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Everything posted by Inuyashagurl_15

  1. Name:Lillix Sanderson Allegiance: Neo-empowered Weapon: Sias&Handgun Position:Matrix fighter/travler (do they have a name?) Bio: She is a bit quick to do things especially in a fight and can be depended on. She can get out of tight situations and never worry about a thing.When she began to enter the matrix she got the hang of it and was an excelent fighter but some find it hard to trust her. She can hack and she holds keys but most of the programs have been lost or locked for some time.
  2. Brandy hummed a tune as she brought crates in to vareous (sp?) rooms. A lady yelled at her "Those dont go there!" Brandy looked up shyly and nodded. You could here the lady complane about her and how odd she was. Then she picked up the crates slowly and carried them back. "Hey girl!" A raspy voice called. Brandy looked up to see a man with a long black jacket on. "Me?" Brandy called out. "Is this all you do is load and unload?" The man yelled. Brandy was shocked,"Yes why do you ask?" But as she looked up he began walking away. She dropped the crate and as it cracked open she could hear the tune she had been huming escape out.
  3. Rave caushiously shook her hand. "Hello im raven." She began fidgeting with her dark colored dress. So whay do you go from place to place? Shisu did not awnser but only stated ,"Tell me about your self." Ravens eyes wandered,"Uhhh...well this is a first My name is raven my parents split and I like spening time alone most of my days are like that." Shuisus eye brows wrinkled "I see and why are you here?" Raven looked at her feet," I wanted an escape."
  4. o well I feel like a big dork *hits head* Sorry I was just wondering. But ever since they took IY off the Adult Swim I have been well....odd
  5. I free wrote this yester day in third class so it could be bad~ Black heart Shadowed eyes Fate is written in the skys Shoul I run or should I flee Thats imposable Its only me Misunderstood and alone Bent and twisted is my mind How can this happen its not my time Alone in a world so cold i have noone to hold Is this the end or just a sign on how life will be or just mine
  6. I did not know till Sora said it,I just watched the show I did not care about who the people really were but then I began to ACTUALLY pay attention to it and saw it.
  7. (Name-Brandy Knots Age-17 Gender, Female(cloud person) Home City-A small place with a lot going on appearan-Her hair is black and eyes are green Personality-She likes thing quiet but is the rowdy one ;) magic-wind (like kagura on IY) BIO-Wepon sith skill she dose well with it..... [url]http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=get_pic&pic_id=4123[/url]
  8. Ok what I dont get is why there are 75 (more or less) ep in the U.S. And 100~And some thing in Japan! But Adult swim plays rerun after rerun! Cant the bring them over and translate them?
  9. Raven wandered the shadows confused *Why would she choose to talk to me * She thought. She could see the girl still wondering the streets. "Hmmmmmn.....Can I talk to her?" Raven said to her self. She began out of the shadows and called for her.Shisu smiled and turned as she ran over,Raven looked cautiously about her.
  10. Lillix grabbed her blade. She held it in a clutched grip as the others got ready. It hit the follr and looked around the room growling. The others watched it cautiously. When the thing decided to attack It ran at Rena.
  11. Name lela Age 21 Gender Female Appearance: [url]http://nisan.leamonde.net/Images/Othercharacters/alice2.jpg[/url] Weapons Hand guns Race (Android Extra Itmes Sais (bairly uses)
  12. I like it!!!!! It is a great poem Trisha would love it (trisha-friend of mine)
  13. Raven wandered along the shadows trapped in her own undieing soul. She was troubled and often wandered why she was not ormal and why others cast her out She knew she was a shadow demon and the way she dressed was a bit disterbing and frightning to others. She saw Shisu and wanted to talk but couldnt get words to come. Shisu looked puzzled at her as raven disipeared through the shadows.
  14. My friend and I are in love with Inuyasha!!!! I havent seen ep-1-16 but I have seen the rest. We have started a book over the series!
  15. She had left the village a wile back thinking that she could start a new life with out raven or Inuyasha! She had only walked for a wile then she thought she saw the blade image once more! She ran to the guy but it vanished.OCC:sorry so short I hane to go
  16. OCC:You guys can use my person. Ahhh sorry gatta go.
  17. Mya saw the people in line *Im not wasting my shots on them.* She thought instead she went to the bar she sat at a table smoke consumed the suroundings. The green haired guy came in and sat becide her. "What do you want?" she said dully as she brought the glass to her lips. "The bounty." He smiled. She gave a smirk and said ,"Do you have a name for you know mine." He looked at the stage and said ,"Call me drifter." She began smiling,"That was cheezy!" "What?" He asked. "So let me guess your going to be the only one after me?" she smiled as she finished the glass. "I guess so." He said with a serious look on his face. She payed the man and Shot all the lights accept the on above his table. "Happy hunting." She blew a kiss and shot the light.
  18. Kikyo wraps his ribs,"I should have stepped in earlyer." Gene smiles,"Well im glad you didnt." Kikyo gives a shocked look,"This would not have happened if I did!" She yelled.She tied the bandage and stood up *Kagome asked me why I was not doing any thing.* She hung her head. "This could have been worse." Gene said. Kikyo looked at him "How?" He smirked," Lets say you did step in but at the time he changed what do you think would happen?" *Deth* she thought. Kikyo leaned on gene as the night grew colder.
  19. Lilix walked around the Dongen once more looking around. "Hmmmm why wont the attacks and other things work on this?" She thought. She Took out her blade and slashed the wall. It bounced off and the blade gave a ringing tone through out the place. "I wonder?" She felt up agenst the wall and pulled on a stone the wall rose and Lilix went in. Just as she got in it shut quickly! Befor she could call any one! Hilind came in,"ok we have done enoughf searching now lets go." He looked around, "Lilix?" I could see him but he couldnt see me. "She must be out side or she went to log off." "No im here." Lilix yelled
  20. That is very good. I have seen many great ones this would be my 2nd faveroit. It is so cool. I usually dont like things with light and kinda happy but I can make an aception with this! :D
  21. Name: Raven Hallow age:16 gender:Female race: Demon skills: Works well with saies and has that ability to burn things (many things) She can also control the earth (Avalances,huricanes so on) Bio:She is very quiet ever sience her parents split. She had no knowladge that she was diffrent frome other people that she was a shadow demon. desciption:[url]http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=get_pic&pic_id=3541[/url]
  22. Name: Lillix Age:18 Gender:Female (Demon cat) Appearance:[url]http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=get_pic&pic_id=4361[/url] Weapon:Sais Personality:She is sorta nice has mixed fealings about most things,likes miroku ,and likes to be alone most of the time.
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