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Dark Sephiroth

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Everything posted by Dark Sephiroth

  1. what a wierdo anime name?!
  2. Read the title. What r your thoughts?
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i] [B]You're stupid....Tyrant Dragon can atk twice if they opponent has any monsters on the field, and has higher attack strength...2900 to 2850...be quiet newbie..lol [/B][/QUOTE] :bawl: :( :bawl: okay then my BLUE EYES can beat it. And if not my Dragon God can beat it (Which is a japenese version)
  4. GTA3 is da BOMB! Specialy hte option to make out inside the car under a shadowy area. BUT IT STINKS becuase i have 2 wait till 2004!!!
  5. dont worry i think he'll be fine just hope and it mught happen. What exactly happen to it?
  6. tyrant D. is pretty good but my Tri-Horn can beat it!
  7. thats all good choices. But i dont get the summoned skull one. Another good card is Black Hole -Destroys ll the monster in teh field which is good
  8. i'm not so i'll chat w/ you guys at summer
  9. 1 Blue Eyes White Dragon 2 Tri-horn Dragon 3 Dark Magician 4 Gaia The Firce Knight 5 Summoned Skull
  10. Hey Yu-Gi-Oh Card Gamers what is your best YuGiOh Trading Card? (You can have 1-5 only);)
  11. Who here is going to summer school for summer?
  12. for me it's my little sister! She pisses me off 24/7 :mad:
  13. Name your favorite things about a anime show! IN ORDER
  14. rocks special the part at the end were they become the swat and take the money and all and the robot driving the van was pretty cool 2;
  15. lol! that was cool *watches it again*
  16. WOW! Nice avies *looks for a good 1*
  17. i am currently planning to start the RPG on saturday so please join
  18. [COLOR=crimson]i have to go w/ Max Payne it's better than HALO bcuz Halo to me is boring.[/COLOR]
  19. Name: Ryu Age: 18 Race: Human Gender: Male Height: 5'9 Weight: 229 lb. Element: Fire and Earth Weapon: Light Dragon Sword Attacks: 1.) Super Nova: Fires a Large Fire Ball 2.) Fire Blade: When sword is slashed a blade of fire fires 3.) Quake: An earthquake is summoned 4.) Dragons Breath: A strong flame is blast from the sword 5.) Rock Sword: Sword becomes 3x more powerful 6.) Dragon Heart: Summons a legendary dragon 7.) Stoning: Fires at foe and turns to a stone statue for 5 hours Character Description: Looks like Ryu in Breath of Fire Bio: A noble warrior of the Light Dragon Clan sent to destory the forces of evil and unite the world once more.
  20. The World as fallen apart. By dark forces of evil, now heroes from around the wolrd must join forces and destroy the dark forces and bring back the wolrd togeather. To join make this w/ information bout your character. Name: Age: Race: (Make on up or choose one that's real) Height: Weight: Element: Fire, Water, Wind, Earth (can be a combination of 2) Weapon: Attacks: (most match w/ element) Character Description: (describe your char.)
  21. i think age of empire II is better than all of em :smirk:
  22. [list] [*]Age of Emipre II [*]Empire Earth [*]Both Games [*]None of 'em [/list] Which one do you think is the Best? [list] [*]Max Payne [*]HALO [/list] Which one the Intense game Max Payne or the Best game for XBOX HALO
  23. [COLOR=green]what is the best game for xbox? [/COLOR]
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