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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KarmaOfChaos [/i] [B][color=deeppink] Darnit Arch, you posted your newest poem before my review of your old one got posted! Curse you and your fast postage-ness! Lol. Just kidding. Kyo - And I'm entitled to disagree with you. ; ) [Holding On] Bittersweet, just like the last one. People don't see you as any different, even though you're now carrying this darkness inside you...I know how you feel. Very nice rhythm, as always. Who hurt your soul so much? (sorry for this shortness, I'm getting tired...) -Karma [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=royalblue][size=1] Eh, no one did. I just write things depending upon my mood, and then I tie the strings together. Some of my poems are from personal experience, some are not. Most of the dark ones aren't. Alright, I guess I'll slow down a bit with my posting. I'll post another after someone posts. Heh, I already have all these so far written down, and I'm running out... Must... find... more inspiration![/color][/size]
By the time he reched his house, Mr. Marksman realized that no one was there. He growled, then continued wheeling around, when he thought of something: Maybe Tanya was with Mr. Lunais. They seemed pretty close. He began wheeling to Mr. Lunais' house, at the other end of town. "Damn these ribs." He muttered. "You need help, sir?" Someone yelled. "Screw off." Mr. Marksman said. "Yea? Same with you! The guy yelled back and walked back into his house, fuming.
[color=royalblue][size=1][i]Hours later...[/i] "Gyah- Ah..." Kaiho mumbled, getting to his feet. He felt tired. "It must have been a dream then..." he said. He looked around in terror at Mac Anu. "B-B-But that's impossible!" he gasped. He attempted to remove his visor, but he realized that there was nothing to remove, and that he couldn't find himself in the real world. "No! No, it can't be happening!" He yelled. Some players looked at him strangely. "I'm... I'm not really in here... Am I?" He asked himself quietly. He sat on the end of the bridge, enjoying the breeze, regardless of its irony. "Fine then. I guess I'll make the best of it... Alright, to my favorite feild, then! Sigma: Bright, Never-Ending, Sea of Cloud!" He yelled, and recieved more strange looks from the players.[/color][/size]
[color=royalblue][size=1]I had this dream just last ight. I didn't even realize it was an otakuboards dream until I thought about it. For some strange reason I was in the middle of a medieval war. Most of the people on my side where from otakuboards. For instance, animangademon was her character in one of her RP's, and she had a giant sword. I had a frodo-like dagger. YAY! Anyway, so we were killing, and slashing, all that good stuff, but I distinctively remember slashing someone that looked like Legolas across the chest. Then, after we had won, we turned a corner, and there was Raiha, in her jester suit (I had been looking at the pictures) and she had a dagger too. So we started a dagger fight, and she ended up stabbing in the back, literally. Then she poisoned me. The poison had some funny name, like laughing-pumpkin-gas, or something, but in the dream it was like some deadly desease, so I chased after her, but she hid. Interesing, huh? Heh.[/color][/size]
[color=royalblue][size=1]Well, here's another old one. Enjoy! ----------------------------- [Holding On] All you, staring at me Tell me, how can you see? I'm really not that different anymore Tell me, how can you tell That I'm such an angel? I'm not so full of life anymore What happened that day, The day I gave my life away? To save the others from the fall I can no longer see the difference between you and me I just can't stay here anymore So, I've done some good things, Why do I feel so bad? The darkness in my heart is beating strong, Ever since that day, when I gave my life away How, can you see into me I'm not that simple, you'll find, I'm not that different anymore This darkness in my heart may be beating strong, But I've got to hold on You may think you've got me, And that you understand Well it's really not as simple as that I've been poisoned since that day The day my soul gave way And I am still holding strong The quavering darkness may be near, And my heart will have to find a place to take hold I may be fighting a war Against the one who tore my soul apart But I've still been here all along I'm still here, through it all[/color][/size]
"...TANYA!" Mr. Marksman screamed, sitting up suddenly. He accidently unhooked some of the tubing as he did. He winced in pain. "Kill you... I'm going to kill you!" He yelled again. He noticed the wheelchair next to his bed. He carefully, during a period of ten minutes, lowered himself from the bed to the chair. His arms were perfectly capable of pushing a wheelchair, and of firing his gun, which he found on a table near the bed. He arrived from the elevator on the bottom floor, and casually wheeled out of the hospital. "How the hell am I gonna get to Tanya?" he asked himself. He decided to simply use the wheelchair. He'd get there eventually, regardless of the IV's hooked up to him.
[COLOR=royalblue][size=1]Eh, sorry Chibi_Sango, but This isn't a thread about posting your own poetry, but since your poetry isn't bad, I think you should make your own thread. Please delete your post, however. Thanks! Eh, I just noticed that I forgot to put the title on that poem! It's called "Pieces". Well, for Window-Shopper, I didn't really have anybody in mind, but I was inspired to write it because of all the little kids that scream in those stupid haunted houses, even though the actors are never going to touch them. It's not all that, though. Thats just how I got the idea. Well, thanks for the comments! I think I'll post the first poem I've made... Heh, it's kind of like "Strands". --------------------------- [Rise] Lost one's reach for the stars, Kept only by their thoughts of glory Still, they reach for the sun Only to find a burning hell Rise, the earth shatters still, Lost in its bitter, pointless warring Fly, fly past the moon Search for a starlit sanctuary News of the shattering world breaks on a planet, found and guided The shattering threatens to kill, And annihilate this starlit sanctuary Past the wonderful world, Lies a planet vengeful and misguided This world conpires, Resolves to steal, Steal the power of the world Rise, the planets devide Chaotic warfare splits the nation Save, saving the world An angel punishes the evil hoards Rejoice! Restored are the worlds, Never again to be in darkness A monolith stands to remind, Remind of the sacrifice Rise ------------------------- Yes, doesn't it remind you of "Strands"?[/color][/size]
[color=royalblue][size=1]Alright, here's another one. It's extremely short, but I plan on adding to it later. ----------------------- [Pieces] As we awalk Down a path To our sweet insanity We will find, We are here Where we aren't supposed to be In the dark, we will crawl, and we will not find a thing Though in the dark, We still search For an unknown fragment of life We might find, just one peice Of our never-ending bliss As we search, in the dark, Will we only find peace in this? ------------------------------ Well, there it is. Probably my darkest poem since Window-Shopper.[/color][/size]
"I'm going to kill..." Mr. Marksman muttered in the hospital bed. "Woah... He's waking up, guys!" someone yelled. "Kill... You... Tanya..." he said slowly, mouthing out the words, enjoying the way they rolled out. "Hey, Mr....," The doctor read the nametag at the end of the bed. "Marksman." He finished. "Yea?" He said, opening on eye. "Right now we're taking you to have surgery on you back. Don't worry, we don't think your parylized." He said. "Pa...rylized...?" He muttered, then slipped back into unconsciousness.
[font=arial]"Why are you crying, Charelotte?" Kilo asked. Then it hit her. Kilo must be a guardian android of some sort. The certain words, phrases, and visuals that made him go insane must have been a defense mechanism programmed by the one he was to protect. "I... Who are you, Kilo?" She asked. "I am Kilo." he said, with slight sarcasm. [i]He reminds me of what memories I have of my father...[/i] she thought, then broke down again. "I'm just so confused... My Jack..." She muttered, covering her face with her hands, sobbing into them. "You know, there's only one odd memory that I have." Kilo said. "What's that?" Charelotte said, even though she was still sobbing. "I'm killing people. Lots of them, but I can't controll myself. It's not like my limbs are moving on my own... It's just that I'm compelled to do it, and every time I slay, it makes the feeling stronger. However, a man runs to me, and shouts a phrase I can't remember, and I am no longer so compelled to kill, but I am horrified at what I've done. I feel as though something is drilling through my body, and everything goes black. That's my only memory that goes past two years ago." he said. "Well..." Charelotte said. She really hadn't been paying attention. She was thinking about Jack.[/font]
[color=royalblue][size=1]Thank you all, once again. Alright, here's another poem that I wrote a while ago. It sounds rather paranoid. ---------------------- [Window-Shopper] Though in the shadows you are as stone, Your haunts go unheeded Your abscence is unknown You lurk in my shadow, Where I don't want you to be You're still there watching, but you make no move on me As if your window-shopping, You watch, then pass me by But later you'll come hunting Only to satisfy the eye As I stumble through your darkness, You slither past my feet Your only here to scare me, I'm only here to see So why am I so frightened Of one who looks but doesn't touch? I know your here, but still you stay Only to pass, be on your way[/color][/size]
[color=royalblue][size=1]Here's a poem that's kind of hard to follow. Don't worry, I wrote it that way. I made it while I was listening to 'Butterfly' from DDR, so that kind of explains it. -------------------------- [Strands] Singing from the sun to moon You dance on strands of light Parading in the moonlight, Tell a tale from star to star If the darkness were as stone, You would pound it to powder Such a fine powder, It would sift through my hands If the light were as a web, You would dance 'cross its surface To find such a thing, Would be very rare, indeed If the sun were your bride, you would dance with her 'till the end of time To dance such a dance, A peaceful dance Sneaking from the sun to moon It breaks the strands of light Slaying in the moonlight Tell a tale from star to star So, if the darkness were as stone would it raise it up on high? Such a solid stone, It would be hard to use for sand So, if the light were as a web, Would it break the strands with joy? To do such a thing Would be very cruel, indeed So, if the sun were its bride It would mistreat her night for night To make such a plan A malicious plan Meeting between the sun and moon They do battle on strands of light And though they fight for different causes, Both tell a tale from star to star ----------------------- Enjoy! And many thanks for the compliments![/color][/size]
[color=royalblue][size=1]Thank you, Karma! Alright, here's a poem dedicated to my closest friend, who recently moved away. ------------------------- [Wingspan] In the corner of my mind, In the deepest, high blue sky, I see what else I've lost, but also what I've found I can now see how it has hurt you so And as we both scream mutely, The danger passes, and so we may breath Though one may have fled, Be sure they will return, For loss is not what was planned And so, if we are seperated, Keep this gift to remember me by, Keep the sky And though my gift seems selflish, look beyond its value, See what it truely means within If you cannot see, then use my eyes; I will use your ears Though our the circle is broken, The idea still remains, So we still may meet, And create that infinite line, Of an unbroken peace, Hope of once lost sanctuary So as we sing in the heart of the forest Let be known to the birds and trees, Let be known to the the humans of metal, Let be known to all on earth, You may break our circle Keep us from the forest, From our valued peace Then our circle may be broken, But our wings may still one day fly ---------------------- Well, I hope you like it. It's a perfect example of me going crazy with metaphores. I know it's kinda messy.[/size][/color]
[color=royalblue][size=1]All of these poems are copyrighted under the username Kaiho. I am, obviously, Kaiho. By the way, even if you attempt to steal these, the moment you post any type of document that plagerises my work, about seven Federal Agents will tackle you, and take you to an insane asylum, [strike]where you get cupcakes[/strike] where I [b]heard[/b] you get cupcakes. ------------------------------ [Full Moon] The peace of the night's soft light The living day, the sun so bright And though this may all end so soon, There's still the sweet intoxication of the full moon As we sing the soft praises of noon, The lulluby of the crescent moon, The telltale song of the rain at night, The orchestra of snow, at morning light Though these all may end so soon, There's still the sweet intoxication of the full moon Can none compare, To the happiness in the air? As we run with laughter, to the song of the loon, Let be known the light of the bright, full moon The river's ebb and flow, The earth may sing, So? I will sing along to the song of the loon, For the sweet intoxication of the full moon ------------------------------ This is my self-proclaimed best self-written peice. It's not very metaphorical, which is suprising, since most of my poems are. I'll post more poems later, once people have responded. By the way, yes, I mean 'the song of the loon'. It's not a misspelling, a loon is a type of bird. Also, don't worry. Not all my poems are this cheerful. I was just in a good mood. [/color][/size]
[color=royalblue][size=1]Wow. I'm assuming you speak of the tin angel as either you, or someone you know. I think it's someone you know, possibly the best friend you spoke of before. Maybe you look up to this 'Tin Angel', but he/she isn't happy with him/herself, and is probably depressed, making you upset feeling pity for him/her, because you can't understand why they are so unhappy. But thats just me. Anyway, great ryhming, great words, great everything. YAY! I can't think of any word besides great to describe this... Excellent! Yay again! I expanded my vocabulary by one word![/color][/size]
[color=royalblue][size=1]"Die, moster!" More Skeiths and the barbell creatures were appearing by the hundreds. "This is impossible..." Kaiho said. He felt an odd breeze again. Two characters warped into the town, on of which was the wavemaster he had seen earlier. "That doesn't matter... I need to fight too!" he said to himself, and busied himself by slashing at a Skeith. [i][b]"This can't go on forever, Kaiho. They will all die eventually.[/i][/b] Morganna said. "What do you wan't me to do?" He asked. [b][i]"I want you to let yourself be killed by one of my monsters."[/b][/i] Morganna replied. "I don't want that to happen! Wasn't there some rumor a long time ago about a character that couldn't log out? They said he had a barbell..." He realized what the creatures where. He looked into the sky. "I thought you only helped me..." He said. [i][b]"Some things are simply out of your grasp."[/i][/b] Morganna said. "What do you..." He said, but was lifted up by a Skieth. It's bracelet opened. "Stop it! It's got the kid!" Someone yelled, and they all focused on that one Skeith. After the Skeith was dead, the battle continued. [i][b]"You could have stopped the battle, Kaiho. Now, you don't want all the players in coma's, do you?"[/i][/b] Morganna said. "I...I..." He muttered. For a moment he smelt the salt from the ocean channels.[/color][/size]
[color=royalblue][size=1][i]"Hunny, what are you doing? dinner's ready. Get off the game." Kaiho's mother said. She took off the goggles, and looked at him, then gasped. His eyes were blank, and he began to twitch. She put the visor back on immediately, and he began acting normally again. "Why did I ever let him play that game! All it ever did was cause trouble!" She said frantically, and called for an ambulance. [/i] Kaiho gated out of the area. In the root town, he ran to a crowd of people, still unable to log out. He thought he felt a breeze for a moment. "Can anyone help me? I'm unable to log out!" Kaiho yelled. "Stop trying to get famous, punk." Someone yelled back. The graphics quivered, and the scratching noise accompanied it once more. "Hey, what the-" someone yelled, but was unable to finish, because he fell to the ground because of the tremors. Ten Skeiths appeared, along with hundreds of barbell guardians. [i][b]"NOW, KAIHO, IF YOU WON'T EMBRACE HAPPINESS, THEN I MUST FORCE YOU TO!"[/i][/b] Morganna yelled, shaking the area as she did. "Hey, that kid's not lying! Let's fight those things!" Someone yelled. The players cheered, and charged, slashing and hacking at every guardian and Skeith. Amidst the battle, many people warped in from the Chaos Gate, and joined the fight. Many people where being data drained. Every time a guardian or Skeith's Protection broke, a bracelet appeared out of thin air, and Data Drained that creature. Cries of spells and skills being used rang through the area. Soon enough, Lios, the administrator of the world appeared. "What is this nonsense?!" Lios yelled. "As I said before, she doesn't seem to care for us very much." said Helba, the legendary hacker, who had just appeared. The battle raged on.[/color][/size]
[color=royalblue][size=1]Let's not forget one important detail... If you watched the first .hack//LIMINALITY, then you would realize that there is no motion suit in .hack. Like Braidless Baka said, the players wear goggles and use a controller. They possibly only made the .hack anime the way it is, because it would be boring to watch a character moving in the same way, over and over again, and not moving their mouth while talking. Hey, I could be wrong, though.[/color][/size]
[color=royalblue][size=1][i][b]"My brother... How would you like to live in this place... You would be the most powerful of all the player characters, and you would never be pestered by the others again."[/i][/b] Morganna said soothingly. Kaiho thought about it. He began to look around the room in thought. When his vision passed the statue, he took a double-take. There were now two statues on the raised platform. Next to the boy was a girl that had no chains. She was holding the hand of the boy. Their eyes seemed to plead for him to not believe his "sister". "I don't know..." He said. [i][b]"Oh, but you do know! Wouldn't you love to feel the breeze in the Aqua Capitol Mac Anu? Wouldn't you love to feel the excitement of a real battle?"[/i][/b] Morganna asked. "I have to go. Dinner's ready." Kaiho said. He tried to gate out, but he couldn't. The golden rings dissapeared at his feet. "...Sister...?" He began, then became frightened. More of the Skeiths were appearing, in vast numbers. He readied for battle. [i][b]"You must understand brother! I am trying to save you!"[/i][/b] Morganna said, and her voice shook the room. The graphics began to act strangely again, along with the scratching sound. Kaiho fled from the castle. He ran to the Chaos Gate.[/color][/size]
[size=1]OOC: I'm not dead... Yet. ^_^ ----------------------- "Gyah... Damn it..." Mr. Marksman muttered, attempting to get up. "We've had enough of your ludacris teaching methods, see?" Ashly said, and took out a gun. " I only wish... I... Could apologize..." Mr. Marksman muttered, and fell to the ground, bleeding. "Is... is he dead?" Circa asked. "No." Mr. Marksman said, and stabbed Circa in her foot. "You bastard! Die!" Ashley shouted. He shot where Mr. Marksman was, but he rolled away, and got up. "I've only been stabbed, you know." He said.[/size]
[font=arial]"Di- Did they survive?" Mr. Kyoshiro asked. "I doubt it. Look at the flames." Mr. Marksman said. They were watching the building burn like it was a fireworks display. "We'd better go. Don't want any witnesses saying that we were standing here, watching the fire burn, and smiling." Mr. Kyoshiro said. They both got into the car, and drove away. The kids emerged from behind the apartment building once the coast was clear. "That bastard!" Tanya yelled.[/font]
[color=royalblue][size=1]"I won't stand for this!" Kaiho yelled. He charged at the creature, slashing with his sword. The symbols on it's HP bar changed, as if they were real numbers. The beast whipped Kaiho with its tentacles. "Gyah... Pha Repth!" Kaiho said, healing himself completely. He charged again. The creature dodged the attack, and beat Kaiho down with the tentacles again. He healed himself. [i]There must be some way to beat it...[/i] Kaiho thought. After a few more minutes of battle, the words PROTECT BREAK appeared over the creature. A glowing bracelet opened from the statue of the chained boy, and it fired. Streams of strange symbol appeared around the barbell creature. It then dissapeared. [i][b]"Perposterous!"[/b][/i] Morganna yelled. Three more of the barbell creatures appeared.[/color][/size]
[color=royalblue][size=1]"Sister! why did you do that?!" Kaiho repeated. [i][b]"Kaiho... you have much to learn. Some things... are simply above your level of understanding."[/i][/b] Morganna said. The creature that resembled a barbell turned towards him. "No, stop this!" Kaiho yelled. He dodged a single peircing tentacle, and turned around, glaring at the beast. "I don't care if you are my sister! PhaRue Zot!" He yelled. The monster was encased in a block of ice, which shattered. The remainder of the ice fell hevily on the monster, piercing it. The ice that had pierced the monster shot out of it in large stalagtites. It's HP bar read: @!$65#$^#^*. "What's this?!" Kaiho yelled in bewilderment.[/size][/color]
[color=royalblue][size=1]Well, heres my list: Bow, quiver, target, armguard, arrows, all that archery stuff. iPOD, and all that junk that goes with it. Wooden or bamboo practice katana. I'd rather have a real one, but, yea right. My parents would never let me. A WORKING scanner so I can finally post some of my artwork. Art supplies. Boots. Thats pretty much it. Unless of course, you count turning the world into an RPG.[/color][/size]
Wow... I'm in like 5 adventures right now... -------------------- [color=royalblue][size=1] [b]Name:[/b] Alexander "Frosty" LockHeart [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Job[/b] Defender [b]Appearance.[/b] His hair is dyed blue. It is tossled, and falls at his shoulders. He has blue eyes. He wears a bulletproof vest, made of fibers from the web of a Black Widow Spider's web, which is stronger and more lightweight then kevlar. Under the bulletproof vest, he wears a white, sleeveless shirt. He wears blue, faded jeans and a brown, leather belt. attached to his belt on his right hip, is the sheath for his katana. on his right hip, is the holster for his pistol. Extra ammo is attached all over his belt. He wears a watch on his left wrist that contains only the detonator for his remote mines, and the time. [b]Weapon(s):[/b] x1 Katana, x1 Pistol, x5 Remote Mines [b]Bio:[/b] "Frosty", as he likes to call himself, was trapped in a ship at the Antarctic for almost two years, when he was rescued. This isolation did him some good, making him independant, and his reflexes quick. He is also a very knowledgable weapons specialist. He practices many types of sword techniques.[/size][/color]