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Arch was arguing with a merchant about the price of bread, since he had nothing better to do. He then noticed a few humans walk into the villiage, along with a fairy. *This should prove more entertaining than the incompetent merchent* Arch ran up to them(which was considerably fast) and pointed at the fairy. "Excuse me, but do I know you?," he asked. "I don't think so." Mystika said *Oh please, he's probably trying to hit on me* she thought."No I'm sure I do... or at least have heard of you..." he said. "Don't think so," She said "C'mon you two, you need some weapons." "I can pay for them!," Arch said "Oh please!," Mystika began, then seeing the mythril he was wearing, she shut her mouth. "Of course you can help us!" She said with way to much vigor. "Now come along, we have to equip you with the best stuff here!" She said, then ran of with them, and Arch's money before he could protest. "Oh, right." He muttered "It seems I'm being used." "Who is that guy?" asked Yujin "I don't know, but now your gonna get much better equipment than I was planning to buy you," She said "Maybe he's some kind of royalty, because he's rich!" "I can hear you, you know." Arch yelled across the town "What?!" Mystika yelled back "Your way too far out of earshot, your just a-" A wave of realization came over her. "You aren't human, are you?" Mystika asked. "Now we're on the same page." Arch grinned.
Haha! Just my type of thing! ______________________________ Name: Arch Age: 1,254 Race: Ender Mutant Weapon: Archaeic Blade Personality: Mysterious and sometimes kind. Bio: After being defeated several times trying to conquer certain planets, he has a new veiw on life, and has overcome his harsh childhood. He now drifts around earth, trying to find a place where he belongs. Appearance: Arch wears a mythril breastplate, armgaurds, and boots. Under the armor he wears a green tunic. Under the tunic is a full body suit made from the fur of a fire rat, which is stronger than kevlar. He also wears brown leather gloves and a leather belt. He is lean and tall. He has sharp facial features, and looks very much like my avatar. His hair is gold in color, and falls on his shoulders. He has peircing silver/blue eyes.
YES! After seeing pics for those last two episodes, I wanted to move to Japan, and learn Japanese. This is slightly easier. Can't wait! I've been a .hack fan since I accidently came across .hack//SIGN one day. (that was when it used to be on at 3:00 PM on Cartoon Network)
I'm pretty sure there are only 26 episodes. I don't know where you heard about the other 2, but there is an episode that is made almost completey of flashbacks.
Ah, I see yes, your right. I remember now when Bear said he was a retired novel writer... I didn't catch Mr. Tokawoaka being 34, though. I'll have to watch it again.
I always liked the villians, because of how mysterious they are. A Morganna card would be nice.
Does anyone else think that Mr. Tokawoaka from .hack//Liminality is Bear from .hack//SIGN? Both are divorced, Mr. Tokawoaka worked for CC Corp, and Bear seems to know alot about that stuff, plus in one episode, Bear said he was turning 47, and Mr. Tokawoaka looks about that age. It can't all be a coincidence, can it?
Not to be judging, but I've noticed from your posts, Black_Pheonix, that you are able to read into things very well, a trait that I lack... I thought the hands not touching was some annoying thing they did to make people like me a little annoyed. Actually, I never thought about it. But I do believe you are right. A reason that I personally think they did that is to spark more interest in viewers, making them want to play the game to learn more about this enticing story, either for business or to send a message to us. (us meaning "the young people" I suppose) I would like to shake the hand of whoever made up the .hack storyline.
Feh, I started .hack//OUTBREAK and it begins kinda slow if ya wanna level up and do other missions. I think I'm gonna get on with the story. it sounds interesting. [*spoiler]Mia acts freaky in the beginning, quote "I know where they are... they're at a festival...," and "DON'T TOUCH ME!"[*/spoiler]:drunk: :drunk: :drunk:
:eek: This post contains spoilers! :eek: (cant get spoiler cover thing to work.) Maha... It was sad when she died (pretty sure it's a she becauseI'm pretty sure that Maha is Mia from the .hack video games) i heard on another post and it makes sense. Also that she is with Elk, who looks freakishly like Tsukasa So maybe Maha isn't dead
Help me... I think I'm blind.... AHHHHHHHHH! It's a nightmare bear and orca look like trolls! well actually they always did... (especially orca) And yea BT looks the same... But What did they do to them!? WHY??!!! And what did they do to Mia? I thought she was a bird at first!
Anime (US/CAN) General thoughts and ratings for .hack//SIGN 26, "Return"
Bio replied to Shy's topic in Otaku Central
Rating: 10/10 This episode was awesome. It was cool how they dramatized the way Sora was data drained, with his arms getting locked to the staff and all. To all you people who asked the questions about what happens next should play the games. It doesn't completely clear everything up, but it still makes things less confusing. It is also cool how this episode sets everything up for the first game: .hack//INFECTION -
sigh... if you where trapped in a game, dont you think it would hurt alot if you got hit? in one of the episodes, tsukasa gets smashed into a wall and appears to be in very much pain. plus THIS MAY BE A SPOILER TO PEOPLE WHO ARE NEW TO THE SERIES tsukasa gets revived in the area where aura is and the ressurection appeared to be extremely painful. he could be at level 99, but is cautious because it hurts like **** when you get smashed into the wall by a giant knight.
I guess there are a few spoilers ahead... In the second to last episode i think it was meantioned... catastrophe was it? Tsukasa uses magic to heal a few people and i saw him revive silver knight. why don't they have to waste about a minute (exaggeration) to say stuff like rip mean? you have to in the game...
hehe, i can't believe you wrote an entire summary. I give you lots of credit. but to all you that haven't seen it, actually watching it is better. wait until the dvd or video comes out and buy it. it is probably the best episode in the series, since it ties in the most with the video games.
yea, i was annoyed by that too. plus if you only see the face, it is actually questionable. but you hear his real voice in the last episode. and it freaked me out. it sounds like his other voice except higher.
heh, my favorite song from .hack//SIGN is Aura (I have a line from it on my signature) It's really cool and it's basically about Aura talking to Tsukasa. I'll write down all i know from it... if you are near to the dark i will tell you 'bout the sun you are hear, no escape from my visions of the world you will cry all alone but it does not mean a thing to me knowing the song i will sing till the darkness comes to sleep come to me, i will tell 'bout the secret of the sun it's in you, not in me but it doesn't mean a thing to you then it goes on with some other parts that don't seem to rhyme... i only heard the song once and have seen the words.. i need to get the soundtrack
hehe foolish people for not becoming obsessed with dot hack (first three posts.) Yes, it was extremely cool when skieth appeared in the last episode. (having played all the games so far and working on .hack//OUTBREAK) That was an evil way to sum it up, though. those people love to torture fans with cliffhanger endings, DONT THEY!?
Yeah, sora makess it interesting. BUT HES A FOOL FOR BETRAYING MORGANNA! (I like the villianss for some reason, they are cool!) What made him think morganna would possibly just let him go? Idiot. i heard hes a fourth grader on another post though so that explains his foolishness and why he called morganna "old lady." I thought he was pretty childish. (but funny!)
Anime What connection does Maha and Tsukasa have? (May contain spoilers)
Bio replied to Ani_Freak's topic in Otaku Central
I believe that maha is either tsukasa's dead mother, or just a living essanse in the game. I don't think its morganna, because she sent "guardians" after tsukasa to data drain him, but maha sacrificed herself instead. Plus I think tsukasa called maha mother once, but maha sounds like mother so i could be wrong. Also, unless morganna is insane and likes to talk to herself, (which i dont think she is) she isn't maha. -
Umm... yea I agree with Hack Helba. Though he is a fourth grader, i don't think he died. After all, orca (infection) was only a few years older and he didn't die. And what about sieg?(liminality) I don't think it said how old he was in liminality but they weren't high schoolers. Plus, Sora is an idiot to think Morganna wouldn't punish him! And another reason why I know he's no dead: Morganna said: "Now, Sora, I will teach that there is something much worse than death." or something to that effect.
hmm... interesting. A werewolf would be fun wouldn't it... I wonder if you get to behead other players... that would be a nice effect! heheh... I wasn't aware that the manga was even being sent to the US. I'll have to look around in the places you all have meantioned...