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Everything posted by destro53
Kyzidious sat on a nearby roof staring in disbelief at the inn. So this was where the great Link, liberator of Hyrule, wielder of the Master Sword was staying. He never expected to see such a famous person come through at the same time as him, especialy as rarely as he visited big towns. He ducked out of sight as yet another one of his companions ran out. He briefly wondered where she was headed, then turned his eyes back to the building hoping to catch a glimpse of the famous hero. OOC: Sorry I'm a bit late coming in..... Wow. That was rather short. But I'm not really doing anything (other than stalking Link) so its not suprising.
Name: Lord Kyzidious Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: Crimson tunic, black leggings, long black cloak coming up to large golden shoulder flanges. Behind this centered on his back is his quiver, with the bow to the left and staff to the right. His daggers are set along either thigh. He is around 6'4", light set, though muscular. He has long black hair set in a ponytail and green eyes. Bio: Kyzidious is from the line of ancient rulers that long ago ruled the land now known as Hyrule. When the people that would become the Hyrulians came, they banished the ruling line into a far away and lost land. He seldom speaks of his past, but it is clear that he is a wanderer, endlessly searching for adventure. Weapon: A long black staff is his main weapon, though he carries a pair of long daggers and a short bow. Magic Powers: Can heal people, but rarely does as it taxes him greatly. He is can augment his running and jumping powers allowing him to run up to ten times as fast and jump ten times as high. He can fire magical energy blasts from his staff though using these too much rapidly tires him.
The only time I ever stayed for credits was when I went to the movie with my girlfriend. But we won't go into that.... Otherwise I find credits (including the music and any bloopers or bonus scenes) boring.
Excellently put Burori. This guy is a moron. If guys are flirting with you I'd guess your good looking, and probably a good person. You'll find someone who isn't a total (insert favorite explicitive(s)).
I find it hilarious. I took one look at the board and broke three ribs from the horrible laughs that broke out. I soon had a store full of people staring at me as I rolled around, tears streaming down my face. Then I heard about the lawsuit. That sickened me. Americans are just weird. We tend to make a big deal of nonexistant racism. Blacks (I refuse to call the African-American while they are calling me white, and/or racial slang like 'cracker') are obsessed with how evil the white man is. This game was meant as a joke, and I found it hilarious. Welcome to the world of freedom of speech. Don't like it? Move to some third world country.
Yea, sorry if I offened anyone, and I suppose Tattoos of your kids or family aren't bad, but still, I just don't like tattoos. Again, sorry if I offended you.
My thoughts on tattoos? To get one, you are clearly lacking any form of intelegence. The only person I've EVER approved getting a tattoo was a guy that was having his left leg amputated, so to make sure they took the right one, he got a tattoo. Actually Chibi's isnt that bad, just mildly stupid. Other than that it makes no sense. You now have a permanent mark on you. Say it's for a band. Slipknot is actually an excellent example. Basically for all eternity you will have a mark on that basically says 'I hate the world'. That's great. Really. Here's a thought- When you grow up, have kids, get old, then die, you are going to be buried with a Slipknot symbol on you. That's going to be a moving eulogy I'm sure. '(insert your name) was a great person. He/She hated the world so much. It was touching his dedication to trying so hard to be different. As long as his friends were being 'unique' with him.'
Why do guys feel this way? It's a genetic predisposition. Real statistic- the average male expects to sleep with about 3 women in the next year. The average female? 1.5 different guys. Men are genetically set not to stay attached to their mates as it were. Look in nature. Very few animals show any long time relationships. Thats the scientific explanation. (My phylosophy- Blame it on your genes.)
Yea, exactly. That is so true. Episodes IV-VI were classics. They looked real, even though they used technology that they now consider ancient. But Episodes I-III are just nothing special. They're just more good movie's without any real special special effects.
Justin is all too right. Get over the guy. Seriously. And as has been said several times, height has nothing to do with relationships. I'm a head taller than my gf.
OK, I rewrote it. It's pretty good now. Time Passed Once, as a small boy awoke. He said to himself, I?m tired of being alone, So he made friends, And he learned what happy was. Time passed. Once, as he got out of bed, A young boy decided, These people arent like me, So he lost all his friends, But he missed them terribly. Time passed. Once, in the middle of the morning, A boy made a decision, Why regret the past? So he never regretted himself, But he never liked it. Time passed. Once, late that morning A young teen said, I don?t need anyone, So he stopped caring, Except when he cried himself to sleep. Time passed. Once, at noon, A teenage boy said, I have no need for tears, So he never cried again, And soon he forgot how. Time passed Once, in the afternoon, A young man said, Theres no need to feel So he never felt again, Except for the hate and anguish. Time passed. Once, at night, A boy too old to be a child but too young to be adult, Said no one must like me, So he stopped trying to make friends. But he didn?t like himself now. Time passed. Once, in the dead of the night, A boy who had stopped counting years said, The pain won?t go away, So he drew three lines down each arm, With a rusty razor. Time passed. Once, in the last hours of a fading day, A lost soul said, I have no need for life, So he took his own, And no one really cared. And time passed anyway.
Yea, I scared myself with that dream.
After writing Existence, I suppose it was inevitable I would write a crappy poem. Here it is. Time Passes Time Passed Once, as a small boy awoke. He said to himself, I?m tired of being along, So he made friends, And he was happy. Time passed. Once, after breakfast, A young boy decided, These people arent like me, So he lost all his friends, But he missed them terribly. Time passed. Once, in the middle of the morning, A boy made a decision, Why regret the past? So he never regretted himself, But he never liked it. Time passed. Once, at noon A young teen said, I don?t need anyone, So he stopped to care, Except when he cried himself to sleep. Time passed Once, in the afternoon, A teenage boy said, Theres no need to feel So he never felt again, Except for the hate. Time passed. Once, at night, A young man said, Do one must like me, So he stopped trying to make friends. But he didn?t like himself now. Time passed. Once, late in the night, A lost soul said, I have no need for life, So he took his own, And no one really cared. ------- Well, I'll probably edit it a dozen times. I like the idea, but my writing could use work. I kinda forced this.
Halo is of course a neccesary XBob commodity. You can't have XBox without Halo. Just a fact of life. Next, if your in to bargain bin hopping, check out Phantom Crash. Awesome game, usualy below 15$. Same with Jet Set Radio Future. Ghost Recons pretty good too, if your into realism. MechAssault is a must if you love fast (really fast) paced shooters. And yes, KOTOR is neccesary for all SW freaks (me). Check them out on any of the hundreds of gaming sites out there.
ANSWER Anti-War Rally -What was the question, again?
destro53 replied to Shinken's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoMax [/i] [B]Well, you must admit, that there was a hell of a lot more peace in Iraq before they got invaded... I oposed the war, mainly because the Bush administration put forth no reason that convinced me that we [i]needed[/i] to invade a foriegn(sp?) country. It seemed wrong and now, after the "major hostilities" are over, they keep switching reasons. It makes me think that our public has gotten the wool puled over it's eyes. IT saddens me that American soldiers and soldiers are being killed and wounded over there. Somehow, I think that Iraq will be another Vietnam. I know I sound pessimistic, but we'll probably be occupying the country fora couple of years, all thw while enduring guerila attacks. My two cents. [/B][/QUOTE] Peace? You call Huseins rule [u]peaceful?![/u] Do you know how many mass graves have been found? Two were in the first week of fighting. These had over [b]two thousand[/b] bodies in each. That is not peace. Do you know that Husein licsenced people to rape (literaly [i]rape[/i] them) his opponents? Do you know that almost all of Husseins palaces, which bankrupted his country, had torture chambers under them? That was not peace. That was living in terror. We did the right thing. Another thing that bugs me; that this has been turn into a racism issue! How did that happen?! How was this war racist? -
OK, yea I added about half the poem after it was finished, and I was a little worried it got rambling. Guess I was right. I do neeed to seperate it a bit. I'll probably end up just splitting it into 2 seperat poems. BTW, I rarely know where my inspiration comes from. Ideas pop into my head and I put them down. This was written with the goal of just writing something beatiful. If you've ever heard the song American Pie, something like that.
Oh, that does suck. Hope it doesn't get any closer. I live in VA, so I'm kinda on the opposite side of the country, but still, I've been keeping track of it. Hope you get through ok!
[u]Existence[/u] Existence For a thousand years and more my blood and tears have stained this earth, The crimson sea flooding my feelings, Death; destruction, Masters of the abyss. Here I am in the middle of nowhere, Trapped in the flood of existence, Living in a cage of doubt, Trapped within the curse of freedom. Poetry left out in the rain, To face the world alone, The ink running away, In the silent summers rain. I walk alone, Down the path of hate, The evil staring at me, From either side. I look ahead, Don?t look at them, If I ignore them, Maybe they aren?t there. And warriors plead on bended knee, Weary of the passing days, Rust and dirt stain faded feature, And the nothing is explained with everything. And flowers sing in muted cries, Begging to the sky for answers, Their unblinking eyes floded, With tears your blind eyes cannot see. And the floating bird, Chained by himself, Trapped in flight, In the insant of eternity. I hear the soundless shout and screams, From animals beyond; unseen, The voices begging to be there, Full of wonder and awe that I am. ---- Well, what do y'all think?
I'm recruiting for my story. I'm writing the main story, then having people write alternate POVs for it. If you have a weak stomach though, I wouldn't advise volunteering. It's about a kid shooting up his school, and I've already have one person back out because it was too serious. If you want to help, email me at gaun_di@hotmail.com
I would regret almost everyhting I've ever done. This though would be pointless. Why dwell on what you cannot change? Why question what cannot be answered? Why beg to the deaf? Why hope for the hopeless? I have promised that I would never question myself again. I have kept that promise, and I have lived a better life for it.
Welcome. I suggest you look around a bit before posting a topic like this. There is a Linkin Park Fan Club somewhere, and theres probably a thread identical to this elsewhere. Also your spelling is.....*shiver*...... Anyway, everyone has to love Linkin Park. :P
My childhood was rough to say the best. I loved life till I was seven. Then I moved. I hated moving, and never really made friends. To this day I'm incredebly shy. I lived my life to fifth grade semi-happily, enough so that I suppose I could call it a childhood. By the time I was in sixth grade I basically hated the world. By the time I was halfway through that year I was contemplating suicide. I consider this the end of my childhood. I rapidly grew up after this, began writing, and found God. I think we all wish that we could have our childhood back. We don't worry about much, and the outside world seems nonexistant, or at least unimportant. Some of us keep this belief till the day we die. I lost it quickly after I moved again two years ago. I would give anything to relive a propr childhood full of playing tag with friends, sports, and whatever else a childhood entails. And the same applies to your last question. Who doesn't want life to go back to simply worrying about when you get to see your friends? I can't really say what a true 'normal', if there is such a thing, childhood, as I didn't live a very orthodox one myself, but regardless, I would love to have one. P.S.- I am one of the people your talking about that grew up too quickly.
Yes, irregardless is a word, it just means the same thing as regardless. Yesterdays, my teacher told us the to write our answers on the answer ****. She told us she never swears and was very embarassed. Also, how does can a word be 'bad'. If it is that it insults people then 'stupid' is a bad word. So are phases like 'shut up'. How come we can say these freely?
What would you do if life had an "undo" button?
destro53 replied to Kieko's topic in General Discussion
I'd just undo the last 7 years of my life. Everything after I moved the first time sucked, so I'd go back and not move. -
I write to deal with stress. My poetry is deep and dark, and just reading it helps my stress.