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Lord Rannos

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Everything posted by Lord Rannos

  1. Name-Talorin Quiron Age-Unknown Race-Chaosite Appearance-Appears to be human. Has long black hair with a white stripe going through the middle of his hair. Wears a black leather armor and a blood red cloak. He has pure black eyes and a dragon shaped birthmark on his right forearm.Appears to have dragon-like scales instead of normal skin.Is able to shapeshift into different humanoid forms. Weapon- A weapon passed down through his tribe for generations. It is a rod with a glowing red orb in the mouth of a dragon at the top. It is able to shoot a stream of flame from the orb. He also carries a longsword strapped to his back. Bio-A descendant of a clan of dragoons. They train and care for dragons that they come across. He is the son of their chieftan. Reason for fighting-When Scarent came upon his tribe and killed the dragon he was raising as well as his Father, he swore revenge against Scarent and began traveling after him. Personality-He shows little emotion most times, and mainly keeps to himself. When innocents are in danger,however, he cannot stand by and watch them be killed.
  2. Name: Rannos Quiron Powers: Is able to summon demons weaker than himself to do his bidding. Also can transform into a demon himself. Weapon: A staff forged from the souls of mortals (Soulsteel) is used both as a quarterstaff and as a way to use a limited power spell. ( Dark Blast: Knocks opponent back 20 ft.) When in demon form has a black blade with runes scaling either side. Race: Vampire Age:Unknown height: 6' 3" Weight: 140 lb. Bio: Born and raised by the spawn of darkness, he has been taught to hate werewolves and feed upon humans. He left his place among demons to set right the evil of the King. Mainly because he believes that only vampires should have the gift of immortality. Appearance: Tall and thin with incredibly pale skin. He wears a black leather armor with a blood red cloak. He has blood red eyes with frosty wjiote hair. Attatchment is demon form. *If you couldn't tell, I'm with Batosai
  3. Rannos arrived at the now empty battlegrounds. He twirled around quickly, looking for any sign of a winner. Seeing no bodies, he quickly ran into their base. Rannos ran straight for Bremma. Bremma:Rannos! Did you get your marble? Rannos:No. Apparently that Darkness Clan rider stole it. Bremma:That would explain alot, he seemed too fast. He ran off a little while ago, assumedly to go for a different marble. Kire, a rider from our clan that has turned on us, left and is probably trying to aid the darkness clan. Rannos: Then we should try to make contact with one of the clans. Bremma: First I should find Orear again, then we leave.
  4. Has anyone here read the Amber books by Roger Zelazny? I personally love them. A great cynical view in his world as well has some great fantasy components with his style of magic and such things. I've also read the new Amber book by a different author and that is good, but less sarcastic. I have all ten of the originals in one volume that I read over and over.What do you think?
  5. There was a whistling and suddenly a crsck of thunder created a hole in the right in front of the small group of rebels. They jumped back and drew their various weapons. "well, well,well.what do we have hear?" came a voice from behind them. They pivoted and saw the man standing there. "Allow me to introduce myself, i am Rannos, the red mage leader of a small resistance group called the Red Wizard's Circle. we were recently attacked by seeD and I am the only one who made it out alive. If you are in need of a mage such as myself, I would prefer to join you. It is much safer to travel in groups. " Everyone slowly sheathed their weapons. " well, at least there's someone who knows what they're doing here." said Ayuta.
  6. OOC: I thought that Bremma wanted me to take her marble......oh well. IC: Rannos quickly mounted Surya and headed for his clan,s base. As he traveled, he noticed that Surya wasn't going as fast as usual. Rannos: What's wrong? Can't you fly any faster? Surya: I.......can't. I......feel too tired. Rannos worried greatly about Surya and had him go directly to the clan's dragon healers upon reaching his clan. He walked slowly through the halls, hearing various peole weeping. HE quickened his pace, meeting the elder of the clan at his room. Elder: Rannos! Thank god you're here! We were attacked by a darkness clan rider. He......he took our clan's marble. Rannos: What?!? How did this happen? Elder: He asked to challenge our ten best warriors, and he defeated them all. Rannos: So......will this affect our dragons at all? Surya is acting....abnormal. He's never been very tired before. Elder: Yes. All of the dragons are feeling these effects. You, however, are the destined rider of this clan. You may help your dragon by willing it. Now go! Find the marble and use it to destroy the demons. Rannos wasted no time in going. He attempted to will some energy into Surya, and it seemed to help a little. He steeled himself and headed back towards the Mountain Dragon Clan's base.
  7. DOWN WITH NEO-PETS!!!!!!!!!It is boring and too geared towards little kids. try [url]www.venetopia.com[/url]
  8. Name: Rannos Age: 21 Job: Red Mage Weapon: Rapier Appearance: About 6 feet tall, he has black hair that flows freely behind him. He wears blood red leather armor with a black cloak. Bio: Born and raised on earth, when the SeeD attacked, he was sent to attempt to destroy them. Magic: Thunder, Sleep, and Fire ************************************************** Are we all stalking Inti or what?
  9. name: Irvine weapon: Shotgun age: 19 (I'm not sure)
  10. Rannos had stood back while all this was happening, not wanting to risk getting killed. Besides, he consouled himself, Bremma and Orear are handling it fine. He watched as they battled. As soon as Orear was hit by the poison barns, he ordered Surya to fire three quick balls of energy after the Darkness Clan rider. They did not catch him, but insured that he wouldn't be back. They quickly flew to the Mountain Clan's lair for Orear to obtain better healing. Once there, Orear was rushed to the best healers while Bremma explained what had befallen them.
  11. As all this was going on, Rannos quickly began heading out. He knew little about where the other clans were located, so he simply headed South-East. He flew along at a quick pace, not insanely fast, just quickly. As he flew, Rannos heard something pierce the air, a whistle of some sort.Since he was farther away from his clan then he had been for a very long time, he quickly turned aroud and noticed, at first, a large brown and green dragon. Looking closer, he could see that there was a rider regarding him as well. He whispered a word of caution to Surya before calling out to the other rider. " Who are you and what clan are you from?" " I am Bremma from the Mountain Clan. May I ask your name?" she replied, with just a hint of suspicion. " I am Rannos from the Plasma Clan. I am seeking out the other clans to battle the Demon menace." " Good thing I found you so soon, we now need to find the other clans before we are all destroyed."
  12. Number: 504837492DD Code name: Shinkurat Date created:3055 Weapons: Dual Pistols and a shock rifle on his back. Race: Neo-Bot Where you were built: USA Abilties: Very Accurate, and very fast. Not very powerful Description: Tall, wears Jeans and a black shirt. Carries his pistols on either side of his belt. Bio: Created late in the war, he has just finished testing and is now out for his final field test.He battles the humans, but is always looking to increase his own place in the robot heirarchy. By whatever means necessary......
  13. Ok, i'm only half posting to prove Kyo's inability to close threads. Also, I bet Raiha is next up for being a mod. He has enough posts for sure.......
  14. Personally, I would say that there isn't much of a point to posting pre-made stuff.It doesn't have anything special. Having a specific category of art for only one anime probably would go unused. There's my 2 cents!
  15. I love both, the hard thing to do (though it turns out ok) is to try to integrate a little bit of each into your novel. Take, for example, the Amber series. They are very sci-fi, but have many fantasy aspects. On a whole, I like fantasy better. Just attracted to magic i guess. One of these days I should make a story about gun-wielding elves.....Also love Dune.
  16. Mostly they dont care as long as you dont cuss at someone or really loud directly in class. why would they care?actually, i havent risked it yet, and I dont really plan to either.
  17. Rannos quickly fled from his town.If the rest of his clan found out that he was becoming a knight, they would kill him to save their own hides. As he traveled, Rannos saw two figures resting. He knew enough about weaponry and warriors to tell that both of the figures were armed, and knew how to use their weapons. He skirted around them, hoping that they wouldn't follow. He rode on towards the great city, fear and wonder playing around in his head. Perhaps the figures he saw could help him, but then again...... Probably best to avoid them first. After resting for a time, Rannos got up and looked behind him. He gaped in silence as he watched the fast procesion of blue. There were three of them, far more then he could handle alone. He saw the figures he had noticed earlier were only a little ways ahead of him. He quickly rode up, " I need your help. For your sake and mine. There are three men from Bazzar following us, and if they catch any one or two people alone, they will get mugged or killed." explained Rannos quickly," I know this sounds odd, but either we fight them together or we run." ************************************************** Boy am I reaching for grouping up.
  18. The wind whistled through Rannos's hair as he flew, faster than most could comprehend. He flew, criscrossing between the snow covered mountains. Suddenly, a piercing blast cut through the cold air. Rannos: Free flying time done already? Oh well, maybe the chief wants me. He flew back to the hidden cave of his clan, and sent Surya to the Dragon's stables. Once inside, a figure came running up. Rannos groaned, Parn's here again, probably to try for my position in the heirarchy. Parn: Rannos! I challenge you to the honor of your command! Rannos: So Parn, shall today be your day to die; or shall I just leave you bleeding somewhere? Parn: You arrogant fool! You shall soon meet your death! Parn rushed forward, swinging his pike downwards towards Rannos.Rannos sidestepped, drawing his weapon and leaving a thin red line across his right forearm. Parn brought his pike around in a sweeping motion, trrying to trip Rannos. He jumped, then brought his sword down, hitting Parn with the flat of his blade. Rannos: You never learn..... He then progressed to the quarters of the chief (that being the only name he is addessed by) he entered and bowed. Chief: Rannos, I have a very important mission for you. Long ago, demons created great rifts between the clans, bringing forth anger that should have laid dormant. They now have enough power to strike at Varv. We need to unite the clans, and I believe that you are the one to do it. Go now! Unite the clans and bring glory to us! Rannos quickly fled the room, heading for the stables.Questions flew thick and fast throughout his head, but he put them all away into a corner of his brain to examine later. He then flew off on Surya to search out the other clans. ____________________________________________________ Aint that wordy? No problems with lots of words though, makes the mods happy.
  19. Name: Rannos Gender: Male Age: 25 Dragon Clan: Plasma Warrior type: Bounty Hunter Weapon: Samuri Masamune Appearance: He is about 6 feet tall with brown hair and blue eyes. wears a long black trench coat.Carries his sword across his back. Bio: Born outside of the clan, he was abandoned as a child and taken in by the plasma dragon clan. He adapted well to the eratic lifestyle, even though it changed from day to day. Was trained in the sword after showing a promise of great strength. He showed good social skills as well, so he was sent as an ambassador to the other clans. Dragon Name: Surya Dragon Gender: Male Dragon Appearance: A large black dragon that flies faster than most. He has a lightning bolt shaped scar running down his right flank. His wings are smaller, but more than effective. His claws are thin and sharp, making them effective for fast cuts. Dragon Abilities: ~PLama Ball~ Fires a ball of plasma from his mouth in either a ball or a sheet. ~Hypersonic Flight~ Because of the nature of his element, Surya can fly faster than any other dragon. ~Explosion~ As a final attempt to defeat an enemy, Surya can draw out his final power and explode, destroying everything for a mile around. ~Call Storm~ At will, Surya can summon a great storm.He has no control over where the lightning strikes, but is immune to it's effects. ************************************************ This sounds bad, but I hope that it's ok!
  20. Rannos watched the town from the cover of the trees. It seemed so rundown, that he wondered if he had found the corret place. He slowly walked through the town, disgusted by the rundown appearance. He kept his hood up as a precaution, and kept on walking.[I]I do not like the feel of this town. It has far too much unhappiness in the air, almost as if no one is happy here.[/I]Rannos thought. He almost missed the tavern, not noticing it because of its appearance. He snorted in disgust, then walked in. The innkeeper rudely informed him where the meeting was being held. As he stepped through the door, everybody there turned their head to see who had entered. "Hello," said Rannos, hanging up his cloak on a given rack," I assume this is where that letter asked me to be.I would like to know what exactly is going on."
  21. Rannos ran lightly through the trees, heading north through his ancesteral home. He heard a swish then a thunk as an arrow flew into the tree in front of him. Rannos jerked backwards suddenly and leaped to the ground.seeing a man there holding a bow, Rannos walked forward and asked,"hello.who are you and why did you attack me?." "I come from the city of Griecan," said the messenger,"and i seek a member of the elven community. Obviously you can help me." he then handed Rannos a letter.It spoke of the sword of void and of Lythan.It also said that there was a meeting to be held in grecian. "thank you," said Rannos he then sent the messenger away.Quickly heading home, he buckled on his family's sword and scrawled a note about where he was going.He quickly headed towards Griecan.
  22. I do Tae-Kwon-Do at Farrells. Im almost a red belt and would suggest that anyone who likes martial arts should begin.It also helps with self confidence and such things.these posts are really hard to get long, so im sorry it is short.
  23. you shouldnt commit suicide.If you're worried about someone, call the police or something.There is probably a way to turn your life around.I go on living because im scared of death.I also agree with baron, someone cares about you.you probably dont really want to give life up
  24. Name:Rannos Race: Elf (heck,there are humans) Gender: Male Age: 110(appears 25) Personality: Kind and outgoing, he is very naive because of his young age, but still holds his own in battle. Appearance: Wears a tunic of green and black, has green eyes and blonde hair. Is about 6' and has lightly tanned skin. Bio: He grew up in an elven community that was secluded from the world. Upon hearing that there was evil abound, Dondar quickly took up arms. Weapons: Mainly uses an ancesteral silver sword, but does throw daggers in a pinch. Magic: Can control nature,plants, and weakminded animals. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hope this is ok....
  25. Yay!Now i dont have to fear messing up!Cringe time for Dondar! **************************************************** Name: Rannos Age:10 Gender: Male From: The Bazzar, the clan called the Blue Thunders. Appearance: He is approximately 4' 8" with tanned skin.He has green eyes and brown hair.He typically wears all black leathers with a blue bandana to symbolize his clan. Wears his sword sheathed across his back. Abilities:Is a great swordsman and uses a huge two-handed sword.He is,however,quite good at wrestling in a pinch.Mostly a soldier,not a strategist. Attitude:Very thoughtful, and doesn't speak alot when unnecessary.Can be friendly when he's in a good mood.Fairly intelligent. Bio: Born into his clan, he became a page to attempt to bring fame and fortune to his clan.He traveled to the capitol city to find a knight who would teach him.
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