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Everything posted by Ashura
I can act quite immature at times (for example, a few days before I rolled down a flight of stairs. To top that, today I decided to roll back up them - believe me, its not as easy as it sounds!), but I tend to find the right balance of maturity and immaturity. I act mature for the most part, but I tend to do at least 1 stupid and immature thing a week, just so I can have some fun and enjoy myself. You can't always be serious, otherwise you'd go insane (well, I would...). BTW, I'm 17, so I probably should be more mature, but I'm gonna enjoy my childhood while I still can!
[quote name='Shinji][font=Verdana][size=1][color=slategray]Though, there was always the off-chance Rockstar would have seen this as too predictable, and thrown us off completely with a new location, if the GTA: Tokyo rumor had been true, it would have been very interesting indeed.[/color][/size'][/font][/quote] GTA Tokyo was confirmed (in a different form), but its not what you think. It is just GTA3, but released for a Japanese market, as they missed out on GTA3 when it was first released. It is still called GTA3; some stupid journalist read into it too deeply and heard what he wanted to (AKA selective hearing). Although, an actual GTA: Tokyo would be very interesting... :)
Okay, we know that Square is gonna dominate in here. I've only played the demo of FFX, so I've only seen the scene where [SPOILER]Tidus is in the middle of a Blitzball match and that watery thing destroys the city[/SPOILER]. Wow! The Kingdom Hearts intro is up there too. For a non-FF game, I'd have to say the scene where [SPOILER]Mecha Sonic transforms at the start of the last story[/SPOILER] in Sonic Heroes. The only good part of Sonic Heroes (besides Espio!).
From what I can remember, DOA Ultimate also contains online capabilities. I know that you can fight on XBox Live, but I'm not sure if there are any other online capabilities besides this. So if you wanna be able to go up against the best of the best (and have Live) it could be a good investment. Otherwise I'd probably give it a miss.
In some cases, remakes can be great. For example, I really hadn't played a Mario game until about 2 years ago because I was a die-hard Sega fan up until the Dreamcast bombed and Sega nearly ended up six feet under. To my horror, I was forced to see how shallow I had been in believing that any game not made by Sega was not worth playing. The GBA allowed me to go back and play these amazing games that I had missed, and also allow people who are new to gaming to experience these classics like I got to. Unfortunately, this means that you have to take the good with the bad. I for one would not buy a port of a Megadrive Sonic game, unless they actually remaked it and added some damn good features to make it worth my hard-earned cash. But many people would, as they may have missed out previously. So I believe that remakes will stay as they are, as most people buy remakes to either relive their most treasured gaming moments, or to experience something that they otherwise would have missed out on. Although, I like the idea of 'real' remakes that Desbreko mentioned, but I think that they should also include a straight port on the same cartridge/CD, so you can get the best of both worlds. :D
I preordered it after returning the decidedly average Wario World (thankyou EB!). I heard it was good (and being able to control Bond makes the game so much cooler, which was probably the only thing that made the majority of Bond games sell decently, IMHO) but after hearing what you guys have said about it I am really excited! I [U]should[/U] be getting it tomorrow, so I'll be doing a lot of 'Bonding' with my XBox (I know, that was a pretty bad joke). I'll post my comments on it when I play it. :) ------------------------------------ Okay. I haven't received it yet. For some reason XBox software in Australia has been really lax, so I've had to resort to playing GTA:VC, Jet Set Radio Future and NFS Underground...sigh. :D As soon as I get it I'll post comments on it. ------------------------------------ Okay. I got it yesterday but I don't have time to comment on it (will do tomorrow). Let's just say its a really good game for the time being.
Its not really a death sequence but when you finally [SPOILER] defeat Ansem in Kingdom Hearts was a great one. His third form took me forever to defeat (the one where he's attached to that creepy monster thingy). When you finally see his heart (after saving Donald and Goofy), basically defenseless, it filled me with a huge feeling of gaining back control. I actually yelled out "Your going down, mother-****er!" at the top of my voice before realising that the rest of my family was in the next room. Just having that hear in front of you, utterly defenseless, it makes you feel that you could finally remove those damn Heartless once and for all! [/SPOILER] Good stuff. The saddest actual death scene is a toss up between [SPOILER]Shadow's 'death' in Sonic Adventure 2[/SPOILER] and [SPOILER]Emerl's death in Sonic Battle. Both were such great characters that added another dimension to the Sonic Universe. Shadow giving up his life after finally realising why he was created and for Maria was really touching, as was Emerl's sad death at the hands of his friend Sonic.[/SPOILER] Truly touching. Fav dying animation would have to go to E102 Gamma's when attached to your Emerl in Sonic Battle. Its always funny to see when your Emerl dies at the hands of your friend, only to see his character suprisingly annihilated by an explosion from your corpse! Classic.
Sounds pretty good, although I kinda doubt the 3-4 year wait for XBox (no offence intended [I]Inuyasha7271[/I]). By that time, the new generation of consoles will be out, so I don't think they would bother with the XBox at that time. Also, with Rockstar seeing how well the GTA Double Pack sold on XBox, I doubt that it will take this long to be released on the Box. Granted, PS2 will get it first, but I predict probably a wait of 1 to 1.5 years for the XBox version (probably the same for the PC version). Although this is just speculation, don't take this as fact. :D
Thanks, Shinmaru! So, if Sonic Team released a sequel to this great game, what characters would you include and what characters would you remove? Sensible answers please. For example, don't say that you don't want Amy in there just because she's annoying. I'll start things rolling. Include: All of the old characters from Sonic Battle (but maybe make Chaos 0 a little less powerful and a little faster, as his slowness made him fairly boring to play as). [I]Mecha Sonic (Sonic CD Form)[/I] - Who hasn't wanted to play as Sonic's coolest rival? Although, it would be stupid if he was basically a clone of Sonic. [I]Espio the Chameleon[/I] - His ability to become invisible would be a godsend, and his ninja moves added from Sonic Heroes would make him a force to be recond with. [I]Super Sonic & Super Shadow[/I] - These two would only work in a Story Mode environment, as they would be to dominating in other instances. How awesome would a battle be with both Super Sonic and Super Shadow against a tank of a final boss? Pure Heaven. :D [I]Emerl[/I] - One of the best inclusions of Sonic Battle. Being able to raise up this little robot in nearly every way you want added a lot of replayability to the game, and it'd be sad to see this missing in the sequel. [SPOILER]Storywise, he is supposed to be destroyed, but Shadow came back from what many assumed was death (Sonic Adventure 2), so you never know...[/SPOILER] And that's my two cents. What does everyone else think?
It [I]is[/I] looking very impressive. I just hope they also focus on gameplay. I've actually seen about 5-6 mins of footage on DVD featuring footage from E3 2003 and I was nearly ready to change my religion to become a Kojima-ite! You think the stills look good! From what I saw from the footage, you can get different forms of camoflauge to disguise yourself better. You now have to hunt snakes and other animals just to eat! You don't know how cool it looks to see Snake actually take a bite of a snake. Also, now they can send dogs after you, requiring you to discuise your trail via walking through water. You can also climb trees as well, allowing you to get the 'drop' (pun intended) on your enemies. You also now have a knife, so you can slit guards throats instead of just knocking them out. AI for guards is amazing now. Instead of the pathwise movement used in MGS 1 and 2, they will try and flank you, cover each other, use aggressive tactics to get closer to you, use natural cover, retreat when wounded, everything! Should make for less predictable gaming. Gamewise, MGS3 seems to be less linear than MGS 1 and 2, which can only be a plus. And best of all (from what I can tell)...no Raiden! :D It seems like a huge concept that most people couldn't pull off. But you never know...Hideo Kojima has surprised us before.
Do something REALLY stupid (its much better to do with mates) like go to a crowded shopping centre, all look at a place on the ceiling and see how many people are gullible enough to come stand with you and look up as well. CKY or Jackass has some great ideas that you could slightly modify and do. I find just doing something stupid and having a laugh with some mates helps to get rid of stress easily.
Its not a bad game. Kinda short as a 1 player experience, but is great fun for multiplayer. Its actually my favourite 3D fighting game at the moment. The controls aren't that hard to get used to, and there's a fairly good training mode to help you get used to it. Also, its now part of X-Box's Classics Range, so it wouldn't be a bad time to buy it if you don't mind a shorter single player experience than other fighting games, and a great party game (it has a tag mode for up to 4 players as well). Unfortunately, I have heard from a few reliable sources that DOA: Online may be basically an XBox Live-enabled version of DOA3. So it comes down to personal preference. If you can wait, go for DOA: Online. If not, you could get DOA3 now, and trade it in later, closer to the DOA: Online release date. Or you could not get it at all. Don't just take my word for it though. What does everyone else think of it?
Obviously Halo 2, but since we aren't supposed to mention it, I won't. How about the GTA pack Rockstar North are releasing? That should be good. Sonic Heroes should be great (It could be the worst game in the world and I still would probably get it, so I guess I'm slightly biased). True Crime (for reasons mentioned in other people's posts) Besides those, nothing else really appeals to me as such. I'm getting a GameCube soon, so there are a few games I want on that as well, so I'm more interested in saving for that then getting more games for XBox.
I don't think it would be worth it. Akira Toriyama wanted to end it at Dragonball Z, and that's where it should have stayed. GT was only tired and predictable. I think its time to let DragonBall rest.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Castle Killer [/i] [B]Ah man.... I got the X-box the first month that it came out, and believe me, I was afraid. Heres the reason why ----> No Console in history has been so expensive and so damn glitchy! Heres my impression (From all the tech forums that I've seen) Either your Xbox will work fine, Or it will have MAJOR problems. Since Microsoft doesn't care about its customers (Pretty obvious!), Even if you do have a warranty, they'll still make you pay big bucks on shipping and....'Handling'... charges... Sometimes over a $100 dollars! All I can say is, I love my X-box and if that ever happened to me, I would be in a very bad mood!!! Is it agianst the forum rules to say p*ssed? [/B][/QUOTE] Have you got (or had) a Dreamcast? They had a cost of $500 in Australia when first released, only 3 or 4 games were available at first (I had to wait 2 weeks for my copy of Sonic Adventure). The first batch of VMUs (memory cards) were dropped on the way so I had to wait another 2 weeks before I could save any games. Every single game that was decent was delayed for at least a couple of months (which was quite stupid because they were all ready for distribution) and the worst thing, my second Dreamcast (my first one just stopped loading CD's - stupid drive unit...) stopped working properly 3 months after I got it. Now, to play a game I have to flip my DC upside-down, and even then sometimes it won't work. So yes, the X-Box may be glitchy in parts (I know, I had to have mine sent in to get fixed), but the Dreamcast cost just as much and had way more problems than the X-Box.
Okeday then... DOA3 (couple of hours, unlocked everything) Halo (2 levels left on Legendary, had completed previously, but my file dissapeared for no reason) Enter The Matrix (both Ghost and Niobe, all difficulties, finished hacking mode) Tony Hawk 3 (Every character fully, plus 3 Created Skaters) Tony Hawk 4 (Fully, unlocked everything) Deathrow (ditto) Dave Mirra 2 (ditto) Fusion Frenzy (but what's there to complete?) There are others, but I can't remember them off the top of my head...
Does it really matter? I haven't seen the movie myself, only 1-8 (English), but if it didn't affect the storyline, I say its not really important. If they had have messed up when Goku did a Kamahameha, and called it Special Beam Cannon or something, I think that there would be more cause for complaining.
I'd have to say he is the best 'evil' saiyan, as he only gets small parts compared to the other saiyans, which doesn't allow him to grow like the others have through the series. If his character had time to develop (as in that he was actually a major character in the episodes) he would most probably be my favourite.
I reckon Brolly finally releasing his power and breaking his father's control over him. Mainly because of how Vegeta breaks down, as he 'knows' that they are doomed against his power, and how the others fight against Brolly, while Vegeta just sits there, contemplating his coming death. Very deep.
Plus, he was down in hell with all the other guys when Babidi died and was getting pissed off at what Buu was doing, plus he was causing trouble down in hell with both Cell (I think) and the Ginyu Force when both Goku and I think Pikkon were sent down to stop them.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kaze [/i] [B][FONT=times new roman]No, that's okay, really *twitch*. Anyway, I think what ever race Frieza and his family are might also be asexual too. I mean, Frieza's mother is never mentioned. Well, Vegeta's mother is never mentioned either, same thing for any Saiyan. Maybe all races in DBZ except humans breed by spiting up eggs...?[/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] In the special movie "Bardock: The Father of Goku", when Bardock gets back to planet Vegeta after getting his *** kicked by Dodoria (sorry, I don't know the *** names), he runs into a Saiyan bar, knocking over a table. A crowd gathers around, with one or two women saiyans around. So I think they reproduce like humans. For example, look at Gohan, Goten and Trunks. How'd they get around?
I just saw the dubbed version of Movie 8. From the immortal words of Comicbookstoreguy... "Best...Movie...Ever!" Brolly is a tank! I think he was just toying with them. Obviously he was enjoying snapping everyone around...toying with their emotions. Remember how he said to Goku/Kakkarot "How much do you love your son?" and then a few minutes later attempts to kill Gohan while Goku can't do anything? He could have easily killed every one of them easily, but he became cocky (just like every enemy in DBZ, funnily enough) and that was his downfall. So you can see I think Brolly is the best enemy ever! (pity about both his voice and how people pronounce his name...)