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Everything posted by Bio

  1. [size=1]The first kiss I ever recieved was when I was about three, and we had no idea what her older brother was making us do. (that pervert) He was making us play Little Rascals, and I was that boy who marries that girl... or something... Anyway, he said we had to kiss. So we hid behind a tree, and did as we were told. Meh, not much of a story.[/size]
  2. [font=arial]This spawned when I heard that the children's song "Ring around the Rosies" depicticted a horrible tragedy. I don't remember exactly what the tragedy was, but if you think about it, it makes sense.[/font] --- [font=papyrus][color=red][Ring Around the Roses] Wander near the open's gale, Though listen to the forests tale Around until the ashes blow The fires burn, and down we go Wander not for valleys dreary Walk in sunlight, remain wary Conspiracy, the flowers bloom, Drop them at your neighbor's tomb 'Round and round till twilight's last The roses bloom, though others pass In burning blood the children cry; Round and round until they die Ring around the flaming roses, Hold fast to the last of posies, We burn to ashes, not in time Down we go, we die for thine[/color] [color=blue]Round and round, for hope of pass Heaven's call shall be the last The rumbling in the distant sky, All get up, hear His cry With the posies, we still may fall Scattered roses hide them all And if we're cut down by the thorns we reap Stand back up and do not weep[/font][/color]
  3. [font=arial]I would really enjoy a Brave Fencer Musashi anime. It will always be one of my favorite games, regardless of its graphics, and the fact that most every name in it has something to do with food. They way the game is set up would make it a great anime too. (I wanna see an animated Dark Lumina 3! Gimme!)[/font]
  4. [font=arial] I'm planning on doing something with Art, wether it be anime or any other such low-paying career. Maybe I'll double as a writer. I'm planning on going to an academy in Rhode Island.[/font]
  5. Bio

    Arch's Art

    [font=arial]Yea, those are ears. I did really screw up porportion-wise though. I meant, however, for the ears and tail to be huge. I thought it would make him look more like the hyper little thing my kitten is. This is one from a while ago... I mean, it's really, really old. I didn't have anything much more recent that I liked scanned. It's a little more simplified than my other one. (DON'T LOOK AT THE EARS! You may find that your eyes are bleeding 'n stuff)[/font] [url=http://home.ripway.com/2003-10/32422/KiloWhiten007.jpg]Run while you can[/url]
  6. [font=arial]Hmm... I like concocting various drinks in my blender. I try not to remember what I put in them. They aren't half bad. I remember one time, I decided to mix up everything on my plate, and I ended up with a chicken/rice/lettuce salad. it's not too weird...[/font]
  7. [font=arial]I figured it's high time I posted one or two. You may see these on deviantART, because I submitted them there too. It's an anthro of one of my cats. Behold the strappy goodness.[/font]
  8. I changed my cookie settings, and still nothing happened. Maybe I didn't do it right... how exactly do you do it?
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Luminaire [/i] [B][color=crimson]The more and more I think on this topic, the more I begin to doubt the technology we have in the world. Ad, the more I am beginning to see my computer room looking like the inside of a gundam. O_o I don't know how they would make the part that uses the five senses. In "The World", one can feel the wind blow, smell flowers, taste wine. I can see how sight and hearing works. The way it seems is that it is done psychologically, hence the visor; but then someone mentioned how Mimiru's mother had called her, and I realized it can't be the way I was thinking. I was thinking almost a state of hypnosis, but you can't be called by your mother in hypnosis. So how does the sense part fit in? I would like to see "The World" become reality, but is it really possible? ~Lumi ^_^[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [font=arial]Actually, this has been brought up before... Characters in the Anime are probably only as realistic as they seem, because it would be boring to watch stiffly moving characters. The senses only apply to Tsukasa, since he was trapped in "The World". As seen in the OVA, a gamepad and visor are all that is used.[/font]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B]Somehow though, I'm not really expecting that you'll extend that courtesy to DeathBug.[/B][/QUOTE] [font=arial]Ah, sweet Irony. I love it so. I agree completely with James' post. You have not been answering questions, or proving [b]anything[/b] besides that you agree with Marx's ideas. You probably won't do this after, regardless of what people like DeathBug are saying, if you haven't already angrily responded, which is what your are constantly accusing DeathBug of. Marx was a dreamer, there are many of his kind. Some of their dreams become reality, others don't.[/font]
  11. [font=arial]Here's my attempt. --- I'll write for you And flame you too Your ideals suck, Only right with luck My point stands boldly You can bitch, you've shown me All you do is whine I've not got the time Wake up, face the facts even if they're despised I've done for you all I can do Just freaking open your eyes[/font]
  12. [font=arial]...Yes, we can dream. Unfortunately, in my opinion, Karl Marx's theories would work in a very small nation... Like a town where everyone knows everyone. This is because, regardless of the theoratical "order", communism can only be described as chaos. CB Shin, as you have said, you believe only in the philisophical ideas of Karl Marx, but I don't think DeathBug is telling you off for that. He's basically trying to 'bring you down to earth'. And now, my stance: Of course, equality is what an ideal governing system would have, but I believe that Marx's ideas of equality are an extreme. He was trying to rid whatever country uses the system of poverty, but like DeathBug has said, it would be rather depressing. No matter what you did, you would never be able to make yourself more comfortable. You would be like a mindless drone, as DeathBug has said, save you would be aware of your drone status.[/font]
  13. Bio


    Helba is my favorite. She's the classic cool-headed, businesslike hacker. She's always calm, regardless of the situation.
  14. [font=arial]My new years resoloutions are as follows: 1) Stop pressing snooze over and over again. 2) Be more passive.[/font]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]Ambition may be a strength when you first think about it, but it has a great chance of turning into greed.[/B][/Quote] [font=arial]Ambition, which has been already defined, is basically the same thing as greed, so I'll have to agree with you partly, because it already is. However, since ambition is not exactly the same as greed, I must also disagree. Ambition is usually thought of as a desire to accomplish something, and greed as a desire to accomplish something for oneself. Ambition therefore, cannot turn into greed; ambitious thoughts turning into greedy thoughts would be moving into a completely different category, almost as much as the desire to live changing to the desire to die.[/font]
  16. (I'm back!) If you see this on DeviantART, its because I submitted it there too. --- [Jewel of the Sea] Bring the twilight to the azure sky The wake in the water is rising far too high Build a fortress or we all shall die; Only for me? Only for me? Sound your bell in the twilight The wave approaches by the night Take shelter in the fortress for fool?s delight; Only for me? Only for me? Midnight falls, devouring all at its darkest time The storm pounds down in ironic rhyme Our shelter gone; life is but a weak design; Only for me? Only for me? Down we fall, ironic laughter as we seek our fate Drown we shall in this hopeless state Those walls we built were made far too late; Only for me? Only for me? Heed the warnings of the seer; Even just a wake could destroy what?s dear The smallest ripple struck the world with fear; Only for me
  17. This all really depends on wether or not motion suits or visors would be involved. This has been brought up in a thread in the past. Visors are used in the game "The World", so if you want it to be like it is in the .hack series, then those would be used. This makes things more expensive, however. For the game to be online, more servers and larger Root Towns would be needed. If it is made, "The World" will most likely be in third-person view like the standard MMORPG. This eliminates the realism factors, but again, it would be incredibly expensive to have visors that could still deliver suitable graphics. A speaking system would probably be used, like in SOCOM for PS2, and Phantasy Star Online for XBOX. This would bring up the realism, since that is what is used in "The World". Overall, if it was a standard MMORPG with a vocal system, it would not be overly expensive to create, at least, no more than games like FFXI.
  18. [color=royalblue][size=1]Alright. I didn't find a thread about this, so I figured I'd just make one. I know there are alot of spoilers, but I'm not sure what should considered a spoiler in this subject, so I'll edit that later. Cubia. Yes, that annoying creature that should be one of the eight phases, but isn't. To my knowledge, it isn't even in the Epitath of Twilight. Here are a few things that my brother (Arasoi) and I came up with: [spoiler] Cubia is Aura's guardian. It has been meantioned that Innis' point is to lead Kite astray, and that destroying the "wave" is the wrong way of going about it. Maybe Aura isn't supposed to be reassembled. After all, every time that orb of red light comes out of Kite and goes into Aura, Cubia appears. Maybe Herald created Cubia so that no one would alter Aura. Another point in this subject that supports the theory that Herald made Cubia, is that Cubia looks like a tree. Sounds odd, eh? Well, you need to watch the third OVA. It reveals that Herald would wait under a tree for Emma, and it flashes a picture of a tree without any leaves. Cubia's resemblance to such a tree is uncanny, except for the head, of course. Cubia is a proclamation of Herald's love to Emma. It's kind of the same thing meantioned above, but Cubia could also be a form of Herald showing Emma that he's still waiting, under that tree. Cubia is an assassin. This kind of veers off in a completely different direction, but this is the more shallow theory. Cubia is an assassin sent by Morganna to stop Aura from reassembling. [/spoiler] That's all I have for now, but I may think of something else later. Of course, I made this thread so you could prove me right, wrong, or a complete idiot. Also, post your own theories about this.[/color][/size]
  19. [font=arial] "Er, I'm not... Programmed to apologize?" He said in a quizzical way. "Nice try." Charlotte said, pushing him out the door. "Why am I being handled so roughly?" Kilo asked no one in particular. As he walked towards Charlie, he mumbled something about child abuse. "Umm, I'm sorry." He said quietly with his head down. "That's a tree." Charelotte told him. Kilo growled, and walked in front of Charlie. "I'm sorry I read some guys diary." He said. She slapped him in the face. "How dare you!?" She yelled. "What did I do now?!" He yelled back.[/font]
  20. [b][i](The New Testament, Revalation, Chapter 22, verses 18-19)[/b][/i] [font=times] [i][b]18[/b] I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this book; [size=1][b]19[/b][/size] if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away that person's share in the tree of life, and in the holy city, which are described in this book.[/font][/i] ----------------------- [color=royalblue][size=1]Therefore, I do not believe that anyone who was Christian, or well-versed in the Bible anyway, would change the contents of the Good Book. This, however, does not disprove lost articles. More to the point, I do not believe Mary Magdelene was a whore, slut, or any of the other colorful synonyms. God did choose her to give birth to Jesus, didn't he?[/color][/size]
  21. OOC: I hate to interrupt the adult scenes.... ------------------------------- Kilo combed through the grass, and finaly found the diary. His arm started to act strangely, but he controlled it with his other arm. This arm also moved on its own. He decided to carry it in his teeth. As he walked back to the hotel, he fought for control of his arms. When he entered the hotel, the manager gasped. The news was on, and there was a warning about Kilo flashing across the screen. The manager pushed a button under the desk, and Kilo sensed the electrical signals. His pupils turned rapidly. "Massacre!" He yelled, quickly unsheathing his katana, and stabbing straight through the desk, and into the man. The man gasped for breath, and spit up blood. Kilo woke from his trance. "No!" He yelled, and ran upstairs, to Charelotte's room. "Ch-Charelotte! I... I have the diary!" He yelled, crying. "What?" She asked quietly.
  22. OOC: And so the perfect setup begins... Maybe Mr. Marksman will die soon. Feel free to kill him, but don't shoot him in the head. I'd like it for Tanya to kill him, and he should bleed to death or something. I'm sure animangademon would also like it for Tanya to kill Mr. Marksman. ------------------------------ Mr. Marksman was just outside the front door of the house, pondering the best way to kill Tanya. He had constructed a ramp, slowly, and planned on shooting through the door, sliding down the hill, and breaking through it. He would then kill everyone in the house. He fired several times in the door. Someone screamed. He slid down the hill, up the ramp, and through the door. He pointed a Tanya, but his shaky hands got the best of him, and he hit her foot. She took out her handgun and pointed at Mr. Marksman. "I'll enjoy this." She said, her eyes welling up with tears.
  23. "Tan- Ya..." He was out of breath, when he spotted her at a cafe on the other end of the street. He instinctively jumped into a bush, on realized what foolishness had befallen him when in midair. He hit the ground with a thud. "Ugh... Damn it..." He muttered. He crawled back to the chair, and sat in it for a few minutes, resting. He then wheeled closer, then took cover behing a house. He aimed at tanya, and... His hands had been shaking all day, apparently from minor spinal injuries. He did not take this into acount as he fired. He hit a coffee maker, which exploded. He then realized how completely, utterly vulnerable he was. "What the hell was that?!" Tanya yelled, and grabbed her hand gun. Mr. Marksman wheeled quickly down an alley. He needed her to be vulnerable, otherwise he had no chance of hitting her.
  24. OOC: I try to be. :blush: ----------------------------- "Ah, damn it!" Mr. Marksman yelled. "How the hell am I going to find that retched house?!" He sreamed at the general public, and all the people that were walking, and driving cars. "Sir, do you need directions?" Someone asked politely. [i]"DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL AND BACK!"[/i] he roared, and wheeled on, getting angrier by the minute because of his vulnerable condition. The woman looked slightly taken aback, but not enough so that she didn't return the favor with some colorful adjectives and appaling hand signals.
  25. [color=royalblue][size=1]Well, they are kind of dark, but they rhyme and flow! Well, make more, but maybe you'd want to lighten them up a bit...? Like I said before, the flow is good, and is the rhyming, but they tend to go in circles, saying the same thing over and over again in different words. (I'm a hypocryte!)[/color][/size]
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