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Dark Sephiroth

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Everything posted by Dark Sephiroth

  1. i wont ur suggestion bout my poketeam Chrizard:Fireblast,Flamethrower,FireSpin,Ember Blastoise:Hydropump,Watergun,Bubblebeam,hyperbeam Nidoking:horn drill,fire blast,solar beam,mega punch Arcinine:fire blast,flamethrower,takedown,double kick Sycther:Quick attack,slash,hyper beam,fury swipes Dragonnite:hyper beam,hyro pump,flamethrower,stomp i really need ur opinion here
  2. hey ppl i hav a thread jus like this but now where talking bout custom animated avatars. here the question if u hav 500 post wut animated custom avatar will u choose???
  3. hey GARY how ya doing i wanna join jus wont ya 2 know i wanna join again!!!:D
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dark Sephiroth [/i] [B] thats cool PIROMUNKIE i hav a mid. aged one [/B][/QUOTE] doen't that sucks
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][SIZE=1]I just today got a new computer and everythingsa goin great! It's smooth sailin so far for me! No slowness at all! :D[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] thats cool PIROMUNKIE i hav a mid. aged one
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pikeon [/i] [B]Well how about this. [url]www.theotaku.com.[/url] [url]www.Vegita2K1.com[/url] Or just go to [url]www.yahoo.com[/url] and lick on "search" and put Dragonball [/B][/QUOTE] Thanks anymore???
  7. hey u guys wut is the best DBZ/GT site??? plz tell me
  8. i wanna join Name: Sephiroth Age: 16 Height: 5'7 Starting poke's: Scyther,Nidoking, Alakazam,Charizard,Kabutops Bio: he rised his pokemon 2 be the best! And he made his pokemon grow strong b4 he starts his journey.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NanakiXIII [/i] [B][B]alright then see you when i see you[/B] [/B][/QUOTE] See ya tomorow nanaki
  10. nanaki ill talk 2 u tomorow i have 2 go but u could post the continue and ill finish it tomorow
  11. [B]Have u guys ever been on this forum it's cool[/B] [URL=user.boardnation.com/yffweb/ ]click me 2 go 2 the forum[/URL] [COLOR=red]hope u guys like this forum[/COLOR]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2 [/i] [B] im not really an FF person but ill try to get some good dbz but like i said before, my avatar factory is closed for now [/B][/QUOTE] it's ok ill try 2 get sum my self
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2 [/i] [B] yes i do (check mine out) just specify on which one cuz i cant group it all into one pic [/B][/QUOTE] Like Final Fantasy animated ones or DBZ
  14. nice avatars Ice but do u have animated ones???
  15. man i really hate that singing pokemon jigglypuff ans psyduck
  16. call my self Sephiroth and my wish would be that my F*CKING friend paul,robert,brandon M. would jus die :D :devil: :D
  17. any1 wanna fight me on the pokemon battle simulation (pbs) jus pm me or reply here that u wanna fight me!!! and i really wanna fight u!!! GARY :ball:AK!!!
  18. hey gary ill help u out ill be one of the gym leaders i think i wanna be the last gym leader the team rocket gym 1 k:D
  19. maybe thats why am gonna make it smaller GaLxY-GiRl
  20. this is my fav. custom avatar[IMG]http://www.theotaku.com/dragonball/animated/SSJ4GokuCharge.gif[/IMG]
  21. [COLOR=blue]i say DBZ cause it will be kool if i could fire beams and fly and stuff[/COLOR] :) :D :)
  22. [COLOR=darkblue]wut avatar pic will u use when u get 500 post??? [/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]and could u post ur avatar pic w/ ur reply[/COLOR]
  23. [QUOTE]I will face anyone on pbs just post here the time and day u want to.Especially u gary oak the past was yours but the future is mine.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred]Hey Darker Sephiroth i'll battle u this SAT. at 3 p.m.[/COLOR] :flaming:be there:flaming:
  24. u guys r right i'll go k! :D and dont get mad alright
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