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Everything posted by Minazukii

  1. (this topic is a little old but here is my 2 cents) Yu-gi-oh won't die out for awhile...as one of the Pokemon fans left out there I will say--yes, it will die down like Pokemon, something new always comes along (like when Yu-gi-oh took Pokemon's place) But I think it is safe to say that now, Yu-gi-oh is at its peak (like Pokemon when the First Movie came out in 99.) Pokemon still has fans but what I notice is it's the kids that lose interest in the shows/games and the people that will always like it are older. Considering a great deal of Yu-gi-oh fans I know are 15+ in age, it will be popular for awhile--the kids always will lose interest but the true fans will be there. Who knows maybe it will get more popular....to the level of popularity Pokemon was which can be kinda a bad thing (you know how it was, kids going crazy everywhere to get cards, Parents fighting over toys at Christmas..., pulling knives on each other for cards, and other crazy-fan behavior..)
  2. I pretty much agree with everything you have said Takuya! I thought I was the only one who thought the first movie was the worst. Yes, it was very nice seeing TR have an important part in the 2000 movie instead of being the comic relief. I actually was wondering the other day which exact episode TR went from more serious villians to the funny bad guys. I get what you are saying about the whole Celebi deal and the end of 4ever was really great! And as for Pokemon Heroes, what you said about the end is true and I was kinda upset Misty, Brock, and TR have really no part in the movie--and I really liked both the water race sequences!
  3. Can I ask some?? Well here is three questions based on the anime they are easy if you keep up with the new episodes, although the last one is from the first series. 1) In todays American Pokemon episode what is the name of the girl who fell in love/battled with ash? 2) In todays American Pokemon episode which of Ash's Pokemon returned? 3) What Pokemon did James' fiance Jessibelle have?
  4. This may or may not have already been done but...what is your favorite Pokemon movie? Pokemon: The First Movie Pokemon 2000 Pokemon 3: Spell of the Unknown Pokemon 4ever Pokemon Heroes I would have to say either Pokemon 4ever or Pokemon Heroes because the animation in those two was awesome! The best animation for any Pokemon movies ever! Also Pokemon 4ever had Celebi and Pokemon Heroes had Latias and Latios which are three of my favorite legendary Pokemon! If you like Pokemon and did not have the chance to see those last two in theaters you really missed out! I saw Pokemon Heroes in the theater last May and it was so awesome! Latias was so cute! The only downside to those two is hardly any Team Rocket---in Pokemon Heroes they get less than 10 minutes screentime! ~Please give detailed responses why you like to movies. Not just "I like Pokemon 2000, it was cool" or stuff like that. Thanks!~
  5. I just started high school in a city where I don't know anyone. I am a 15 year old girl and I guess here it is really weird if you like Pokemon or Yu-gi-oh especially if you are a girl. From what I can tell nobody here my age likes Pokemon. I have a Pikachu keychain on my bag and when people see it they give the strangest looks---it is so funny! I don't really care about what other people think about me liking Pokemon but I do wish that I knew other people my age who where into Pokemon and just anime in general.
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