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Dark Sephiroth

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Everything posted by Dark Sephiroth

  1. hey you guyys visit [url]www.phantasystaronline.com/dreamcast[/url] i think that's the link to it but i visit it almost like ounce a week And i can't wait when it get's out one XBOx:toothy:
  2. like design it and have a host like those things
  3. thanx for not closing it man okay peeps PM me if you know of one good pic
  4. can you guyys help me look for a gogeta pic thats looks great!
  5. how do you make a message board like this one?
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by woody [/i] [B]I never get in trouble in school.:) [/B][/QUOTE] mani am suspended for 5 days and it all started 2 days ago
  7. try yahoo and search up the subject: Flash Movie Creator whyh do you need it anywayz?
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Majora's Mask [/i] [B]I have! Yep, yep yep! Me and my friends launched a bunch of fire works off near our school......Fun, fun, fun! [/B][/QUOTE] lol. i have for 5 days for skating in the cafetaria during lunch with my friends
  9. ever been suspended in school in your whole life?
  10. the games i got DOA3 and Project Gotham Racing :( halo was out and i got my xbox at best buys :demon: i hate that place cuz they did,'t have halo :D and now i like it again cuz they just had a stock of games:angel:
  11. so you like xbox andthen when you got a GC you dont like xbox anymore :confused: i'm confused
  12. what is the no. 1 site 4 xbox:p
  13. what 3 games should i get when i get my xbox? am asking cuz am getting xbox today:)
  14. might as well join Name:Cloud Verture Age:16 weapon:Sword/Dagger ability's:Earth powers (moves ground and stuff) and thunder Appearance:looks jus like my avie. And wears a black jeans and a black shirt and a black vest. Wears finger gloves w/ steel on the knuckles on the right hand.
  15. hey pokemon peeps do u guys know the pokemon battle simultation site?
  16. how big is it excatly? and yeah it's sounds pretty cool
  17. isn't this RPG like any other:sleep:
  18. dont u jus hate the holiday sock on kidsWb were in blue hell do they get these ideas:cussing:
  19. anyone watch yu-gi-oh today? :crying:
  20. [COLOR=seagreen]Can anyone help me on HALO lvl. 9:cussing: it's damn hard[/COLOR] And wut gun should I use for this lvl.?
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dark Sephiroth [/i] [B]waterever wanna be on me list of your award on winning me [/B][/QUOTE] wut i meean is wanna join my buddy list
  22. waterever wanna be on me list of your award on winning me
  23. [glow]thanks 4 ur help i jus change my pokemon moves[/glow]
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