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Everything posted by Inuyashagurl_15
Name: Rie Sanazig sex: Female dob: 8/12/1987 eye color: Ash greay hair color: black legal guardian: Saskey Aldoma Adress:Saskeys sword mastery Ocupation: assassin personal information: Not much to say about Rie she is quiet and keeps to her self but dont be fooled she is deadly and quick to be angered.Depending on what you have done to her chooses your deth...slow or quick...She shows no mercey and no feelings. "distincitve marks: tatoos:Black and purple stars around her left wrist Scars:One on her sholder blade made by a knife Backround:Not found Nationality-Japan
Occ:sorry I havent posted I have been grounded. But I cant Get on again till monday and I am getting kicked off Now soo can play duo till I get on.
Duo pulls his blade from off of his back. "No, looks like you want to die." Duo pointed his blade at Nuraku and says "Last chance hand it over." Nuraku scoffs and shakes his head. Duo charged and nuraku dodged the batle was not on Duos side. He lunged for Nuraku sliced his arm off. The doll nuraku pushed duo off the tree. Duo's sword flung away from him and he hit the ground out cold.
RPG InuYasha: Rise of the darkness [PG-L]
Inuyashagurl_15 replied to NashvilleDream's topic in Theater
(OCC: Sorry I havent been here to do my part but...I got grounded.) Kikyo decides to take a bath, She begins swimming shortly after she is finished and then sees someone spying! "GO AWAY!" Kikyo yells clearly then turns. the spy wont budge! She stands and aimes her arrow at them. "I am warning you I wont miss." (OCC:Sorry so short...Dad is kicking me off.)) -
((OCC: you can use my character if you want to.)) "HEY YOU THERE...STOP!" A man yelled as duo burst out of a small hut and ran for the woods. "This is too easy." Duo thought as he clutched on to a bundle of cloth that had covered a valuble item. Men from the village were yelling and chaceing him. Duo veared to the left and dove into the forest. The men were persistant and were not giveing up. "This should work." With his free hand he pulled his giant silver blade and cut straight through 3 trees as he ran! The men stopped as the tree fell, they searched after that and didn't find him. Duo slowed down and climbed in to a tree. He sat on the branch and looked around as he clutched the item in his chest. He began to unravel it untill a dark figure shown behind him and snatched it! "Hey, give me that back!" Duo screamed. "It's not that nice to steel." The figure scolded. "Im not listening to you so give me it back." Duo demanded as the figure stepped in to the sunlight.
I like it :D :D :D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shahi [/i] [B]All right then Inuyashsgurl that would be very helpful [/B][/QUOTE] There all done. :D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shahi [/i] [B]This is good I just need someone to play some main characters and maybe a guy. We'll hopefully start the RPG tomorrow(No school Thank you snow storm) [/B][/QUOTE] I will play a guy all I have to do is change the pic and the name of my character and turn all the she's in to he's. :D
Name: Duo Sigmoon Age:16 Bio:he has a good heart but a black soul. he can not refrane from playing tricks on people and he constantly creates problems and fights/choas/blood baths. wepon/attacks:Sharp claws, Giant silver sword. good or evil:Good (most believe he is evil...for his dressings and actions) Appearence:[url]http://fanart.theotaku.com/imgs/15317-20040123160530.jpg[/url] Gender: male
"Who are you looking for?" Lilix questioned. "Your awake?" Anon asked. "*yawn* yep thank you for takeing hals that off my mind....so....so now you know?" lilix looked down "Yeah" Anon nodded. "You can put me down I believe I can walk." Lilix smiled. "Oh" Anon blushed a bit. "Ha someone is blushing..." Lilix pressed. "NO." Anon denied. "Yeah."
OCC:Sorry so short I have to go. Llilx looked up at him. "You dont have to worry It was only a vishion of....something." Llilx watched nicolases eyes shift.
Lilix looked down at her wrist slitly blushed then yelled,"Yeah duh im staying with you!" She prances past him as he smirks. Lilix looked around and a vishion apeared in her mind. * She used the black gate as nicolas stood behind her so he would not get sucked in and the oddest thing happeden it destroyed her! Lilix grabbed her head and stood shakely (sp?)
Lilix closed her eyes, crossed her arms across her chest and in sign language (sp?) spelt black gate. "Black Gate come forth!" Lilix yelled. The sky grew dark as the beast turned, a silver lightning bolt struck the ground in front of her. "Is she trying to kill her self!" Nicholas thought to himself. Another bolt hit both hands createding a giant black ring..."Black Gate open!" The gate opened to and pulled the beast in the claw cut lilix's rist as the beats tired to fight from being pulled in. When it was banished the grass where she stood had a thick maroon looking coler to it...Lilix's rist was slashed, She tore a pice of her short tattered dress and rapped it around her rist.
Writing Your very own composed songs
Inuyashagurl_15 replied to thethespian's topic in Creative Works
Ill look for the rest and when I find it i'l poast it...Yes thethespian I love your song. -
Writing Your very own composed songs
Inuyashagurl_15 replied to thethespian's topic in Creative Works
I made this song then In the night it disapeared I have looked all over for it but cant find it and can only remember a part~~~Sorry for the spelling That is about my x when he cheated on me!!!! So now Im singel and lovin it! (punk) Wake up its me it's you whats goin on you tried to speak. but you never spoak And you thought but you never told Are you keeping are keepong something from me... Something from me.. ---------- and another one that vanished was (punk) Waten for the weekend.. but tha school bell is still ringin in my head get called to the office have to listen to the same ol stupid rules never listen to what they say to me im so tired of the same D~ thing -Chorus- Waten for the weekend but the school bell is sitll ringin in my head Im so tired of the same D~ thing -- When I get home still talkin on the phone listen to what he says only and I think that its time for a change -
Lilix stopped and looked at the thing she crouched down and crawled to it..."What on earth are you doing?" Nicolas called softly. "Shhhh..." Lilix muttered. Lilix fimally saw it...it was a kitten! "All that work over a kitten?!" Nicolas yelled furiously. "It was not a kitten it was a giant beast!" "Oh im terified." Lilix flipped her long silver pony tail off her sholder. *That is not a kitten...I was not seeing things.* Lilix thought. "Welp Im going back..." Nicolas turned but lilix froze in her tracks and closed her eyes the wind blew wildly and a pack of wolves surounded her pettals flew and covered the site. "What are you doing?" Nicholas called. The innocent kittens true form shown to be a giant flameing wild cat! The wolvs growled as the Giant cat lunged for lilix! Her eyes cold and looked to be dead. Nicolas knocked her down sending them both falling. "What did you do that for!" Lilix called out. Nicolas was silent. "I could have unleashed my black gate and banish it for good! The wolves surounded the flaming cat and attacked at will. Nicolas brushed him self off as he stood. Lilix Back flipped to get up. "Are you going to help?" Lilix asked. "Duh!" Nicolas replied stiffly. "Then dont make another atempt to save me....those attempts are only in vain." Nicolas turned coldly.."Who said I was saveing you!, Maby I wanted to waite later and kill you my self!" "Yeah." Lilix turned and ran twords the Flameing Beast.
OCC: Ill be back with the rest of this Name: lilix angel Code-name: winges Bio: She has been to her self and lived in a small town for a short wile her family uprooted her many times and warped her life style untill she was blind to see who she was. It took many tries untill she could reach her self but she did and now will never be as close and trusting to people as she once was. Personailty:She is always refered to as careless and fun, but notices that may get in the way, She is quick to do what ever it takes and is willing to do any thing to get it done. Weapon:2 Hand guns, Silver saies Description:[url]http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=get_pic&pic_id=6222[/url]
I had to make up something for creative writing class...I want to know what you think. When you die and your young a spirit will play and keep you companey you can accept or reject her playfull stance untill you see but if your restless and seeking revenge She'll throw her fiery black chaines around you and drang you in to the pits of hell and there you will burn in the smuldering heat The dance of the flames will spark and crackle as you sadly watch when you learn your lesson it will be to late she wont want to play or smile but only feel bad she couldnt save you you can fela the flames upon your broaken soul and wish you'd learn things that are now out of your reach can she save me would she save me think this as the flames get higher and higher you finally relize she wont now you learn the sad yet lively dance of the flickers down there you shall stay for the rest of your days So...ok let me tell you this It was not supposed to ryme or have seperation spaces
"Wha kick the crap out of me!" Lilix stood up with balled fists at her sides. "Yeah you heard me." Nicolas smirked with his dull expressions. "I did nothing to you and...." Lilix looked up and saw a shadow of some thing. "Grrrr....beat me up...what is that?"Lilix said as her silver tail lashed with rage.
Name:lilix Age:16 Race:elf Decription: long blond hair, green eyes has a tatoo on her left sholder that has 3 black stars, her hight is about 5'4, and her ears are pearced 4 times on her left and none on the other. Side ways pink hat,black tight shirt with holes ripped in wile a white tank top is under it, blue pants, blact steal star on her necklase. Bio:Lilix was raised by her mother and tought her self to fight with wepons and her fists. She was not to popular at school and would let no one walk on her. This created a bit of a problem she was sent to her gran parents house and occasionaly stayed in her room or snuck out. She speakes her mind mostly...lets just say a lot. She has been tought some old magic from her grandfather. Weapons and or belongings:Red and black Sais, Her earings (when taken out) Can transform in to blades, Elushions (sp?)
lilix stood and thought that she should go back. She began to reach the spot when she saw a guy sitting angryly in the grass! Lilix crept up and leaned over him. "What are you doing?" She asked nosely. "Sitting." He spat back. "Oh...hey your that guy who was spying on me!" "What you were just there!" He turned and looked at lilix she planted her self becide him as he looked away she smirked.
OCC: I see how it is just leaving me out....:bawl: :) Lilix streched and walked out of her room. She had been damaged but couldnt remember how. Every time she walked her ankle sparked! After a few repares she went out. OCC: Sorry so short but I dont know what to say next time will be longer alright.
Kikyo had bairly opened her eyes when she saw that little fox demon that was with kagome all the time! So kikyo hopped out of the tree quietly and grabbed its tail! "Hey let me go!" It yelled with rage. "What do you want?" Kikyo whispered wile looking at gene asleep. "Inuyasha left last night not that it is any of your buissness and I thought he wouldbe here." "Well hs is not now go away." Kikyo tossed him in to a tree and put her hand on the tree as if to climb back up whan she heard something comeing kikyo grabbed her bow and aimed it. Kikyo did not want to wake gene up so she eased her way over to were the noise was comeing from.
RPG InuYasha: Rise of the darkness [PG-L]
Inuyashagurl_15 replied to NashvilleDream's topic in Theater
Kikyo let her feet play in the water as she prepared for a long journey for good. "Why do I see that image with the blades so frequently now?" She questioned her self. Then she began to hear rusteling in the trees behind her. She was willing if it was inuysha she would kill him! She aimed her bow... -
Lilix sat down for a wile then sniffed the air...*Something is changed...* Lilix thought. Her long silver tail swished back and forth as she looked around. "What is it?" She mumbled. She decided to give up the worthless search and go some place far. And with that lilix began running all you could see were the dirt and grass being pulled up in to the air. When she saw a lake she sat and began to drink. "I hope I never have that feeling agean it felt as if I was being watched...Nah."