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Everything posted by Bio

  1. [color=Sienna][font=Tahoma]I'm not sure if you wanted to add these to video games or create a .hack catagory, so do whatever with them. [img]http://www.myimgs.com/data/Arch77/Blackrose.jpg[/img] Category: .hack Name: Blackrose [img]http://www.myimgs.com/data/Arch77/Elk.jpg[/img] Category: .hack Name: Elk [img]http://www.myimgs.com/data/Arch77/hack2064.jpg[/img] Category: .hack Name: Kite [img]http://www.myimgs.com/data/Arch77/hack2068.jpg[/img] Category: .hack Name: Kite 2 [img]http://www.myimgs.com/data/Arch77/Kite.jpg[/img] Category: .hack Name: Kite 3 [img]http://www.myimgs.com/data/Arch77/hack2074.jpg[/img] Category: .hack Name: Sora [/font][/color]
  2. [color=Sienna][font=Tahoma]Yea... I guess the Loch Ness has been searched far too often for anything there to be undiscovered. Unless you want to get into some government conspiracy thing... Don't. As for Big Foot- same thing. The creature that makes me laugh hardest is the Jackalope. I've seen the photographs, and the rabbit thing is always a lighter color and out of proportion. It's hilarious. There's even some paranoid guy who thinks that there's some government cover-up. Why would the government have any interest in hiding a horned rabbit from the public...? I agree, if there are any more bizzare spiecies worth conspiracy theorists time, they'd be in the ocean. Then again, the okapi was recently discovered, so I could be wrong. [/font][/color]
  3. [color=Sienna][font=Tahoma]I don't know. It's pretty good, but I played for like a week. I'm sure it would be better online, or at least in multiplayer offline, but my brother is 'above those kinds of games' or something. Or maybe he's just being a ****. Whichever. The command system is awesome, though everything is incredibly similar to Diablo II. Even so, it's good. I really like how free the controls are. And the graphics are awesome! I can't resist running in water everytime I find some. The movements aren't jerky, and the characters models aren't clownish. (remember EQOA?) I'm really glad the character's don't look out of proportion. I decided to be a Dark Elf Shadow Knight. It's fun the be able to hack-and-slash, and then leave a trail of poison if things get tough. I didn't really do much in the game before I got bored of it, but maybe I'll go back too it someday. [/font][/color]
  4. [color=Sienna]I [b]loved[/b] the Power Rangers parody. (you even mentioned how their heads bob up and down!) Everyone had to have enjoyed the hall with the spoiler tags. And, the OtakuBoardsMegaZord...! Too put it simply... This is brilliant stuff. (and if this is the end of the story... I'll find you) [/color]
  5. Bio

    Ninja Gaiden

    [size=2][color=sienna]This is one of the best games I've ever played. The graphics are amazing, and could pass for cinima scenes in some lower budget games.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#a0522d]I'm on chapter 9 I think. I can't get past that part with the tanks. Anyway, the game is so good that it's actually exciting to play. After [spoiler]fighting Alma,[/spoiler] I had a quickened pulse almost as strong as if I'd been running.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#a0522d]I absolutely love the weapons. I have the fully upgraded Vigoorian Flal, (which is awesome) and fully upgraded Dragon sword. There are really cool skills to. Once you really get into the game and learn how to fight, it begins to look like battle sequences from a movie, with the running on walls and whatnot.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#a0522d]Everyone should buy this game. If they don't, they shall be condemned to the lower depths of Gamer's Hell. [/color][color=#a0522d]Yea, I need friends.[/color][/size]
  6. [size=2][color=sienna]As far as I know, early Christians believed that everyone could be ressurected from the flesh. They made a small hole in a person's tomb, and poured honey and water into it for the dead. It's reletively similar to the Egyptians, which raises a few questions. The Christian/Ressurection thing didn't last very long anyway, though, so that's kinda irrelevant.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=sienna]And for the Satanist, thing, this is what I know. Satan was once and/or is still called Lucifer, which literally means 'bringer of light'. I'm pretty sure that Lucifer was a Seraph, or somewhere higher up in the angel heirarchy. I'm not quite sure what mistake Lucifer made though. I think it was some kind of betrayal, or Lucifer believed that he was as powerful as God. I'm not very knowledgable in that department though. ^^[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#a0522d]I'm pretty sure that Hindus believe that when someone dies, they reincarnate as a different life form, depending on how much good and bad karma they had. I recall something about a Wheel of Karma, but I'm not sure.[/color][/size]
  7. [left][size=2][color=sienna](If you're a gluttonous blob like me, or just too lazy to click on the links...)[/color][/size][/left] [left][size=2][color=sienna][quote][/color][/size][size=2][color=sienna] [font=Times New Roman][size=4][color=black][b]FACT[/b][/color][/size][/font][/color][/size][/left] [left][font=Times New Roman]The world's largest scientific research facility--Switzerland's [i]Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire [/i](CERN)--recently succeeded in producing the first particles of antimatter. Antimatter is identical to physical matter, except that is it composed of particles whose electric charges are opposite to those found in normal matter.[/font][/left] [left][font=Times New Roman]Antimatter is the most powerful energy source known to man. It releases energy with 100 percent efficiency [/font][font=Times New Roman](nuclear fission is 1.5 percent efficient). Antimatter creates no pollution or radiation, and a droplet could power New York City for a full day... [/font][/left] -Dan Brown [left][size=2][color=sienna][/quote][/color][/size][/left] [left][size=2][color=#a0522d]That's the gist of it. Like Gelgoog said, matter and antimatter would cancel each other out. Keeping in mind that air is matter too, antimatter has to be stored in a vacuum. [/color][/size][/left] [left][size=2][color=#a0522d]This stuff would be chocolate for terrorists if it were to be used without caution. It's practically untrackable. As soon as it comes into to contact with matter, they cancel each other out, which in lamens terms means 'boom!'.[/color][/size][/left] [left][size=2][color=#a0522d]Everything comes with an opposite.[/color][/size][/left]
  8. [size=2][color=sienna]Alright, this is what I've read from books by Dan Brown, which are [i]vastly[/i] fact. All rituals, documents, etc. meantioned in the books are real, or however you want to word it. However, some of this information might be flawed, which I am aware of. *dons a flame-proof vest*[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#a0522d]Apparently, association with witches and devil worship was spread by the Catholic Church, in order to convert more Pagans into Christians. The Church also [i]apparently [/i]associated other religions with Satan.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#a0522d]Examples:[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#a0522d]Neptune's trident became the Devil's pitchfork[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#a0522d]A Pagan God (I can't remember which) of Male Firtility's horn's became the Devil's[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#a0522d]Etcetera, etcetera. (I obviously had a mental lapse)[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#a0522d]I can't remember more, but there's always that theory (or belief) that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married and had children/a child. I've also read that there are two other Gospels.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#a0522d]I'm Protestant with some tweaked beliefs. I'm not overly vehement about blaspheme or anything, and I'm kinda unsure about the Bible's accuracy. However, I agree with what has been said about the book's moral value. [/color][/size] [size=2][color=sienna]Oh, by the way Narius... [/color][/size] [size=2][color=sienna]O_o[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#a0522d]Maybe you should read and then reply...?[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#a0522d]Or at least let off on the arrogance, which you're going to deny you have. ~_^[/color][/size]
  9. [font=Tahoma][size=2][color=sienna]I hope you didn't need a full-body picture... You might have written something about that, but my computer is being to slow to check. [/color][/size][/font] [size=2][color=#a0522d]EDIT: Yea, it's supposed to look like he's covered in ash.[/color][/size]
  10. [color=sienna][size=2][b]Original Response:[/b] I don't know... I like the orange aura. It makes it seem like sunset or something.[/size][/color] [color=#a0522d][size=2][b]Post Reaction: [/b]Now, I'm not so sure I'd want that hanging on my wall, considering the that I now know what produces that glow that I previously viewed as beautiful. It makes me wonder wether or not they should have tied the straps that held this artist down just a little tighter.[/size][/color] [size=2][color=#a0522d]I suppose that it is art, seeing how art is mainly opinion. Personally, I wouldn't be interested in viewing this piece in a gallery if it were the original. [/color][/size] [size=2][color=#a0522d]EDIT: G/S/B Master, the purpose of this thread is relatively clear. He's experimenting with what he learned in aesthetics, probably to further confirm that it's true.[/color][/size]
  11. [font=Tahoma][color=sienna]Meh... I never was very good with copying character's poses and such... Oh well, hopefully I'll be able to redeem myself later in the competition.[/color][/font]
  12. [color=sienna][size=2][b]Halfway[/b]: I think this is describing a significant other that has been rather emotionally neglectful, and they won't listen whenever you try to tell them that.[/size][/color] [color=#a0522d][size=2][b]Wasting[/b]: This poem may be about the same person, or maybe a friend that's depressed. They think you don't care about them, and/or that nobody cares about them.[/size][/color] [size=2][color=#a0522d](sorry for not responding to these in a while)[/color][/size]
  13. [size=2][color=sienna]My other poetry thread was too old to bring back, and I also couldn't continue it without double posting.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#a0522d][b]Forté[/b][/color][/size] [left][font=Tahoma][color=sienna]All my life I've longed, I've longed[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Tahoma][color=sienna]I've longed for you to sing my song[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Tahoma][color=sienna]My love, all life, may heaven weep[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Tahoma][color=sienna]The downcast shadows drift to sleep[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Tahoma][color=sienna]In the land oe'r pride and pasture[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Tahoma][color=sienna]Find yourself, and run the faster[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Tahoma][color=sienna]O, my love, hell's demons weep[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Tahoma][color=sienna]Departure from an endless sleep[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Tahoma][color=sienna]I've known for long your troubled mind[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Tahoma][color=sienna]Your longful gaze, your love's design[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Tahoma][color=sienna]I've longed for you, the nightmares creep[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Tahoma][color=sienna]Along my cursed, loveless sleep[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Tahoma][color=sienna]Be fire nor fortune, axe nor saw,[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Tahoma][color=sienna]I'll find these trees and fell them all[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Tahoma][color=sienna]The one who calls, the water's deep[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Tahoma][color=sienna]Unknown torment, vacant sleep[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Tahoma][color=#a0522d]---[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Tahoma][color=#a0522d]I know... It's AABB format, but please find a way to forgive me... Anyway, I wrote this for an RP I'm doing.[/color][/font][/left]
  14. [size=2][font=Tahoma][color=sienna][size=1][size=2]Why I never looked at this before I'll never know. It's incredibly written, especially 'the deepness' that has been mentioned. It's also hilarious. I'm hoping the agent smith will reveal himself as an infamous banned member...? Or maybe not... Either way, post more. [/size][/color][/font][/size] [size=2][font=Tahoma][color=#a0522d]Ya! *cracks whip and tugs violently on your harness*[/size][/color][/font][/size]
  15. [color=black][color=sienna][size=2][b].hack//SIGN[/b]: I've seen almost every episode anyway, but I still must complete the collection. I'm pretty sure I only need the last two volumes.[/size][/color][/color] [color=black][color=sienna][size=2][b]Inuyasha[/b]: I don't know how much I'd get out of all the volumes, but I still want it in case I'm bored sometime. Oh yea, it'd also be way too expensive.[/size][/color][/color] [color=black][color=sienna][size=2][b]Witch Hunter Robin[/b]: I just love this show. It's fun to watch, and I love the character designs. [/size][/color][/color] [color=black][color=sienna][size=2][b].hack//DUSK[/b]: (or is it Legend of Twilight...?) I'm a die-hard .hack fan fitrst of all. Secondly, I've heard it's funny and interesting.[/size][/color][/color] [color=black][color=sienna][size=2][b]Naruto[/b]: Everyone's talking about it, so I might as well take a look.[/size][/color][/color] [color=black][color=sienna][size=2]That's all I can think of for now. I'll probably remember something else later (or as soon as I post). [/size][/color][/color]
  16. Bio


    [font=Tahoma][color=sienna]GreatDeityLink and Ohkami are in. Arika, I need a writing sample from you.[/color][/font] [size=2][color=#a0522d]I'd m[color=sienna]ight as well post my signup:[/color][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#a0522d][b]Name:[/b] Stacatto[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#a0522d][b]Age:[/b] 1,007[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#a0522d][b]Gender:[/b] Male[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#a0522d][b]Bio: [/b]Stacatto is the only one that knows the true orgin of the Tree Spirits, but he refuses to reveal anything. He was the one that had the power to free them from being captives of the trees, but he wanted to bring the children along. However, he decided to wait until they were old enough to be able to cross dimensions without becoming comotose. [/color][/size] [size=2][color=sienna]When he caught word that the forest was goign to be cut down, he had no choice but to sweep them away along with the forest. He is the king of the Tree Spirits, and a fierce warrior.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#a0522d][b]Personality: [/b]Mysterious, cunning, secretive, and to-the-point.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#a0522d][b]Weapon: [/b]Hymn (see picture)[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#a0522d][b]Spellcasting: [/b]Earth[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#a0522d][b]Appearance: [/b](see picture)[/color][/size]
  17. [size=2][color=sienna]I'm not sure about my dad, but I know that my mom doesn't think that anime/cartoons are just for kids. She heard Inuyasha say 'bastard' a few times in one episode, and saw him tearing apart demons with his hands on another episode. She also sometimes watches Family Guy, and she thinks it's hilarious.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=#a0522d][size=2]As for the whole anime and cartoons thing- I agree with what has been said. Anything that's animated is a cartoon. however, the unwritten definition usually generalizes anime as a cartoon that's more realistic, or a cartoon that has more mature themes. And that stereotype only exists because it is [i]usually[/i] true. However technically[i],[/i] anime is just the japanese word for cartoon[/size].[/color][/size]
  18. [font=tahoma][color=sienna]Maybe I'm not using it correctly, but sometimes when I edit a post in which I use WYSIWYG, a large amount of spaces apear in someplace on the post. It's probably my fault, but I was just curious...[/color][/font]
  19. [font=tahoma][color=sienna]When I saw this thread, one anime came to mind. [i]Final Fantasy Unlimited.[/i] The animation would swing in and out of proportion, and at times it would make me cringe. I suppose it's supposed to be a happy-go-lucky style, but seriously, it's comaparable to [i]Lupin III.[/i] Everyone's face shape is the same, except maybe Kaze. But then, his is the same as Mikenshi. And this, to me, made it not worth watching, and definitely not worth buying the next volume. And then there's [i]Witch Hunter Robin.[/i] Fluid, sharp, and realistic animation with characters that are easily identifiable. The story isn't bad either, but I doubt that I'd watch it if the animation were like that of [i]Lupin III.[/i] I don't know, but it's like shows with real people. I don't think [i]24[/i] would be too appealing in black and white.[/color][/font]
  20. [font=tahoma][color=sienna]I absolutely love this show. It's steadily moving to the top of my favorite anime list. The animation is spectacular, and the dubbing is also extremely good in my opinion. I haven't yet seen any awkward moments in which characters are out of proportion, or a mouth is moving a few seconds after the talking stops. In the first episode when the chief was talking, I noticed that the dubbing was especially good. Another thing I like is that the characters are easily identifiable, and each have a very different 'look'. For isntance, Robin wears Colonial clothing, which most stereotype witches do, (regardless of the fact that she isn't a witch, she's still a craft user) and Amon looks like the stereotype witch/werewolf hunter due to the black overcoat, his unshaven look, and that hairstyle (I don't know what to call it). Even then, not everyone is stereotypical, but they still carry unique attributes. Also, you can pretty much tell that someone in that show is a witch, because they usually have wide, angry eyes with small pupils, and their mouth is usually sneering. I also liked the fact that every witch has a different power, and that they arent exactly the classic witch, as there have been a wide range of witches already in the first few episodes. [/color][/font]
  21. [font=tahoma][color=sienna]I remember I found otakuboards directly while looking for lyrics to a .hack song. There was a thread about .hack music going on, so wanting to comment, I signed up as Arch. I suppose I wasn't a [i]horrible[/i] newbie, but I'm pretty sure that a few of my posts had absolutely no punctuation whatsoever. Also, I joined [i]Lost Hearts[/i] in the Adventure Arena. While that was going on, Annie (then animangademon) straightened me out. (though I would still run off-topic) A few months later, (when I had improved considerably) I bought FFXI, and forgot about otakuboards for around a month. I then came back, and requested that my name be changed to Bio. And here I am, exploring the extremely convenient and sleek v7.[/font][/color]
  22. Bio


    [font=tahoma][color=sienna]Rated PG-13 for violence, mild language, and suggestive themes. (when I say violence, I don't want all the gorey details. I just didn't put mild because there still is blood spatter, etc.) I want it to have a feel like FFTA or FFCC. I want it to be childlike in nature, but still retain it's story. This is an RP that I want to be succesful. In that sense, I will be rather strict about who I let in. Who I [i]do[/i] let in won't necessarily be based on quality, (though quality is a must) it will be based on if your character is right for the story. Now, onward to the intro...[/color][/font] --- [u][color=darkslategray][font=arial][size=2][color=black]Introduction[/color][/size][/font][/color][/u] [color=darkslategray][font=perpetua][size=4][center][b]Forté[/b][/center] [center][/size]All my life I've longed, I've longed[/center] [center]I've longed for you to sing my song[/center] [center]My love, all life, may heaven weep[/center] [center]The downcast shadows drift to sleep[/center] [center]In the land oe'r pride and pasture[/center] [center]Find yourself, and run the faster[/center] [center]O, my love, hell's demons weep[/center] [center]Departure from an endless sleep[/center] [center]I've known for long your troubled mind[/center] [center]Your longful gaze, your love's design[/center] [center]I've longed for you, the nightmares creep[/center] [center]Along my cursed, loveless sleep[/center] [center]Be fire nor fortune, axe nor saw,[/center] [center]I'll find these trees and fell them all[/center] [center]The one who calls, the water's deep[/center] [center]Unknown torment, vacant sleep[/center] [/font][/color] [font=perpetua][color=darkslategray][font=arial][size=2][color=black]---[/color][/size][/font] This story is about two children known to the world as Mark and Gaia(Jee-ah). There was a forest near where they lived, which they had deemed "The Sillouette." They grew up in that forest, and they came to both love it and fear it. They knew their way through the forest like the color of a leaf, and so, they could travel as far as they pleased without worry. They each carred a weapon, which were as you can imagine, sticks. Mark's weapon was called Requiem. Bleached white through time and shaped like a sword, it was his choice from the moment he saw it. It even had a small hand guard, and the 'blade' of it was curved near the end. He used it as a great katana type weapon. Gaia's weapon was called Serenade. It was short, smooth, and curved, but had one stub sticking out that was used as a handle. It looked as though it were always wet because of its dark color. She used it as a dagger type weapon. They loved the forest so much that they one day decided to camp and stay the night, but it was the first and last time they decided on that. During the time spent there after twilight, they were plagued by nightmares and visions that had no tangible form, but were frightning all the same. This however, did not discourage them from visiting during the day, for it was still the most enjoyable place for them to be. It was nice to be relieved of chaotic human civilization, and sit in a misty rain under the trees discussing nothing in particular. But the point of the matter was that this forest was near humans, so naturally, it had to be destroyed. And this was exactly what had been planned. Mark and Gaia had grown older since then, both to the age of 15. They had begun to visit The Sillouette less and less over the years, until it was a fond, childhood memory. Though the fact remained that they were still children. When they heard that their 'fond memory' was going to be converted into paper and lumber, they decided that they needed to visit one last time. They each found their weapons, and headed off into The Sillouette. They had picked the perfect day. They couldn't see any evidence that the clouds in the far north would possibly reach their town until at least tomorrow. "I don't like this... We can't have been going in circles this entire time. I'm posotive that we went straight," said Mark. He slung Requiem over his shoulder, and sighed. "We might as well turn back," he said, "It was nice knowing you, Sillouette!" He turned slowly around, keeping an eye on the gnarled tree that they had come across several times while walking 'perfectly straight'. "I don't like it either, let's leave," Gaia murmered. She tightened her grip on Serenade, and in turn, Mark tightened his grip on the stick he was holding. They ran. They didn't know why, but they felt an extreme fear and a surge of adrenaline pulse through them. They never had liked that tree, and they had seen it too many times today. Something was definitely wrong. It was as silent as if a hurricane were about to strike. That exact thought was racing through their mind as they came upon that twisted, gnarled tree while running 'in that straight line' Mark had been insisting they were going in. And they were. "What the hell?" they said in unision. The air around them seemed light, as if they were on a mountain. A loud bang emitted from the base of the tree, sending a shockwave through the ferns. Rain poured down like needles. Another bang emitted, and though it wasn't any louder, the shockwave that it produced was much larger in circumference and volume, and knocked the two off their feet, feeling as someone who was claustrophobic would if they were trapped in a thick, metal box that they barely fit in. Thunder clashed against the dark clouds, and the sound of a strong wind began to sound in the distance. Within a few minutes, the gale had reached them, and they were flung into the gnarled tree's trunk. They were immediately incapacitated. The next day, when men came to reap their lumber, the only trace that any forest had ever existed within ten miles was a tall, gnarled tree in the middle of a plane, populated by rough, tangled grass. Scratched on to its bark were two words: Bass and Trebel.[/color][/font] --- [color=sienna][font=tahoma] [u]Signup[/u] [i]Note: You have three options for the signup. The obvious options are Mark or Gaia. the other option is to be a Tree Spirit. Tree Spirit names need to be something that sounds Medieval or Elven, like a name with oddly placed accent marks, such as Kris Aman'Roc or something. But that's a last resort. I want you to try to find a name that has something to do with music, such names already taken by the storyline are Requiem, Serenade, Bass, Trebel, and Stacatto. I reserve Stacatto.[/i] [b]Name:[/b] (already explained) [b]Age:[/b] (hundreds are normal for a tree spirit, and you should know Mark and Gaia's ages if you read the intro) [b]Gender:[/b] (Tree Spirits have genders too) [b]Bio[/b] (Mark and Gaia don't need Bio's. All Wood Spirits were previously trees in The Sillouette. They don't remember anything previous to being a tree, and there is a period of ten years before Mark and Gaia are no longer comatose, so the Trees became Wood Spirits and created villages in that period of time. They were transported into another 'dimension' if you will. This dimension is basically a planet with an oversized environment, including larger animals and plants, though many aren't earth animals. For an example of the proportion change, a six-foot tall human would be around 4 feet tall, but that rpoportional to the environment. A six-foot tall man would still be six feet. Another example is that a seagull would around the size of a deer. That's what you have to work with. I may consider that your writing sample, as it will show how creative you are. If you decide to be Mark or Gaia, I will require a writing sample. Put the writing in this space, and rename the category 'Writing Sample'. The sample can be about anything, but it needs to be a paragraph long, and a short story is best) [b]Personality[/b] (this is an important field too, so don't give me "happy" or something. I don't want people making another's character do something they wouldn't) [b]Weapon[/b] (Mark and Gaia's weapons have been meantioned, and other's are also sticks shaped like weapons. The weapons need musical names too, but once again, if you can't find one then resort to a Midieval/Elven one) [b]Spellcasting[/b] (A simple element will do. The elements are Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire. [i]Note: The magnitude and amount of spells that can be cast at one time is determined by skill. I.E. The lowest level of earth shakes the ground enough to knock someone off their feet. Three instances of spellcasting can be used at one time. I.E. Three bursts of flame. An element has no affect against another person of the same element. No element is more vulnerable to any other.[/i] [i]Earth-[/i] Summons an earthquake [i]Wind-[/i] Summons a small tornado [i]Fire-[/i] Summons fire [i]Water-[/i] Manipulates water (the rules for water are different. The magnitude of water you can manipulate depends on skill, and there are no other forms of the spell. In other words, if you tried to lift an ocean at the beginning of the story, your character would die. This goes for all elements. If you summon a spell magnitude that your character can't handle, they will die, so don't make them do it) [i]Note: For elements other than water, going beyond the limit of three will make your character pass out. For water, manipulating the equivelent of a decent sized swimming pool is equal to three, and going beyond that will make a water element character pass out. A character will only die with extreme magnitudes.[/i] [b]Appearance:[/b] (Tree Spirits look like Elven children, and dress in Medieval clothing. I.E. A tunic or Armor. I'll draw Mark and Gaia sometime in the near future, so if you choose to be them, just leave this blank) [font=arial][color=black][size=2]---[/size][/color][/font] I know it's complicated, especially the magic system, but hopefully that will draw out the [i]Creme A La Creme.[/i] More of the story will be revealed in the first post in the Adventure Arena. Signups will last until I think we have enough people. Thanks in advance! EDIT: If you noticed that in some places there are too many spaces, it's not because I'm trying to make it look longer. I think it's a problem with WYSIWYG, or maybe I'm just not using it correctly...[/font][/color]
  23. [quote]So you're saying to lie about who I am? Be someone else just for the sake of another person who dosn't even like the real me?[/quote] [font=tahoma][size=1][color=sienna]You don't understand his sarcasm. (at least he's probably using sarcasm) I [i]think[/i] he's saying that you don't need to complain if you got yourself into it. I'm not sure... If I had a Valentine, it would my closest friend. But alas, a tragic romance unfolds as I am too stupid/scared to say anything. I'm pitiful, huh? Well, in the Valentine I sent her, I dropped a subtle hint. Meh. What does it mean to me? Not much, I'm not even sure how this holiday started... Wasn't there a St. Valentine or something? I'll probably spend Valentine's Day with my buddy, FFCC.[/size][/color][/font]
  24. Bio

    FOmar Banner

    [font=tahoma][size=1][color=sienna] I put the "We" at the end because... Well, you know, PSO's an online game so... You get the idea.[/size][/font][/color]
  25. [font=tahoma][size=1][color=sienna]I just wanted know what everyone thought, since it's the first banner that I've spent some time on. There's something wrong, but I can't put my finger on it...[/font][/size][/color] [img]http://home.ripway.com/2004-2/70727/FOmarbanner.jpg[/img]
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