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Dark Sephiroth

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Everything posted by Dark Sephiroth

  1. hey gary oak i wanna join L:ball::ball: K out 4 me guys am coming in... L:DL AIM: NunezKidz Email: [email]NunezKidz@aol.com[/email] Otaku name: Dark Sephiroth
  2. Computer-WELCOME to the pokemon tournament! plz sign in ur trainer's info if u wanna join the tournament PLZ fill in these info 'bout ur self Name: Pokemon: u can only hav 12 pokemon From: Pallet town, Bark Town, etc. _______________________________ rules 1. u may only have 6 pokemon w/ u 2. u can only use sleeping attacks 10 times but u can use rest as long as u like. pokemon that is sleeping wont be able 2 attack 4 55 seconds 3. all trainers may only use 1 pokemon during battles 4. if u jus join this thread u must battle a other trainer 5. u could only go against 1 pokemon trainer 6. u can't use 2 pokemon against 1 pokemon u could only have a 1 on 1 pokemon fights 7. if u dont follow these rules u will be disbanned from this forum!! _______________________________ RANKS win 10 battles: advance trainer win 30 battles: Champion win 50 battles: Top Champion win 80 Battles: Elite Trainer win 100 battles: Elite Champion win 110 battles: Elite Master
  3. hey wut site is this pokemon battle sim. is it [url]www.pokemonbattle.com???[/url]
  4. I still think Sephiroth is the best FF character ever!!!
  5. This thread doenst lool like a rpg story 2 me :)
  6. [COLOR=darkblue]i would be Amarant or Sephiroth cuz they r cool[/COLOR] :) :D
  7. [COLOR=red]there is no such lvl. above ssj4 and thats a fact[/COLOR] :devil: :flaming:
  8. will i didnt know alright now sephiroth SHUT UP
  9. sure u did will i dont even think u have G/S version ur jus probably spam talking sia maybe that why i put a warning sign right under the cheat that says might not work or wutever u probably didn't even try it! anyways which ones dont work Sia tell me
  10. no i mean PPL thos dont work wut the Hell those that mean?!?:flaming:
  11. i think these moves r good 1-Psybeam,or HyperBeam 2-Psychic 3-FireBlast 4-blizzard,or fissure My mews attack is 1-Psychic 2-Fireblast 3-Blizzard 4-Thunder
  12. Get Cyboreon Platform: GameBoy Color To get Cyboreon train your eevee that Bill gave you and let it evolve to espeon at level 50. Now go to Celadon City and buy a female eevee. train it and let it evolve to umbreon at level 50. Now take them both to the daycare people and give the old man your espeon and the lady your umbreon. Go out and battle for a few hours and come back to the daycare. You should have an egg waiting for you. Now go and deposit three of your pokemon and get the egg, umbreon, and espeon. Walk about 10,000 steps or more and the egg should hatch. when it hatches it should know the males attacks or the females. Now train it to level 50 but don''t let it evolve. When its at level 50 use the moon stone on it. Make sure eevee doesn''t go over level 50 or this cheat won''t work. It should evolve into Cyboreon dont think it would work
  13. MewThree Platform: GameBoy Color Catch all 251 pokemon. Then go to proffessor Oak and talk to him. He will send you to Red''s mom. She will call for Red. Red will arive and will bring you into another battle. He will only have 1 pokemon. It will be MewThree. If you beat him he will give him to you. Dont think this might work
  14. Anno'un Music While in the Alpha Ruins southeast of Kikyou city go to the Pokegear option in the menu screen. Go to the radio option and on the fourteenth to the twentieth channel you can find a station Called ??????. That is the Ann'oun Music. It can only be heard at Alpha Ruins. may not work
  15. Gold Gyarados Go to the fourth gym and Surf right all the way. You will Surf in the water, where you should see a Gyarados. Battle it, and it will be golden. [COLOR=firebrick]This may not work a kid e-mailed this 2 me[/COLOR]
  16. then try the code spammy boy:p
  17. anyway i'll continue on w/ the codes K
  18. and i got this code jus by doing it beside am a code researcher 4 one of the cheat site
  19. the pokemon master is that dragon trainer at the Kanto Pokemon league u should kno that if u have G/S version:smirk:
  20. has sage/sephiroth were following the 2 knights 2 the kingdom of gods sage saw a group of orges jump from ledge 2 ledge on top of buildings sage-hey did u see that seph??? seph-saw wut? sage-that! seph look out the diriction that sage was pointing at seph-wut the hell our those?!? sage-dont know knight 1-those r orges seph-wut then out of nowhere orgres attack sage,seph,and the 2 knights from there backs
  21. sorry bout that Nanaki my com. blow up like crazy so i got a new 1
  22. Hey u know the code about the hiden pokemon heres the code Beat the pokemon master 230 times and then when u beat him 1 more time he will give u a hiden pokemon and its a MEWTWO at lvl. 250!!! and as 5 attack slots instead of 4 and its attack MP at 100 and all of its stats at 999
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