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Everything posted by Shinigami

  1. here is a tip, PAINT CAREFULLY. that helps. sorry, but i would post more...but i am not going to right now:laugh:
  2. you need more choices, even though i like DEATHSCYTHE. I mean geeze, that is just a cool name in itself:D
  3. hey...i found some cool wallpaper, but i forgot where i got it. SORRY!:p
  4. in my opinion, HEERO AND RELEENA would [SIZE=3]NOT[/SIZE] work out! Releena is just some crazed girl who's only purpose is to DIE!:laugh: that would be funny!!!
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by No-Name [/i] [B]well, im planning on making an Anime site including: 1. Cowboy Bebop 2. Dragonball -Dragonball -Dragonball Z -Dragonball GT 3. Gundam -Gundam Wing/EW -Mobile Suit Gundam -Gundam: Chars Counterattack -Gundam 08th MS Team -Gundam X -Gundam 0083 4. Tenchi -Tenchi Muyo! -Tenchi Universe -Tenchi in Tokyo 5. Sakura Wars 6. Outlaw Star 7. Escaflowne And more when i get the chance. but as u can see, thats a gigantic operation. want me to put you down as someone who'll do gundam stuff? [/B][/QUOTE] that will be a GREAT web-site, for just about anything ANIME. Contact me if you need some pictures. MAYBE I WILL LET YOU HAVE SOME!:laugh: :D
  6. Mr. Single H. You can't post anymore, until you get the last posted quotes right. Quit giving suggestions! :flaming: And by the way...Sephiroth, you didn't answer the last posted quotes, and you atleast have to have quotes from any series of Gundam Wing. :laugh:
  7. Ummmm....Okay. Single H, you are SCARY!!!:eek: putting it another way, [COLOR=limegreen][SIZE=4]YOU HAVE A PROBLEM[/SIZE][/COLOR] :p
  8. :flaming: AHHH!:p Right now i know #2, can't remember #3, and dont have a clue on #1. and i forgot a rule... YOU CAN ONLY LET PEOPLE TRY 10 TIMES, BEFORE YOU CAN SAY THE ANSWER:devil: :laugh: :p
  9. hey...calling all Gundam Series fans! Post some quotes here and let us guess them. Here are some rules: 1. only post three quotes 2. use dfferent people from different shows(if you want to) 3. wait for others to guess correctly 4. whoever gets the person saying the quotes right, can post three of their own 5. PM me if you are totally confused 6. look @ other threads in other areas to see how i came up with this:p well, I will wait for some one to post some, because the bell for school is about to ring!:flaming: DARN
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]ugh God no... Transformers = the best cartoon/anime EVER made both Japanese and American Gundam = The crappiest anime ever made with no unique story or plot and too many series... Transformers actually has aplot, where Gundam, uses the same plot OVER and OVER again in every series... plus Gundam lacks the greatness of Galvatron :) [/B][/QUOTE] okay...i dont really care about which show is better. I just want people to post, so i can post back!!! :p :flaming: :p
  11. what do wish to acomplish with this thread? what is the truth about duo being gay?
  12. yep...that web-page was kind of lame...needs more though:p
  13. everyone is so nice to each other here...aren't they:rolleyes: :p
  14. hey just wondering...where are the choices for other Gundams? Deathscythe is cool and all, but what if some one didnt like those three choices. I know its tough luck, but have more choices.:p
  15. hey i was watching and though about doing another pole, so here it is:p
  16. well...duh. it seems to be a vary boreing Gunsam. It doesnt do much...most of the time:p
  17. :p well good for you for thinking that way. know use that knowedge!!!!:D
  18. for all of you who think i over reacted a LITTLE BIT...may be wondering, what is that person's problem? I was a little bit surprized to see my name on a post, that i didn't write. SORRY:p
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zero-Sama [/i] [B][COLOR=teal]Oh,And this topic was thought up by Shinigami.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] :flaming: [SIZE=6][COLOR=crimson]and what was THAT suppose to MEAN!?!?!?!?![/COLOR] [/SIZE] :flaming: [COLOR=limegreen]you mean to tell me this was my idea?!?![/COLOR] :p
  20. :p All i really wanted to do was set up a pole. everyone had mixed feelings for Duo, so i wanted to see which side had more people. And by the way...it isnt my fault i think he is cute...other people think he is cute too...so bugg them :p
  21. hey...anyone who votes, please reply and tell me what you think 'kay. this is my first pole, so i want to make it interesting...maybe. so tell me what you think:p :love:
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by goku2001 [/i] [B]Duo Maxwell rules. Deathscythe and deathscythe hell are two of the coolest gundams goin. Duo shows that even though you may not have the best fo everything you can still kick ***:laugh: :D :angel: :cross: [/B][/QUOTE] even though i am tired:sleep: i got to say yet another person likes Duo. now what are all of you who hate him going to do about that!:p
  23. hey...dont go saying deathscythe is bad. i like it too...and there are a whole lot of people who like it too, so go and degrate the other Gundams please and leave Deathscythe out of it. [SIZE=1]that includes the other forms of Deathscythe[/SIZE] :p
  24. :p [SIZE=8]Hey...you cant win at everything. [/SIZE] [SIZE=10]We can still kill Relena though...[/SIZE] *goes off to plan the murder* :flaming:
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