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Everything posted by Shinigami

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mgdman [/i] [B]wow thanks for that i get out june 19 so i just have to add an extra day.hehe:D [/B][/QUOTE] extra day!? is that good or bad? do u like school or somethin'?
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yu Yu Hakusho! [/i] [B]I live in Texas...way down south. I've never seen snow in my life. I'm glad that I don't have summer school. I'm ending the year with all A's as a final grade for the end of the year. My friend has to go: sounds like hell to me. [/B][/QUOTE] yeah...i used to live in TX... now since im in VA, i get out later!!! cruel, cruel world! anyway. next week we should be starting our finals. [woopdedoo!] summer is almost here too. we should be getting out at the 13th of June.
  3. it sounds so interesting...sorry, but i cant say that i have seen any episodes. :confused:
  4. well...i've never been to prom, and i really dont want to. i mean...its a waste of my time, but then again i dont do anything as it is. and getting a date is really hard. all the guys think i hate them! (and most of them its true). if i had to go, would it be stupid to take my laptop and just sit in a corner, watching other people make complete fools of themselves?! 'cause thats what i would probly do...
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GundamGohan [/i] [B]eh... i just thought I had to throw in my 2 cents in regards to Endless Waltz... Good story... bad revamp on Zero... I just didnt like the feather wings... I thought the suit was suposed to be "space Alloy"? But Heavyarms got some cool new guns... so that was a plus... but anywho... im done with my rant now... [/B][/QUOTE] yeah..i agree on that. i dont think the wings were actually needed in space. in reality [though it isnt] wings would be useless in space. yeah...the other gundams did look much better after their modifications. yup...i leave now...
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dark-clown [/i] [B]Pacifism couldn't work in our world, as there is to much hate in the world for there to be JUST peace, (take sep 11th, i mean come on how many ppl wanna kill the person who did it?) in the gundam world some1 would of just stud on him or something, when it comes down to Pacifism the MUST be some1 to protect it and to protect something there ends up being vilance or wars, so Pacifism only slows downs mans need to cause pain to some1 else to make tham feel good/better about how they are,or to prove a point or just because they want to, [/B][/QUOTE] *nods head* my thoughts exactly. yeah...but it would take someone to actually step-up from society with enough understanding of the problem. without hate, society would be dull, lifeless sorta. life progresses from war/hatred. many good things are created, but are used for other purposes than the intended ones. people and their emotions can never be controlled all at once, though we all try. failure is part of life. to change the world for the 'better', would mean that someone [w/o ur knowledge] would have their life greatly effected. ok...i'll shut up now, i guess...:blulaugh: :bluesweat
  7. hmm...i thought it was ok. it just has a few minor things that i dont like about it. other than that, i think its a pretty neat show.
  8. i have a friend who might be interested. ur going to have to wait for me to post a better reply...
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Amphion [/i] [B]Im not sure, I own the uncut DVD series but I have not seen any original japanese ones besides X so I guess I cant say for sure. I am tired of parents complaing. Who lets their small child (who should not be watching it) stay up to Midnight anyway? Thats when Uncut was airing...Anyway, Most of the animes though, when they are translated loose some of the dialouge from the original just simply cause we would not get it and sometimes for other stupid reasons. thats why its best to get subs and not dubs... [/B][/QUOTE] u got a point there. who would let their smaller child watch those kinds of show @ midnight? i guess they didnt care at first, but if they had a problem...they could have just stopped staying up till midnight to watch these shows. would that be too hard?
  10. well...i guess no one is talking. hey, sorry 'bout the controls not working. as of now, i cant give u any help. SORRY!
  11. i would, if i could...*now feels stupid* :toothy: sorry buddy, i dont know anything 'bout that. Can i get some assistance here?! *waits for someone else to say something* :rolleyes:
  12. hmm...im not quite sure. i wish it just wasnt so complecated...
  13. well...i must say. for capturing Lugia in Silver, i only had to reset the game twice...when i started it the third time, i got Lugia down to the red area and kept throwing heavy balls at it. after the 4-5th one, i captured it. (the great and ultra ones didnt seem to have any effect. i had thrown about 5 each) in Gold, i captured Ho-oh after i reset the game. i got it halfway then i threw a great ball, followed by a ultra by which i captured it. other than that...i've captured one of the Legendary ones that run around by throwing heavy balls at it. (i had to get it down to basically nothing though) it was worth it i guess...
  14. well...lets just hope that if anything has to happen...it happens quickly...or else we'll be posting to this thread till we figure it out.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]You could use KaZaA or Morphiouse. I don't know about Morphiouse but KaZaA seems to have everything I ever wanted! so you can try there....Oh crap this is advertising isn't it? [/B][/QUOTE] yeah...those are good for finding anything ur looking for...check them out! :devil:
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shibatku [/i] [B]Yeah I have no clue what Teknoman is about nor have I ever seen it. Info would help. [/B][/QUOTE] yeah...clue me too please! i dont want to be lost anymore...
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spikey [/i] [B]Thanks, now I got it. By the way, can someone tell me which saga Hero is in? I hvae just started for a Gundam life. Now I will get all the information I need. Here soon. [/B][/QUOTE] if you mean Heero...he's in Gundam Wing (the one cartoon network...if i am correct...started showing last year or so...) hope that helped...& if not, i'll just try again! :devil:
  18. well, i am not quite sure on the Epyon thing. (maybe i could try to find something out...) i guess you would think that the cloak would either burn up or be on fire on the time it landed. (your right Sephiroth...you may want to look up that info on the manga...)
  19. :wow: :all: :wow: i didnt know that there were that many. i guess i'd better find more info, or else i wont know everything.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by TheVenomFactor [/i] [B]Yeah not only did it move the story line along it was hillarious. They really shouldv edited it so that it could air on cn. For a while I was lost but then I remember seing a dubbed episode a long time ago. But what about the people who only get to see cut verssions I bet they are still lost. [/B][/QUOTE] well you got a point there...
  21. Shinigami


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zachary [/i] [B]why do you think Sakuya is a B*tch? [/B][/QUOTE] plenty of obvious reasons...
  22. i guess that is the other option...
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B][COLOR=purple]B/c the animators said so... :therock:[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] yeah...i think thats the only reason too!:toothy:
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Katana [/i] [B]Yeah, Ryoko is the best! Sakuya was pretty selfish, crying and all like that. But anywayz, that ep was pretty funny. I liked the part when Ryoko blew up that building because the karaoke machine gave her a bad score and she started yelling at the rubble with that crazy look in her eyes. That was funny. [/B][/QUOTE] yeah...i guess that Ryoko is an okay character. (well, better than Sakuya anyway...) Sakuya seems to ruin the episodes.:flaming: :devil: :modrod:
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by OutlawDragon [/i] [B]What was so wrong with it that they had to delete it all together. I've seen it and there really isn't anything bad, all you see is Aisha's breasts and Urt's butt. I can see them deleting the "Dirty Pictues of Urt" thing but not the whole episode. Digital bathing suits could have been added like in the rest of the series. Episode 23 is a fital key in the history of castor guns and shells, it should not have been deleted. For those of you that have seen it what do you think? I say we start a petion for them to show it on CN. :smoke: [/B][/QUOTE] oh well... they should have edited it in some way... hope they have learned from their mistake. :all: (most likely not though...)
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