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Everything posted by Inuyashagurl_15
OCC: sorry Geist Mya was half way to the club when that man apeared in the shadows, "You did not tell me you were a bounty." He looked at her. "You never asked." Her hair waved as she pulled out a gun. The man looked closely at her. "What?" She said as she raised it. "I think I know you." He said with a soft voice. "Well you wont know me for long." She shot him in the chest and left him. When she was outof sight he stood up. Hmmmm she should have shot me else where he was bleading but not badly he pulled out a thick book and the bullet fell out of it.
Kagome cant believe her eyes! *How can he do that.* she thought. Gene glances over at kikyo her eyes wide as she watches him. Inuyasha charges Gene stands ready when inuyasha gets close enoughf the jumps behind him and kicks his head. Inuyasha's face is burried in the ground. He begins to chant. Kikyo looks shockingly at him,"He....he cant do that he is still weekend from the last one." Kagome dosent relize what was about to happen.
Mya shot his ship and it veared off corse. "Ha!" Mya docked and hopped out her hair fell to her sholders as she looked around. " Hmmm I dont know where to find that place." A man with green looken hair came over "Can I help you miss?" Mya looked up and his face was one she wouldforever remember! "Um yeah Im looking for the new danceing spot that they recently opened." "O yeah go 8 blocks you cant miss it." The man looked at her softly. "But the line is long I doubt youll get in!" Mya stood and waved him off as she walked "Watch me." "Hey you there young man!" That whoman you were talking to she has a giant bounty on her head it has been raised for some odd reasion!" Ok...*Now why do girls like her have to have a bounty?" He ran off after her.
Anime Is Mr. Tokawoaka Bear? (may contain spoilers)
Inuyashagurl_15 replied to Bio's topic in Otaku Central
o sorry im a ditz *hits head* But honestly Could any of you tell sora was in 4th or 5th grade?:worried: :worried: :worried: :worried: -
Kikyo looked at kagome she was stareing at her. "What Kagome?" Kagome looked away and began to toy with her fingers," Shouldnt you help Inuyasha?" "No why would I do a dumb thing like that.?" Kikyo looked onward. Kagome said sharply,"What about gene?,Will you help him out?" She held her mouth shut. Kikyo staired at her, "Only if he needs me to, I wont let Inuyasha kill gene *if he can manage to do that*." Gene was dodging all Inuyashas attacks and yawning. "Come on Inuyasha you ran your mouth only to disapoint me?"
Anime Is Mr. Tokawoaka Bear? (may contain spoilers)
Inuyashagurl_15 replied to Bio's topic in Otaku Central
Yeah you go to banner and Avitar request on the main page an open a new page make a request and then in a little wile you have it. -
OCC: Sorry that this is a lot short but I have a limited time oh spelling mine? That will get better-- lilix finall catches up out of breth and has a few scrapes on her. "So what....did I miss?" She streches.
mya rested her legs on the controls of her ship "Well that's the only time I have not been on that show!" "Oh well now lets see what to do what to do......hmmm I guess I could,Already did it, How about I,dead,man." Mya jerked up I GOT IT!, I could go to that new club on mars I have been on the run I havent had time for dancing and that kinda stuff! She put her ship in gear and zoomed off. "Almost there." Some one was shooting at her ship! An interactive chanel came up "You might want to stop or Ill shoot you down." Sergeis face apeared "Ha whay are you shooting at me?" Mys eyes glittered. "That stupid trick wont work on me agean!" Sergei kept fireing! "Gosh cant a girl have some fun once in a wile?" Mya returned fire.
RPG InuYasha: Rise of the darkness [PG-L]
Inuyashagurl_15 replied to NashvilleDream's topic in Theater
The child lead her to a strange village and a whoman ran out and tended to her wounds. She stayed there waiting she knew she was not far from raven for she would never escape from her watchfull eyes! Kikyo went to the river and began to wash when she heard a stick brake. S quickly dressed and grabbed toe boy holding it up she was ready to let it fly when she saw Kyp and his blades rushing for him she dropped the bow and shook her head *that is not the first time I have seen that image.* She looked up as it faded she let her feet sit in the water. -
Kikyo watched Inuyasha strugle to get free all she could do was softly grin! Inuyasha thought "Darn kikyo sideing with that jerk." Heero looked and saw the anger in his eyes as he broke free and ran after gene! Gene turned and pushed kikyo out of the way and punched Inuyasha! Heero still squirming to get free watched. Sango cut him free with hericote as the others ran to help him kagome saw kikyo standing watching it all. "Why is she not doing any thing?"
Inuyasha had spotted kikyo and gene. "How can she stand to be with him let alone hold his hand!" He said in a whispered growl. "Like I care humff,he sat down, I had already told her It was no longer going to happen her and I." He peared through the bush *then why do I feal so jelous?* Heero spotted him "Father what are you doing?" "Shhhhhh im watching." Heero crouched down "Watching what?" Inuyasha pointed.
Name:mya zangen Age:19 Occupation: Has a bounty on her head for theft and murder Weapon of choice: pistol and granades and knife Ship:Eldorado-all gold Aprearance: [url]http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=get_pic&pic_id=2693[/url] Bio:She behaves aggresivly tword others because most prople dont trust or under stand her!She hates people telling her what to do and how to do it (you cant really ask her partner) She has a scar down her clavicle from he last fight she was in. She dosent have many friends because most fear her! She tricks male bouty hunters with her looks and females with her lies and tricks so far she has not been cought in the act of the crime (killing robbing ) Bounty: $ 65,000
She looked him deep in to the eyes and stood. "Well what do you know I can stand!" He looked ahead and began to walk with kikyos hand embracing his.* Hmmmmm why was naraku after kikyo?* Gene thought. "Gene cant die it would tare me apart....." kikyo looked down as she watched her feet.
Akira sat by kitty and looked up. Kitty slowly looked at him and said in a whisper "How did you know about rems memorys or where she would be?" Rems eyes slowly closed and she drifted in to dream land. Kitty watched her sleep *there she will find peace and all that is good.* Akira hasnt awnsered the question and kitty was watching rem and the house behind them gave a warming glow.
Ta-da I made changes but I think I should thake out the ? and the .
Kitty sat by Rem who was looking at the stars "So are you ok?" "Yeah ill heal a little mor each day." rem looked at her happyly. "What makes you say that?" Kitty asked confusingly. Rem rested her head on kittys sholder "All I know is I may not have a good past or a family but I have my friends and my sign." Kitty smiled and put her head on rems.
Lilix began humming as she walked in to the dungon. la la la hmmm now where did they--- befor she could finish a blast came and a monster came out. Oh great every one picks on the lone wolf she smiled. Well if you want to die let me help you! She took her blade out and charged to it she sliced it in half and ran down the hall *That thing was to easey ro kill.* She quickly saw the hole. "Ha they went this way!" She ran trying to catch up to them A roat was heard and a dragon apeared-"Well this just gets better and better!"
Kikyo looked at naraku *He knows some thing.* Genes chanting went on. When all was said and done he let the sword clash a shrill rang threw the air and a black looking dragon came rushing tword naraku! The dragon bit his arm and burned his side sending him soring to the ground! "Ill be back for you kikyo your never safe no matter what you tthink and you put the people you care for in danger. He looked at gene and you love this man....well he'll be the first to tast deth!" Naraku disapeared as gene fell to the ground! Kikyo crawled to him and rested his head on her lap he was out cold. * You cant die! You cant prove naraku rite!*
Kanna entered and saw the men cowering in fear of ansem! *hmmmmm he could be of some use to me?* Hey you the man turned to se kanna yes woman. *o great woman* She cleared her throght "Are you looking for jay?" She said with a smirk on. A younger man ran over dont miss he can and will kill you! She gave an empty smile and broke his neck he fell life less! So you...know where he is? Fallow me she smiled as she walkled past him.
RPG InuYasha: Rise of the darkness [PG-L]
Inuyashagurl_15 replied to NashvilleDream's topic in Theater
Kikyo had been slashed on the back! But the beings and long sience fadded. Kikyo looked on ward and said to her self * these woods shall be my resting place if I dont get out of them!* A shrill cry came frome a bush as she looked she saw a small child being attacked! A throbbing pain grew and the wound on her back worsened! She saw the demon it was a giant black wolf she quickly shot the arrow and it pearced the demons heart....It howled in pain as it fell the wound on her back bled quickly she leaned on to her bow as she walked on. The smallchild watched her walk and said thank you. The light at the end of the forest shown she was so close. A nother demon reared his ugly head and yelled DIE KIKYO! She couldnt use the bow or she would fall and then she heard GET...LOST! A blinding light shown from the trees the demon decentagrated as the child walked out. *How did that boy do that?* The boy ran to her and helped her to a small vilage where she could heal but in a sence kikyo new she wouldnt toaltly. -
Well I was upset and I kinda wasnt thinking of rythem or spelling at the time
Anime Is Mr. Tokawoaka Bear? (may contain spoilers)
Inuyashagurl_15 replied to Bio's topic in Otaku Central
O well sora had told bt and then it shows u in the last episode. Oh to go with your lord of the rings quote I got one for you.......... Gimili -I have 2 aleady Legolas-I m on 17 Gmili-I'll have no pointy ear out scoring me! -
lilix rested her blade on her sholders as she began walking *man it has been so long since I have gotten on this* she was puzzled as she tried to find her party and was getting tired from all the walking she put the blade down and sat in the soft gras and looked up. All of the sudden she recieved an e-mail from Hilind saying it was urgent and she needed to meet him! Ha now this should get interesting she grabbed the sword and did a back flip up and went to the saving thing.
RPG InuYasha: Rise of the darkness [PG-L]
Inuyashagurl_15 replied to NashvilleDream's topic in Theater
Kikyo lookd around trying to find a place to go hide. The noise was directly behind her she knew she cant or well couldnt escape and if she didnt find some were soon she would not be able to escape!!!!!! Her heart tugged agean and and she fell to her knees and the noise grew closer to her. She grabbed a bow *I may use all my strength with this shot but im willing to risk it!* -
Gene please just go! Tears filled her eyes *I dont think I could watch him die in front of me!!!!!!!* No im not leaving you with him! Genes eyes fixed on naraku as it begun. Wile tey fought kikyo tryed to get up but couldnt she as still week! *please gene dont die*