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Everything posted by Lord Rannos
OOC:Sorry I haven't been able to be on, i didn't know we started!I hope that I am still in.And i hope that this post is ok.Boy, i really sound like a newb dont i? ____________________________________________________ Dondar walked around the Zoids forum, looking for bad posts.Luckily, most of them were fine so he went on his way.After a moment of contemplation, he decided to go to the Ruroni Kenshin forum. He then noticed ULX battling a couple of banned members.[I]He seems to have this covered....[/I] thought Dondar, but he watched him anyway.As ULX battled them, Dondar noticed a virus behind him. He ran in quickly and sliced it in half just before it reached ULX."Thank you," he said,"but i didn't see you at the Inuyasha portal.Weren't you informed?" "No,"replied Dondar,"i've been patroling my forum.These viruses have become far too plentiful recently.We need to do something about it.I will need to be better informed in the future."
I have French and i like it because its fairly easy to understand, i would like spanish if i didnt have the worst teacher in the world.She treats us like 1st graders.:flaming: Learning foreign languages is fun, especially because you can talk to people behind their back.Not that i would do that of course.heh heh heh.:devil:
Sign Up Otakuboards Adventure: YOU be the mod (no mods allowed)
Lord Rannos replied to Kyo no Ryu's topic in Theater
Hope the mods dont mind this....PM me if i did my sign up incorrectly. Name: Dondar Age: 29 Description: A lean guy wearing all black that carries a katana on his sash. Bio: Has been on OB for a long time, and recently became a moderator.Since then, he has been trying to hunt down the hackers. Forum:Zoids Weapons:Carries katana for exclusive battles and uses a shadow-fox for anything Zoids related. -
RPG Duengeons&Dragons: Gauntlet Legend (beginners welcome)(LOOOOOOONG)
Lord Rannos replied to Squall's topic in Theater
Inanis ran through the trees for a time, then stopped in a clearing. Suddenly, Talonir and Zantar step out of the trees,"I can get around quietly better than you thought," growled Talonir,"we know that eventually you will attempt to defeat the Dark Lord, so we have decided to aid you." "Fools!You have already endangered that village!"shouted Inanis "We have no more endangered this village than you have," Zantar said quietly,"and we wish to aid you." "fine," said Inanis,"for now, just dont get in my way." as Talonir followed Inanis, he thought,[I]I dont know if I can trust him completely...[/I] -
"I know that the Dark Lord has hurt everyone here, one way or another," said Osmund, strangely mellow,"I can understand that you have had pain, and i understand your distrust, but we must help to defeat this growing threat," Ungaga replied,"I am glad that toan has your support, but we may not need your assistance." "Fine'" said Osmund, he then walked away and started to question the towns people about their temporary imprisonment.
hey, tsukasa, if you were writing for me....i know that your thread is simplified.Numbers are fun....but you are right.
I love plaing D&D,in case you wanted to know. Name:Tawnos Age:25 Race:Half-Elven Elemental Strength:Lightning Elemental weakness:Water Biography:Born and raised from a rich family of wizards, he was tutored in magic all his life.Speacializing in lightning magic, he and his family have hidden from the robots until he was fully trained,then set loose to destroy them. Appearence:See attatchment Weapon:Staff shaped like a lightning bolt. Armor:Force field and bracers. Class/Occupation/Job:Wizard
My favorite book is pretty much any of the redwall books by Brian Jacques.They have many fine details, interesting characters, in-depth battle scenes, and a little bit of humor.My favorite probably being Taggerung.I have also started piking up books by Tamora Pierce.cant resist the magic/fantasy mediveal thing.For one last thing, most older(teens up) readers would enjoy the Amber series by Roger Zelazny, it has a great perspective on the fact that there is no altruism really.Also good sci-fi for the unique ideas and characters.
Writing Is this a good idea for a Zelda Fanfic?
Lord Rannos replied to LastSheikah's topic in Creative Works
little something about zelda....doesn't she use a bow really well?i dunno, i just remember that from somewhere.... -
D&D is easy, you find some people who have played it for a while, and you join them.If that's not available, get a bunch of your friends and play it with modified rules.(campaign books are nice and graph paper is [B]Necessary[/B] )
i have a few, #1: A gorrilla walks into a bar and sits down.The bartender says,"we dont serve your kind here." the gorrilla left, then came back in and slapped a 20 down.The bartender thought the gorrilla was pretty stupid, so he gave him a beer and $1 in change.As the gorrilla was sipping the beer, the bartender says,"we dont get many people like you." the gorilla replies,"for 19 bucks a beer, i bet you dont." #2:A pair of jumper cables walk into a bar, the bartender says,"ill serve you here, but dont you be starting anything." #3:3 guys walk into a bar, the fourth one ducked. #4: (kinda long)Once upon a time, there was an old man who worked all his life and saved all his money. He was a miser, he lived like a pauper, he hardly had food, but he loved his money more than just about anything else in the world. Just before he died, he said to his wife, "When I die, I want you to take all my money and put it in the casket with me. I need my money in the afterlife. Can you promise me that you'll do that?" His wife was faithful, so she promised him with all her heart that when he died, she would put all his money in the casket. So, when the old man died his wife gave him a proper funeral. He was laid out in a beautiful casket and his faithful wife was in the front row at the funeral parlor dressed in black sitting beside her best friend. When the ceremony ended, just before the undertakers got ready to close the casket, the wife rose from her seat and said, "Wait just a minute!" With that, she placed a box inside the casket. Then the undertakers locked the casket and rolled it away. The friend grabbed the wife by the arm and said, "Girl, I know you weren't fool enough to put all that money in the casket with that man were you?' The wife said to her friend, "Listen, I am a Christian woman and I can never lie. I promised him that I was going to put the money in his casket with him and I did." The friend was horrified and asked, "You mean to tell me that you put all that money in the casket with that man?" The wife replied, "I sure did...I wrote him a check!" #5: Koebe Bryant, Hillary Clinton, George Bush, The Pope, and a little school girl are in a plane when it begins to crash, they looked, but there were only 4 parachutes.Koebe said,"i have a really important game tonight and alot of people are counting on me, so i gotta live!" so he took a parachute and jumped.Hillary Clinton said,"well, im an important senator and possible future president, so i have to live!" so she took a parachute and jumped.George Bush said,"well, i'm the president of this country, and that means i own it!plus, i'm the genius of this country, so i gotta live!"he took a parachute and jumped.the pope turned to the little girl and said,"i am old and withered, but you are young, you should have my parachute." "don't bother,"said the little girl."the "genius" of our country just took my backpack."
Gaming Who is your favorite character from The Legend Of Dragoon?
Lord Rannos replied to moon-scar demon's topic in Noosphere
Albert was the most fun for additions, but dart is more reliable.Nobody can admit they didn't have a little bit of fun with kongol after getting his spirit....thing.Well, i guess my favorite really is kongol, but you gotta think, how big would his wings have to be before he could fly? -
yeah....but alot of TCG's just fade away in time.Maybe it will do better because it's anime, but i'll at least buy a booster pack.
"For the last time," said Osmund, "i am not from this village, or any other one." "Then....do you live in the woods?" Xioa. "No," sighed Osmund, "look, i'm from.....a village a long way away." "Ok," said Xioa, she then wandered off. Osmund's mind began to wander, as it often does when he's bored.[I]I wonder if I did the right thing by leaving my fellows.I just need to have an adventure of sorts.But....is it all that it's cracked up to be?[/I] Osmund then just waited, chatting around the warm glow of the fire until the food was ready, wondering what the dawn would bring upon this strange, not quite, group.[I]At least Ungaga and Toan get along....[/I] thought Osmund.
name: Dondar age: 1000 gender: Male race: Unded-Vampire weapon: Rapier location: Laethel army: Demanoid persona: Very quiet, usually prefers to duel people rather than kill them in cold blood. bio: Brought forth by Mobius, he was trained to specifically destroy any elves that he came across.He was raised in Romainia, and recently sent to Laethel to aid the war. appearance:well, this is kinda the best one i could find....
"Alright!I'm in, this could be pretty good!" said Osmund, he ran forward a little ways than struck a heroic pose and said,"now we go to slay the king!And the big guy with heavy things can go in front!" The small party agreed that they had been brought together by fate, so they set off to kill the evil king.
RPG Duengeons&Dragons: Gauntlet Legend (beginners welcome)(LOOOOOOONG)
Lord Rannos replied to Squall's topic in Theater
Talonir figured that he should help Inanis, so he trotted down to the river. "Go on your....quest if you must," said Inanis. "I'm not one to leave a man for dead, " to the sorceror he added,"you can do what you want with him when we get him healed." He then hoisted Inanis over one shoulder while he struggled weakly. Upon reaching the cleric and getting Inanis healed, Talonir asked, "How has this town survided against the dark lord?" "well, ill tell you," said Inanis.... -
"Well, so the wizard took the smart way out," came a voice from the top of a nearby building."But it would have been funny to see the big man fight you!" he said as he jumped down, "Name's Osmund, what's yours?" while he said this, he reached out his hand, Ungaga took it and said, "my name is Ungaga."
RPG Duengeons&Dragons: Gauntlet Legend (beginners welcome)(LOOOOOOONG)
Lord Rannos replied to Squall's topic in Theater
"You dare to turn your back on me!" yells Talonir, he then runs up and attacks Inanis' back with a devastating blow to his spine (Attack + 8). He then darted back out of Inanis' immediate attack range. OOC:I mean, how does silence affect MY attack power?I mean, shouldn't it be called Weaken?Silence should just disrupt spell casting or something. -
RPG Duengeons&Dragons: Gauntlet Legend (beginners welcome)(LOOOOOOONG)
Lord Rannos replied to Squall's topic in Theater
Growling in frustration, Talonir decided that Inanis was the most of his problems, and he yelled at Zantar,"Get out of here mage!" Then rushed forward and attempted to cleave a crushing blow on Inanis, despite his spells. OOC:How does silence affect your attack power? -
Careful about getting it, it has 35 possible characters, and if you want them all you have to stick with it.The battle system is complicated, but helpful later.On an ending note, this game is good, but it takes FOREVER to get everything.
Sign Up My first RPG; Dark Forest: An Endless Night
Lord Rannos replied to Ryoko T.D.C.'s topic in Theater
Time to jump on the band wagon... Name:Osmond Age:21 Appearance:A pale skinned man with few actual muceles, he constantly wears his helopack.Other clothes are not special at all, and are completely black.Has short white hair. Bio:Born on the moon, Osmund came to earth seeking adventure, and found a great evil. He is now helping Toan for the better good, and to have the time of his life.He jokes alot and is rarely serious. OOC:I'm very sorry if this is bad. If it needs changing, please tell me. -
RPG Duengeons&Dragons: Gauntlet Legend (beginners welcome)(LOOOOOOONG)
Lord Rannos replied to Squall's topic in Theater
Talonir was feeling slightly weakened by Inanis' attack, but he still turned to face him."Your spells don't bother me!" yelled Talonir running forward and stabbing at Inanis.(attack+8) OOC:OK, i get it now.thanks for helping me. -
RPG Duengeons&Dragons: Gauntlet Legend (beginners welcome)(LOOOOOOONG)
Lord Rannos replied to Squall's topic in Theater
"Your puny defenses won't stop me!" Talonir hollers as he brings his pike down on Inanis.(Attack+8-4). He then jumps back, preparing for Inanis's next attack. -
RPG Duengeons&Dragons: Gauntlet Legend (beginners welcome)(LOOOOOOONG)
Lord Rannos replied to Squall's topic in Theater
I attempt to move so i don't take a direct hit(evade) and then swing my own pike around with crushing force. OOC: Does evading actually have any consequences, or should you just evade every time?