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Everything posted by Bio

  1. Bio

    New Theme

    [font=Trebuchet MS]That [b]has[/b] to be Cloud in the banner. For a little while last night, the sidebar showed a full picture of him. Shwaa. Yes, the tweaked Liquid is indeed spiffy. ^^ [/font]
  2. [font=Trebuchet MS]I can't say I'm very knowledgeable about the topic, but my brother being depressed has given me at least a little experience. I know that he went to therapy and took medication, but eventually just stopped doing both because they didn't seem to work. Now, he's fine; he got through it on his own. However, it's probably different from case to case. If there [i]is [/i]a chemical imbalance that causes depression, then it could probably fix itself as a person develops (assuming that this theoretical person in an adolescent). If the person is an adult, then it probably wouldn't fix itself, unless the imbalance is something that goes away over time. If that's the case, then medicine really isn't necessary, and would only create temporary and/or misleading results. If it's not, then I suppose medication [i]is[/i] necessary. Again, all of this is theory. I haven't even read any recent articles on the subject, heh. As for ADD and ADHD... I haven't really ever heard of someone with ADD or ADHD functioning very well in society without some form of medication to keep them focused. Regardless of what's "normal" or not, it would be easier if you're able to pay attention. [/font]
  3. [font=Trebuchet MS]This should be amusing. :p [font=Verdana][size=1][b]OtakuBoards Username:[/b] Bio [b]Alias:[/b] The Uninformed One [b]Image:[/b] [color=DimGray][url="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v130/Archetype777/roleplayerspic.jpg"]click here![/url][color=Black] [b]Writing Piece:[color=Gray] [/color][/b][color=Silver][color=Gray]((I felt like writing something silly, so tell me if you need something different.))[/color] [/color]The thunder roared, even though it was miles away. At this point, other people would have boarded up their windows and hid in the basement, leaving nature to do as it would. But Reth still sat on the dock, staring out at the violent lake and the oak trees that whipped around in the summer squall?s wind. [i]Oak trees[/i], he thought, [i]are the wisest of them all.[/i] A fresh tantrum of lightning punished the sky, but Reth didn?t so much flinch. He was comforted by the lightning, but not as much as he was by the torrential downpour that soaked through his strange clothes and into his skin. The humidity reversed the cooling effects of the rain, so he was actually quite comfortable. He had been swinging his legs lazily back and forth over the edge of the old wooden dock since the storm had started, and now he looked up to the oddly-colored sky. ?I wish I could be an oak tree,? Reth sighed, ?Then I could spend all my time just sitting in the rain.? As if to challenge this request, a white-hot bolt of lightning flashed through the air and cut through an old oak to his left. Reth uttered a small shout of surprise as he steadied himself to prevent falling off the dock. After his vision cleared from the light-blindness and he realized what had happened, he quickly stood up and ran to the tree. A large, black scar ran from the top of a split branch to the middle of the trunk. He traced his fingers across it and looked up at the canopy of trees. He had to blink through the rain that was getting in his eyes. ?Okay, maybe I don?t.? he said simply as he turned back to the lake, ?I guess being an oak tree sucks just as bad as being a human.? [/color][/color][/size][/font][/font]
  4. [font=Trebuchet MS]As much as I'd like to be pro-choice about suicide, I can't say I'd agree with a friend or someone in my family killing themselves just because they've decided their life is worth living. There are, however, a lot of factors that can drive someone to commit suicide. A person could be, for instance, clinically depressed, which is something that can't be solved alone (at least not immediately). A lot of people look at suicide as a cowardly and selfish way out of a problem because a person isn't thinking of the people who care for them. But don't you think that the people that care for them could be just as selfish for [i]not[/i] wanting someone they know to kill themselves? After all, it's easy for someone who isn't suicidal to say that life isn't so bad. Saying suicide is selfish and cowardly is a generalization. There are too many reasons people kill themselves to say that's it's a "weakling's way out". With that in mind though, a lot of people [i]do [/i]commit suicide without really thinking it through. For instance, in some abuse cases, the abused will kill themselves without ever seeking help. I'm undecided on the topic. I suppose I could just blame it on society for causing the problems that lead to suicide in the first place. :p [/font]
  5. Bio


    [font=Trebuchet MS]First, the overall quality of the posts in this thread is rather low. However, the biggest and most obvious problem is the double-posting (I've merged the double-post in this thread, which is why you won't see it). So, what you need to do if you want this thread to stay open is improve your post quality and [b]not [/b]double-post. Thanks. [/font]
  6. [font=Trebuchet MS]This thread, unfortunately, doesn't have the required rating, and so must be closed. Keep in mind, you can just re-create this thread with its appropriate rating. For more information on ratings, check out the stickies at the top of each forum. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/images/liquid/statusicon/thread_lock.gif[/img] [b]Thread Closed.[/b] [/font]
  7. [font=Trebuchet MS]First of all, this thread doesn't have a rating, which are required of threads of this type. for more information, read the stickies at the top of each forum. You can re-create this thread with its appropriate rating (and other standards mentioned here). Secondly, double-posting isn't allowed here. That's what the edit button is for. =P Third, this is the wrong forum. You recruit for your roleplays in the Adventure Inn, actually roleplay in the Adventure Square, and discuss the roleplay in the Arena Underground. This thread would be in the Arena. However, that is not how roleplays are carried out on Otakuboards. We use a system that's can be better described as a collaboration between roleplayers to write something closer to a book than a roleplay. Just look at any other roleplay in the Arena to get a taste of how its done here. So, due to those reasons, [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/images/liquid/statusicon/thread_lock.gif[/img] [b]Thread Closed.[/b] [/font]
  8. [font=Trebuchet MS]Unfortunately, this thread lacks a [b]rating, [/b]which are required of threads of this type. Keep in mind, you can [b]re-create[/b] this thread [b]with its appropriate rating[/b]. For more information on ratings, check out the stickies at the top of the Arena forums. Also, I think this thread is more appropriate for the Adventure Inn, since you're using it to recruit people, so I suggest you re-create it there. Remember, stickies are good. =P [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/images/liquid/statusicon/thread_lock.gif[/img] [b]Thread Closed.[/b] [/font]
  9. [font=Trebuchet MS]Sorry, but this thread needs a [b]rating[/b], even though it's just an idea. I have to close it, but you can re-create it [b]with its appropriate rating.[/b] If you have any questions about the ratings system, check out the stickies at the top of Arena forums. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/images/liquid/statusicon/thread_lock.gif[/img][b] Thread Closed.[/b] [/font]
  10. [font=Trebuchet MS]Animemainframe, This thread lacks a [b]rating[/b]. Ratings are required of threads of this sort, as they may contain offensive material. No rating = closed thread. Read the stickies at the top of this and other Arena forums for more information about ratings. You [b]can [/b]re-create this thread [b]with its appropriate rating. [/b] Also, you may want to consider improving your post quality just a little bit... commas would be nice. =P [size=2][b][img]http://www.otakuboards.com/images/liquid/statusicon/thread_lock.gif[/img] Thread Closed.[/b][/size] [/font]
  11. [font=Trebuchet MS]I've merged these two threads, as they basically ask the same question and serve similar purposes. If either one of you two (who made the original two threads above this post) have any questions or problems, you can throw me a PM or IM me. [/font] [center][font=Trebuchet MS][size=1]to actually answer your questions... [/size][/font] [left][font=Trebuchet MS][b]Clone Trooper:[/b] I'm not particularly interested in a Star Wars roleplay myself. The whole franchise is becoming a little overplayed to me... I don't really know how to describe it, but roleplaying in the Star Wars universe just doesn't appeal to me for whatever reason. [b]Zhara: [/b]Roleplays that interest me tend to be dark, fantasy, sci-fi, or some combination of those three. I'm bound to join something else if the idea is well thought-out, though. I think what really matters is that you make a roleplay deep and... [i]interesting, [/i]for lack of a better word. The genre you choose can have any effect, so just do what you wish. [/font][/left] [/center]
  12. [quote][color=#737373][size=2][color=Black]Originally posted by[/color][/size][size=2] [color=Black][b]James[/b] [b]God:[/b] [/color] I[/size]n the future, you can expect us to hardwire ratings into OtakuBoards, specifically for RPGs. Instead of writing it in yourself, you should be able to access a simple pull-down menu to select a rating automatically. Hopefully we can make it so that the rating is changable at any time. This also means that every thread will have a rating, because presumably we can make it so that the thread can't physically be posted without one.[/quote] [/color] [center][color=Black][font=Trebuchet MS] [size=3][b][i][font=Book Antiqua]And James said, "Let there be light!" And there was.[/font][/i][/b] [/size] [/font][/color] [left]The thought of a hardwired rating system has crossed my mind many times whilst annihilating poor threads. I cannot even begin to describe the joy this brings me, so I think I may just make you a pastry of some sort. [/left] [/center] [color=#737373][color=Black][/color][/color]
  13. Bio

    Wonka Inc. [M-LSV]

    For the interview, he wore a suit; new. It had been bought the day before by his mother, who insisted he'd look adorable in it. He would have much rather worn his Wonka regalia, of which had drawer upon drawer of in his bereau upstairs. But he was downstairs, in the family room, where the TV sat quietly for the first time in months. They were sitting side-by-side on the garish green couch set conventiently in front of that lucid LCD screen that the little boy so idolized. Mike's hair had been combed -- also for the first time in months -- by his mother just an hour before, so insanely neat that it the news crews were convinced it was a wig. People scurried back and forth with camera's lights, and other miscellaneous equipment that he didn't care about. With mild amusement, he sniffed the air; shitty cologne, alcohol, and cigar smoke. They were the mafia, just as he had predicted. He hated it. He hated his suit, his hair, and those mother-fucking reporter-gangsters that so boldly invaded his home. Who were they to come in here and talk to him like they knew him, like they were his best friend? He didn't need them. And oh, how he would love to plunge his steak knife (for protection from the mafia and aliens, wouldn't you know) into their arrogant throats. Currently, it was taped to his ankle. It would be so easy... "Mike, honey? He asked you a question." came his mother's voice, as if from another universe. His head cocked abruptly to the side to look at her (under five pounds of make-up and wearing a dress to match the couch), who motioned subtly but frantically toward the clean-cut young man who had apparently been talking to him for the past minute. Mike's eyes moved slowly to the side, not turning his head at all, glaring menacingly at the reporter, gauging him. He would not speak to a coward, no matter what his mother did later. Such is the way of insanity. The young man cringed on his stool, accidently making a stray mark on his notepad, which he quickly erased with the speed only someone who took notes for a living could accomplish. He could feel the fearful sweat building up in his armpits and running down his torso; he wasn't just scared of this kid, he was freaking [i]terrified. [/i]"Uh... I asked, W-What did you first do when you found the golden ticket?" The reporter said weakly, stumbling over his words. "Fuck you." Mike Teevee replied pleasantly. He picked up the television remote sitting next to him without giving the reporter a chance to react. Instantly, vibrant and almost erotic music filled the room, music by the very man Mike would be meeting in person. The crews stopped what they were doing when the music began to play, and their confused reaction filled him with such sadistic pleasure that a wicked grin broke out on his face. "So, you like Mr. Wonka's music too?" the reporter on the stool asked sheepishly. Mrs. Teevee urged Mike in wide and crazy eyes to answer to the affirmative. He knew she was dissappointed by his behavior (appalled was the word she would use later), but he honestly didn't care. The only reason he didn't throw a sardonic comment at the jackass sitting in front of him was the music. Nothing else mattered. He nodded his head absent-mindedly, and the reporter decided to ask his mother instead. "Mrs. Teeve, could you please tell me about how your son came across a Golden Ticket?" Excerpts of the Reporter's quotes from Mrs. Teevee: "I was so excited when little Mike came up to me and told me he had won the contest to meet Mr. Wonka, but I really didn't know much about it. I mean, children these days are always doing their own thing, so I just let him be the way he wanted..." "...So anyway, Mike came up to me and showed me his golden ticket -- he was so excited! It was almost too much to bear, him being one of the lucky few. I can barely believe it now. He just opened up a chocolate bar I had bought him when I went shopping, and there it was! Just sitting there waiting for him. He's such a good boy..."
  14. [font=Trebuchet MS]This thread lacks a [b]rating[/b], which are required for threads of this type. Not only that, but this is for Roleplay [b]discussion[/b], not recruitment, which is done in the [b]Adventure Inn[/b]. For more information, please take a look at the stickies at the top of each forum. Keep in mind, you can re-create this thread with its appropriate rating. [b]Thread Closed.[/b] [/font]
  15. Bio


    [font=Trebuchet MS]I think you misunderstand the point of this forum. It's discussion for text-based roleplays created by Otakuboards members, not for actual RPG video games. Remember to read the stickies at the top of each forum in the future. [b]Thread Closed.[/b] [/font]
  16. [font=Trebuchet MS]There's nothing wrong with the rating system itself, but rather RPG creators that decide whether to correctly use the system or not. As long as there's a rating, and one that accurately depicts the trivial subject matter contained inside, or even if it exaggerates what's going on to bump up the rating -- for whatever reason -- then I don't care. It's actually better, in my opinion, to stick an [b]M [/b]rating on a [b]PG [/b]thread if you have any doubts about the direction the thread will go. Although I don't exactly agree with inflating a thread's rating to attract a certain audience, There's no real way to prevent that. Creators will just have to be honest. [/font]
  17. [font=Trebuchet MS]Astdis, please don't double-post. I've merged your last two posts.[/font]
  18. [font=Trebuchet MS]Unfortunately, I have to close this thread because it lacks a [b]rating[/b], which is required of this type of thread. Keep in mind, you can re-create this thread [b]with its appropriate rating.[/b] For more information on ratings, please read the stickies located at the top of the Arena forums. [b] [color=Black]Thread Closed. [/color][/b][/font]
  19. [font=Trebuchet MS][color=Black]Danari, Posting just to advertise for your own site is against the rules here at Otakuboards. I somehow doubt you're staying long though, since apaprently you just joined to plug your site. Not only that, but this is a dead topic as far as I know, and starting dead discussions doesn't really have a point. So I'm closing this thread. [/color][/font] [center][size=1][font=Trebuchet MS][color=Black]*incoherent mumbling* [/color][/font][font=Trebuchet MS][b][size=3][color=Black]Thread Closed.[/color][/size][/b][/font] [/size][/center]
  20. [font=Trebuchet MS] [/font][font=Trebuchet MS] [b]-Biography-[/font][/b] [font=Trebuchet MS] The light is bright, shining calmly through the sterile curtains of the office. I can see the gruff man sitting behind his desk, looking at me; judging me like a piece of fruit. He's checking to see if I'm ripe, or if I'm bruised and immature. Well? 'What's your verdict?' See? I know what verdict means. I know a lot of things. And I learned them all by myself, without any teacher to help me. I don't need help like all the other boys and girls do. [i]My name is Mike Teevee. I'm nine years old and have never done less than perfect in any schoolwork. Ever.[/i] "Mike... your parents have sent you to me because they are worried about you, and they love you. They wanted me to tell you that." I know he's already made his 'verdict', even before he begins talking. That's how it always works. They always lock the sane one's up. I'm not crazy. I get perfect grades in school. I'm a good boy. It's just that no one understands like I do. No one is worried like I am. And besides, my mother says I'm a vegetable, not a fruit. That means you're out of luck, because you can't judge me like a vegetable, can you? You think you're so smart. [i]I live in a big white house with lots of windows. I like chocolate and watermelon.[/i] "Specifically, your parents are worried that you're becoming too attatched to television, and becoming obsessed with worlds that... aren't real." [i] I'm a schizophrenic.[/i] He's just like the rest of them. Can't he see that he's being lied to? We're all being controlled. They're making us think that we're safe, and that the movies will never happen, but... they're just wrong. Danger strikes when it's least expected. I think I heard that from a show on TV. And you have to listen to the hints or Danger will strike you. Danger will strike you with a big gun. "What was that, Mike?" "...What?" [i] I first saw Wonka in a music video while I was watching TV after school. When I told my parents about him, they reminded me about how I had gone to see a therapist, and had to remember that not everything about people on TV was real. But Wonka is my opportunity to prove that I'm not really insane... Wonka is my proof.[/i] "You were mumbling to yourself. Something about danger and guns? Is something bothering you that you'd like to tell me? You can tell me anything, and I'll keep it a secret, just between you and me." "I'm perfectly ripe! [i]You[/i] just think I'm bruised because you're... you're stupid!" [i]I found a golden ticket in my chocolate bar, just like the TV said I would. Just like the TV said I would. This ticket is my proof. I'm tired of being a crazy person. The TV doesn't lie. Wonka is real.[/i] [/font][font=Trebuchet MS] [b]Parent/Guardian: [/b]Mrs. Teevee [b] Age: [/b]Nine [b]Vice: [/b]Television [b] Appearance: [/b]Mike has always been a little more scrawny than everyone else, though he tries to hide it by wearing baggy clothes. In fact, he tries to hide almost all of himself. That's why he refuses to get his hair cut; he doesn't want the people on TV to find him. Though more than a little paranoid and clinically insane, Mike actually does well - perfect - in school, and has his own little clique, which has no idea about his mental ailments. Despite his perfection in acedemics, Mike is lazy. He hardly ever participates in pyisical activites, other than karate once a week (his mother forced him to do it). He'd rather watch than do. Mrs. Teevee is an obsessively perfect mother to the point of insanity (literal in Mike's case). She hardly ever mentions her son's schizophrenia, and does her best to pretend it doesn't exist. Mike recieved his good genes and metabolism from his mother; healthy and athletic looking despite doing nothing at all physical. For her, Mike is the perfect son. The perfect son who keeps a knife under his pillow. [/font]
  21. [font=Trebuchet MS]Well, I'm not an HTML wiz either -- you just need the basics to steal code. :p Anyway, this the stripped-down version of what I used for my post: [center][quote][table border="1" cellpadding="43" cellspacing="0"][tbody][tr][td align="left" bgcolor="[b]COLOR[/b]" width="475"][b]POST GOES HERE[/b][/td][/tr][/tbody][/table][/quote][/center] Obviously you'll have to change COLOR and POST GOES HERE for yourself. Also keep in mind that all of the brackets have to be changed too... These: [size=1][b][/b] (closing) just as the ones in my mock-code are: [ (opening) and ] (closing)[/size] Either that little explanation was too in-depth or made no sense at all. Hopefully you'll get it, lol. [/font]
  22. Bio

    Angel guard

    [font=Trebuchet MS]I'm a little confused... I don't really understand what you're trying to say, most likely due to your post quality. You also aren't really explaining enough about what you're posting for, either. I visited your mO, and I can't make heads nor tails of what these 'teachers' or the 'Angel Guard' is about. Maybe if you could re-post this with more details, I'd let it pass, but... I don't really think this has anything to do with Otakuboards anyway. For now, [b]Thread Closed.[/b] [/font]
  23. [font=Trebuchet MS][size=3][b][font=Times New Roman]Following from Godelsensei...[/font][/b][/size] Though the man by the candy house had been glaring intently at Alice for the duration of his speech, she still felt an odd sense of him [i]looking towards her[/i] as he finished. The feeling was unexplainable, and so Alice would not be bothered to mention it. "Young lady, are you quite done staring? I find it terribly rude, though I suppose that is only to be expected of a human." Alice became suddenly aware and looked to her aquatic companion, who was addressing her: "You would do well to let me talk; if you could not gather it, this gentleman does not like your type." The fanged creature nodded morbidly in confirmation and folded his arms. "Well, do come in. I'd more have you ruin the house than my garden -- I do enjoy it immensely -- and I will harbor you for now. But make no mistake, you will leave shortly." The fish shuffled towards Alice in a gesture that told her to take hold of his fin again. As they breached the doorway, from the darkness of the hall came the voice of the pale man: "Also, please restrain yourself from eating from this building; it does irritate it [i]so[/i]." As they entered what was apparently the kitchen, the first thing that Alice noticed was a thick book that lay firmly on a table made entirely of cake. It had a sense of reverence about it, as if it contained in its pages the answer to every question ever pondered. Like the rest of the house it was constructed of sweets; the binding and cover appeared to be a kind of chocolate pastry, and in a white icing it proudly declared its title to be: [b][font=Times New Roman][size=1][size=2]I[/size] [size=2]A[/size]M [size=2]M[/size]E[/size][/font][/b][font=Times New Roman][size=1][size=2][font=Trebuchet MS].[/font][/size][/size][/font][/font]
  24. Bio

    A Nation Reborn

    [font=Trebuchet MS]Just as in the other sections of your RPG, you have not included a rating in this thread's title, and I must close this. Don't be discouraged; you can just copy and past, and re-create the threads with their required rating. Please refer to the stickies at the top of each forum or PM a moderator for more information. [b] Thread Closed.[/b] [/font]
  25. [size=1][size=2][b][font=Trebuchet MS]What is it?[/font][/b][/size][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2] The Arena [b][size=1][size=2]Why is it nifty? [/size][/size][/b][size=1][size=2]RPGs on Otakuboards have become increasingly impressive overtime, and are becoming a larger part of the site. The Arena, in hosting these RPGs, in a very nifty place indeed. New ideas are being implemented all the time, and it'll be interesting to see how RPGs in the Arena evolve. [b]What is it? [/b]James [b]Why is it nifty? [/b]I'm sure James will have a spot in the Nifty Fifty, but I thought I'd nominate him anyway. He donates generous portions of his time to the OB and the Otaku Network in general, and definitely deserves credit for it. For directing this site (hence his title) James is obscenely nifty. [size=1]More later, hopefully.[/size][/size][/size][b][size=1] [/size][/b][/size][/font][/size]
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