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Everything posted by destro53

  1. .....You are a sick little man..... I no longer worry about my mental instabilities, for your are several times worse....
  2. Proud of it! How dare you?! ....Yes, I am quite proud....
  3. Hehe. Our band doesn't get any crap, because noone is that stupid! We hav like a 200 piece band, all of whom march. We're the Hermitage Marching Panther- The Pride of Central Virginia! Even if we sucked it hard last night at te competition... We're the biggest group in the school, so don't mess with the band! Also, what other group has too many trophies to fit in their wing of the school. That right, the band gets their own wing. Which our band boosters paid for. We're a rich band, even if it's a ghetto school. Also the chearleaders do chears with us, so they don't mess with us.
  4. How do icons fit in with your religion? The definition we recieved in history class was rather vague. Also, what exactly is confessing your sins? (not sure what it's called) I don't really understand that.
  5. destro53


    This is the most amazing piece of literature I have read in all my life. I can't even say anything. I'm just in awe.
  6. Intro "Just shut up, before I have to beat the crap out of you." A guy about 250 lb. from the look of it was currently the latest person to find it original to fix my quick tongue. The usual spout of "Im so sorry"s "Please forgive me"s and the occasional visual reminder that I was indeed a good head taller than him, even if he did out mass me. I was finally getting use to this pattern, and was finally fully thankful for my 6' height. Otherwise I may have had to stoop even lower in trying to act scared. But I always had the comforting thought of what would happen if I sent this ****** through the window. Good times. But reality struck me hard and I banished the thoughts. The linebacker eventually backed off and left me to my solemn life. That day would change everything. ----- Chapter 1 YEAH!!! [x2] I know what darkness means (and the void you learned from me) The isolation steams (So I think it wants to bleed) The echoes in my brain (All the things you said to me) You took my everything Now I'm coming for you! [Chorus:] I won't back down I will not bow I've come to bring you hell I can?t forget Things you did I've come to bring you hell The shadows that you see (In the places that you sleep) Are memories of me (Better pray your soul to keep) The truth behind your eyes (You know the thing you never see) Your darkest little lies I'm coming for you! [Chorus] All the scars that never heal All the wounds that will not seal I will not forget the day These memories never fall [Chorus] I've come to bring you hell (I've come to bring you hell) [x4] (FUEL- "Won't Back Down" {Disclaimer-I dont own this song}) I sat at my normal lunch table, a small circular one in the far corner of the cafeteria. One of its leg rattled, so it was always the last to be taken. It was empty except for him and his lunch. (A/N yes I realize I make a POV switch, ill edit it later, if I get good reviews) He ate in silence, staring around, a sad look on his face. Behind this mask of silence though I was laughing harder and harder. These people were funny to watch. I had to fight to keep my cool composure as yet another couple broke up. These kids always seemed to think themselves in love. It was so funny. If only they looked around, they would see that their relationship was inevitability doomed. As the two stormed away I shook my head and continued eating. It was getting harder and harder to keep this act up. These people were just too amusing. You'd think they'd realize that everything they were doing was for nothing. The bell rang and I through away my trash, and headed to geometry. Another funny little tidbit. Not only could I teach the class, I could disprove several of the theories. But I held my tongue, sitting through the class and intentionally getting answers wrong, so that it appeared I was just scraping by with a C. Like I did in all my classes. I sat through a boring lesson on formulas that I could have derived in a few seconds by myself. Just for fun I did just that, and found that there was a margin of error of about .000706%. I reworked the formula and found that I couldn't get the margin below .000000034%. I looked up to find the teacher staring at my paper. Getting ready to launch into some ******** explanation of why exactly I was working problems even he probably couldn't have worked, when he commented I was working my problems wrong and asked me to come in during study hall. I chuckled lightly as he walked away and crumbled up my paper, tossing it in the trash. Standing I headed to gym. A/N-no I do not claim to be able to do stuff like this. and as far as I know the formulas I hav learned in math r perfect (and the years geniuses spend to figure em out they betr be) , but still, for the sake of argument, lets say it was. ----------------- After that the day quickly became blur, and to this day I don't quite remember, but that may have been the shot I took to the head. It was rainy. Stormy actually, and several trees near the school had uprooted, causing our gym class to be stuck inside. The gym was full of rafters and a bolt of lightning coincidentally had just knocked the power out. The rafters were dark and gloomy and I just had a nagging feeling about them. Same with the storm. Something about it just had me on edge. I'm not normally afraid of storms, so I had to wonder if the cause of this storm was something unnatural. But I quickly banished the thought. There was nothing to worry about here. That's why I was here. I wish I had known just how wrong I was. Suddenly a call came from above- 'Alexander Tsukar you are under arrest!' Suddenly rappels began to fall around me and men began to fall from the rafters. At their hips they held what appeared to be some type of automatic weapons, though they appeared to be made of a blue plastic more than any metal. His gym class simply stared, transfixed by the fact that the quite, unknown boy was now being surrounded by a group of heavily armed men, in some sort of odd jumpsuits that they didn't recognize as any army or police uniform. The boy looked around at the men and looked at them, 'You're making a huge mistake. I'll give you one chance to leave, then I kill you all.' The people in the class stared even more unbelievably. One of the men stepped forward and lowered his voice to a near whisper. 'Think about this Alex. The Forgottens can't survive without you and the last thing you need is the law on you. Just give up. You know you won't be convicted of anything, you're too valuable to the U.G.' Aleksander simply smiled. 'As true as that may be, I could never atone for such a loss of honor. Just leave. Please.' On his face was a look of pure pleading. 'I understand what you're saying, but if you just leave, then that problem won't arise. Say I wasn't here. My covers blown, I'll be gone within a few hours.' 'You know I can't do that Alex. Now c'mon. Just take it easy...' He pulled a pair of handcuff-like bindings out of his pocket. Aleksander took a step back. The man reached out....and suddenly Aleksander shot forward, ducking under his arms, tackling the man with seeming ridiculous ease. Rolling on his shoulder he was on his feet in seconds. Another of the uniformed men came at him, his gun leveled. Cautiously he approached the crouching figure. Suddenly the figure shot forward, straight at the armed man. A trio of shots rang out, not a resounding bang, but more like a high pitched squeal. Aleksander's eyes glowed in an odd green color, his blue eyes disappearing as his entire eyeball took on a green hue. The yellowish projectile, slower than normal bullets, or even tracers, seemingly hit an invisible wall. the air around them took on the same greenish hue as Alex's eyes. He screamed as Aleksander aimed a kick directly at his nose, a sickening crack filing the room. He was hit with a roundhouse kick to his cheek next, this followed by a sickening squelching sound as his neck snapped. Alex grabbed the shoulder strap of his gun, bringing it to his shoulder. There were a dozen odd men left. He snarled. Hardly fair. With a triple handful of shots he hit them each in the forehead, bringingthem all down. Blood slowly pooled around the floor, flooding the gym with a crimson sea of death. ------ graphic eh? hope yall like. be sure to review or the voices in my head will come and kill ur ***. their mean bastards! lol, anywayz, becuz several pepl hav asked at school, yes Aleksandar Tsukar (and btw the T is silent) is my alter-ego, and I pretty much spend all day daydreaming about being ------- Chap 2 I dragged my feet across a seat Jumped out the passenger side The only thing worth looking for Is what you find inside But that had not yet appeared Lost invisible here. Tel Aviv and Agadir Tone deaf for almost Before I learned to see The vanishing point appeared. I looked for you everywhere I looked for you everywhere. There is a calm I haven't come to yet I spent half my life figuring what comes next I telescoped in I finally win I finally win the prize That now eyes see comets perfect timing squeeze Head first fighting everything The crushing force of memory Erasing all I've been The vanishing point appeared. I looked for you everywhere. I looked for you everywhere. Tell me why you're here. I came to disappear. Look at this face Can you believe it? Am I living in the beautiful vacuum? Because I can't see it The vanishing point appears. I looked for you everywhere. I looked for you everywhere. Tell me why you're here. I came to disappear. Tell me why you're here. I came to disappear. I came to disappear. (R.E.M. "Disappear" {Disclaimer- I dont own this either}) Aleksander Tsukar stood amidst death. Blood was seeping through his running shoes, and his hands were stained a dark red. His classmates stood, looks of horror on their faces. His teacher looked undecided about what to do, and Alex could tell he was thinking about trying to get a gun. He knew that his time was short, and that by this time forces were likely already maneuvering in orbit, if a ground war hadn't started yet. He was beginning to regret ever coming to the wretched planet. He looked at his watch, the his classmates, then the guns laying around. He came to his decision. He nodded towards the guns. 'Y'all might want to go ahead and arm yourselves.' His voice was not the voice they knew, the weak, trembling voice with the slight lisp, but a strong one. Clearly sure of his decision he spoke with a confidence they had never seen in him. Finally one of the move. James, a linebacker on the football team, a wrestler, and a squad leader in the JROTC grabbed one of the guns laying on the floor and familiarized himself with the general outline of it. Looking at Alex with a guarded expression he asked, 'So then.... Who where those people?' Alex chuckled. 'Finally someone comes out of their trance. They were GP's. Well, Galactic Police in full.' 'And why were they here?' 'Like they said, to arrest me. Apparently someone figured out I was here. Or I may have been ratted out.' 'Galactic Police.... Are you telling me these people weren't from Earth?' 'Well, yes and no. Originally there ancestors were from Earth.' He poked the unconscious leader, who began to stir. 'Henry here is from Trouja.' 'You knew him?' 'We worked together once.' 'So then your not from Earth either.' 'Nope. Thankfully I can deny that.' 'Where are you from then?' Suddenly Alex's watch started to beep. He looked down at it, pressing the button that was suppose to activate the backlight. The green glow was barely noticeable in the bright sunlight. He held it up to his lips and clearly spoke, 'The truth revealed brings light. Show me the truth. Password- Prometheus.' The green grew lighter, and suddenly a 3D figure made out of the green light appeared above the watch. It was a human, though it's features were distorted. It wore a long flowing robe, and it's hood was pulled up over it's head, shadowing any features below. The figure slowly took on color, it's robe a ghost white. A sound came from the watch , a light feminine voice, soft yet clear. 'Trouble I assume?' The figure surveyed the floor, with the GP's blood still flooding the room. The figure chuckled, then there was a sound like a cold blowing wind, and smoke came from behind it's hood. It reached back and grabbed it's hood, pulling it back. Several people in the class gasped, one girl eve gave a light 'EEK!' Behind his hood was a skull in place of his face. From the empty eye sockets gleamed an odd green light, the same color as the light that had come into Alex's eyes. Hanging from his mouth was what appeared to be a cigarette with a red ring on the paper near the front. A thin trail of smoke trailed upward from this. His bare jawbone moved, speaking 'More like a blood bath.' It wasn't the same voice though, this one was deep and heavily reminiscent of Alex's. A second figure appeared, thin women in her upper teens with a black jumpsuit on of a similar design as the GP's. In her hand she held another cigarette, except with a blue ring where the other robed figures was red. She had long jet black hair coming down to the small of her back. She whistled lightly. 'Impressive. Got bored?' Alex laughed, 'Not so much. They were stupid enough to send another squad to try to arrest me. I gave them a chance.' The girl shook her head, 'Good times. Good times. Any of 'em still alive?' 'Henry is. Couldn't find it in me to kill him.' 'You obviously didn't have the same compassion for the rest of them.' 'Do I ever? Well, give me a sit rep*.' 'Well, shouldn't you introduce us?' She glanced at the surrounding students. 'Um....sure....Yin, Yang- everybody. Everybody- Yin,' He pointed to the girl, 'and Yang.' He pointed to the skull faced hologram. The holograms bowed to the assemblage. 'Now anyway, whats up in orbit?' Yin looked away, staring at something they couldn't see. 'Well, no ships in orbit- at least no nonhuman ones. No SubSpace signatures detected.... Everythings good.' Yang looked thoughtful, or at least as thoughtful as a skull could. 'Then where did these GP's come from? Have you checked all spectrums?' 'Yes I have Yang. Checking for ion trails... nothing...thats a good question though. Where the hell did they come from?' 'Let me take a look.' Yin stepped to one side and Yang looked to the same invisible spot. 'Yup. Commander, theres nothing here. Is it at all possible that they've been on planet for some time? Maybe they came in a cloaked ship. Our prodicols don't have us check for ion trails unless one of the other spectrums comes up dirty first. They may have been planning this for some time.' 'Regardless,' Alex grabbed a second one of the rifles laying on the floor, sligning it on his shoulder. 'Wherever they came from, I need to get out of here. Emergency exits still work?' 'Yea, but I think we should wait for reinforcements to arrive first. They shouldn't be too long. Then we can get out without worry.' 'And wait for Jens to get here?' 'He may be here already.' Yin put in. Yang nodded, 'Yea, there are plenty of ways they could have cloaked and masked their ion signatures. As long as they weren't worried about speed it would have been no biggie.' 'Ok then.' He heard a strange hissing sound behind him. 'What the hell?' He lowered his watch, the hologram disappearing. Turning he saw gas covering the gym floor and the kids passed out on the floor. Then he felt a blow against his head, and all he knew was black. ----- yea, i know i promised clarity soon, and all this made u was more confused. ill explain it all in time. *Sit rep- Military for Situation Report. --------- Chap 3 Shut down Fallin over once again Dropped out Hand extended for a friend Looked up And there's you lookin in And who cares Cause no ones lookin anyway Impaired My vision lost it yesterday And that's fine Don't mind feelin that way Just don't let me lie here by my self Let?s go I know I'm faded Outta sight Tonight Just stay with me, I don't wanna go home Outta sight Tonight Just rescue me I don't wanna go Rewind and take me back to start again Ducked out cause paranoia's settin in But I'm with you until the end One ride We'll drive around the parkin lot No pride Cause I don't seem to care a lot No cash This change is all I got Just don't let me ride here by myself now Let?s go I know I'm faded Outta sight Tonight Just stay with me, I don't wanna go home All right Tonight Just rescue me, I don't wanna go So set still One last thrill Just stay with me and we'll never go home Outta sight Tonight Just rescue me and we'll never go home Yeah we'll never go home Yeah I don't wanna go One more ride One time once again Just climb in I'm still climbing yeah One more ride One time once again Just climb in I'm still climbing Outta sight Tonight Just stay with me, I don't wanna go home All right Tonight Just rescue me, I don't wanna go So set still One last thrill Just stay with me and we'll never go home Outta sight Tonight So rescue me and we'll never go home (Unwritten Law, Rescue Me {Disclaimer-Nope, not this one either}) He awoke hanging by his arms. He recognized this place. It was the science lab. He looked up, finding his handcuffs circled a pipe. How did he get here? And why did his head hurt like hell? He shook his head, trying to regain his bearing, and regretted it immediately. Now it just hurt worse. He surveyed his settings. The lights were off, but that did little. He could see just fine. He looked down the length of the pipe and saw James, still unconsience, hanging a few yards away. Another guy was there, but Aleksander didn't know him. Kicking his legs we wrapped his legs around the pipe, then twisted until he was sitting straddling the pipe. Finding a connection between two lengths of pipe he pulled as hard as he could, breaking the connector. The cuffs still bound his hand, but as least he had free movement. The crash aroused James, who put his feet against the wall and kick, propelling him forward off the pipe. He landed harder and faster than anticipated and smashed into a wall. Falling unceremoniously onto his *** he grunted his pain. Extending his hand Aleksander helped him up. 'What going on? The last thing I remember....' He ran through his memory....The GPs, but what had happened then? He vaguely remembered getting hit in the head, but by who? and why? and why was James here? 'Well, I'm not really sure what the last thing I remember is. Probably getting hit in the head.' 'Well, I heard a hissing and suddenly I felt really tired. Then I saw someone come up behind you, I tried to yell, but nothing came out. I just...fell. A few hours later we woke up and another group of people were here, with the same guns as the GPs. They've taken over the entire school. After a few hours people started to resist. They brought em in here. They've been keeping you out with some sort of drugs.' 'How long?' 'About 36 hours now. I'm not sure.' Alex looked down, only to find his watch gone. 'Dammit. Guess we'll have to do this without Yin and Yang.' 'Do what?' 'Escape.' He turned his head as yelling could be heard outside. 'What the heck? Get to either side of the door, if anyone comes in, we take em down.' 'Good idea.' They moved so that the second the door opened they could both hit the person. Alex got ready to kick the door closed behind the person. The door didn't open however. There was a crash, and it splintered, the pieces crashing inward. The man, if it could be called such stepped through. It was a behemoth, standing 8 feet tall easily. It had to crouch to step through the shattered door frame. In it's hands it cradled a massive rifle. It had a sight on the top of what appeared to be a handle of some type with a glowing green glass square on the tip of it. It had a squarish body with a smaller cylindrical barrel ending in a slightly larger cylinder on the tip of the barrel. The trigger guard was enlarged to encompass the metal beasts inch and a half thick fingers. It had an angular body, nozzles of some type jutting out at several points. It's head was just as angular as the body, two attenna-like devices sprouting from either side. The front slit had a single circular eye, which slowly scanned the room. James backed away, clearly intimidated. Alex though, smiled and walked right up to the tannish beast. 'Still keeping to the desert camo pattern?' The beast nodded and reached up to it's head, pulling it's helmet off. Below it was a human. Their face was hidden behind a faceplate, but their hair was a dark brown, coming down to roughly shoulder length. Whoever it was walked over to a desk right by Alex and set their helmet down. They lowered onto 1 knee so they were directly eye level. He reached up and pulled away the faceplate, revealing a young girl smiling back at him. She looked to be in her lower to mid teens, down either side of her face ran a thin streak of dark blue hair among her brown head. Her eyes were a brilliant green, and her lips a dark red, though she didn't appear to be wearing any make-up. James felt a pang of regret when Alex leaned in and the two shared a passionate kiss. He didn't have a girlfriend, but how could a guy not want a girl like that? A second one of the metal clad people stepped through the busted door. Suddenly a twang of metal could be heard outside, followed by an explosion. Another one of the behemoths came tumbling into the room, a large rifle shouldered. Screams could be heard from down the hall. The two pulled away from each other. The girl smiled a sly smile, 'It has been 14 years Aleksander Tsukar, and I have not received so much as a postcard.' The second metal monster that had entered shook it's head. 'C'mon, as touching of a reunion this is we've got to go.' The voice was rough and commanding, but at the same time soft and feminine. She nodded to James, 'Who's the extra?' Alex chuckled, 'A malcontent.' The third person through laughed, firing another blast out the shattered door. A green bolt sizzled through the air, an explosion ripping a large crater into the hall. 'Sounds good!' This voice was a guys, a deep tenor. He spoke with a noticeable British sounding accent. Unslinging a pair of the blueish rifles he slid them back. James and Alex checked them, pulling the lever to chamber a round. There was a satisfying click, and James started counting up the odds. He looked the two newcomers over. The guys armor was a jet black, The shoulder a rhombi with spikes sticking out from the back, front, side, and straight upward. From the forehead of his helmet there shot another horn, and a trio more from his chest. Each knee had one going straight upward. From his back rose two large blade which curved forward, and from the complex hydraulics it was connected to, James suspected they could be extended. His gun resembled a curved triangle with it's middle cut out. He had one hand stuck into this hole, and the other grasping the hand grip halfway up. It was a dark grey mixed with black stripes. On his helmet was painted a ghost white skull. The new girl, who was now staring at him, had a dark olive color, with splotches of lighter greens and browns running through it. She cradled a long, thin rifle, which appeared to be bolt-action, with a long cylindrical scope mounted on top. Her design was thinner than the other two, with a backpack attacked to the back of her armor, which had a quartet of small blackened jets pointing outward from it. It was obviously meant as a light sniper. Attached to her hip was an ax with a long, extended blade dropping halfway down the yard long shaft. All three of them shared the shifting one-eye look on their helmets. 'I think some introductions are in order,' Alex stated almost comedically. 'James, this is my girlfriend First Lady Samuya Kyzidious Harlix, heir apparent to the throne of Houmoon VIII.' Her face darkened. 'Just Sam. Alex knows perfectly well I hate me full name, and that I gave up my throne years ago.' 'You never officially announced it, so your still heir apparent.' Sam shook her head. 'Anyways, the Brit over there is Michael, and that chick is Laroo. Everyone, James.' Mike and Laroo nodded to James, who returned the gesture. Mike was first to speak, 'Well now that we know each other, who's for getting the hell out of here?'
  7. This is the signs of a deep psycological disorder, and from the fact that your brother had that problem I'd say it's probably genetic. I could be Paranoid Scyzaphrenia. That's when you constantly believe your being watch, and you sometimes will see things that aren't there. I'd suggest seeing a psychiatrist, theres probably a drug to clear this right up.
  8. Like I've said, I'm saying it's good, I'm just saying I do it. It is [i]extremely[/i] crazy and anyone who does it should seek mental help, but then again I am rather crazy.
  9. My best holiday memory is when my mom wasn't bugging the living crap out me on Easter, and I sat on my computer all day playing Runescape and talking on forums. Yes, I realize I'm extremely schizoid sometimes (its a personality disorder- the genuine wish to be alone).
  10. Sanity? How boring. Like sleeping.
  11. Oh yeah, this isn't something I did, just something that happened, I got messed up enough to become a masochist. (person who inflicts pain upon themselves for various reasons. Some find it erotic, others like it, I do it becuase it personifies the pain that defines my very existance.)
  12. The sleepy fairt hates me because everyone hates me, that why I don't sleep. Me and hate we're like....too lazy to do funky finger thingy....anyway, yea I'm crazy wether I sleep or not.
  13. All the people here argueing against sleep should join my club. And so y'all know the word is now Otaku Syndrome- The severe lack of sleep caused by any forum.
  14. ...I guess my dream seems rather...normal next to some of y'alls. I guess that because I'm still kinda new. The Otaku shall rule all our souls.
  15. Well, boards like this comprise my social life, so like most people, I'm just obsessing over my social life. And yes, ever since Adult Swim started airing, I have gotten alot less sleep.
  16. Yes, another mental/personality problem to add to the extensive list. I'm schizotypal, avoidant, and borderline, and a few others.
  17. Well, at least I'm not alone. And the reason I dream about probably is because I stay up on it till I pass out. Once I froze my computer because I passed out my keyboard and i typed 'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb' all night long, until their was so much data in the file that the computer froze.
  18. Thats why I carry around something sugary and drink lots of caffeine. I don't need to sleep! And as for the intellegent conversation, I find I think better sometimes when I'm a little out of it. My creativity takes over a little bit more, and I guess I just think a little more.
  19. I do all my best writing late in the evening too. I stay up till 2 AM or so writing usualy. And I'm usualy listening to music. .hack//sign soundtrack now for example. But regardless I can't just sit down and write, I have to imagine something for hours on end (and in 2 of my stories cases years), then refine it and write it down.
  20. Has anyone here had dreams about TheOtaku? Last night I dreamed I had gotten the 'You live here' rank. Just kinda wondering if anyone else had this problem...
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AuroraDragon [/i] [B]Dear Lord that is immpossible. How could you ever even stand to write one? I couldn't! I feel sorry for you to have to do that. After that, you musta been like :drunk: [/B][/QUOTE] Well, I hadn't slept for 3 days, was on the biggest caffeine rush ever, combined with an insanely huge sugar rush, and was flat out in a crazy mood. So yes I was quite messed up. Actualy it's not written, just planned, but I'm in the process of writing it.
  22. Which is better, sleep or TheOtaku? I for example have stopped sleeping thanks to forums and my writing. My arguements? Sleep- I have boring, sometimes REALY crazy dreams. Other times I have dreams that are pretty much about me going through a normal day. I can just stay on a constant caffiene rush so that I don't need to sleep. Forums/Writing- Forums allow me to have the intellegent conversations my school is most deffinitly lacking. I can have some simblance (sp?) of a social life, and have made several friends through forums. Writing allows me to get my ideas out and is a excellent stress reliever. Any thoughts?
  23. Wow. Don't mess with Chaos. I'll be sure to keep my doors locked while you flip over my hood. *Loves the mental pictures*
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chaos [/i] [B]I have survived being hit a total of thirty times by moving cars. Without a broken bone or other serious injury. The funny part? Three times out of the thirty it was the same driver. lol [/B][/QUOTE] Your one of those people that think it's funny to run in front of cars, ain't ya? Well, what the heck, it's hilarious. But when I get my drivers licence I suggest you don't try it, because I'll swerve (sp?) to hit you. And if you walk away I'll turn around and do it right. Also I forgot about the time I got messed up enough to actualy write a Fooly Cooly fanfic. That is near impossible.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by terra [/i] [B]I usually also use my imagination to get to sleep. After I go to bed, most of the time I can't fall asleep unless I imagine myself in a really comfortable situation. ... Which is weird, because my bed [i]is[/i] a comfortable situation. Sometimes instead of that, I'll try to imagine a nice little story or something, which can get me to sleep as well. But sometimes that also backfires and I'll get so involved in imagining the plot of the story that I'll stay awake for even longer and get really caught up in it ...[/B][/QUOTE] Thats where soooo many of my stories come from. As a kid I did that, and now I can't go to sleep without either that, or being so tired I just pass out. Hence staying up on here till 2 AM. [QUOTE] [i]Originally posted by Circuit/J[/i] [B]The only way to get a song out of your head is to get another one stuck in it. [/B] [/QUOTE] So true. I have five or six songs I constantly keep in my head that I don't mind constantly thinking about, just in case.
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