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Everything posted by Kaze

  1. Kaze


    [font=Times]Oh wow...I'm starting to have dance offs with this guy I know whenever we're together now, but I can't dance... And neither can he... So it's not great. We spent at least a full minute spinning on the floor screaming once. I'm meeting up with him Friday, and I'm afraid we're going to have another dance off in McDonalds... It's gonna be a bad scene if I don't learn how to dance in four days. But I must say, while I do indeed look intoxicated when I do anything that's supposed to be a dance, I at least have fun doing so. =)[/font]
  2. [quote name='Dagger]Oh, I totally agree. I also found Nana to be an immensely loveable character. The first time I saw the series, I remember being incredibly pissed off at [spoiler']Kouta for slapping her (not to mention at Lucy for dismembering her).[/spoiler][/quote] [font=Times][spoiler]I wonder about how much restraint she could possibly have, I mean here she is, in the throes of rage; and some guy walks over and slaps her? And she doesn't ruin him. She just runs off, that's something else that bothered me about the scene. I know she was pretty much trained to never harm humans, but it seemed like she'd at least think about fighting him too, since she was already upset and ready to kill.[/spoiler][/font] [quote]The taboo about [spoiler]relationships between cousins[/spoiler] is not nearly as strong in Asian countries as it is in some Western areas. Granted, I'm not too well versed in the cultural details of this, but at the least, I'm pretty sure that it's not a strong taboo in Japan. As a side note, there are quite a few anime and manga in which [spoiler]cousins[/spoiler] have a romantic interest (either one-sided or reciprocal) in one another. [/quote] [font=Times]I figured it was something to that affect. Thanks for clarifying somewhat.[/font] [quote]It's also possible that [spoiler]the profile at the door was basically an illusion--a memory surfacing for a brief second, only to fade away.[/spoiler] That's the view I adhere to, since nothing else really makes sense in the context of the series. I think the manga plays out differently, though, since there's more of it. In the manga version of the scene, [spoiler]the person behind the door is apparently Nyuu...[/spoiler] but don't quote me on that, actually, since pretty much everything I know about the manga came to me second-hand. I was satisfied with the ending of the anime--mainly because [spoiler]Mariko's[/spoiler] storyline was wrapped up and [spoiler]Nana got a happy ending.[/spoiler] ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] [font=Times]I'll have to agree with you, since as I said before, Nana is perhaps my favorite character from Elfen as well. [/font]
  3. [font=Times]I believe one of my first anime was indeed Pokemon. Started watching it day one when it came to the U.S. I was hooked; similar to that guy from Texas Chainsaw Massacre (blunt: the meat hook). Eventually, I decided that I was sick of Ash's face and quit watching. [b]My favorite old school anime[/b] Samurai Troopers - I used to watch this [i]every single time[/i] it was aired. I couldn't get enough of this series, and was disgruntled when it was taken off. I miss that choppy animation and bad dubbing... Gundam Wing - I used to watch this [i]every single time[/i] it was aired. Yep, I'm so into repeats I just copied my statement from above. I don't know, I'm coming up blank on picks after those two. I'm content.[/font]
  4. Kaze


    [font=Times]Munto is yet another work I've never even heard of, every thing you post shows me how uninformed I am when it comes to anime releases. :animesigh I went to the store section and that dates its releases as November, 2004; so I'll be checking this out once I'm able. You'd recommend both of these as outright buys?[/font]
  5. [font=Times]Well, I watched it in the brief intervals where it did not pause, and I must say it looks rather appealing, pleasing, and colorful. I can't make any declarations about wanting to watch it as soon as possible, but I'll stand firm on my beginning statement. It looks very pretty, just like everything GONZO makes. I'll bookmark that website since I want to show the trailer to my friends tomorrow. Small side note (pertaining to the website), is it curious that I found the design of the more amazing than the preview trailer? I feel bad. >_> Edit: Thanks for sharing this, it was most assuredly worth peeping at considering I don't check out much new anime these days. [/font]
  6. [font=Times]I finally checked this series out. I've known of its existance for ages, but I didn't decide to actually obtain it, until some random guy I occasionally play video games with told me I should watch it. Seriously, I went on line a few days later, ordered the boxset, and started watching. >_> I thought it was rather epic. The murdering could become rather catoonish at times (seriously - how many people's torsos magically flew off with a shower of red Kool-Aid?). But many times the brutality, with which people died, genuinely surprised me. I'd actually sit up like "wow" because I didn't expect that person to die so suddenly. I'm never terribly impressed at such things in anime, this is sort of a first (except DragonBall Z deaths... Why Kuririn?). A lot of moments that caught me unaware, which is another first for me. [SPOILER]Nyuu breaking the shell surpised me, it was so sudden and mean I was impressed. Second would have to be Super Kill Guy versus Lucy in the beginning episodes, when she catches him off-guard by by simply using a gun on him - wtf? Everything with Nana was rather eyebrow destroying as well. I didn't expect her to have longer vectors (which did nothing for her), didn't expect her to get ripped apart so easily either. I didn't really enjoy that, seeing as how she's the only character I really like in the series. Basically seeing her be completely stomped in her every single appearance (even Kouta pimp slapped her - what?), was somewhat disheartening for me, since I liked her so much. That girl, Maya (?), being molested by her step dad completely threw me off as well, and how callous her mother was about the whole thing. The scene where her dog pal's owner walks up and snatches the dog back made me go "wow" outloud. Such blunt moments of harshity (ahahaa), were a fresh change of pace for me. The blatant incest between cousins? Threw me off as well. I was left pondering why the girl was so openly into Kouta (they kissed? Wow), aren't they blood relation? That lab asistant was one of the most amusing characters for me. It disturbed me to no end, how she griped about needing a shower, and how her period was approaching in every scene she appeared in (hygiene). So wrong, but entertaining. I was feeling really bad when she got shot, since I liked her, but it made me feel better to know she was spared. Number 35 jovially murdering the only voice she had known up until her release made me chuckle, that was one of the few deaths I expected. When the girl - who by this point was a bleeding torso - mustered up the strength to press the detonator button to destroy one of her limbs, I actually started clapping. I was so surpised a torso could be that hardcore. She made my day. The entire scene between Kurama and his wife/babygirl in the hospital got to me slightly, his wife mustering up the strength to make it to their daughter's crib whilst bleeding all over the floor, widened my eyes. LUCY - I never really felt like I should pity her, the only moment I actually felt bad for her was when those boys grabbed her doggy pal and...brutalized it. Even then, I only felt bad for the dog, that was probably the only moment in the series that was actually difficult for me. The scene in the subway messed me up as well, just seeing Kouta's little sister be torn in two was disturbing. The end? The profile at the door clearly resembled Lucy, but I don't really care. Didn't she WANT to die though? Why would she return?[/SPOILER] I have a whole lot to prattle on about, but I'm pretty sure that spoiler block is entirely too massive as is... But generally, Elfen messed with my head more than any anime has, since the End of Evangelion movie. I almost forgot. One of my favorite things about Elfen Lied, is the opening. I love it.[/font]
  7. [QUOTE=Th3BlackParad3]co-worker- if they where hott i prob. would be! plus 1 h8 2 vacuum. ok, would you rather get bitten by a poisonous snake or get bitten by a fat nude guy? ?????[/QUOTE] [font=Times]Bring it on, fat nude guy. Even IF that were sexual innuendo, it's better than dying. Would you rather be stranded in Bolivia, with no knowledge of the area or language, and no way to get home Or would you rather be stranded in same the episode of Saved by the Bell for two years (one of the bad ones - if there are any!)?[/font]
  8. [FONT=Times New Roman]I'd rather lose my sight. I need my hands for the internet and gaming. (...) Would you rather wait in line seventy-eight hours for a PS3 - only to find out that there are no more (and no more can be shipped for a month), and that when more arrive, you have to wait in another line? Or would you rather wait in line five hours to have sex with Gary Coleman? Twice?[/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Times New Roman]I spent around $472 for this video game, seeing as how this is what I PURCHASED my 360 for months ago (as well as Dead or Alive 4). I've been playing on Casual difficulty very slowly (short game judging by there only being five Acts - and I got through three very quickly even at my pace - so yeah; savor it), but thus far I have loved every moment. I think I fell in love after the prison break, or the first Berserker. Movement can be awkwardly slow (trying to get a bead quickly, bouncing from one enemy to the next), and controling yourself whilst running is annoying; but I don't have any serious complaints at this point. Save for this one time I went into a little doorway for some ammunition, and the AI controlled characters blocked me in.....Literally trapped me in the doorway. I had to restart the game. I died a little on the inside.[/FONT]
  10. [FONT=Times New Roman]I could never "get into" Dynasty Warriors. To me it's just hack 'n' slash, and without at the very least, multiplayer; that's very uninteresting for me. BUT, my sister's friend loves the Dynasty Warrior series, probably because he claims to have Chinese blood (he's African American), and is very into Chinese culture.[/FONT]
  11. [font=Times]My Average Saturday - I'll get up at around 10:00 AM in the morning, hop in the shower; then get on the computer until 12:00 PM (sometimes I'll head out to the local shopping center for a bit). I then head off to work for a few hours, usually getting home around 5:00-7:00 depending on my work speed. When I return home, I'll rest on the couch and watch Cartoon Network for a bit, then play some video games. Then get on the comp for a bit; and watch Adultswim before going to bed. My Perfect Saturday - No work. Then heading out of the city early in the morning to hang out with my fellow gamers and play for hours. Then when I get home, heading downtown with my friend for a few hours to lurk the streets, and be stupid.[/font]
  12. [font=Times]I already added myself to Frappr for two other forums, so why not here too. I'm gonna find some more forums doing the Frappr thing, so I can add myself. Because Kaze is too good at adding himself to Frappr now. I can't waste this talent.[/font]
  13. [font=Times]Everyone I know that uses it does so to make fun of anyone who takes that typing style seriously. 1 g075 73l-l n3kk1d 1337 5k1ll5. There, I said it. And there's not a thing anyone can do about it. >_>[/font]
  14. [QUOTE=chobitslover90]shampoo ukyo then kasumi sexy cute (and can make some mean pizza or whatever that stuff was) beacause i like the quiet type (and she looks good in a bathing suit)[/QUOTE] [font=Times]Okonomiyaki, it's like Japanese pizza. And Ukyo cracks me up.[/font]
  15. [font=Times]I've been to North/South Carolina several times; to see family. Also I've been to New York back when the Towers were still up, along with Washington D.C. because my sister was down there for a while. Places I plan on visiting when I get the cash: [b]Sweden[/b] I know a guy down there, and I have a bet with him that I want to settle. He's supposed to be coming down to Virginia sometime (I'm in Maryland), but if I get the money to go there first; it's on. [b]Japan[/b] Some people I know went there a couple of months ago, and apparently had the most fun ever (right around the time Jump Superstars came out over there... >_>), they went to settle a score with some Japanese guys. [b]Montreal/Quebec[/b] I guess sometime, I want to go down there to one of those places and meet up with someone I know. I have a score to settle with some Canadian guys. It's gonna be on once I get there.[/font]
  16. [font=Times]I didn't even know "kaze" was an honest to goodness Japanese word, and that it meant "wind"; until I popped it into Google sometime after I registered eight years back. Honestly, I was rather surprised. It's just very depressing, that I didn't know this. I thought I was making up words.[/font]
  17. [font=Times]************ there are some incredibly difficult fonts to read in this thread, I seriously can't make out the words in most posts. It's probably just my computer I hope; but ow. Anyhoo, when I'm not here - which is a lot - I like browsing other forums, watching anime/TV, playing video games, working, getting money for working; and traveling across the state to hang out with friends I have sprinkled all over the place, when I have the opportunity.[/font]
  18. [font=Times]It's disappointing to find this out. I really liked her vocals; she's pretty much why I like Nightwish. I hope the new vocalist they get does well though. But hey, if everything goes downhill from here steadily, until they're all poor and going through drug rehab; they'll be perfect for Behind the Music. That'll be pretty sweet.[/font]
  19. [font=Times]I watched the trailer as you suggested, definitely interesting (looked pretty good even on Quicktime). And from what you and everyone else says: Outstanding visuals Most innovative GONZO title Perhaps the most artistic Fantastic music Same director as The Second Renaissance (very good in my opinion) There's a blue man I'd definitely like to check it out now, at the very least to see why the Count is blue. So that's another anime I have to get or just see, on top of the twenty others I still haven't. >_>
  20. [QUOTE=Pandy][SIZE=1] Hmm, okay.. Can I ask you something? What do you believe will actually HAPPEN to you when you die? Do you believe your being will dissapear into nothingness, never to be seen again? I'm not atheist, so I'm clueless as you how an atheist would perceive death.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [font=Times]Personally, I just think it would be really neat if when we all die; we're all trapped in our bodies after burial. The only way to avoid this fate, would be cremation. Then if you're cremated you just wander the planet as a spectre endlessly.[/font]
  21. [QUOTE=Dagger]Volume 1 came out today, and (conveniently) my Gankutsuou package also arrived in the mail. Banzai! Geneon really hit a home run with this one; the box is even more ravishing in person. Of particular interest are the on-disc extras, which I definitely do plan to view at some point, although I'm waiting till I finish the first four episodes. Geneon isn't exactly known for including awesome extras, but Gankutsuou volume 1 comes with a Mahiro Maeda interview (!!), a feature showing his storyboards for episode 1, and voice actor commentary. It isn't terribly often that anime DVDs come with extras relating to the Japanese staff, so I'm quite excited about hearing what Maeda has to say about the show. Anyway, Gankutsuou looks just impeccable on DVD. I imagine I'll watch it dubbed at some point, but right now I'm sticking with the Japanese language track. (You know, I'm collecting at least two or three other series in which Johnny Yong Bosch plays the lead character--sure, I think he's a great actor, but enough is enough!) ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] [font=Times]So where would you rank it among all the GONZO titles, in terms of overall quality? I particulary want to know if it's visually better than FMP, or whichever series you find to look the best. And would you definitely recommend the DVD for purchase? All the praising makes me want to get it.[/font]
  22. [QUOTE=Crazy Ace]Well I would like back Gundam Wing. I think it was the best in the series because the plot was easy to follow but captivating at the same time. I wanted Yu Yu Hakusho back but now they brought it back. I go to basketball practice at 7 in the morning on Saturdays and I saw in on at 5:30 after Gundam Seed. It was the first time it came on then and it started right where they left off [spoiler] Saturday's episode was when Sensui killed Yusuke [/spoiler]. .Hack//sign is another I want back because I liked the deep story line. I can remember Outlaw Star and it had a nice blend of action and comedy to keep the watcher tuning in. [b]Anyone other than me think that CN should make an anime channel that resembles boomerang? With that most of your prayers would be answered.[/b][/QUOTE] [font=Times]That would be wonderful, but I don't see it lasting very long. If they charged like Boomerang charges to get it, I don't see how many people would actually order it; because if they wanted to pay for an anime channel they'd order Anime Network right? And if it were free, that would probably cost them more than they're willing to risk on an anime channel. I heard Boomerang is failing horribly too. Not enough people ordering it right?[/font]
  23. [QUOTE=duoikari]Yes i totally agree, i even see a yaoi image once where piccolo was sitting in a chair and there was like this half monkey and piccolo thing ranning around, if you think about it, [b]all of piccolo's people are gay anyway, cos there no males on there planet so who do they go with to make baby? :animestun seriously beyond me.[/b] Also i agree with you with the gundam wing yaoi, there was too much, they stopped making lots of doujinshi at about 2000, the last group that i know brought out a book about gundam wing was a circle called dark knight, who later when on and did the love is like a storm or something manga(which is like really really good)[/QUOTE] [font=Times]Well actually, Piccolo's race is asexual. They don't have any genitalia, and reproduce by spitting up eggs (Piccolo Daimyo does this in Dragonball). Which is why I find Piccolo being paired with anyone utterly disturbing. Girls, guys, other Nameks..... He doesn't have equipment.[/font] [quote=Dagger][i]Okay... I left this thread alone for a while, but I'm a little confused as to what exactly the OP wants the discussion to be. Are you hoping for it to turn into a catch-all topic like this similarly oriented Manga Workshop thread? Or are you just looking for a head count? (Thankfully, it's expanded beyond that already, but its direction is still kind of unclear.) Particularly now that you've indicated a willingness to bring yuri in as well... would you like me to edit the thread title or something? Well, anyway. I like BL and yuri... just not all of it. Sukisho and Kannazuki no Miko are the scum of the earth, in my opinion (I actually was quite fond of Sukisho when I first watched it, but toward the very end my opinion did a drastic 180, and the OVA only solidified that). And many of the older, more obscure BL OVAs (i.e. Lesson XX, which sounds countless times dirtier than it actually is, and Fish in the Trap) are obscure for a reason. But there's good stuff to be found amid all the mediocrity, as is the case with any anime genre. Loveless is a shining example of angsty romantic melodrama handled elegantly... and it has heavy helpings of both BL and yuri. Ai no Kusabi is brilliant. Often the titles that focus on something other than BL/yuri but do have some (or at least hint at it) are more interesting. Revolutionary Girl Utena is my all-time favorite series. Noir is startlingly moving, especially as it gets into the final stretch (there's also a lot to like about the yuri in Devil Lady). And the list goes on. In fairness, though, it's probably at least in part because there are a lot more anime with BL/yuri elements than those which are marketed solely and specifically as BL or yuri shows. ~Dagger~[/i][/quote] [font=Times]What about Kiddy Grade? I haven't seen it, but it looks like it leans towards being yuri.[/font]
  24. [font=Times][quote=demonboy][i]I am totally agnostic, but I am not going to vote, because you grouped atheism with agnosticism, and they are very much different. Atheism is basically refusing to believe in a god/diety, whilst agnosticism is just not being commited to believing the existance or nonexistance of a diety/god. It's basically, atheism can be associated with the definite idea that there is no god. Agnosticism can be assosiated with a big question mark. [SIZE=8]?[/SIZE][/i][/quote] I pretty much agree with that, I'm agnostic. But my oldest sister is Baptist (or Christian? Well she's one of those), and my other sister believes in god and Jesus (but she doesn't go to church) too. My mom believes too and so does my dad, but none of them go to church (except my oldest sister, everyone else usually works on weekends). Infact, I think my whole family believes except me. That's so wacky.[/font]
  25. [quote name='EVA Unit 100']Um, FLCL IS on every Saturday at midnight (no this week though, since they're showing a Halloween special). And the making new episodes idea wouldn't work since, you know, they finished the story. :rolleyes:[/quote] [font=Times]Come on, they kept going with DBZ even though [i]their[/i] story was supposed to have been finished. That went well, am I right or what? I think Furi Kuri could get away with at least four more spinoffs/seasons. I want to see Last Exile on G4TV again, I was really digging that series, even though G4 seemed to continuously have moodswings about what episodes they wanted to air; I think I only got to see ten or so before they took it off. I would have liked to have seen it through to the end. Honorable mentions: Gundam 0083. It was kinda old, but the animation was rather fluid and I liked the art style, and that awesome opening music. It's been a good while since it was on, maybe Adultswim could replay it whenever they run out of episodes for one of their anime again. Tenchi Muyo. Hopefully sometime after the rest of the Tenchi OVAs are out, Toonami or Adultswim will run it again and show the new episodes as well while they're at it. I know Tenchi isn't exactly a ratings beast, but it'd be nice if they did it. Sarcastic mentions: Pilot Candidate. That series seriously had like, the best opening music in existance, it drop kicked my grandma whenever it was on. It was unoriginal as all get out in concept yes, but the animation was nice? Trigun. I think it's unfair that they took Trigun off so soon, they've only been reshowing this for the past three or so years nonstop; I think there's still some people in Alaska who haven't seen it. [/font]
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