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Everything posted by Inuyashagurl_15
Rem began to walk in. Out of breth she said I finally got here I have been looking for hours she fell to her knees and looked around the room. Her sleves and skirt were burned. I heard a voice from the corner What did you do burn your self agean??? You need to get those attacks under control. No FOR YOU INFORMATION I WAS 1/2 KIDNAPPED!!
RPG InuYasha: Rise of the darkness [PG-L]
Inuyashagurl_15 replied to NashvilleDream's topic in Theater
Sorry im 3 pages to late can kikyo jump in)?? kikyo was wating in the distace for the first opratunity to pearce kagome in the ches with an arrow.....(ouch) she began silently walking tword them kagome looked up kik.....kikyo. Kagome it is time for you to DIE!Lets see if Inuyasha saves you.. or will he betray you like he did me1 Kagome-Kikyo he did not betray you or kill you he......he....loves you. Kikyo-Shut your mouth with those lies! On the other hand let me silence you! -
Rem turned to the door as she walked out some thing grabbed her hand and pulled her It was not any one she knew where ever you are taking me I do not wish to go so.......She closed her eyes and began to mutter something A rageing fire surounded the place the being let go and stood in fright rem ran through the fire and sat on the ground and tried to figure out where she was.
The spirit snake returned back to kikyo with the jewl.Why are you bringing it back.kikyo was still in the tree then the voice was hear give me the jewl. Has Inuyasha been killed yet? Yes. You lie! She shot an arrow at where the voice was comeing from and it silenced........Then gene got to the tree she was in. Gene looked up no way.....you...you have the jewl???? Kikyo smiled and jumped down yes I do....awating for Inuyasha or that brat heero to show up ether one will suet me fine to kill after Inuyasha betrayed me so long ago and stabbed me with his sword! He shall pay dearly for what he has done and that kagome has brought a side of him out that I could have done...
Name:lor Age-19 Race:Human Decription:[url]http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=get_pic&pic_id=2615[/url] Bio:Picture says half she was a born fighter ever since she was 10 mother said other wise people dont think she can do much but she proves them wrong every time. Weapons sword with black flames on each side
Kikyo looks down at the jewl.....Inuyasha or heero will be after this soon and they will be saddly disapointed. I began tossing it hand to hand. Then I heard a Voice say -KIKYO.... She looked around the tree she was sitting in was sinking. A vine grabbed her rist you have the jewl....and you want revenge allow me to help...She could not see the owner to the voice yes but why do you ask about the jewl? Inuyasha tried to kill you and im only here to help as a servent. I dont need you to help me. Look at the wound you just need to say yes and it will be healed and Inuyasha will be as good as dead. A nother vine wrapped around her ankle she looked at the jewl and said yes. one of her spirit snakes came to her carry the jewl far away from Inuyasha It disapeared No the jewl!!!!!! You get it when Inuyashas dead! [url]http://theotaku.com/inuyasha/pictures/inuyasha22/image_13.jpg[/url]
Yeah sora got put in a coma but hes fine
The whoman smiled delitedly as she thought Kanriku has no clue what happened. She began laghfing and hung her head off of the building. So sad that I had to do that.....Then she grabbed her head in pain voice-"Its not finished yet." Her-I did what you said voice-Kanna I said you mind will be free of my grasp if you did away with Kanriku. A black shadow appeared and she grabbed her daggar and swung it went straight through. It was a halla gram. figure-Ha you think Im going to show my self to hostile you? RRRRRR WHAT COLOR IS YOUR BLOOD!!! The figure laghfed now I see all you want to do is kill me. YOU MADE ME KILL MY BROTHER WITH MY 2 HANDS! And you will have that memory along with others burned in your mind untill you do as I say....
(ahhhhhh sorry sorry I have not wrote waaaaa Im such a dork) Rem begins to walk twords dango with a smile then stops to see ares and him together. (ok that may suck but it will get better by the next time I pin up on the board sorry)
(in the smoke) Inuyasha (fake) Drew his wepon DIE INUYASHA!! I shot and it glided by his face is that the best you have kikyo? I gave an angry look as I raised it agean he at god like speed ran to me and stabed I gave a shocked look... He twisted and pulled the sword out. The wound however was not to horably bad but I was bleeding. I ran at him and held a daggar to his throught! Go ahead kikyo is this not what you wanted.....for me to parish?! Kikyo drew his blood and threw the daggar to the ground. The smoke cleared and she saw the real inuyasha. INUYASHA! He turned slowly and saw the wound she had she looked at kagome and every thin grew quiet. Kikyo,he began walking over slowly kagome's eyes widened no inu....yasha she thought. Are you ok? Why are you asking it was you that did this!! What no.. kikyo....I. You probly did it for her! She shot the arrow at kagome and pinned her to the ground by her uniform! Kikyo walked and got the jewl from kagome It began giving off a sickning light as she disapeared. [url]http://theotaku.com/inuyasha/pictures/inuyasha15/image_02.jpg[/url]
Just befor she could kill jay he kicked the daggar out of her hand.... he looked at her with wide eyes as he said I.....I...know you she quickly vanished.She appeder at a crumbled building and sat on top of it..... lookig down she saw the fight between the two men she jumped in the midddle of it and froze time hmmmm both of you are doomed to die. She gave a smirkey smile and hung on to Kanriku and said especially you she got close to him and put a daggar to his throught hmmmm now or later......She ingraved an x on his sholder and said as the scar fades so will you and now for you she looked at the other.....and said in a wisper you time will be up in a matter of days disapeared and resumed the fight.
Stupid things you thought of or did when you were young
Inuyashagurl_15 replied to DragonArcher's topic in General Discussion
I ate cigarets when i was 2..... And (tried to) flushe all moms lip stick -
Sign Up A Kenshin story (contains spoilers in the first post)
Inuyashagurl_15 replied to kenshinsbabe's topic in Theater
I'll play the part of being the one to kill Kaoru.... Name ling age 19 Gender female description pictuer below Wepons sword and throwing knives...[url]http://purlace.net/eva/rei/0rei170.jpg[/url] show no emotion when she kills -
Ok no prob Ill put it at the botom in bold leters CREATED BY Kenshin_K Can I put you on my buddy list thanks alot
Kikyo sighed and lookd over to kagoma and stepped in front of her why do you wish to fight kagome for the jewl? I looked and heard a laghf comeing from the trees as I looked up I saw a glimps of a man and a vile he opened it and a whight cloud of smoke filled the area! Kikyo fanned around her and called out is every one ok? no awnser She couldent see any one.I should have done away with kagome along time ago! I thought. Kikyo began walking and fanning the air around her.....Where is every one? Kikyos body began fadeing. I gatta get out of here where ever here is! She saw Inuyasha (fake iy) and reached for his had. He turned and scoweled at me then he said im tired of you sticking around!-YOUR NOT ALIVE YOU JUST A WANDERING SOUL LOOKING FOR REVENG AND ACCEPTANCE!!! She took out a bow and held it as he drew his wepon....INUYASHA DIE FOR GOOD!!
kikyo (me) Is watching in a near buy shadow..... She could only smirk at what was going on..... Inuyasha looked up a sniffed the air.... Kikyo...?I/She began to step back and her soul snakes(Iguess thats what they are) Surounded her as she hurried off. Inuyasha ran deeper in to the woods following her sent I stopped to see him jump over a bush. kikyo he wispered. Why are you hunting me down Inuyasha do you want to kill me agean??
I love it!!!! I have the dvd and have watched it forever and a day!! My sister even likes it and we dont agree on the same movie,anima,cloths on and on n-e-way getting off track!! That is the best thing I have ever seen! The cover cought my eye and on the tv guide channel I kept watcing the prev so it cool. :p
Name:Lona Nickname:Lor Age:16 Alter Name:Show stopper lor Alter Description-a sword that slows and can even stop time so when she attacks they wont know untill its too late. Home:Trecherous black hill Personality:nice,boy crazy,loves to fight for reveng. Bio:Her father died when she was young and her mother has been sick for 4 years.She tries to hide her feelings but when she is in battle she show all!! Appearance [url]http://www.angelfire.com/anime2/nachiko/asuka/asuka1.jpg[/url]
people some one tell others about this tell them to sign up to... I would really love for this to start
Sign Up Final Fantasy: The One Winged Angel(sign ups)
Inuyashagurl_15 replied to Meteora's topic in Theater
sry I didn't Change mine I couldnt get on -
Ericka looked atjays face it was like a stone she looked down at the unflinching body a chill filled the air as a shadow of a whoman apeared She was dressed in all black and had a dagar in her lift hand......She clenched it tightly and ran for jay...Tears of blood ran down her cheeks as she lipt into the air.......
*Aura* Thank you for the complament..... I didnt know what to say so I just said the part I liked best ya know...
I like it a lot do you mind if I set it as my background on my desktop???
Anime Is Anime a Big Thing Where You Live?
Inuyashagurl_15 replied to Moor_Child's topic in Otaku Central
God I wish I lived wher,zaufier,craig8429,AnimeShogun888 o I have stayed in St.Louis so I kinda know how you feal -
lol cute smileys!!! nah I saw it......(she) comes out of the hospital in a skirt...see's the real playes of subaru....Im not sayin n-e-thing else just in case cause yall might get mad @ me or something...