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About Els_chan

  • Birthday 05/14/1984

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  • Occupation
    otaku, gamer, rabid yaoi fangirl

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  1. Ugh...straight couples *shivers*. I can't stand most of 'em, with certain exceptions, mind. Anyway, my favorite canon couple is Yuki/Shuichi. I don't know why...I mean, Yuki can be so mean and all, but somehow...I don't know. They just offset each other so well! And besides, they're just so darned cute, doncha know?
  2. [QUOTE]The apparant couple in the anime is Tsuzuki/Hisoka, but Muraki is the insane doctor that goes around doing bad stuff to get Tsuzuki to come. [/QUOTE] Do you mean what I [i]think[/i] you mean? As in...*coughs discreetly* :blush: Oh, my. I must see this. Now I know where my next paycheck is going, na no da.
  3. Considering when the game came out, I always thought Chrono Trigger was ahead of its time. It was so addictive, the storyline was amazing, the graphics were great, and...God. There are just no words. Beat the pants off of Chrono Cross, that's for sure. But then, I may just be biased.
  4. While I think that FFVII-2 would be nice as a PREQUEL, what if they decided to do an AU FFVII? Bear with me on this one, as I'm not entirely sure where I'm going with this myself... OR, maybe, just maybe, Cloud goes insane (again) and instead of thinking he's Zax, he starts thinking he's Sephiroth! Hilarity ensues... Or perhaps the sequel will be about Cloud's new job at the Honeybee Inn. You never know. I need coffee. :sweat:
  5. I don't really think 'surprised' would be the word I'd use. I kinda figured that something like that would happen. I'd rather say I was depressed by it. I cried for a good twenty minutes or so afterward. It's just...so unfair. So very unfair. I would have liked to see a followup on Faye, Jett, and Ed, though. They kinda left that hanging...
  6. My favorite has to be Predilection from the Gravitation Sound Story 3(I think it was three...). It's also the only one done by Ryuichi's actual seiyuu. But then, I like all of the Nittle Grasper songs. But getting off of Gravitation, I'd say that my favorite song from an anime would have to be 'Bad Dog, No Biscuits' from Cowboy Bebop. I know it has no words, but the music itself makes the words unneccessary, na no da.
  7. I don't understand why, and yet...I am a rabid yaoi fangirl. If it involves two guys with each other, I'm so there. I'm digressing from my point though. Gravitation is an incredible anime, no? The manga's even better (even if the last one is labeled 'to be continued...?'). It has depth of character mixed in with all the slapstick, all while telling an amazing story about not only romance between two guys, but friendship, competition, and just generally making it in the music business (not to mention the fact that Nittle Grasper ROCKS!). Does anyone else feel this way? Or am I alone on this?
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