Hey. person in front of my first post, do you know of any good sites of Duo Maxwell/Gundam Wing? Post some. 'KAY?:)
"You watch me, I'll become the God of Death once again. But right now...I need some sleep" quote of Duo
Hey! Death and Pestilence are coming through...well actually they just passed by. My favorite characters are Duo Maxwell and his Gundams: Deathscythe and Deathscythe Hell
:p In my opinion, THEY KICK BUTT:D
[COLOR=crimson]The name i would give myself would be Shinigami[/COLOR]
[COLOR=firebrick]In reality i would be known as the god of death[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]I do like my real name though[/COLOR]
[COLOR=royalblue]It is Gail[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Just call me Shinigami though[/COLOR] ;) :cool:
[COLOR=skyblue]That is so sweet[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]that we only have[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]to post that many.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]I guess I got to get to posting![/COLOR]:p