, enveloping it in an eternal shade of Twilight. A great Citadel was erected in the center of the land, spewing forth monsters, demons, and other creatures of the night. Everything within miles of the Citadel died, as if a wave of plague came from their very stones. Plants withered and died, water became poisoned; even insects couldn?t survive. The very air that the villagers breathed was killing them. The demons of the Tower, as it came to be called, ransacked villages and enslaved men. The lord of Varutyrm, Taris, attempted to protect his villages; but his forces were always overwhelmed. Eventually, the Evil?s, as he was called, forces launched an attack on Taris? castle. Taris was hunted down and trapped in his own throne room. He was killed, eventually, but he left a memento behind. He had a son, bearing the mark of the Dragon upon his right forearm. This son was imbued with above the average human's, enough that he could lead Varutyrm against the Evil. And so he was sent to a far away kingdom to be raised in protection, that one day he may rise up against the Evil. This was not the only measure that Taris took; he also gave 5 other babies that were soon to be born power above humans, that they may follow the Fated One against the Evil. As a final measure, he arranged that these 6 Fated Ones should, at sometime in their lives, meet. Whether they were to unite or not, however, could not be influenced. In Varutyrm, there arose a rebellion. They opposed the demons, saving villagers whenever possible, but remain underground. Ok, so here's what I need: Name: Age: Stats: You get 25 points for abilities, distributed how you like. Strength: How strong you are Speed: How fast you are Martial Arts: Your hand to hand fighting skills. Weapons: How good you are with weapons. Health: How long it takes for you to be killed, starts at 3. Magic: Your skill in magic. Will determine how strong of spells you can cast. Bio: And anything else that you think is important. For battle, anyone with the higher skill rating will win, provided that no imagination is used. Turning a Martial Arts battle to Weapons could save you. Magic requires both verbal components and specified hand movements. Your character will be able to remember all of their spells. [B]Magic List:[/B] [B]Level One: [/B] Missle Finger: Fire mini magical missles from your fingers. 1 damage. Spark: Discharges a spark that can light a fire, or cause minor irritation to a human. Minor Heal: Heals one health level. Summon Animal: Summons a small animal to perform a simple task. [B]Level Two:[/B] Flame: Fires a ball of flame from your palm, dealing 2 health damage. Level Two Healing: Heals two damage. Skill: Boosts a character's Martial Arts and Weapons scores by 2. Light: Creates an orb of light that illuinates like a torch. [B]Level Three:[/B] Strengthen: Raises your strength by three. Shock: Delivers a shock to a person when they are touched. 3 damage. Level Three Healing: Heals three damage Flash: Creates a blinding flash in front of one person's eyes. [B]Level Four:[/B] Fireball: Creates a raging ball of flame that explodes upon impact. 4 damage. Lightning Bolt: Hits a target and anyone within 5 feet of the target with a 3 damage bolt of electricity. Max Healing: Heals 5 damage. Perfection: Raises all stats by 3, requires 5 minutes of intense and unbroken concentration. Everyone is encouraged to create their own spells--especially for magic above level four. NO NEW HEALING SPELLS. You get 2 spells of your level, and 2 more spells under your spell level. If you hav any suggestions for how this should be run, please include them in your post or PM me. I will post my character after a couple people post. By the way, we need the 5 Lesser Fated Ones, I'm the son of Taris, and if someone really wants to, then they can be The Evil. If you have another original idea for a character, PM me, and we'll see.
  2. On Final Fantasy 9, I got to the Ifa Tree (Or whatever it's called) and it won't let me through the barrier! I did everything by the book, too. Driving me nuts.
  3. Rannos and Z dropped down from the window where they had been watching the game. " Did you see that kid? He's got quite an arm when he has a mind to." Rannos said. "Maybe so....or maybe something more unnatural is involved." "You're suggesting that he is our mystery vamp?" "It's definitely a possibility." "Ok, we'll pay him a visit later tonight." " Sounds like a plan. Now....." Zynth grabbed a rock, "Let's try our aim." Rannos grinned and picked up one of his own. " Ok, let's see who can hit the skinniest kid." They both jumped up, took aim, and.....WHAM two rocks on the same kid. "Get out of there! You'll never kill any- I mean....get anyone out like that!"
  4. You be very glad that you don't, Inuyasha..., i'm overweight, so I get picked on all the time. It used to get so bad that I was gonna beat the crap out of the next person who did it to me. And I did, once. It's common courtesy not to make fun of people, but middle school has no courtesy. The many will join together to p-ick on one person. Story of my life.
  5. Name: Rannos Age: 23 Nick Name: Tempest Side: Earth Fighting Styles: Tae-kwon-Do, a side bodied fencing style, and a full-body broadsword fighting style. Weapons: Has a rapier at his side, and a broadsword slung across his back. Nationality: Lichtenstein Signature Move: Wind Slasher: He throws his rapier so fast that it appears to be the wind going into (Or through) someone's body Special Power: He can control weather, a little bit, as his nick name implies. He can sometimes create a quick blast of wind to knock a foe off balance, and the wind always seems to be blowing in just a way as to foil any projectiles shot at him by blowing them off course. Description: Is 6 feet tall, muscular but not so much to appear slow. He has black hair, and eyes that appear to be blue all through his eye-no white. He has a plain, black T-Shirt with a red over shirt that has black flames on it. Wears a black trench coat. Bio: He grew up in the tiny country od Lichtenstein, generally staying out of the way. When he was 10, his parents took him to America where they believed that he would have a better future there. He learned fencing in highschool and also learned about medievil styles of fighting. He took Tae-Kwon-Do since the age of 12, and is now a 3rd dan black belt. He got a job teaching fencing and currently resides in Iowa. When he heard of Cesto, he figured that he should go to make sure that whoever else decides to doesn't fail. Also, throughput his life he has always seemed to subtly influence the weather. Once, in Florida, he got pissed off by a bully there and an unexpected hurricane came out of nowhere, and tore apart the bully's home. From then on, all his friends called him Tempest.
  6. (To Raven) "The same for us, I suppose. Suppressing the vampire menace whenever they become too bold." Rannos replied," Specifically, me and Zynth, or Z as we call him, are demon slayers. Vampires will do when none are around, though." (To everyone else) " It would be nearly impossible to get a vamp from the school randomly. Freak someone out if we guessed wrong, too. Hopefully we can find one to interrogate, he tells us what we want to know while thinking that he won't be staked, and WHAM! We shove a stick through his heart so fast he wouldn't know what hit him, if he couldn't have only been killed by a few things." Rannos suggested, " Maybe on our next patrol."
  7. Rannos slammed his hand down on the table. " Look, we all know what is actually happening to the dead students in the high school. The two red marks are a dead give away. With two slayers, we should be able to take out that new clan, if it actually exists....I just ned to try to protect my brother....." he looked down. "Protecting one person for the sake of many others would be foolish." Z told him. " Then we need to find a plan to protect the many. I propose we set up a trap. If one of them knows that either Raven or Kara is a slayer, then we could use them as sort of bait. We put them in the open and hope that our high school vampire comes."
  8. OOC: I think that's part of the whole "Buffy Speak" Thing. It's kind of boring just to kill them. And I wish that Xander would have told us that we could get extra points-I would have come up with something cool to do for the extras.
  9. Like. I'm in middle school, and I hear that word ALL THE TIME. "He is like so like....." whatever. Girls do it, guys do it, even teachers do it! I try to suppress aying it too often. Of course, I could get every teacher in Iowa to sign a petition to ban it from the english language. That might help.....
  10. Name: Rannos Qyiron Age: 13 type: Demon Hunter guts: 3 Strength: 3 martial Arts: 3 Health: 3 magic: 0 research: 0 technology:0 Ranged attack:3 Work skills: He has far above average strength for a teenager, which makes it easy for him to win in hand to hand combat. He has no aptitude in magic, and has SERIOUS problems with technology. Can barely even get a computer to look things up and run simple programs for him, much less know how to do anything else with one. He knows how to use a bow with some aptitude. When he learned about vampires, he began fashioning his own arrows from only wood, so as to serve as a ranged stake. Bio: He grew up a friend of Zynth's in Otaku Lake, making sure that he never got too out of control. He was the voice of reason when Zynth turns to his dark side. He acquired his talents for Archery at a summer camp that he went to every summer in Iowa. When he and Zynth met Corwin, their Watcher, and learned about the Old Ones and vampires, they immediately decided to attempt to kill any demons they can find. Vampires as well. He has an older brother named Vaydyn that is a junior in highschool. Personality: He is friendly and generally doesn't bother anyone at his school. He has great pride, however, and will take great pains to repay anyone who dares to insult him in any manner. He is a life-long friend and partner of Zynth's, helping him to hunt demons. Is also a percussionist. Rannos dropped back, pulling out his bow. "How about this, I take two out with one arrow-stake, and we call it even." "Fine, but I've still got the magnatism" The two vampires left stood relatively close together, so he rushed toward them as they rushed at him, kicking one in the side and knocking him into the path of the other. They tripped over each other, landing in a heap on the ground. He put an arrow to his bow and lept over them, firing an arrow through both of their chests as they tried to get up. "Two very nice piles of ash." " I still got three...." Z said, turning away OOC: In the old Star Trek, the person on the away team wearing a red uniform is always killed. Funny that I know that, seeing that it isn't even on TV any more.
  11. Name: Rannos Qyiron Age: 13 type: Demon Hunter guts: 3 Strength: 3 martial Arts: 3 Health: 3 magic: o research: 1 technology:0 Ranged attack:2 Work skills: He has far above average strength for a teenager, which makes it easy for him to win in hand to hand combat. He has no aptitude in magic, and has SERIOUS problems with technology. Can barely even get a computer to look things up and run simple programs for him, much less know how to do anything else with one. He knows how to use a bow with some aptitude. When he learned about vampires, he began fashioning his own arrows from only wood, so as to serve as a ranged stake. Bio: He grew up a friend of Zynth's in Otaku Lake, making sure that he never got too out of control. He was the voice of reason when Zynth turns to his dark side. He acquired his talents for Archery at a summer camp that he went to every summer in Iowa. When he and Zynth met Corwin, their Watcher, and learned about the Old Ones and vampires, they immediately decided to attempt to kill any demons they can find. Vampires as well. Personality: He is friendly and generally doesn't bother anyone at his school. He has great pride, however, and will take great pains to repay anyone who dares to insult him in any manner. He is a life-long friend and partner of Zynth's, helping him to hunt demons. Is also a percussionist.
  12. I have read one Forgotten Realms book, I think: Spellfire. It was prety cool. I think that I will check out both of those.
  13. Name: Narson Age: 17 Race: Elven Class: Trainer, Gunner, and Warrior Special Class: Dragon Disciple Default: Trainer Biography: He grew up in a village which was made up comlpetely of Trainers. At the time he reached age thirteen, he began training with a red dragon to be his pet. He also took time to learn sword and gun skills after he proved to have no aptitude with magic. He recently left his village to go and kill Shango so that he would not attack his village. Personality:He is generally very nice and polite, is fond of all animals. He gives trust lightly, however, and holds a grudge until the person who wronged him has somehow repented. Description: [URL=http://ew2.lysator.liu.se/loth/m/k/mknelson/ewredwizard.jpg]Putting In A Picture Was Causing Me Issues,So CLICK ME[/URL] Weapons: Trainer: Has the staff in the picture and a red dragon. Warrior: A black rune covered broad-sword and a long dagger. Gunner: If you couldn't guess......twin guns Dragon Disciple: A large spear.
  14. Thank you very much, Nomad. You shall join the Hall of Honors that is my signature.
  15. I got DDR for Christmas. Been playing it off and on since then. I have something like DDR Max 2. The excersize makes my mom happy, too. Can't seem to find the song on the list.....darn.....
  16. Could someone replicate my current banner, only make it say Lord Rannos across the top in about the same font? It would be very nice. EDIT: I don't know the font's name, I just want it to look something like that. It doesn't matter that much.
  17. Beyond a doubt, my favorite character is Corwin from the Amber series by Roger Zelazny. He is cynical, tough, and generally realistic. He's the main "good" character, but he obviously has a dark side. He lies, cheats, and murders to get what he wants. My second favorite would be Pol Detson from Wizard World, also by Roger Zelazny. Mostly because he can cast spells and control a horde of monsters.
  18. It would be neat if there were links to all of the major forums (e.g. The Prefecture) somewhere like on the sidebar or the top banner. My computer is kind of slow, so it takes a while to get to the homepage and to my next forum. Then again, I'm kind of lazy, so this may just be me complaining about extra effort.
  19. Is Drop the Bomb by Scotty D only for the arcade version of Dance Dance Revoloution? My brother told me it might be, but i'm not sure.
  20. This website has FF8 images that fit. [URL=http://www.geocities.com/thegamerzone/ff8animatedimages.html]Final Fantasy Eight Pics[/URL] Use any of those images, they fit.
  21. thank you both, I figured it out. That's all I needed to know
  22. When we be able to report threads to mods? I came across a terrible post ealier, which I shall post a link to for someone to notice.Since everything isn't completely together yet, I'm not sure how else to get someone's attention.Maybe I'm just blind and didn't notice it as well. WARNING: Please hide all guns from yourself before reading this so that you do not shoot your computer. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=37337]Battle to be reported[/URL]
  23. Does anyone here practice Celtic Magic or any other sort? I got a book about it and my brother is helping me, but I need to figure out other books that would help me with my studies. I'm also getting a pendulum and some stones for focus. Any suggestions for what I should try next?
  24. Name: Ranz Age: 25 (Not sure what the standard is) Race: Vampire Gender: Male Vampire Skill: Flight How He Became a vampire: A powerful vampire, by the name of Nalyd, came to him out of the darkness, and gave to him a black rose. While holding it, Ranz pricked his finger upon the rose; condemming him for all of eternity. Personality: Cold and emotionless. Will not trust anyone lightly and never says more than is absoloutely necessary. Bio: Ranz was strong as a human, so Nalyd decided that he would make a good slave. He turned him into a vampire, but after becoming one; he rebelled against the one who brought him to vampirism. He ran, and the further he ran the more he started noticing things. Ghosts. He thought he had been driven mad and is trying to kill the vampire that caused his "madness" Appearance: He has pale skin with black hair. He has a white flash through the middle of it. He wears primarily black, and has a red flame shaped birthmark on his right forearm.
  25. Name: Nornas Age: 25 Gender: Male Occupation: Mercenary Race:Human Build: Muscular Weapon:Twin Swords Bio: His parents were slaughtered in front of him when he was young, so he had to spent all his life on the streets. He stole to stay alive until he was old enough to begin taking jobs for more money. He enlisted with many private armies and henceforth called himself a mercenary.He keeps to himself and constantly has a haunted look in his eyes from having to run from gangs and thieves in his home city, but cannot stand to see young people sufffering. To the few people who he trusts that have breached his emotionless outer shell, he is the most trustworthy person you could meet. Inate:Black Special Element:Black Lance
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