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Everything posted by Cacophony
$200 AUZ is $138 US:p I don't have much experience with paintball though I really enjoyed it, most of my friends are boring so they don't usually do stuff like that or I would probably have tried it more, the one place I worked at a bunch of us went in as a group, shooting co-workers is great lol.
I hope I meet the your standards of what a post should be, though it's going to be hard, being a "newb" and all:butthead: My favorite book is "The Epics of Celtic Ireland" by Jean Markale. I love the stories in it and Jean does a great job of presenting them. You learn a lot about the Irish traditions, what they were like ect, by reading this book. The fact that I'm part Irish probably has a lot to do with why I like this book so much too:p
[QUOTE]Family Guy got canceled becuse nobody really liked it much they just watched it because nothing else is on.[/QUOTE] suuure. I think it got cancelled cause very few people knew about it or would give it a chance, that and FOX management sucks:p DOWN WITH FOX DOWN WITH FOX!!! I don't see how a t.v station can cancel Family Guy yet air a show like Paradise Hotel.
Well I'm definatly cross dressing, I saw a bunny costume, it had a short pink skirt, matching top, bunny ears and tail; think it was attached to the back of the skirt, and black stockings:p
I'm not a Wiccan, yet I seem to be doing most of the explaining of it.:p Anyways...I'm trying to explain to the best of my abilitities but my knowledge of it in some areas are lacking; for instance I know next to nothing about the actual rituals they preform. [QUOTE]Now, either you must count Valen under the "some people" who you don't consider wiccan or it really is as "open" as Valen says it is and your entire post did not answer my questions.[/QUOTE] All the information on Wicca I learned two years ago. I searched the internet went to libaries ect from what I learned you had to follow the Laws of Power and worship the Goddess and the Horned-One(or just the Goddess) to be considered a Wiccan. If Valen or anyone else doesn't follow them then they in my mind shouldn't be calling themselves Wiccan. One of the big problems of trying to learn about Wicca or Witchcraft is that there is a lot of BS out there that you have to wade through that's probably why you have all these people running around claiming to be Wiccans that don't even know it was created just over fifty years ago by Gerald Gardner. [QUOTE]*shrug* I don't know. It's interesting to learn about various religions, but I don't think that there are many of you in this thread who really understand Wicca.[/QUOTE] I don't understand it at all:p I just know a little bit about it. I started reserching it again since this topic started found some other info but too lazy to post that info atm:p Just wish the actual "Wiccans" would post more info:p
Stupid things you thought of or did when you were young
Cacophony replied to DragonArcher's topic in General Discussion
I used to go around kicking everyone who I thought had ugly pants:p One time I also walked in on my grandmother while she was going to the washroom(eew!) and asked why she had no penis then offered to buy her a rubber one. -
[QUOTE]So what you are saying is that wiccans are free to make up their own religion, nothing constant, just whatever "feels" right. So it's completely based on emotional, disregarding wether or not something is right or wrong. There's no Logic in that and I would never place my life on it, let alone my eternal life. Why would you like something that has even the slightest possibility of leaving you open to eternal damnation?[/QUOTE] Gardnerians Wiccans(the original Wiccans) do have laws and have one Goddess(a moon Goddess) and one God(the Horned-one) sometimes they use different names for the Goddess(Selene, Diana ect) but they consider them all the same one. These are the laws which they follow The Power shall not be used to bring harm, to injure or control others. But if the need rises, the Power shall be used to protect your life or the lives of others. The Power is used only as need dictates. The Power can be used for your own gain, as long as by doing so you harm none. It is unwise to accept money for use of the Power, for it quickly controls its taker. Be not as those of other religions. Use not the Power for prideful gain, for such cheapens the mysteries of Wicca and magick. Ever remember that the Power is the sacred gift of the Goddess and God, and should never be misused or abused. And this is the law of the Power. (yay for copy and paste lol) There's also been some branches of Wicca, Alexandrian(sp?) is one, there's a few others but I can't remember. Now there are some people how go around saying they are Wiccan but are really a mix of older pagan beliefs, I personally don't consider them Wiccan. [QUOTE]And as for reall spells, we do control teh weather. Atleast, I know I do.[/QUOTE] :wigout: Umm so how is it that you do this, be descriptive. Also what have you made happen; once again be descriptive:p
Well my experience is a bit different from the other posters:p the summer before 6th grade started for me my family moved from one city to another and generally people either liked me or made fun of me(which lead to fights) at first they wanted to get to know me and for the most part they liked me but some didn't at first in my class though they later accepted me:p Now people in the other 6th grade class took longer to accept me hence the fights. A lot depends on your personality and the personality of those around you.
[QUOTE]Classic case of someone who thinks they know what they're talking about...[/QUOTE] Sorry that was ignorant of me to use the God gave free will speach before fully reading and understanding the bible the latter which I doubt will ever happen. I was merely questioning him to try to understand where he was coming from which he cleared up. Though in my defense I was using that as a point to address his comment on not liking how people could do what they wanted not towards his wanting Hierarchy, I suppose I should have made that more clear. [QUOTE]If someone gave me all the parts to make a car, just because I technically am able to use those parts to assemble a car, doesn't mean I automatically know how. What I'm saying is, by having no hierarchy, there is no one to consult when you don't understand something. Therefore, people end up making things up. And since their is no hierarchy, there is nothing to stop this. For example, GuardianStar says she believes in The Christian God. But I bet that there are other wiccans that do not. But, they are still both wiccans. Now say you have a faithful catholic. And then you have a catholic who says that he believes that Satan is better than God(just an example hehe). The thing there is that, the guy who believes the latter cannot be catholic and believe that, plain and simple. I'd rather have order in my religion, I wouldn't like to share the name "Christian", with a non-christian.[/QUOTE] You(like most people) are confusing Wicca with Witchcraft. Wiccans either believe in the Goddess and the Horned-One or just the Goddess(Dianic Wiccans). Witchcraft on the other hand doesn't require a belief of any God or Goddess in order to practice it.
Well on my Mom's side I'm apparently releted to Lord Nelson(incindentally I plan on joining the navy next year) and the first archbishop of canterbury, not sure about my father's side:p
[QUOTE]I don't like the fact that there is no authority, no hierarchy, people are left to do whatever they please.[/QUOTE] So what you're saying is that you're against people having freedom? The Bible said God gave people free will to do as they please are you against that too? What about freedom of speach? Should the world just have one dictator to tell us what to do think and feel?
[QUOTE]People need proof that God created the world? Just look around you! What else could have created this?[/QUOTE] Why couldn't it be possible that one of the other "creator gods" from other religions have created it, or perhaps this is all a dream:laugh: Basicly what I'm saying is that there's no way to prove it so stop bringing that ridiculous arguement up:p I also would like to point out that Wicca and Witchcraft are two different things, Wicca was created in 1951(that's right no Wiccans have died in a witch hunt) by Gerald Gardner a former member of the Golden Dawn(a hermitic order) Witches(witchcraft) has been around for far longer. Personally I'm not a big believer of magic but hypothetically if it did indeed exist I wouldn't consider it on the whole evil nor good for it would depend on what the "magic user" has decided to do with it.
fine I voted be happy lol, if you become I pop band I will hunt you down. I picked hard rock btw:p
You should just do what you feel expresses your thoughts and feelings the best.:p Music is an art and like all art you should follow your heart.(yay that kinda rhymed:p)
You're so evil and for that I love you...:rolleyes:
Something like this happened in Brazil a few years ago except it was a soccer player that got killed cause he missed a shot:p In other morbid yet funny news some truck driver got ran over when he helped someone with a flat tire he saw on the side of the road, guess that was her way of saying thanks:p
Macho Man Randy Savage and his rapping career.
Cacophony replied to I, Colossus's topic in Noosphere
This is by far the funniest thing I've heard in a long time, have to love his message boards :p Messages From Randy...0