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About Livingsoul

  • Birthday 06/06/1986

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  1. Hey everyone, now i'm sorry if this question has already been put forward. I'd like to know what is up with the style in Hellsing changing all the time? The fisrt ep is perfect, but the second is in some weird style. after that it keeps changing even in eps. It will be in one style then, change of shot, and it will be the other and then back to normal (if u can call it that) This most evadent in "Innocent As A Human" near the end Alucards in the weird style then the shot changes and he's in the first ep style, then back to they way it was before. thankfuly the last DVD stays pretty true to the first ep in it's style and consistancy, for me when it is noticable it detracts from the experience. Not to say it is a bad series and should not be watched, personally I love it!! So can anyone even half answer my question? If so please do, I want to know!! Thanks, Andy [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]I merged your thread with the original Hellsing one- please make sure to check for existing topics using the Official Thread Directory before starting a new one -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  2. You might be gettin sick of this but, thanks again to everyone who posted. I enjoy your feed back.
  3. Hi, thanks for replying to my post. thank you to those who like it, and even those who did not. Ok it might be a bit big *my bad*. And just for the record, it was not traced. I agree that tracing and passing it off is wrong. The reason it look like the sharpie look like it was running out was because i felted over the pencil so it look a bit strange.even more so now becuse of its size. Thanks again keep them coming
  4. Hi there, I consider my self a bit of an artist. I would like to know it anyone else thinks so. Look at my art and please tell me.
  5. I have to agree I really love it LOVE IT! Any way here is a example of my work. Please tell me what u think. It's a pic of spike.
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