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Everything posted by SalorMidnight
Draka awoke...."Wounder how long ive been asleep...oh well i feel like i need some food hehehe!" She swiftly left the old house she was in and begain to walk down the street. She spoted a young man about 20, 25. She walked over to him, preteding to cry she ran into the man. "Ma'am you ok?" he said turing her around. "No its just i..."she flung her self at him percing her long fangs into his silky skin. When she was done she pulled him out in the middle of the road, with her knife she cut the man up into small bits. As she stood she noticed someone was around her....she new it was not human but it was strong and powerfull. "Hello hehehehe come out i know your here hehehe" The figure moved she got in a stance ready to strick. "Ah hahaha so we meet at last Draka hahaha i see im winning, you seemed to be hiding hahaha." he said in a eeri voice. " ive been around Hyde.....ya i see you have been doing a great job at killing nice very nice hahaha." she moved slightly as she did Hyde grabed her in a tight imbrace. "What are you hahaha scared???" She tryed to move but her griped harder his face inches from hers. "No why are you?" she said breacking from his grip. Sweftly she grabs him from behind he knife on his neck. She gently kissed him on the neck, he pushed her away. "hahahahaha, whats wrong Hyde humm??" she said with an evil grin
"Hahahahaha wake up Draka come on its time to kill......" Draka opend her eyes, she saw that she was in an ally. She felt the snow fall on her, it was sunrise. She slowly stood up, she noticed a rose on the ground where she had been laying. It was amazing in the white snow, its black petals clashing with the white snow. She picked it up and started to walk out of the ally. "yes what shall we do...seeing that we are now free lets go make some artwork......"she said her redlips cruling into an evil smile. As she walked out of the ally she could smell the fantest smell of human blood. "Ahh i see Hyde has been to work, hehehe well hes had his fun nows its my turn" "lets she what kind of hell we can bring to this town...hmmmm how about a public place we could kill may five ten people.. i want to let Hyde know im alive and ready for some fun hehehe ."she said as she made her way to the town square. She walked swiftly, she cluched her wip in one hand and one of her daggers in the other. She spotted a small group of people about 5 adults and one child. She became invisable, walking slowly she aproched the group, she spotted a fountain in the middle of the square...."ahh how lovely lets kill them all hehehe"she thought to her self. She reappeared, no one seemed to notice her except the little girl. She grind, "Excuse me" she said to the group of people. "Yes do you need some help"said a man wearing a black coat. "Oh yes i do see ive really got this problem" "well if it anything serous you should go see the police."he said looking baffeld. "See thats were you wrong they cant help....well i could kill them two but see you humans look so inocent i really makes me angry, so when i get angry i like to kill so guess what you all are going to die....MWHAHAHAHAHA" Befor any of them could move she slit the five adults throte, there blood pouring all over her. She turned to the girl who was screaming. She lashed her wip around her neck and with a quick filck of her wrist she snaped the girls neck like a twig. She smilied.."now for the fun part.." she pick up one of the adults, riping off his shirt she carved a rose in his chest, she did the same to the 4 other adults. she placed them all around the fountain. Then she took the little girl and riped all her cloths of and cut out her heart and her guts. She tied the girl to the the top of the fountain. With the blood from the girls heart she wrote a massage. "Hyde my dear hehehe hope you like my master peace, lets see if you can do better Love Draka" She walked off down a dark ally, blood driping off her hands..........
Name:Vampire Genome-Product #2 (AKA Draka) Race:Unstable Hybrid of Anti-Slayers Gender:female Age:4 years since initial creation Height:5'8 WEight:98 Appeaence:Long black hair, and stalking black eyes,she has blood red lips and fair skin,she wears a black trench coat underneath she wears a black leather t-shirt and a black skirt. Her boots lace all the way up to her knees. Weapon:A leather wip with a blade at the end a strike to the head is fatal to a normal human, two twin butterflyknives,and a sniper rifle Nationality:N/A-Created Attitude:Very witty and silent does not talk much but loves the sound of craking bones. When she kills she kills in a brutile and creative way. She also holds a black rose the frist thing she receved when she was released she cant remember who gave it two her but she carries it with her. She also loves to play games with her prey . She thinks of killing works of art and is always tring new things. Special Skills:All the ablities of a normal vampire, she can move with her mind to any place she wants with a thought, she can control humans and some vampiers by mind control she is also very manipulating and perswasive,she can trun inviseable and has supper sight and hearing.She can also heal very fast Organization: hybrid anti-slayers-but would rather work by herself she does not really trust anyone Bio:She remembers the flashing lights as she heard the cries of the dying scientists, she remembers being set free and knows what she is and is out to kill anything that gets in her way. With the voice in her head telling her to kill and not stop she seeks out anything to kill the bloodlust and rage. She awoke in a dark ally and on her lap set a single black rose she keep it and got on her way to start her killing spree.
Name:Nissa Draka Age:182--looks 25 Gender: female Race: Vampire Side: 4 Fangs Quote:"Im the preditor your the pray, get it?!" Height: 5'6 Weight: 100 Description:sholder length midnight, black hair with blue high lights, snowflack white skin, black eyes,wears and leather trench coat underneath a black t-shirt,and black cut of jean shorts, and black lace up boots that go past her knees Weapons:a master of the wip, also two twin daggers Bio:Prey-the weak hearted, food for the preditor. She can remember a time of being weak and innocent, not being able to defend herself agenst the years of abuse her father had scard her with. One day she could not take any more...most people would not help they would just keep on getting abused some wanted to but not Katie....while her father was sleeping she tied him down..grabing a kitchen knife she slit his neck and his wrists, then she took his blood and on a wall she wrote "im not a prey any more im the preditor"After running away she was taken in by a misterous man of who she still does not know his name. She took her in traind her and she worked hard. He told her to foget her old name now she would be called Nissa Draka. One night on her 25th birthday she got a gift the best gift of all. A man so handsome his black eyes stared into hers,he bent down and bit her neck ti felt so good,then he cut his own neck and she drank and drannk untill her pulled her away.She was now the preditor she had always dreamed of being.She train even more and was now apart of the 4 fangs. She is now a brutel killer and will stop anyone who aposes her she is loyal to her boss and to her partners. (sorry so long i was having fun writing it lol)
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