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Everything posted by valerie

  1. I'm bored pretty often, but I enjoy it. Being bored is like... complete bliss to me. I have no worries, and that's always good. I love laying around and doing nothing. Probably because I'm just very very lazy. But I'm weird like that. Just try to enjoy your time off, that's all I can say. When school comes rolling around again, you'll probably wish you'd lived up your vacation more. That way too, when your friends ask what you did over your vacation, you can answer with enthusiasum and thought rather than "Dur, I was bored." :D
  2. Heeee, I had a Furby. Still do. *stares at nightstand* It's been sleeping for about a year now. Lets wake it up! It's all white with blue eyes. ^_^ I still think its kinda cute. Yet Demon-y. It says it's name is To-tai? *shrug* I remember one time, I was trying to get it to sleep, and it wouldn't fall asleep... so i shoved it under my bed and left the room. When I came back an hour later it was in the middle of the floor, talking its head off. Don't know how or why. Probably my sister's doing, but still scary. Now it won't fall back asleep. Great. ><
  3. I am the biggest emotional sap in the world. I can cry from a tv show for an hour, easily. I'm such a nerd. :P Fruits Basket: I haven't seen the whole series of it yet, but I've seen about half (1-16), so this is the one that got me goin'. [spoiler]The New Year's episode, where Tohru made all this chocolate and such for everyone, and got so excited making a little party for the Sohmas. What she didn't know, was the Sohmas always went to the party at the big house, and Tohru couldn't go, so she was stuck at home for New Years all by herself. Then Kyou and Yuki realized that she always spent New Years with her now dead mother, and this year she would be all alone. They run back to the house (this is where the crying started) with all those thoughts running through their heads, and they finally push open the door to see Tohru with a picture of her mom, about to cry. Then they all collapse to the floor and say how sorry they am and such.[/spoiler] I just thought that was the sweetest thing in the world, and it really showed how much the boys cared for Tohru. *sigh* I flat out bawled for about two hours after that... Inuyasha: Boy, I have lots of emotional moments in Inuyasha. These are fresh in my mind though, since I recently watched it. [spoiler]In the second movie, when Miroku's Air Void disappeared: I was VERY upset. I was yelling at the tv, cursing to myself, it was not pretty. Without the Air Void, he's just a funny monk with a stick and supposedly-magical pieces of paper! But, I was happy after it opened up again. ^_^ Another Second Movie moment: When Inuyasha and Kagome kissed. Holy Post-its, I could've died. I was dancing all over the room, humming happy things, and just oh so happy. All the suspense leading up to it was very intense, IMO. I think i just remembered my most emotional Inuyasha moment... When Inuyasha first kissed Kikyo, I was a rabid beast. I was SCREAMING at the TV. I am slightly embarrassed by my behavior today, yet proud. xD Anyways, I'm a big Kagome/Inuyasha supporter, so that ticked me off to no end...[/spoiler] Lots of Sailor Moon moments too, but way too many to name... Wow, thats sad... Must go watch that Fruits Basket episode again... xD
  4. I've got beanies everywhere... My mom and I started collecting them a year or two back, but lately we've lost interesting. Partly because the whole house has been taken over. ^_^ In this one room, I see at least 20 beanies... One on the computer, four on a little display above the computer, and about 17 on a tv stand. But they're everywhere. In the living room, we have a floor-to-ceiling display of all our Bears, and I'm guessing there's about 50 of them on there. My mom and sister have got a couple in their rooms, and I have a stack of huge drawers with all of the more common ones stuffed in there. I'm guessing theres 150+ in there. x.x ...Now that I think about it, that's INSANE. xD Edit!! I just remembered the teenies! We've got those too! xD From each year, we have two sets. One in the bags, and one out of the bags. I remember calling all the McDonald's in our areas and buying a million happy meals just to get them. Fun times. xD
  5. Yeah, weird title. I like them. xD Ok, so I made a banner really quick. It's pink. And it's kinda girly. I like the smearing/motion-y effect of it. But the text kinda looks weird. Comment please! :D
  6. First of all, if you are paying $5000 to make your boobs bigger, do it for YOURSELF, not for some pervy men on the street. I've known two people that have gotten breast implants, the first did it because after pregnancy, they didn't look...fabulous. The second did it just because she wanted to look better. You're only 15? Don't even think about this until you're like... 22... o_O
  7. I've got a harlequin Great Dane. She's 10 years old right now. I call her the younger sister I never had, because we practically grew up together. :D
  8. Linkin Park's pretty interesting. They've got a neat sound going and thought provoking (at least for me) lyrics. I can also listen to both of their CDs all the way through, without stopping. And with me, thats not very common. ^_^
  9. Well, I personally love Clay Aiken, and Invisible is a great song, its upbeat and just makes you want to dance. Always puts a smile on my face ^_^ As for the Linkin Park song, it's okay, I got their CD and everything and it's pretty cool. [QUOTE]Its funny how one can like a pop singer and a hybrid/metal band at the same time. Personally I dispise Clay since im a pop flamer,[/QUOTE] I'm sorry, but that is very ignorant on your part. You won't even give the guy a chance just because he's considered 'pop'? Think outside the box, you aren't limited to listen to listen to one or two types of music. I like tons of songs/muscians, from all genres of music. You might too, if you gave them a chance.
  10. You keep talking about how he thought you were asleep. Like that makes any difference! In fact, that means he was taking advantage of you, which is 10x creepier than doing stuff to your face... Also, anyone that keeps doing something after you've asked them not to, needs a good kick right where it hurts. It means they do not care what you think, and don't respect you, because if they did, they wouldn't want to do anything to make you uncomfortable.
  11. I was easily amused as a kid. Give me anything and I would make a game out of it. But mostly I liked barbies, TV, and videogames. Even once, I made my barbies play videogames with me. And then when I beat them, I started doing a happy dance. Which led to another amusement, etc etc. I was a weird child. :P
  12. Oooh, I can explain this one! Metrosexuality has been the talk of the town over here, AND i happened to see the South Park you were talking about. :D Metrosexuality is basically this: a straight man in touch with his feminine side. Meaning he's more open emontionally, cares about how he looks, and just carries more feminine qualities. Metrosexuals basically have all the gay stereotypes, but aren't gay. Does that make any sense? I hope so. Anyways, I kinda like the idea of metrosexuality. The big macho touch guy thing never really did anything for me. For some reason the "sensitive guy" idea is appeling to me. But then again, I'm just weird. It might be a fad, I'm not sure. I personally hope the fad sticks around, if thats the case. :P
  13. Wow, I just read every single one of these posts. I think my appetite will never come back. Luckily, nothing severe as these things have happened to me myself, but my family is another story... My mother has found numerous hairs in her food, and once a fly in her salad. My sister ordered a sandwhich from some place once with cheese in it... she took a bit and realized that they forgot to unpeel the plastic paper seperator thing... Guess I'm lucky. :sweat:
  14. valerie


    My last science teacher was horrible... He had a "2-inch" voice, and didn't even teach. He just assigned us work we didn't know anything about. Then, some of us kept skeptics about wheter he really checked the work or not, because as long as you turned it in, you got an 'A'. So, I decided to test this theory, and turned in a worksheet with just scribbles through the answer boxes. I got an 'A'. Then, later on in the year... He just blew up for some reason. He threw a stapler at someone's head, and it would've hit her if she wouldn't have ducked. Instead, it broke the window. Needless to say, he isn't around anymore. :rolleyes:
  15. Oooh, I'm big on this kinda thing. I'd love to have telekinetic-y powers. The thought of just moving thing with the slightest twitch of your hand, or just thinking about it is amazing. The whole reading other's minds thing is kinda cool, too. The only downside to these powers is I wouldn't want to have them 24/7. I'd want to have control over them, and be able to turn them on/off when I wanted to. I'd also like to have wings. I've always wanted to fly freely, just above the clouds, with the wind blowing in my face. Either that, or I would like to hover over a city or something and just watch people. Ok, last one. I'd like to breathe and see underwater. Without any gadgets or anything, just like we do on land. I absolutely LOVE water, and I would live in it if I could. This would allow me to do so. :D Yeah, thats all. xD
  16. Since I'm still new and don't know anyone, I'm not sure who I would want to be. Probably someone who's highly respected, and knows what they're doing. One person I've seen a lot is Queen Asuka. She's pretty cool beans.
  17. Ok, I know this is a little strange, but one costume that has always earned me positive attention is crossdressing. xD Me being a girl, I usually tuck my hair back into a backwords baseball cap, and wear baggy, manly clothes. To add to the effect, I usually take the personality of a guy as well, and deepen my voice. Lots of people have not only told me it was creative, but certainly eye catching. You get lots of double takes. xD This may be too strange for you, and if it is, the other poster's suggestings of having an elaborate con outfit would work well too.
  18. I attached a fanart drawn by a lovely artist named Ketty, it's modern Inuyasha and Kagome. It gave me a good idea what they would look like. What do you think? :D
  19. I went without anime about two years. When I got out of my BSSM stage and got into Inuyasha. Yeah, that wasn't too long ago. xD
  20. Yeah, the reason they were so cheap is because they are, erm, bootlegged. xD They aren't official, and I'm glad about that, I never like the "official" stuff. Too washed out for me. I like the raw stuff. :P As for full demon Inu, yeah, it is a little creepy to see him like that. But for some reason, I like it. I get all emotional over Inuyasha, just when the last show aired a few days ago, I was freaking out. My hands were over my mouth, and my eyes were wide open and everything. Not a pretty sight. xD Maybe I like it because in the end, Kagome will snap him out of it (I'm a sucker for the Inu+Kag relationship). But when she wasn't able to last time, it was a bit discouraging. It's a plot twist, I like it. As for the Shikon issue, I would assume he'd be worse with it. I mean, this change is just from losing his Tetsusaiga. With the added power of the jewel, who knows how horrible he'd be. I'm hoping he'll use it to go full human with Kagome. xD
  21. Awww, I can't pick just one couple. That's like asking a mother to choose between her children. xD Kagome/Inuyasha [Inuyasha]: I hate to be a mindless sheep, but I just love these two. I'm a sucker for romance, and I just love it when two people are in denial for one another. It just builds up anticipation for when they finally get together. Inu always has to act all manly-man around everyone, but when it comes to Kagome he turns to mush. Love it. xD Sango/Miroku [Inuyasha]: Baaa! Cry of the sheep again. Miroku's such a perv, and yet when Sango comes around, he's, well, less of a perv. xD Possibly because Sango won't LET him be pervy, but it just shows she has lots of independence. I love seeing these two's chemistry. Tohru/Yuki [Fruits Basket]: Tohru is such a sweetie, there's not a mean bone in her body. She helped Yuki get out of his little depressed state, and I love her for that. *is a Yuki Fangirl* Gotta love these two. :D
  22. This is my first post here... Hi y'all! :D Inuyasha is absolutely one of my favorite animes (tied with Fruits Basket). Unfortunatly, I've only had access to the Adult Swim version, and I really don't like dubbed animes. Even so, I got hooked on Inu. The show has everything: action, drama, romance, conflict, and passion. I have every episode from AS recorded on about 5 tapes :D. When they showed the last new episode just recently, it really upset me. They were just getting into the good part: Inuyasha becoming full youkai, Naraku's spawns, and more realationships forming. Needless to say, I needed more Inu. Just last night, me and a fellow Inu fan won an auction for Episodes 1-119 and both of the movies on 46 VCDs for $49. They are Japanese with English subtitles. We haven't gotten them yet, but when I do, I will fill you in on the quality. So naturally, I'm ecstatic about the whole thing. I'm not trying to brag here or anything, please don't get that impression. For those of you that were in the same AS situation as me, you might like my solution. Even though I will eventually have most of the episodes, I will still record the AS version, for comparison's sake. Wow, that was a long first post. :D
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