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Everything posted by Inuyashagurl_15

  1. Gene walks over and decides to let her be he told her he'll be back it might take awile but oh well. In the thick forest he had faded and she could here a laghfter come from all around naraku shown up and said now I can finish you once and for all|! She thought to her self *Gene dont take long please hurry back.*
  2. here is a poem I did when I was depressed sooo.... I am unknown,unloved,and untouched why do these things hurt me so much? I sit aloneand cry wishing I could die paralized by the first look in your eyes you lied I believed How could I ever decieve? You cheated I forgave you were lost I saved How can it be over!? We'll be together you said But the problem was I wouldnt do what you plead. Sooo what do you think??
  3. Name:Hanya Gender:female Rank: major weapon: bow with silver arrows Kingdom:no clue Bio: Dosent like to lose and never gives up. Appearance:[url]http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=get_pic&pic_id=801[/url]
  4. Rem could her sel and the others but she couldnt see them tears had stained her now pale cheeks and the little child came to her and said, "Dont be afraid of me im you and your me sooooo lets go play." "But...the others....I have to help...." Rem stood up and a memory pulsed in to her. She fell back and layed in the darkness, purple lights flew around her. The little girl smiled,"I have been alone for so long after all mother had left us here and these woods are here to devour any thing so they can be forgotten she left us so she could forget us and alows us to be consumed in to the bleek darkness!" Rem sat on her legs "No you are lieing!" A picture formed of kitty in her mind..... "She is not your friend nor are the others there putting on an act."
  5. Kikyo lookes at gene "What was it?" He looks back Dont worry about it."kikyo stands shakely and trys to walk. What on earth are you doin?" asked gene. Walking I dont need to be carryed around like a child. * This warmth is growing It cant be and he probably dosent haveit so ...* She props her self up with the bow and walks around. Gene thought *Why is she doing this I dont mind carrying her and she knows most of the souls she has are gone then why.*
  6. Rem walked deeper in to the woods. Uhhhh ok I dont want to go any further....... Im...im really not going to find..uh anything here. Then she saw her self only not her self * 4 yr old form * It was like a never ending night mare!!!! The hand grabbed her and rem screamed! Dangos ears twiched a bit and looked in that direction he remembered that rem left to go home. He stood up and ran that way. Kitty turned and tried to run but the person shot another arrow. "Ok if your a friend quit shooting my friend needs me!" She yelled.
  7. Kikyo looked over the man. "Are you positive your not nuraku?" "Kikyo you have asked me 15 times IM NOT!" The man looke dat her "Your dont apear to have any seen wounds, do you feel tired at all?" But kikyos eyes had already closen He dimed the fire and lay on the other side of the hut. Hours later it began to get cold the entire hut had froven as kikyo jerked awake she looked out of the hut. She heard noises but couldnt see a thing she grabbed a bow and ran. *O great I have put his life in danger all I have to do is run out of hrere and him along with the others will be safe.* A throbbing pain appeared it her heart she couldnt stop now. Another and another some one wanted her not to escape. She got to the edge of the village and entered the forest.
  8. Name:rae stevens Age:16 Description:[url]http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=get_pic&pic_id=2696[/url] Year 10 Bio: she has a rable boi friend and her parent hold a lot of rules (out fit needs a change) be back with this gatta go 2 next class
  9. Kikyo had awoken out side where she had met miroku it was like nothing had happened! I was dark out and she could bairly see where she was going she held out her arms and felt as she walked for some thing to lean on. He legs grew tired and she was abut to fall Then the strangest thing happened a man had cought her! She asked startily,"Who are you?" The man said no need to worry kikyo you need to get out of here wild demons come out at night looking for souls and victoms." He put her on his back and carred her to his hut. He lit a fire and the man had black hair to his sholders he looked just like nuraku but he clamed he wasent and kikyo did not have enoughf energy to get away frome him if he was so she stayed.
  10. Rem ran far away frome the house "I cant stay there any longer!" She tripped and stoood up slowly *why is it every time I get a memory it has to be a bad one that results in dager for my friends I cant tell any one about the past I only live through the present and I am trying to make it to the future* Rem stood up shakingly she had been running for hours that felt like days! She began to softly cry she did not want to leave kitty and the others but she had no choice! She saw the dark forest that was in her dream/memory she began fidgiting with the bottom of her skirt,"Well if im going to find out any thing I better go in." She took a deep breth and slowly walked in The darkness escaped the forest and consumed the suroundings.
  11. I got ep 28 on my homecomputer in Japenese
  12. "RRRR that stupid boy!" *Inuyasha please stay.....dont go please.* But Inuyasha had left her with the beast It circled her and wentto attack at that instant Gene came out and saved her. The tiger roared as gene took her away. "Why did you save me?" Kikyo blushed only slightly and looked at him. "Well I had to pay you back for the arm thing." He smiled. She nodded and said "Let me stay with you I'll heal your wounds and not get in your way." He looked around and said "What about Inuyasha?" "He...has a life and I dont." She sank low. Gene put his hand on her sholder," I guess." *untill I find all the jewls then your out of my hair.* Kikyo looked and smiled. *what is this warm feeling in side me? I cant posibly be......*
  13. Kikyo looked around in confusion,"What happened?" Raven appeared,"You almost told." Kikyo said softly "Inuyasha.." Raven lifted her arms "Your still in love with him,kikyo raised off the ground, He betrayed you and he is in love with kagome!" Kikyo scowled at her and tryed to brake free from her grasp..."Darn you raven!" Kikyo struggled to get those words out befor she blacked out.
  14. Rem slept soundly until a flas of the past came-* No dont leave me here mother, Rems tiney hands reached for her mother and brother as they got in the car and drove away---Tears stroled down her cheeks as she noticed the suroundings they were cold and bare a hand reached for her and pulled her in to the darkness.* She jerked awake and sat up. "My mother lift me alone because my abilitys were out of hand b...but my brother had them too and she kept him...." Rem rerapped her arm and dressed as she walked down stairs the house was quiet and dark a hand reached out. "NO!" Rem rolled her eyes back and fire filled her hands as she swung. "Hey watch it!" Kitty apeared and said, "Sorry I scared you." "Just dont do it agean ok?" Rems eyes shadowed as she stepped back and ran out of the house.
  15. Kikyo looked in to his eyes...."Inuyasha please stay.....stay with me!" The souls were still escaping from her bodie. "Kikyo why are you doing this to yourself?" "Because there is no place for me." She sobbed. "But...kik....kikyo." Kagome burried her face in to her knees and held back tears. *How could this happen....Heero....* *Kikyo's soul collectors werent collecting the lost souls.* thought inuyasha. "Kikyo snap out of it!" She put her hand on his face and smiled "You.....you want me to stay that badly?" Her cold eyes looked at the soul collectors and nodded they did there job as kikyo slipped through inuyashas grasp. They began to put the souls in her 1 by 1. But the soul collectors were slow with there work and a roar was heard! "KIKYO I SHALL MAKE SURE YOU BREATH YOUR LAST BRETH!" A giant tiger burst through the fallen trees.
  16. Kikyo turned from raven and disapeared. She went to a villaege and tended to the sick. *Why wont Inuyasha's face get out of my mind!* And kagome. After the sick were taken care of she walked a few steps and senced miroku "What do you wish monke?" She gave a angered look. "Why did you atack Kagome?" "I dont know!" "Well, do you love him that much to get rid of her...or were you camanded to?!" She put her hand on her chest and thought *It was both.* But just as she opened her mouth a pain hit her side! Ah....she sat on her legs....*rrrr....raven* Kikyo? "GO NOW!" RAVEN: Kikyo im in your mind,thoughts,emotions,body I know that you could have told the truth so I had to stop you! "Miroku where have you been?" Kagome looked up. "O just a uhhh walk."
  17. *Gene took the jewl* Kikyo gave an empty smile. She shot 4 arows at once and hit 4 trees! As they fell, Inuyasha thought *kikyo...why is she upset...I know its her....The jewl its that way but kikyo is this way....man talk about torn between two* "Heero I need you to go to the jewl." "But its with that wench kikyo!" "RRRR--Do as I say!" Inuyasha ran in the direction of kikyo tears strolled down her pale cheeks as she shot another tree. The soul collectors flew about her waist. *If he wants kagome then he can have her!* "Inuyasha." she wispered. He sat in a tree and looked. She threw her head back and held out her arms the souls escaped. KIKYO NO! Inuyasha jumped from the tree to her and wanted to hold her.
  18. Kikyo stood arms out streched she smiled at Inuyasha and said, "If you wish to kill me do so...." Inuyasha's eyes widend and kyp sword drew. Inuyasha yelled, "NO!" And ran for Kikyo! She smiled empty and said, "Isn't this nice your trying to repent you'r sin of killing me and save me." Inuyasha reached for her as she stood unflinchingly. *Why dose he wish to save me?* Kyp yelled "Inuyasha get out of the way!" He was directly behind him. Miroku said softly its no use he'll go to her no matter the cost. Kagome watched with watered eyes..."Inu---Yasha"
  19. Rem began walking out of the house slowly with kitty by her side she looked up to see the gardens fence...."Bwaaa, she'll think I did it c'ause I dont think any one else has fire power!" Kitty looked around and said, "Something has changed...It feals colder and not normal." Rem began walking away. Kitty looked eagerly at her, "Where are you going!" Rem waved and said, " 1- Away frome the fence and 2- Home to sleep or some thing!" Kitty crosed her arms and shook her head. Rem opened the door and locked it she took a shower and when she was done she through the burnt close away,. *WWhy did the meeting go as it did, Why was I spazing out and running away from dango and his story?* She fell back on to the bed, "Well,she yawned,I guess every thing will come to later on."
  20. cOOL Its nice that both of you go to the same school. Nobody on this goes to mine......not many people like this stuff. How sad *looks around and falls backward* tear tear.
  21. Rem stares at kitty oddly "ooooooook." We were in knee deep of a meeting and rem had no chance of getting out of it. She looked around the room....* why do we have to have these, am I supposed to be paying attention?, Is it over? * "Rem would you like to share you thoughts on this subject?" Kiity looked at her,Selenay,dango,Garm and Metta (practicly every one) looked at her. "Uhhhhhh no....coment."
  22. Kikyo looked through the leaves. "I cant sence gene any more so that is good." "Oh Inuyasha how can you say im dead your heart is mine and mine is yours." She smiled as she tossed the jewl "Poor kagome your getting in my way and thats not to good." "But why....how is it she brings out all these sides to him that I could not!" Kikyo gripped the bow tightly and Inuyashas face apeared in her mind. As she shot an arrow at a tree it feel over. Inuyashas ears twitched as he looked at kagome she was asleep in his arms. Kikyo jumped out of the tree and sat on her legs as she wept the soul collectors circled her.
  23. Name lilix age 15 gender female type uhhhhh i gatta sword???(heavy blade) level 72 bio hyper girl out side the game and inside it quick to do things with out knowing a plan. apperence:[url]http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=get_pic&pic_id=634[/url] What she looks like out of the game: [url]http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=get_pic&pic_id=3063[/url] ok that may b a pic of a guy but can I make it a girl???? cause my hair is that shot 4-real.Thanks
  24. lor flipped her hair as she grabbed the ax out of the grass. She heard some one call her name...She looked around and soon she heard it every where,"What do you want your not freaking me out I'll have you know!" She saw a face im not trying to. She swung at it and missed."How can that be I never miss!" Then she saw once more she swung and missed! "Ah show yourself!" "Why so you can hack at me?" She looked around and smiled "Of corse there's nothing wrong with spilt blood!"
  25. cooley!!!!!!! N-e-whoo keep makeing them.
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