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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AnonymousSource [/i] [B]Is everyone here anti-guns? You do know that all guns do is make the death quicker... If you get rid of guns, we'll go back to swords! Thus makeing the death more brutal and the wars would last a lot longer... Just like they used to. But yea, back to the conversation at hand, why bother? Why carry around a big ol' gun when MP3 players are so small anyway... heh... [/B][/QUOTE] [font=tahoma][size=1]Umm... Let me get this straight, you think that swords would increase the death rate? Gun= Distance Sword= Close Quarters Gun= Aim (A year or two of lessons) Sword= Years of lessons (If you want to use it right) Gun= Easy to hid in a shirt/pants, etc. Sword= More than a little hard to hide or sneak on an airplane. It would be awesome if we reverted to swords and other bladed weapons. More on-topic, this is getting funny. I'd like to see many murders foiled because the assailant forgot to switch the mp3 player to real amuntion...[/font][/size]
[font=tahoma][size=1]It really is a shame that it's necessary to put that disclaimer... Oh well, it was still hilarious. How dare Semjaza Azazel insult the [strike]infidelity[/strike] intelligence of Justin Timberlake?! He is a [strike]pedifile[/strike] valued member of society! He only wishes for [strike]adultery[/strike] wholesome programming for all viewers.[/font][/size]
[font=tahoma][size=1]But suppose that there was a mutation, an evolution that allowed the brain to recieve these waves, and convert them into tangible information? I think it could be quite possible if there were such a mutation. Otherwise we'd need a machine.[/size][/font]
[font=tahoma][size=1]I don't think this is going to bring violence down or anything, but I think it will lead to more than a few misunderstandings, that is, if this idea isn't a joke. Think of it: someone walks into a store with a gun that just happens to be blasting music. People are still going to scream, run, call the cops, etc. I just... I don't know who thought of this, but whatever they're trying to do won't work, unless you count a home invasion gone wrong because the gun started playing 50 Cent when the oblivious thief pulled the trigger. Actually, that would be funny to hear on the news. Maybe they should make them.[/font][/size]
[font=tahoma][size=1]I'll join. It looks like fun, and I'd definitely regret not joining. Meh, a 7th grade art class hasn't taught me much, but I may be able to figure something out. We shall see.[/size][/font]
[font=tahoma][size=1]OOC: Mat changed to paladin, if you look up at the cast section. I'll pretend you were talking to me. ----- "I don't know if I'm skilled enough to control this beast, but I'll try. If I don't succeed, the warrior will have to pull it off of me." Kaiho replied uneasily. He put his middle and index fingers together, then held them to his mouth. He lifted his other arm into the air, and whistled. The creature looked over angrily, but its eyes began to lose their fiery look, and it slowly approached Kaiho, sniffing the ground. When it reached him, it sat down and looked at him protectively. "You can kill it now if you want to, but I think it would be a good ally. What do you want to do with it? The healing process could be slow since the only healer we have is a red mage. A white mage could be costly to hire." he added.[/font][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tom222666 [/i] [B]So, are you saying it would work there because Kansas natives would not struggle under Marxism? Anyway, for that matter why Kansas? Any small state would do becuase, under your logic, they wouldn't fight there leaders. Explain this a little further to me, I don't understand your logic. [/B][/QUOTE] [font=tahoma][size=1]He means, and said it drectly, that it would work only in a small area. I actually agree to that point, which I stated early on in this thread... It was the beginning of my last post on page 2. Such a system in my opinion, could work with a very, very small group of people, maybe 20 at most. It would be ideal for three or four people, and in my opinion, nothing more. Even in such a small number, one person is going to eventually request higher pay, more rewards, etc. It's human nature.[/size][/font]
[font=tahoma][size=1]I don't think that saying that you would want a book like [i]The Giver[/i] to be an example for that sort of thing. Everyone would be blissfully unaware of their captive state, and in this case, blissfully is not a posotive adjective. Here's an example from the book: [i] "Father? Mother?" Jonas asked tentatively after the evening meal. "I have a question I want to ask you." "What is it, Jonas?" his father asked. He made himself say the words, though he felt flushed with embarrassment. He had rehearsed them in his mind on the way home from the Annex. "Do you love me?" There was an awkward silence for a moment. Then father gave a little chuckle. "[i]Jonas.[/i] You, of all people. Precision of language [i]please[/i]!" "What do you mean?" Jonas asked. Amusement was not at all what he had anticipated. "Your father means that you used very generalized word, so meaningless that it's become almost obselete," his mother explained carefully. Jonas stared at them. Meaningless? He has never felt anything as meaningful as the memory.[/i] [spoiler]For goodness sake, these people are paired for marriage, jobs are chosen for them, and they can't even see in color. They are forced to take pills that make them impotent; they aren't allowed to have children unless it's their [i]job.[/i] This society that the book describes wants everything to be the same.[/spoiler] There would be no upper or lower class. This describes not only communism, but the very ideals of Marxism itself. Surely you mean to say you agree with the system, but would not do something as profoundly disgusting as [spoiler] executing the smaller twin, the elderly, or the sickly.[/spoiler][/font][/size]
[font=tahoma][size=1]OOC: I hope you didn't have anything else planned... ------------- "Where are we going?" Kaiho asked, playing with one of his gauntlets. "We aren't really going anywhere in particular... If we hear of any bandits or murderers, then we may chase after them. We also may try to decrease the beastmen population." Mat replied. "We can go to the area around windurst. There's a clan of... [i]Yagudo[/i] beastmen that murder people, then collect their belongings. While we are there, we could also train a bit to hone our skills." he said anxiously. Mat looked at Kaiho as if he suspected him of something, but dismissed it as nervousness. "We can go there, I suppose, but the monsters there may be too weak. We will be traveling far to get there, after all, and there will be many oppertunities to become stronger," said Mat. "We can take Chocobos." Kitty put in, looking up from a bag she was stuffing with supplies. "Those are rather costly though, and I'm not sure we should use up all our gil just for a faster ride. These are bandits, so we may as well go after 'em," the Galka punched his left palm with his fist, "Even if they're too weak." "Alright, we could use the training anyway. Shall we go then, Mat?" Kitty asked. Mat looked uneasy about traveling so far. "There is also a mission that is available..." Kaiho scratched his ear, "Childrens' screams have been heard coming from the Maze of Shakrami. We could check that out, also." he added. "I suppose we should go then." Mat said.[/size][/font]
[font=tahoma][size=1]Kaiho walked up to the clerk who was sitting behind the desk. "My name is Alexander Roc, but I prefer Kaiho. I'm interested in joining a guild. Are there any available?" he said. "Clan ___ is," said the clerk, sliding a piece of parchment with the clan's description on it, "You wanna join them?" "I've heard of them... I will accept." he replied. He reached for a quill pen, and dipped it in a nearby ink well. He signed his name on a line at the bottom of the parchment. He then slid the paper back to the clerk. "They're over there." said the clerk, motioning towards the group. Kaiho nodded his head, and bowed lightly. "Thank you," he said, and walked towards his new clan. Mat looked up. "Oh, hello. You must be joining us. What's your name?" he asked. "My name is Kaiho."[/size][/font]
[font=tahoma][size=1]Kid: It's full of pennies![/font][/size]
[font=tahoma][size=1]This looks really fun. I'm attempting to recruit a fellow player to this thread right now. I may need to clarify, however, that beastmasters actually are not that bad with bladed weapons, just so that no one corrects me. --- [b]Name:[/b] Alexander Roc [b]Nickname:[/b] Kaiho (it means seaside in Kanji) [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race[/b] Hume [b]Occupation:[/b] Beastmaster [b]Nation:[/b] Windurst [b]Bio:[/b] Kaiho was born in the nation of Windurst, an irregularity, since Windurst was mainly composed of Mithra and Tarutaru. His parents were killed by a Yagudo Persecutor beastman while searching for rare herbs in the Tahrongi Canyon when he was young. He hated beastmen after that, especially Yagudos. This also drove him to become an adventurer. Growing up, he always had a fondness for the wild creatures, and so, chose his proffesion to be Beastmaster. He can be quiet at times, but will speak his mind when it is necessary. And just beause I'm having fun, here is a pic of Kaiho shooting a Yagudo to go along with his bio. (Yay) [img]http://www.angelfire.com/falcon/kaiho0/untitled.jpg[/img] [b]Description:[/b] Note: He isn't really wearing any set armor, so that's why he has different clothes in each pic. (I didn't have any good pics of him with the new armor...) However, if you just need to think about it as you RP, he's wearing the armor shown below.[/font][/size] [img]http://www.angelfire.com/falcon/kaiho0/Kai031221200417a.jpg[/img]
[quote]2) Cleared my browser's memory and disk cache.[/quote] [font=tahoma][size=1]Yea, umm... how exactly do you do that...? (I never realized how bad I was at this kind of stuff...)[/font][/size]
[size=1][font=tahoma] Strain of bitter hatred Unpurgable by human means A cancer, a parasite Suffering, torturous agony Pathogen[/font][/size]
[quote][i]Originally Posted by Xyandar[/i] I am agreeing that eating animals and endangering their lives is really bad, but seriously, do you know how much Chickens Reproduce?[/quote] [font=tahoma][size=1]Do you have any idea how much humans reproduce? Aside from that, I don't agree with the PETA's support at all, regardless of what I just said. Some animals are herbivorous, some are cornivorous, and some are omnivorous. We just happen to be omnivores, and eating another animal is just... well, natural I suppose... However, cannibalism occurs in desperate situations, IE, during starvation periods. I'm not sure about the conditions of this matter, however.[/font][/size]
[size=1][font=tahoma]Tell me if I should continue or not... this is just a pitiful attempt at beginning a short story. --- Halfway, Chapter One Two silent figures walked trough the lush forest with sullen expressions. They had been wandering for hours, and no matter which direction they traveled, they would always end up at a small indentation, in which there was a tree placed at the center. A few summer birds were heard outside the clearing; flora were apparently the only life existing within the area. "How is that even possible... Is the forest playing a joke on us? If it is, it isn't funny at all." the boy said, lifting the broad branch he was carrying at the realization of his words. But that was how it always was, which was why he usually stayed silent during abnormal or supernatural happenings, for the fear of his own adrenaline. "That's the thing; it [i]is[/i] impossible. We've wandered through here for hours, and we've never been lost before, or seen this clearing." she replied. She tightened her grip on her sturdy branch. A silent, far-off moaning was heard, and both the children raised what they thought of as weapons; anything useful to defend themselves would be useful at this moment. "It's coyotes, right?" he said shakily, the hormone that would soon take control of his actions, pulsing through his body. "No, it's... it's not..." she said quietly. "Should we try to talk to whatever it is, or scare it away... or something?" "No" "We fight?" "Yes" "We fight," he repeated, "We've always waited for a moment like this, haven't we? We've trained for this." "Which is exactly why we should triumph." she said, forcing a grin. The boy swung his particularly shaped brach over his head as if it were a sword, and the girl took a fighting stance with her wooden daggers. "Rain..." the moaning seemed to be saying, and a distant crashing was heard, as if a tree had been knocked over. "No... we run, run!" the girl shouted, and they fled. However, after several minutes of this, they reached the clearing again. "We're trapped!" he yelled over the distant thunder and needle-like rain. "If we go out, we may as well go out with a bang." she replied, without needing to force her smile. "Right..." he lifted his sword. "Show yourself, and we'll show you where you went wrong in your trap's construction. All movement stopped. The wind, the rain, and the thunder were all silenced as if they had reached the eye of a colossal storm. Which was technically what they had done. A boom was heard from inside the tree, sending a shockwave through the ferns. "I do not wish to fight... only to... show you a memory; a fragment of the Earth's past..." the moaning voice sounded from inside the tree. The hair on the back of the children's necks stood up as if they were going to be struck by lightning, and they drifted into unconsciousness.[/size][/font]
[font=tahoma][size=1]I found this hilarious, and I don't know why. Maybe it was the purposeful arrogant charm with which you wrote it. [/font][/size] [quote]I'm at my bed in three steps, and, once there, instantly revert to five-year old logic. Obvioudly, if I stay under my covers, don't open my eyes, and don't move at all, I'll be perfectly safe from the man with the human skin mask and chainsaw. I mean, obviously. As I lay in bed, I begin to doubt the wisdom of this logic, but my doubts are quieted by the mental reminder that, hey, these tactics I used when I was five are the reason I lived to see six. So, no moving, and definatly no opening of the eyes. Why no opening of the eyes? Well, you see, LeatherFace was standing directly over me as I lay there, chainsaw raised to lower on me the instant I opened my eyes. If I did'nt open my eyes, he'd never attack me; it would be against the rules. Again, I know this because I obviously survived the night; a little thing like not actually seeing LeatherFace will not dissuade me from the truth. As time went on, my "No movement" creedo turned on me, and viciously; I really needed to scratch my nose. Of course, I'd be dead the moment I did. However, if I kept thinking about the itch on my face, it'd drive me nuts. So, I desperatly try to think of something else, and what better to think of than the seriel killer standing over me? Sadly, my mind wanders of its own accord, and no matter how much I tugged on the leash, it seemed obsessed with imagining what it would feel like when the big LF dropped his chainsaw on me.[/quote] [font=tahoma][size=1]How can it possibly get any funnier than that? You are truely a skilled writer.[/font][/size]
[font=tahoma][size=1]You're very clever with words, and the ending was very unexpected. *applause* I've never read a poem like that, that transitions from one area of thinking to another. It was... interesting, and though I usually don't like poetry very much, I'd honestly like to see more.[/font][/size]
[font=tahoma][size=1]I imagine quite a few people laughed when they saw the thread title. Yes, school is that wonderful place where you learn some completely irrelevent things such as hypotonuse, and more important things like unit rates. I honestly thing that school is as boring as hell, but I still know that I'm getting something out of it, though my Language Arts teacher could very well be from the Cretacious Period. I don't sense any realistic thoughts forming in the heads of the people who are saying: "Scool is stopid! I dont need anythin else to learn!" Listen, as harsh as the "real world" may sound, you need more than addition and subtraction to function. I notice that you even forgot multiplecation and division as well. Please don't tell me that you don't need those. Also, many formulas are more relevant than you may think. Ask your teacher what they could help you with career-wise, and I'm sure that you'll get an answer from them. (for most formulas anyway) For Language Arts... Well, I think that's pretty self-explanitory, and people have already been called on it. Science. Yes, my favorite subject. Don't say: "Yea, well I don't wanna be a scientist!" Because even if you never do anything in that field, it's quite nice to have a well-rounded understanding of things. I hear colleges like that too. Social Studies. On the front of our binders, our teacher gave us a color-coded insert. It says: "If you don't know history, you don't know anything. You're a leaf that doesn't know its part of the tree." That's my two cents.[/font][/size]
[font=tahoma][size=1]My best suggestion is to not think about it. If you get wiped from existance after death, then that is [i]exactly why[/i] everything matters. Make the most of yourself, and make life what you want it to be. If you won't live to see tomorrow, live today so you can say you've lived. Don't stay curled up indoors all day, and make yourself happy. Otherwise, you can say you're happy if you never reach your goals, but that hunger will always be there. You absolutely [b]must[/b] do what you want and need to do in order to be both satisfied and happy. Although most of that would apply to one who doesn't believe in a God. (yea, religion stuff now) In Drix D'Zanth's post, he described what I was going to say. With better vocabulary, of course. Anyway, I still think that even if you believe in a God, you should still try to impact humanity as you wish. Wether it be through a moral message, or through economical advances, do your part.[/font][/size]
[font=tahoma][size=1]Dog: I can't decide what do do first: eat it, or use it as a toy...[/size][/font]
[font=tahoma][size=1]I absolutely love coffee. Like Dragon Warrior, I like regular coffee with lots of cream and sugar. Other than that, I'd like either a Cappichino and/or Espresso right now. Coffee is just way too good.[/font][/size]
[font=tahoma][size=1]Five the hour, Two the the last, One till dawn, And midnight's passed Now to the sunrise, After a crimson, bloody night The passing of the stars and moon Mark the beginning of infinity The possibilities of today Dream on, dream on The never ending legend, The never ending song Five to the hour, Two to the last, One till dawn, And midnight's passed [/font][/size]
[font=tahoma][size=1]I've experimented with a new style... The only problem I have with this is the back wing, which looks more than a little distorted. I'll fix that eventually. Anyway, tell me what you think, and wether or not I should pursue this style. P.S. If you steal this, [b]bad[/b] things will happen to you. © Me. You can steal it, but expect a sharp and fatal pain between your shoulder blades.[/size][/font] [img]http://www.angelfire.com/falcon/kaiho/Draken_Edited.jpg[/img]
[font=tahoma][size=1]My name before I changed it was Arch, which I took from Archae, which is ancient in Latin. Another way I did it was to combine Arc, as in an arc of light, and Archae. I still decided that Arch worked pretty well, so I decided to use it. Bio, it means life in latin. So yea, I like Latin.[/font][/size]