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Everything posted by Kaze

  1. [font=Times]Ranma 1/2 is probably my favorite comedy manga, since it's so bizarre and original; next to Azumanga Daioh I mean. I've only read the first volume of Azumanga but it's got so many silly moments and jokes that make me laugh, that I'm willing to buy the rest of it (my sister bought the first volume) just because of that. Sakaki is a weirdo. I also like Fruits Basket since it kinda reminds me of Ranma 1/2, that weird humour is funny.[/font]
  2. [font=Times]Can you count magic spells as well? Best weapon: Perhaps the Tetsusaiga, but it has that weakness where you can't use the ultimate technique (Backlash Wave) against anything or anyone without a demonic aura....that's pretty limiting. I guess Banryuu (Bankotsu's sword) then. The Banryuu was used to slay one thousand demons, and one thousand humans by Bankotsu, combined with the the power obtained from that and the Shikon Jewel Shards within it, Bankotsu easily overpowered Inuyasha's Windscar technique and almost killed him (but he's dumb so he died). Best fighting technique: The Kaio-ken. The Kaio-ken is perhaps Goku's best technique period, since it provides him with an endless amount of power to increase his abilities however much he needs. The only flaw is that if he uses too much he can explode. Imagine if his body were stronger though, he wouldn't even need any of his Super Saiya-jin transformations since the Kaio-ken would be more than enough. Best magic spell: The Giga Slave. Lina Inverse can use the Giga Slave to basically have L-sama (God) posess her body, there's no stopping that. The flaw in it though, is that anytime she uses it, L-sama might destroy the planet or universe (just because).[/font]
  3. [QUOTE=AnimeFront]I dont look at yaoi but h i have no problems with it. The only time it makes me mad to see it is when they take to characters that everybody knows are straight, and make them a yaoi couple, you cant rewrite the story people. Yuri hentai is cool though. Lady Une and Noin.[/QUOTE] [font=Times]There's way too much Gundam Wing yaoi out there, poor Hero. You wear bike shorts for forty plus episodes and everyone thinks you're gay. And DBZ; I have personally seen too many VegetaxGoku fans run rampant with those types of pairings and stories. They crossed the line when they started PiccoloxGohan though, that's a new level of wrong. This thread brings out all types of horrible memories for me, that I worked so hard to repress. >_>[/font]
  4. [QUOTE=Foxkillaz][b]I'm currently publishing an Inu X shippou yaoi/shota (Shippou is 50 so I don't know what to put it as.) were Inu goes insane, eats Kagomes brains and rapes Shippou. All in all, InuYasha is a crappeh show, but he looks good nekkid and that's fine enough for me![/b][/QUOTE] [font=Times]This needs to go into the Hall of Fame somewhere, as one of the most disturbing things ever posted. Anyway, I'm not into Yaoi. Not only does it sound weird pronounced outloud (yowee?), I find myself disturbed by how girlish the guys are in anime, it's even creepier when they get together. It's like two girls getting together but they have male parts instead of female, they're just so effeminate you may as well be watching some yuri stuff. By the way, I didn't mean gay people are creepy; I meant guys who look like girls getting together are creepy. Why not just get with a real girl is what I'm wondering. And I'm talking about anime/manga, not real people too. Real gay dudes are only creepy if they're bigger than me.[/font]
  5. [QUOTE=Stark]People don't like anime because it's just that--an animated show. For that very reason anime put itself down for many people, because cartoons have a certain stigma about being too imature for adults to watch and therefore it's classified as kids' stuff. It's because of this stigma that many people won't take a chance with anime, for the sheer nature of the way it's made. Sometimes people just don't want to open their eyes and see how...unusual it can be.[/QUOTE] [font=Times]I think that's right on the mark. I know a lot of people who won't watch it. As soon as it's brought up they'll say "anime? You mean cartoons?" and then associate it with childrens' programming or Pokemon. They fail to realize that much like live action television, movies, and books; there's more than one genre, and thus it's not all the same thing. So there's bound to be at least one anime series you'll enjoy to some extent. But it's all just Pokemon and DBZ to a lot of people I talk to about it. It's pretty close minded but I usually don't care, and don't attempt to explain exactly what it is besides "Japanese animation". This one guy I know, makes fun of what he sees on Adultswim and calls it retarded, like FullMetal Alchemist ("I'm the only one who can use alchemy without drawing a circle on the ground! Whee!"), Paranoia Agent and some others; but he stills watches it all. I just find that kinda funny.[/font]
  6. [font=Times]I don't know if I'll try this one, but I'll definitely try "Mario Bareknuckle Power Boxing" when that comes out (they've done all the other sports).[/font]
  7. [font=Times]I like to use Link, but he's really cheap; all those projectiles and that throw of his make it too easy. So my main is Nightmare (just so awesome), then Talim (been using her since I first got the game, good speed); I use Mitsurugi as well since his sword techniques are pretty fun. [/font]
  8. [font=Times]Super Smash Bros. Melee is my favorite game ever. I've been playing since it first came out in like 2001 or whenever, I can't remember now; but I still love playing it. Smash is the deepest and most complex fighter I've ever played, seeing as how you can't just use a few combos and expect your enemy to die; you have to keep them from returning to the stage to win (which is very difficult if your opponent's any good usually). So you have to have strategies and combos for any situation if you want to win against a good player. I'm not even going to get into things like edge guarding and advanced techniques though. That would take a while. But basically the best thing about Smash is the community. There are tons of people who love this game all over, and there's always a tournament going on somewhere with all the best players traveling from across the country just to compete and hang out. It's really awesome, and I hope SSBR keeps Smash alive even longer and increases the fanbase. Online's gonna be crazy if they do this game right.[/font]
  9. [font=Times]One of my favorite storylines in anime/manga is Ranma 1/2's. I just like how original it is. A boy and his father fall into cursed springs in China and from then on turn into a girl and a panda? It's great how many adventures and enemies they make just because of this alone. It's not the best story, but it's really entertaining and funny.[/font]
  10. [font=Times][b]Pantyhose Taro (Ranma 1/2):[/b] I just think he's overall cooler than Ranma and his buddies. Besides I wanted him to get a name change too. [b]Sesshoumaru (InuYasha):[/b] Just because he's far more awesome than InuYasha. [b]Scar (FullMetal Alchemist):[/b] No particular reason I just think he's cool.[/font]
  11. [FONT=Times New Roman]I like basically any fighter I play. 3D: SSB, SSBM, SCII, Tekken Tag Tournament, Tekken 5 2D: Samurai Showdown. Super Smash Brothers: As soon as I first saw the commercial for this game I liked it. After getting it I played it pretty much nonstop until SSBM came out. I still pop it in every now and then to keep in practice though. My best character was Fox. Super Smash Bros. Melee: This is my favorite fighter ever. It looks deceptively simple, but there's a ridiculous amount of depth in the fighting once you learn advanced moves like Wavedashing, and Dash Dancing. (Best characters: Roy, Marth, Peach, Mario, Samus). Just watch a [URL=http://ssbm.captainjack.jp/maji2.html]video[/URL] of two advanced players going at it and you'll understand how intense a fight can be. Soul Calibur 2: This is probably the best 3D fighter I've ever seen, and probably the most fun for me next to the SSB games, because of all the strategy that comes from being able to choose so many weapons for your character of choice. My best characters are Mitsurugi, Link, Nightmare, and Talim. Tekken Tag Tournamet: I seriously played this game for about eleven or more hours with my cousin once. We were around the same skill level in both Tekken Bowling and just fighting so it really made it challenging and fun (though he was a little better at TBowl and I was his superior in fighting). My best charactes were Hwoarang, Law, Paul, and Li Xaioyu. Tekken 5: This game is great. The fighting system is the same as Tekken Tag so I was used to playing to right away, and customization can be pretty fun (plus Starblade). My only problem is that I rarely get to play against anyone, but I want to test my totally insane skills. (Best characters: Hwoarang and King; I am master of the Ugly Kicks)). Samurai Showdown: I havent gotten to play this one in around three years really, but I loved this game. My skills were godly with....that water guy. (Honorable mentions are Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution, and Dead or Alive 2.)[/FONT]
  12. [FONT=Times New Roman]In regards to instant message conversations or chatrooms. I have a major propensity for using ">_>" when I'm not being serious. I seriously put that thing after almost every sentence.....>_> I don't really have any habits when it comes to writing stories though. I don't even have a particular writing style, since I make a habit out of changing my style with most of the stories I write. But I guess sometimes I have an inclination for putting a lot of violent jokes in my stories (infact, I just wrote a story a little while back with a [i]really[/i] sick joke/ending).[/FONT]
  13. [FONT=Times New Roman]Sensui for me. That boy has some issues.[/FONT]
  14. [quote name='Dagger']Oh, they have noses alright (super-tiny button noses, which is to be expected, but you can see 'em if you squint). :catgirl:[/quote] Well I just do not know what to think about this. I mean, you say they have noses; and I guess that if I squint I really [i]can[/i] see them, but I don't know if they're actually big enough to be called anything other than almost microscopic holes. :all: [QUOTE=Dagger]I love their weapons. It looks like a yo-yo for Blossom, a... uh, bubble wand for Bubbles, and Buttercup appears to be holding some kind of wacked-out croquet mallet. The costumes also rock. I suppose transformation sequences are a bit too much to ask for (this isn't exactly Sailor Moon), but that would be the coolest thing ever. I really hope the anime uses longer versions of the English opening and ending songs. From what I can tell, though, Mojo Jojo has the best character design of the bunch. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] I must admit that I like the character designs. Except the professor, looking at him fills me with all kinds of terror when I compare that design to his classic look.
  15. [FONT=Times New Roman]I have heard many myths and rumors, but I did not know China and Korea had comics of their own; I merely thought Japan and America were the only places on the planet that make comics. :animestun But seriously though, my preference is manga; but only because I don't know where to find any Chinese manga (no Chinatown around here...) or manwha. I read occidental comics though, seeing as how I live in the US. Someday though, I'll have to order some of these mysterious manga that aren't from Japan. :therock: [/FONT]
  16. [FONT=Times New Roman]I like all of the above choices. I can get into anything so long as it keeps me interested. I'm not sure if I like comedy, or action manga more though. They're both highly appealing, but I've read more action than comedy so I'll choose that.[/FONT]
  17. [FONT=Times New Roman]Now that I've seen them with fingers, I can die satisfied. Wait no, I can't; they still DON'T HAVE NOSES OMG *explodes*[/FONT]
  18. [FONT=Times New Roman]I thought everyone played Marvel vs Capcom by now. Obviously Cyclops' super eye beam move owns everyone.[/FONT]
  19. 1. [b]Senkaiden Houshin Engi[/b] This is perhaps my favorite shonen anime. It's a blend of comedy, action, adventure, and drama. The story is interesting (based on ancient Chinese history, and mythology), and there's a good mix of characters and the quality of animation stays consistently okay throughout the entire series (sometimes it'll jump from pretty okay, to a much sharper, cleaner looking style). I think anyone should give it a try, especially the DVDs, since they have a lot of extra, useful information (history lessons too!). 2. [b]Cowboy Bebop[/b] I enjoy this one for the great music, action and nice animation. There's a not-so-typical story, and plenty of humor too that livens it up some when needed. CB should definitely be on the list. 3. [b]The Slayers[/b] I love this one. Full of comedy, action, and adventure, and it's also freaking long. The animation is pretty old, but it's definitely entertaining enough that it shouldn't bother anyone who likes this type of stuff. This is a classic that all anime fans should see a least a little of at some point. 4. [b]Trigun[/b] This one has great comedy, cool gunfights and a freaky main character, who switches between being a complete wimp, a bit of a lecher, or a completely serious guy who will do anything to save people. I don't see how anyone with cable could have missed watching Trigun by now seeing as how it's been shown on Adult Swim about ten or more times by now. It's just an awesome anime. 5. [b]Rurouni Kenshin[/b] The main character of this one is basically Vash with a sword. He'll switch from a goofy, harmless looking guy, to a battle hardened warrior who just wants to save people, but is too much of a nice guy to kill his enemies. There's a good mix of action, adventure, and comedy here, with nice animation for a series of this length. Definitely classic. 6. [b]Fullmetal Alchemist[/b] What I've seen of this series is more than enough reason to put it on my list, even if the rest of it turns out to suck. The animation is smooth and clean throughout the series, there's interesting philosophy on the value of human life going on, it's funny, and the action and characters are all cool. 7. [b]Fushigi Yuugi[/b] This is one of the only shoujo anime I've watched, and it's definitely the only I've ever called one of my favorite anime. This one is pretty long, but has some really nice art and pretty goods animation throughout the whole series, plus there's some nice martial arts action throughout it, too. My only problem is that Miaka and Tamahome scream each other's names more than Inuyasha and Kagome ever did... But yeah, it's still great. 8. [b]Excel Saga[/b] I don't care what some people say about it, but it stands to be the funniest anime I've ever seen. It has nice clean animation, and the parodies are hilarious. If you don't like it, fine, but there are plenty of people who'll agree that it's awesome. 9. [b]Ranma 1/2[/b] This one almost single handedly started the harem genre back in the eighties. Everyone says it can get really repetitive since it's so long, and the animation really shows its age, but I'm putting it on my list because it's so classic. It's a funny, rather original anime, and the various freaky martial arts techniques throughout it are enough reason to like it if this type of humor is your thing. 10. [b]DragonBall[/b] I don't know about you, but DragonBall basically started me off in the anime world, since it was perhaps the first one I saw. It's really, really, old looking by now, but the martial arts and humor is still entertaining to me.
  20. [FONT=Times New Roman][b]Lina Inverse[/b] (The Slayers) [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v58/Kaze-Bakemono/images.jpg[/IMG] She doesn't take guff from anyone, and if you do tick her off, she'll blow you, and everything within a mile, up. She's like one of the most powerful anime girls ever (she can summon what is basically God to possess her), and only about sixteen throughout most of her series. She's one of my favorites for those reasons. [b]Washu[/b] (Tenchi Muyo!) [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v58/Kaze-Bakemono/washu06-th.jpg[/IMG] She's one of the main characters of Tenchi Muyo! and the self-proclaimed best scientific genius in the universe. Throughout the series (all of them), she makes all sorts of wacky, and cool inventions that prove she's really brilliant. And she also has an interesting past. [b]Cologne[/b] (Ranma 1/2) [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v58/Kaze-Bakemono/cologne.jpg[/IMG] Cologne, as you can see, is a mummy. But I do believe she counts as a female anyway. Throughout Ranma 1/2 she's proven to be the wisest, most awesome mummy ever though. She teaches Ranma and Ryouga some of their best techniques (Bakusai Tenketsu, Hiryu Shoten Ha, Katchu Tenshin Amaguriken), though she only does it for her own personal gain though. And besides Nabiki, she's the smartest person in all of the series.[/FONT]
  21. [quote name='Morpheus']I don't think that a dbz movie could do the hair. It looks corny no matter what, and that would destroy the movie.[/quote] [FONT=Times New Roman]Well... They could probably found a way around that. Maybe they could just do a more modern, realistic look for DBZ, like the X-Men movie. You know, no ridiculously bright dogis or overly spiky hair (though I think a little spikiness would be fine).[/FONT]
  22. [FONT=Times New Roman]I probably started watching anime at like, eight or seven. I remember I used to watch Speed Racer, Robotech, Thundercats (which is still the most awesome show about cat people ever), Sailor Moon, and Dragonball. I'm not sure which of those I saw first though. At that point I just thought they were cartoons, and I didn't really realize it was anime until my family finally got the internet (how else could I have found out?), and looked up DBZ. I got my slightly older sister into anime shortly after, and my mom (I got them both to start watching DBZ with me). I guess that's like, almost ten years now of watching anime.[/FONT]
  23. [FONT=Times New Roman][QUOTE]And there are all these rumors going around about a live action DBZ movie. That I would like to see. :) [/QUOTE] That's been cancelled last I heard. Though yeah, I may have it watched it too if it were ever made. After seeing Matrix Revolutions, I believe they could have successfully recreated a lot of the things done in DBZ. I'm not sure about the characters though, because that's something I always have an issue with regarding live action versions of anything. Though X-Men turned out well enough in both the special effects and character appearances departments. So there may have been hope for the characters in the Dragonball Z live action movie, too.[/FONT]
  24. [FONT=Times New Roman]I'd like to see Outlaw Star back on TV again. At least for a bit, but CN is just going to let the rights expire I think. Same with Tenchi Muyo. But at least that still comes on the International Channel sometimes. I'd like to see Fushigi Yuugi on TV again too. I missed the last few episodes, which really annoyed me, because I'd been watching every episode since they started showing it on IC, they even showed the OVAs if I remember correctly. And I can't afford to get it on DVD for a good while. I'd like to see The Slayers on TV again as well. I used to tune into that whenever it was on, just like FY. That was some good stuff, but I missed episodes of it, just like Fushigi Yuugi. So I'm hoping that if they show it again, I can catch them this time around. That'd be nice. I want to see Gundam Wing unedited again, too. It was awesome. They had robots, with guns. [COLOR=Silver]BSSM too. ;;>_>[/COLOR][/FONT]
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