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Everything posted by destro53
Has anyone ever done something they thought was impossible?
destro53 replied to AuroraDragon's topic in General Discussion
How touching. One time I snapped and slammed a guy against the wall. I can barely lift like 25 lbs. And right now I'm using a piece of plastic string stuff and my braces as a musical instrument. That seems hard I guess.... -
This here is what we call a one-shot in 'the business'. In other words, don't ask me for another chapter or anything, cause all you'll get is laughed at. I never saw the car That moment seemed to last forever, yet last only an instant. The pain of shattering bones, the screams of the onlookers, the screech of brakes, the smell of burned rubber mingling with my sweats salty aroma. I flew for a moment, upward over the hood, over the top, landing behind it, the exaust choking me. The floating feelin was odd, my pain slowly fading into shock. I landed with a sickening thump, and my world faded into darkness. The pavement was cold against my bare skin, i coughed once, twice, felt a thin stream of blood coming from my throat. I knew I was dying. I was ok with that. People die. I was cold. My arms were cold, legs were cold, everything was so cold. My brain blurred into nothing. Suddenly it was as if a blanket had been wrapped around me. I felt a great warmth coming from outside me, like the temperture had suddenly shifted to a warm spring day. The wind lost it?s bite, becoming soft and springlike. I felt like I was flying, soaring on wings that were not my own. My heart felt llight enough to float itself. Looking up I saw a beatiful face wreathed in golden hair smiling down at me. She looked at me, and in singsong voice told me, ?Your time is now, the hours past. I?ve come for you to bring you home.? I look down at mt withered body. Time seems to suddenly blur, and I?m standing be my grave, my dead body slowly being lowered. My mother is crying. Oh she loved me so. In an instant I?m by her side, I grasp her shoulder, whisper words of comfort in her ear. A silent, solemn smile crosses her lips. She holds my father tight. I know his regrets. The times he forgot an event, the chances for bonding missed, but I don?t care. Love blossoms in my chest. I hug him, though he doesn?t respond, I can almost feel his heart lighten. They throw the dirt in, the final chapter is complete. I look to my guide and nod. ?I?m ready,? as I float into love for eternity. ------ Well, what did y'all think?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vash's girl [/i] [B] Imagination is good when you gotta break the ice with someone new and something stupid pops into your head like wanting to be a muslim balllerina and then you say it. Yeah, they either look at you wierd and back away or become really good friends. LOL [/B][/QUOTE] EXACTLY! Thats the reason I cant get a date though... The last girl that liked me I asked if hitting her in the head with my guitar cause giant robots to jump out. She stared and hastened for the door. Then....wait....I can't remember a time it's gotten me a friend, but o well. It' probably because thats not how I break the ice, its how I act constantly. Except when I be myself, but that never happens outside my stories.
You want overactive imagination? [url]http://www.free-writers.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2596[/url] Why do I update this so quickly? Because I walk around constantly in my own little world imagining what I would do if I realy was Aleksander Tsukar. Theres a name for this, some mental disorder, but I can't think of it. And as you said, I can't do that either.
First Name: Clay(ton) Age: 14 Hair Color: Natural Blond Eye Color: Various shades of blue Height: 6' Wardrobe: Baggy jeans, various shirts, dont realy care, favorite shirt is a American Eagle long john shirt Personality: Depends; always depressed, sometimes downright angry, usualy pretty crazy, serious. Hair Style: Buzz cut. I'm thinking bout growing it out though Favorite Music Type: Ska, Alternative, Classical Favorite musical Band/Artist: Hoobastank, Reel Big Fish Hobbies: Forums, writing (fanfics, poems, original fics), reading (scifi, philosophy, some classics), Video games, text RPGs (currently obsessed with one (AD2200).
They didnt bother to name my bike. Its a piece of crap. Wow, it's like 1:30...I realy should sleep. lol. Thered be a good club, the 1:30 club, olny for people that stay up till 1:30 on The Otaku. PM me to join.
Yea thats true. A new disease gets hours of coverage, but old deadly diseases get ignored. Me? I'm one of the healthiest people I know. Even though I sit around on forums like this ALL DAY snd eat more thatn anyone I weigh 125 pounds. I love matobolism (sp?). People tell me to enjoy it while I have it, so I dont bother exercising. The worst thing I've ever gotten is mono (which put me in bed for 2 weeks straight), and this bug I get everytime the season changes. The this realy rare skin disease called like Plebas or something like that. It looks just like the chicken pox, but it doesnt go away so I had to get UV treatment for it to get rid of it. No one in my family has ever died of a disease like that either.... Thats realy weird.
Yes, that is pitifully shallow. But hey, if someone was to ask me just for my looks I'd still be happy. And yes, it's ok for a girl to ask a guy. I mean, cmon its the.... 00's!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]No, but you [i]sound[/i] stupid thinking that you'd [i]look[/i] stupid asking a girl with a broken arm. ...honestly.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] True. But, really I could care less about homecoming. I'm in high school, and I've never had a g/f. So I've stopped worrying about school dances and simply accepted the fact that I'm a loser and crazy.
GOD! MY EYES! THEY BURN! I never want to hear of your personal life again Drix. The horror....the sheer horror.... *runs into corner rocking back and forth in fetal position crying*
classic. and i do some of this too.....wow.....and the next person who thinks its original to go 'and this one time at band camp whenevr i mention band camp will get his/her throat slit.
lol i dont care wat pepl think of me. half the pepl at school must wonder if im homo or not. but who cares. i just hav a different perspective on life. besides iv known this guy my entire life, do he knows im not gay (not that i hav anything against gays)
i need a sig. i like my old one- I have climbed the peaks of Hell, Mountains built from the souls of sin, I have bathed in the fires of Hell, Flames fueled by souls consumed with hatred, I have danced with demons, Their lips sweet with promises of power, I have become one of them, Given myself to my devices, To their Lord; Chaos, But in all my travels through the nine Hells never did I find anything that could match my raw and awesome power. For I am the Lord of War, and I shall rule all. but i want a way to get my poems out a bit more, and this seems like a good way....hmmm.....wat do yall think?
ok from the look of it ur in a no win situation. uv lost 2 of ur best friends and the guy- why not try to salvage something from this? id try to make up with my friends, relationships will come and go (though they seem to go more with me) and a true friend is a priceless comodity. take it from a guy who has to watch friends like u hav fights and not appreciate wat u hav, some of us hav nothing. [COLOR=indigo]Hi destro, please improve your post quality. I've asked you to improve spelling and grammar before. It's "have", or "you", or "what". This is a message board, you have plenty of time to think out a well-written response. Thanks![/COLOR] ~Drix
ok.....um.....evrything i say is crazy to some degree....but i do use stuff like whooo (crazy) and WABAM! (doing something amazing) and FOOLY COOLY of course ('What does fooly cooly mean?'-Haruko) and the....*whispered* Masked *looks around* but we dont speak of them. they r those we hate. they r all that is wrong with the world. they r....popular pepl.....and then Unmasked- total losers like me, and the Lost, pepl that dont believe in anything, and then Them, the pepl that dont fit anywhere above. i constantly use these but evry1 just stares....well if i can ever get any1 to listen
has any1 here watched Fooly Cooly? great stuff. like this one time i walked up to this random guy, looked him right in the eye and asked- 'What is fooly cooly?' this was followed by a :therock: look and evry realized the fact that im totaly like ~WHOOO~ (WHOOO = crazy) but most of them had already figured that out *hits head* STOP RAMBLING! anywayz, im listen to the soundtrack now (i pirated the pillows stuff off kazaa) but im goin to import the stuff soon. as soon as i get the 100$ for all 3 CDs. but yea. good times. *waks nearest person with bass* them-*shoots giant robots out head*
i played the ultimate trick on one of my friends. walking right up to him i looked him in the eye, and with the most serious look stated 'Tsukasa is SO hot.' at this point his eyes slowly grew to the size of a small watermelon. of course he hadnt seen the final episode the night b4. he eventualy caught on as i always get this certain glint in my eye when im up to no good (or so he claims) as well as my eyes change color (only between dark-light blue) and they started to shift (which usualy means im laughing, if only mentaly) and so i explained that the 'real' Tsukasa was hot. but it still made for a classic in jokes.