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Everything posted by MissWem
[quote name='SaiyanPrincessX'][SIZE="1"]Ten cents. Literally. The thing that really sucks about girl pants is that the manufactors think girls never use pockets or somehting, so you could usually only fit [I]maybe[/I] half your hand in them![/SIZE][/QUOTE] [FONT="Arial"][COLOR="Sienna"]This, but even worse. You have no idea how many times I've been tricked by pants (even skirts and jackets) with... FAKE POCKETS!!!! It's cruel. It's down right cruel. Not to mention it's hard to find stylish pants that even have pockets. So in an effort to answer the question, on the rare ocassion I'm in my pants there tends to be: [LIST] [*]pockets [*]cellphone [*]Maybelline: Shiiny-licious #20 berry bella lip gloss (it smells purty and tastes sweet) [*]Blink 'n' Clean (cleans and clears contact lenses while you wear them) [*]solitaire maglite (for looking underneath cinema seats for dropped change, I work in a cinema btw) [/LIST] Of course sometimes it changes, like movie tickets always go in the bum pocket, except I always forget I put it there. Otherwise I have to carry my beloved AC/DC bag because I have a wallet the size of a small book that can't possibly fit in any pocket. And what's in my wallet would be another story altogether.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT="Arial"][COLOR="Sienna"]OOoooohhh... what about table top war games. I've started getting into Warhammer 40k recently. It's one of several fantasty/sci-fi 'era'-ish based wargames created by Games Workshop. Basically you pick a race you like, buy their stupidly expensive models and paint them up to look nice (or as nice as you can manage) and then pit your tiny model army against someone else's tiny model army. Feels like the grown up version of melting plastic soldiers under a lens, without melting them because they're very expensive :S Anyway, I haven't really familliarised myself with the technical part of playing game because I've been getting really into just painting them. Fortunately for me my partner has been collecting them for the past 10 years so I have a pretty large army to strip down and renovate with a shiny new paint job. P.S I've watched people play Spycraft (similar to D&D...?), it looks like fun but I'm far too impatient to wait for everyone to figure out what they want to do. [/COLOR][/FONT]
Ex-Girlfriend Problems (Boy this is getting old)
MissWem replied to Aberinkula's topic in General Discussion
[FONT="Arial"][COLOR="Sienna"]A good start is telling her to stop messing around or else you'll have to severe ties. Completely. As for the secret thing? Either pre-emptively come clean with your friend so she can't use it against you, or take the chance she won't tell. To be honest, I got a little jaded in highschool by "secrets". If you really think about it, there aren't really any secrets worth keeping because if you're having to keep them, you're obviously doing something wrong in the first place. P.S: She doesn't sound like she's worth the time of day anyway.[/COLOR][/FONT] -
[quote name='visualkei'][B]MissWem [/B], I don't know what to say except that, that nice guy sounds pretty adorable to me. lol. I guess that's why I like hanging around nice little old ladies. You know, the ones you want to call Grandma. Yeah, there's a nice to the point where it feels..... inadequate. That weird feeling you get when that person is always smiling and throwing themselves to do favors for you. But you know what? That person's just nice. And I'm fine with that.[/QUOTE] [FONT="Arial"][COLOR="Sienna"]He[I] is adorable[/I] but you realize there's a fine line between being a nice and being crazy. He's kinda like when Adam Sandler played that doormat guy in Anger Management. Chances are if you get kicked in the nads you'd kick back, he wouldn't and would probably ask the person to go away because he found the experience to be unpleasant. I guess I just can't stand the fact that his niceness makes me feel bad about not being a nicer person. I get an inferiority complex, that and I haven't even the heart to make snide remarks at him, which is saying something since I'm pretty snide to everyone at some point. Although no, I wouldn't be suspicious of any of his actions. Faux nice people are actually quite easy to spot.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT="Arial"][COLOR="Sienna"]I dated a nice guy once. The only thing that made it really intolerable was that he was somewhat effeminate so not only was he the "nice" one in the relationship he was also the woman in it and it just wasn't cool. But seriously, this guy is honest to god nice, for example, someone snuck into the back area of his work place and stole his sleeping bag and a couple of other of his things and left the crap loads of free food lying (i.e bottles of drinks and snacks) and says: "If I get my hands on that guy I want to do something terrible to him". That's probably the most angry thing I have ever heard him say right after, "there's a chick a work with that really annoys me... it's not that she's bad at her job she just gets assigned the jobs I want to do and that she's not so good at". I don't care if I'm not nice, if I'm nice then it's because I intend to be, but being around his niceness makes me feel bad about not being nice. :animestun [/COLOR][/FONT]
[quote name='Jakehammaren'] 3. You determine the genre without a source by *gasp* by listening to the music.[/QUOTE] [FONT="Arial"][COLOR="Sienna"]Oh my god, so he listened to the music and judged it comparatively to other music he had heard and determined it to be of the metal genre. Surely he, as could you and anyone who tries to immerse themselves into the music would be able to discern some facts about it from just listening to it, even if it's something as basic as the genre it belongs. What you're saying is that he shouldn't even have to look at a painting and already know what period and art style it was done in. Guess what? You can actually still appreciate music just by [I]listening to it[/I]... and not know any background information about it.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT="Arial"][COLOR="Sienna"]Quick, run!!! He said Rammstein is metal!! *throws hands in air wildly *:o[/COLOR][/FONT]
[quote name='KyuubiKhaos'][COLOR="Red"]Yeah, "One" is back from the 80s. But to answer your question, Metallica's present genre could possibly be considered hard rock, since it doesn't seem to be as heavy as it was in the past. That's only my take on it.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT="Arial"][COLOR="Sienna"]I do believe they were originally considered thrash, but it's somewhat unfortunate they are considered heavy rock these days, due to the evolution of the genre, since their very name in itself is suppose to epotimise metal. And just because I can (and I'm suppose to be a westie), the black album, rules.[/COLOR][/FONT] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="sienna"][FONT="Arial"]P.S, Thanks Kam for this, it makes more sense than just about anything else I've heard about the genre: "Metal is where punk gets its attitude. Metal is where rock gets its edge. Metal is the diamond in the rough of all modern music. It's hard to nail down, but when you're a metalhead, you know."[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[quote name='Jakehammaren']Wow. You made it through every single page? Jeez... I feel like I owe you money or something...[/QUOTE] [FONT="Arial"][COLOR="Sienna"]Yes, I can send you my account number if you like[/COLOR][/FONT] [quote name='Jakehammaren'] By the way, "Symphonic Metal" is not a genre. Kamelot is power metal.[/QUOTE] [FONT="Arial"][COLOR="Sienna"][COLOR="Sienna"]I acknowledge that mistake (I realized after looking them up but didn't get time to come back for an edit), but after reading so many pages I could've sworn I saw that phrase, misused clearly. Anyhow, after much arguing amongst everyone about sub-genre I'm rather surprised no one has done it yet: [SIZE="4"][B]What defines metal?[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT="Arial"][COLOR="Sienna"]I know now that just because the music is heavy it isn't neccessarily metal, so what makes bands like, Allagoch, Kamelot, Killswitch, Arch Enemy, Wintersun etc. etc. fall into the category because they are all quite differently styled, to the point where (to my unknowledgeable self) you could almost create new genres out of them. [SIZE="1"]P.S Tool, no... just no.[/SIZE] [/COLOR][/FONT]
[quote name='Jeremiah']I hope 2008 turns out to be a cracker year. It's election time over here in New Zealand and I resolve to help get my party of choice (National) into a term of office (although that will be some time away.) Then there's the Parachute music festival that I get to go to this year, and that will be a heap of fun. I've been waiting nearly 2 years to go back again. Other than that, I'm not sure what the year will bring, so I'll just take it as it comes.[/QUOTE] [FONT="Arial"][COLOR="Sienna"]*gasp* It's election time already? Actually, I shouldn't be surprised, I actually forgot to vote for the recent mayoral elections :animesigh But really? National? Not that there are many choices to pick from. I've heard Parachute is a great place for selling drugs and alcohol at inflated prices. Any plans for Rock2Wgtn? It's going to be big from the looks of it :D [SIZE="1"]P.S West side represent :P[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
[quote name='Desbreko'][color=#4B0082] Come January 21st it's going to be a tough decision whether or not to buy Guitar Hero III for the Wii. I'm looking to rebuild my PC and Smash Bros. Brawl is also coming out only a few weeks later.... So much awesome, so little money.[/color][/QUOTE] [FONT="Arial"][COLOR="Sienna"]I recommend that you don't get it on the Wii, they did the crappiest job importing it to that console, Meaning the graphics are absolutely horrific, however it is still the same game. I vote Smash Bros :D[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT="Arial"][COLOR="Sienna"]I actually sat down and read through all 23 pages of this thread which took me about 3, 3 and a half hours to do so, only because I actually made attempts at looking up a few bands that got recommended on each page to see if I liked them. I'm glad I read through this, since I never quite realized how diverse metal really was and finding out I'm not really a metal-head, rather in fact my music tastes are all over the map (I won't mention what I like because I don't feel like getting kicked in the nuts.. if I had any to be kicked). My point in posting was to say the only band that I actually genuinely liked that got mentioned in here, somewhere... Kamelot. Thank you Jake ;) Symphonic metal? So my cup of tea, as long as it's not Lacuna Coil, or Nightwish feel free to recommend more to me. EDIT: Bad grammar and that I just listened to Ghost Opera again and I can barely even begin to describe how much they blow me away, the dramatic tones, suspenseful lulls and the vocalist is beautiful. His voice is remeniscent of The Phantom, the movie made version of him.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT="Arial"][COLOR="Sienna"]Quit smoking. Why? I went out to a small (just over half a dozen people) but loud party, got drunker than I ever have been (I'm a cheap drunk so I typically don't drink much if at all) and proceeded to start chain smoking that entire night. The kicker being, prior to that night I've never smoked a cigarette in my life. God knows what my bf will do if he finds out, I should save myself the pain and tell him myself.:animestun Epic fun though, too bad I got called into work early so I showed up completely hammered much to the relief and disappointment of my manager. So anyone else have any fun New Years party tales to share? [/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR="Sienna"][FONT="Arial"]I third this motion of lurking regularly. I've been doing it for years now, so making the step from "prolific lurker" to "prolific poster" seems but a farce hope. I guess I just secretly enjoy stalking.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[quote name='Neuvoxraiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]Be a straightedge all you want when it comes to alcohol until you're 21, or in some places 18. Then overindulge yourself, discover that you didn't like the feeling of puking your liver out of your mouth, and thereafter drink in moderation. Besides, if you have the wrong sort of friends, you might wake up with sharpie drawings all over your face. Oh yes, and you won't be able to find your wallet either.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Sienna"][FONT="Arial"]Hahaha, that totally happened to my boy friend once, except it wasn't his wallet he couldn't find in the morning... It was his eyebrows. I'll be quite honest though, I don't really have an anti-drug. The only thing that stops me is the availability and if that's all that's stopping me, yes I do realize it's a problem. However I did have the worst trip in my life a couple of weeks ago, it's not enough to stop me but I guess I needed it seeing as I realized I don't want to be calling my friends at random times on the verge of a break down because I think my life's a misery and the cartoon cats won't leave me alone. My anti-drug will be because I don't want to hurt or worry my friends :) [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[quote name='Sesshomarufan']now to my unprofessional medical opinion. beauty is waking up in the morning and it's raining outside, the house is freaking cold because you left the air conditioner on too high and you don't have any milk left over in the fridge because you accidentaly used it all to make dessert the night before and having to resort to toast for breakfast and the phone suddenly rings and when you answer it, your siginificant other calls your name with an affectionate tone to their voice. to state it simply, it's the little things that are beautiful. the major things do account for a lot, but it's the little nuances that keep beauty lasting. let me tell you, some of the most memorable relationships i have had created some of the best memories based on the little things that i've done or experienced.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Sienna"][FONT="Arial"]That... that there, I read through virtually every single post and exactly what you have described here means something to me. To me beauty doesn't have to be an object, it could be an event that moves me in such a way that I feel appreciation. On my best days I can find a lot of things beautiful, from the texture of the concrete road, the flock of birds passing over head, a really nice car and even the fact that a customer isn't even going to look twice at me let alone remember what I look like when I've served them. But unfortunately, my best days are few and far between. Which is where I think Sesshomarufan;781623's point comes in for me. Seeing my boy friend smile is honestly one of the most beautiful things in the world to me. It's plain awesome. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=r2vq][color=#007520] Hi, my name is Keane, I'm 19, and I play Pokémon on the bus. And I'm [b]proud[/b] of it too, you non-trainers you... -r2 [/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Arial]*a general mumble of greetings from other members in the room* Welcome and congratulations to taking your first step to admitting your have a problem :P (Actually, I'm jealous, I can't play in a moving vehicle due to suddenly worrying cases of motion sickness that occur as a result)[/FONT][/COLOR] [QUOTE=r2vq][color=#007520] Via WiFi you can... Trade or Battle with your friends via Friend Code communication. (No random battles. :( ) In this mode, you can also chat with your friends via VoIP. Trade randomly with anyone around the world. Download the teams of people around the world and battle against a computer controlling them.[/color][/QUOTE] [FONT=Arial] [COLOR=DarkRed]I think I want a WiFi connection now... does that mean there won't be regional incompatabilities like with the old cartridges? Because, that'd be quite frankly awesome. I don't know why I thought it was a good idea but half my old games are the U.S version and the other are the Australasian version and I can't trade between them. [CENTER]~~~~[/CENTER] Now[I] I can't wait[/I] to get the games. I may have to cryogenically freeze myself for the next month and a half so I don't die of suspense.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Arial]*suspense* Still not due to come out til June for me. For those that do have it, any chance you can throw me a few tidbits as to how the game compares to the other ones? I know I could read reviews on official websites but that's the thing, I'd prefer to hear it from a variety of people. I'm 19 and am not ashamed to admit I'm pokemon fan, once you get past any initial weird looks people just don't care. P.S: I can't believe I've already posted in this thread, except my last post in this is apparently incoherent and I haven't figured out why I even thought I had a point. *sigh* Oh to feel child-like enthusiasm for pokemon and yet feel like [I]I can wait[/I] for the new versions to come out.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Arial]^^^ Number one reason I don't play online. Speaking of ruined gaming experiences is having violence in today's society being blamed on gamers. If that were true then every person (right down to the 80 year old lady in a wheel chair) that I had ever served when I worked in a games store have or will go out and commit a violent crime. Seriously, that little old lady was the sweetest looking thing ever to play FPS... And the fact that in NZ (I don't know what laws are like in other countries) is that it's illegal (liable of charges of up to NZ$10,000) for minors to be buying R-rated games, just as it's illegal for them to posses porn but so many parents just buy it for them and then come back a week later to complain. I just want to yell at them to remind them that they're the parent and it's their responsibility to monitor what they're kids are doing, not the shop assisstant who has no responsibility to asking if you're getting [restricted game] for your 10 year old son. On the other hand if their 10 year old son had come in with a wad of cash to buy said game then of course I would've laughed and told him to buy Chicken Little or similar children's game. And besides, wasn't the age of the average gamer actually something like 25 years old?[/FONT][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Andrew][SIZE=1]It's normally not my style to post at all, let alone twice in quick succession but I just had to say...[/SIZE] [QUOTE=Big Sky][SIZE=1][COLOR=Gray] On that note, there's nothin' hot about Twigy... can't wait until this rib-cage-showing-through fad is over-and-done-with so we can get back to admiring real women for looking like real women, rather then stick-figures. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Amen to that![/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Arial]*feels inadequate*[/FONT][/COLOR] [QUOTE=taperson][SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue] First of all, have you yourself ever struggled with a self image/esteem problem? In other words, have you ever seen yourself as too fat/ugly/etc until it got to the point that you obsessed over it? Have you ever known someone go through this? Feel free to share stories. Second of all, do you have any advice for overcoming it? Did you tell your parents [and if you did, HOW]? What steps did you take to overcome this? Thanks, guys! =][/SIZE] [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Arial]Yes I've suffered from being vertically challenged. I'm 153cm tall which I think is around 5' 3" and so like a small dog I've developed a bit of a chip on my shoulder about how to gain attention. No seriously, I remember quite distinctly, when I was your age (not long ago as I'm only 19 now) that I had set standards for myself that weren't so much as too high, just perhaps too inflexible. I always had to be this good at something, if I wasn't I was pathetic. If I met my goal then it wasn't good enough because if I could meet it then I should've been able to do better. The irony in it was my overall main goal was to be a better student, a better friend and a better person ^^" I sorta burnt out a couple years later and found less "me" things to worry about. Like DigitalBoy, I just don't care anymore. I had a friend who suffered from both bulemia and anorexia, it wasn't pretty. It started when she was 13 and her bf told her she was a little fat and could stand to lose some weight (yes she should've been smarter and told him to F off for that but when you're young, you're impressionable and she was "in love"). She struggled with it for about 4-5 years and even though now she doesn't starve or purge her system she still struggles with how self-conscious she is about her weight. Although now she just medicates it differently like wearing corsets and for awhile, sleeping around a bit just to validate her attractiveness. Unfortunately I can't really tell you what really changed with her since it's her story, but from where I stand she has learnt to accept her body, not that she can't change it but more-so the reasons she's going to change it. Not for some stupid guys that tell her she's a little "chunky". Not to mention she's also very good at playing up her better physical qualities. So in a way, this may be a chance for you to get to know what's good about yourself and to make those aspects a highlight. What I believe my friend and I shared with our individual problems that it wasn't working for us, it didn't make us feel good and it wasn't helping us get to the things we wanted because we were always so strung out on emotions. I doubt anyone can actually say anything that you don't already know, but [I]what I do know is knowing you having a friend to talk to when it gets a little tough can make all the difference[/I]. Or getting out into the world for some new experiences, like volunteering for a good cause. People tend to have epiphanies during those, not sure why.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[quote name='Andrew][size=1][size=1']So, to all you Otaku-folk out there, what do you do to get your cash? What are your experiences with working? If you haven't got a job yet, what would you like to do/what are you studying to become? And what was your dream job as a child?[/size][/quote] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkRed]Aw man, everyone else seems to have such honest jobs :P I just started working as what could be called an office assistant, however my main duty is to answer phone calls we get from ads we put in the paper offering people employment. Doesn't sound that bad right? Well part of my script is to give the person calling no actual information as to what the job relates to aside from what was written in the ad which only suggests sales and customer service positions. If I'm asked what we do, I reply we're a distribution company and then continue interrupting with my script which goes something like: "Our company name is XYZ and we're currently expanding in the area this month, hence we need people to fill up the new positions. It's a full-time position. It's entry level, which means if you get the job you will be trained to use the company's new system and to assist our clients needs. The pay is XYZ per month based on the company programmed. No experience is necessary as we do provide full training." Then I ask a series of questions and tell them, congrats they qualify for an interview and can they come in at XYZ a time (all in one breath). To put it blankly, I convince people to come in to get interviewed for a job that very few people will want. If you hadn't guessed already... sales... pretty much door-to-door sales. Of course once the people come in for interviews it's up to the other guy to convince them this is what they want to do and to get them into the 3 day training course. It's a bit of a scummy position to trick people like that, especially since 90% of them are genuinely trying to impress me on the phone and are mostly decent people. Then again I'm not being paid to care. My past two jobs were working in video games stores, however that's a completely different experience altogether. Most importantly, I don't want a career in an office or a retaill store. I've trained to be a special effects make up artist and that's kinda what I want to do or maybe try my hand at psychology, I haven't decided yet. Oddly enough, I had always wanted to be an artist as a kid, but let go of the idea because of the stereotype of the poor struggling artist who doesn't become rich til after they're dead.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkRed]Oh c'mon, no one child could really be the sole cause of the break up of an entire family. I can see it being a possibility that NIKI could've created more problems, but it wouldn't have truly been a family if every member hadn't made a contribution to the divide. Sure you can do what Azure says, or maybe instead of just submitting at least try to find out and understand what the real problem is. The thing is, if you understood what was going on, then you could potentially empathize with your mother which in it's own way woud help you to behave more considerately towards her feelings. Like, is your mother a solo-parent, if she is that's a huge stress all on it's own. If not then maybe she's having trouble with your Father and is taking it out on you. But then, I don't think I can give the best advice on family related issues. I've only just caught on that my family will never be 'together and happy' again, and frankly, it kinda smarts.[/COLOR][/FONT]
The OtaKuties- Critiques/Betting Thread [E]
MissWem replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Arial]Ah! What beautiful people! It brings a tear to my eye. This is going to be oodles of fun. Let's stir the pot a bit shall we? 50 on Baron to take first, and I swear it's at absolutely no betrayal to my Kiwi heritage. Australians can be a very charming bunch. And 50 to Sara for second place. No reason ^_~[/FONT][/COLOR] -
[quote name='Boo][size=1']That wasn't so great. Guitar solos aren't about making as much noise in one minute as possible. Whoever came up with that idea really has to be slapped.[/size][/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Arial]That reminds me of a comment I believe one of Mozarts tutors made about his work, saying that he used too many notes. But seeing how I got to hear a bit of Wintersun's stuff at a mere mouse-click away rather than having someone jeer at me "listen to [band name here] their song [song name here] rocks!!" and then expect me to actually take the time and effort to listen to find and listen to about 6 of these, I actually feel like commenting. My first impression, was that it wasn't bad. It sounded good. Then suddenly about 10 seconds into it I feel like the blonde guitarist just seemed to lose the plot with the entire solo. If I wanted ego driven guitar solo's I'd go old school and listen to Black Sabbath, their solos actually made sense. I think the only real metal band I've managed to latch onto is In Flames, but if anyone is actually interested in knowing more you can PM me. YES I'M LAZY. P.S: Deathknight *holds lit cigarette lighter up into the air*[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Arial]I was decidedly cautious about this game, but then I'm not the one who owns a 360. Anyway, my mate brought the game a day or two ago late-ish afternoon. We get back to his place and play co-op on casual and finshed the game in about 7 hours. Loooooooved it. I agree with most other people it has great graphics, the story is as expected, the gameplay solid, the flow from level to level is pretty solid. As with any game there are a few minor glitches. My only real peeve about the game is the [spoiler]driving stage. Oh dear God could they have made it anymore irritating! It was tolerable on casual but on hardcore when they come from above in the 2nd to last swarm and you realize with horror you can't aim upwards. And just as you finish them more spawn from the front and several more swarms spawn behind you.[/spoiler] That part alone was nearly enough for the both of us to quit playing. The only other real glitch we found was missing enemies. At some point we'd find Baird or some other character shooting at a random corner and the music to indicate there are still enemies continues playing *sigh* I suppose during the parts you have to split paths, it gets a little confusing when one person reaches the other end before you and you suddenly find yourself being teleported to a new location. Only a bad thing if it's at a point you find yourself about to enter battle and are still looking around yourself trying to get your bearings. Though I believe that problem only came up when I found myself in close combat with Boomers and happened to be facing the other way wondering where the hell I was. I can't comment on single-player since I haven't tried it. We're on our second time through but on hardcore and I have to say, the skill level jump there is pretty big. It's challenging almost to the point of aggravating. I don't see us trying Insane level anytime soon, assuming we finish it on hardcore.[/FONT][/COLOR]