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Everything posted by MissWem

  1. [quote name='Retribution][size=1']We can't really hold your hand every step of the way. [/size][/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Arial]Can you imagine that? -Senor Ding Dong goes to ask her to the dance -Chick hesitates. -Senor Ding Dong says: "Wait wait, hold that thought, I'll be right back." Goes to the computer and asks us what he should do now because she's hesistating. .... I'm sure it could get worse.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Arial]Oh my God you're a freak! I'm kidding. Chillax. It's fine to worry really. If you get kicked out of college I guess you could always be ambitious and make a career being the top janitor. But it just sounds like your brain is just working overtime. Usually I guess it's best not to think about it. I've found that concentrating really hard on watching a movie works for me (a favourite of mine is The Fifth Element, you'll be amazed how much you can read into nothing), or vegeing out watching random television shows, or the internet or read a nice fiction book. Just anything in general that's mindless that'll get you to stop thinking about it for a moment, y'know, like getting to know your hand better. I ought to stop now. Who am I kidding anyhow, I still haven't managed to shake the delusion that the box on my desk is forest green when I know for a fact that it's navy blue. Worst comes to worse, drink a cup of toasty warm milk.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. [quote name='Charles']Lesbians aren't into guys.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Arial]But they are into chicks. And I like lesbians too. As I like to tell my boy friend whenever something lesbian related comes up. "Just remember, [I]it will never be your turn[/I]."[/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [quote name='lostvoice]It's alot more difficult than you think! It's my [I]firs[/I']t kiss. I imagined it to fit my most fond fantasies so straying from those dreams is difficult.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Arial]I've been following this thread with great amusement. I love how I can see everyone's personality so vividly. [I]Anyway[/I], I was curious, since you are considering taking a step into the wonderful wetlands that is the mouth, if you'd care to share a bit about your fantasy of what your first kiss would be like. If it's not too 'out there' it may actually be something you can experience. Just because it's a "first time" it doesn't have to be awkward, some people are lucky enough to have a great experience with their first attempts. I'd like to tell you what my fantasy was but right up until my actual first kiss, I still couldn't get over how [I]disgusting[/I] the mechanics of a kiss are. Scratch that, up until after the first few I still thought they were pretty gross for such a pleasurable experience. My only complaint was that the guy was a bit slobbery which could be why...[/FONT][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Arial]Though a highly debated topic, general consensus you will find is that it's okay for a lady to ask a guy out. Either that or people are just agreeing so they don't sound anti-femenist or sexist or like mysogynists. But it's still somewhat socially more unacceptable for a woman to ask a man out because western society is still evolving from the old tradition where men take charge and women follow. I myself have been semi-brought (only semi because my Dad is still quite traditional but then my mum encourages independence) up to look for a man who will take care of all my needs, be the gentlemen, drive me around and pay for my movies. By personal experience asking a guy out (for the first time) earlier this year was by far one of the best decisions I've made to date. He had no intention of asking me out because he didn't think I was interested, so it worked out. I also feel like I should say that I agree with The13thMan. Men and women are already fundamentally different due to biological reasons. However different doesn't always mean inequal, it's like comparing a red apple to a green one. They both have differing flavours, one tends to make a better soup whereas the other is nicer on its own yet both are good for your health and are both apples. I hear tell they're effective doctor repellants.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  6. [QUOTE=John] Couldn't help myself. :D But seriously, if you're looking for an easy way out of this, you won't find one. If you want to, then just plain ask her out. If she says no, the worst that'll come is just gaining a little more experience in life.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Arial]Excuse my ignorance, but is that a bear trap? Though I have to say, there are some pretty interesting answers here. Yet somehow I feel directness and simplicity is the best here. Much like John described except aside from experience you'll also experience a number of things like rejection... and shame. If you get someone else to ask her out for you then you look cowardly and she'll be confused as to why you didn't do it yourself e.g "doesn't he like me enough to face me?". Just suck it up, go up to her and to not pressure her, don't say "would you like to go out on a date?" try something like, "Would you like to have lunch/watch a movie sometime?" She won't feel pressured and it'll give you two a chance to get to know eachother a little bit before you think about being in love. PS. When you ask, for the love of all that is sane... please please don't stare at her feet. Nervous guys are cute to a point but there is a limit. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  7. [quote name='Kurayami Oji][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Hmmm.....well, to tell you the truth, I don't really think the best time of my life has happened yet. And I don't really know what it will be or when it will happen either. I'm not saying I haven't had some really good times in my life already, i'm just saying I don't think any of them are the best of my life. So, the best is yet to come.^^[/COLOR'][/SIZE][/quote] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkRed]What about the best to date then? By the time the end of your life has come I think it'll be a little too late to share when the best time was (not to be morbid or anything). I have to confess it was at my first ever rave this year. It was a beautiful Saturday night and everyone was getting pumped for Slinky which was going to be full of massive rooms, huge beats and of course, trippy light shows. And when I say "confess" (I don't want to influence any of the younger members) but I was really really really high on 'life' that night. My boy definitely knows the right people to get some great variety of 'life'.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  8. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Arial]I feel incredibly sheltered. I've only been to one funeral and that was for a classmate that I was fond of. I can't honestly say I mourned her death, but it was rather affecting to see her die slowly of brain cancer. I remember when my first pet rabbit died I cried on and off for 3 weeks at the slightest reminder of her. I was about 7 years old at the time. Though I've been fortunate to not have any persons close to me pass away I think from that first experience and a similar reaction for the next following half dozen deaths of various pets, I'm going to have a ball when someone I care about dies. Hey, but like my mother says, "when I die, don't cry. Be happy I'll be in a better place." I'm in no way religious but I believe her because she's my mommy :)[/FONT][/COLOR]
  9. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed]Unfortunately, it's human nature to regret. Even if it's brief no doubt everyone feels it or else they wouldn't be compelled to learn from it or lament. However you like to deal with it. I like to think I've gotten over my regrets. The one that lasted longest as of recent was not telling my ex how much I hated him. But it's okay, I'm over how I let him convince me life is crap then sit back and do nothing as I cried. [I]That I was weak enough to fall for his snivelling, pathetic, clingy...[/I] *long pause* *smiles pleasantly* I'm going to gracefully stop while I can.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  10. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Mental disorders is something that greatly interests me since I hope to become some sort of psychologist some day ^^" In my experience, I had a grandmother who was mentally ill that I had spent short but very close living space with throughout my childhood. The problem was, I was about 10 years old and no one cared to explain to me that she had some sort of disorder; to this day in fact I'm still not sure what she had because from what I could glean it was a combination of schizophrenia, manic-depressive and hallucinations :animesigh but like I said, no one bothered to explain to me so basically I was scared to death of her and of all other elderly people because I could only assume all elderly people sat there talking to themselves and be creepy in general. I understand better now. I also realize she wouldn't have gotten better either. Sad. To me though, the worst of my experience is when your friend is clinically depressed and you're still going through that teenage part of your life where you think things have fallen into place but really haven't. We went to hell and back -- correction, we went to hell and she wouldn't/couldn't leave and I don't therapy is helping much either. It seems to be a way to excuse random absences to indulge in the darker side of life. That story is still going but I suppose as long as she lives there is the hope she can get better.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Ah, to dream to dream of a dream dreaming of a dream. Well, I have several in fact, some more realistic than others. 1/ Next year I'd like to move get out of NZ and go to college in America despite the fact I probably only have enough money for the plane ticket so I guess that'll always remain a fond dream. 2/ To marry a great guy that is very very wealthy, so then I wouldn't be deprived of my materialistic passions. Also unrealistic. 3/ To hug Link -- oh wait.. I already dreamt I did that :animesmil 4/ To become a very well paid psychologist, even if it means having to be in the limelight because I'll take the stupid extra attention if I get to live luxuriously. lastly and most realistically: 5/ Lose myself at the pokemon centre, either the one located in Tokyo or New York. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Good grief, I must be a feather weight then. I can barely finish an entire Apple flavoured Archer Schnapps and you'll find me quite immobile. Then maybe 2 hours later the hangover kicks in and I pop some panadol and in half an hour I'm back on my feet partying 0_o So, in short.. I'm a small person and things pass me by so quickly I really can't be bothered drinking anymore. I just can't drink enough to make it worthwhile. Btw, the drinking age in NZ is 18 too however there are debates to push the drinking age back up. And yes, I am a minor and yes, I do have a couple of apple schnapps hiding in my closet waiting for a special occassion. I can't help it, they don't taste of alcohol :p Although this just reminds me of the after-ball last year. The best part of the night was seeing two of my female friends get dared to hook up. The only problem was that one of them was so drunk she had her mouth wide open and pounced on the other person in a way that was very difficult to watch. Don't worry Shinji172, I prefer a glass of milk too :catgirl: [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [quote name='Baron Samedi][size=1'] I think that there are lots of people who with a little effort could help protect their machines, but they don't bother. Perhaps I am being judegmental and overly harsh, but I don't understand how people can not take any precautions. My stepsister downloads anything and everything. Her laptop is so bloated it disgusts me.[/size][/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Yes there are a lot of those people and yes I find it quite horrifying as well. Every other week I hear a friend that has a computer so badly damaged they aren't even allowed to turn it on. I ask them what they were downloading and all I get is a vague answer to do with anything and everything. To make it worse I might ask them about something as simple as using applications like ad-aware and spy-bot and they look at me with the most painfully clueless look. My mum got a new computer for about 6 months and it stopped connecting to the internet because she picked up something by trusting that stupid auto-windows update software. I've used computers for about half my life and I have never.. ever abused it so badly that it needed anything more than cleaning up my folders to make more disk space. Even now, I'm using a piece of computer junk that's at least 10 years old and the biggest problems I get is too many tracking cookies taking up disk space >_> However when I do get my new computer hooked up to the internet I'll definitely look into the thread about computer health ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [QUOTE=Corey][size=1]Well there's something I agree on, my dear Baron. I like metric much better than the junk we use here. All the tools I fix up my bikes with are metric anyway.[/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Boys.. boys.. we're talking about [b]showering[/b] here :p Fortunately for me I sleep next door to the bathroom, I don't know why I say that since because of that I end up with a relatively damp room that requires constant dehumidifying. The only good part about that though is that my room is the furthest from the toilet for good reason. Mmm.. showers.. they are great places to be. I quite like that defrosting feeling where you're freezing cold and jump into a hot shower. Then there's how it clears your airways when you have a cold -- a particularly enjoyable feeling that I'd like to have right now (stupid me for getting sick). I get surprisingly few spiders in the bathroom, however the last time there was one it was a [i]huge black shiny monstrosity crawling down the curtain.. [/i]I ended up attacking it with bug-spray since it really looked to big for me to try wash it down the drain >_> Has anyone noticed that they sound better singing in the shower? I found out awhile ago that it's naturally got better acoustics, something to do with the sound bouncing off the walls in a small area. I'm not sure.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [quote name='future girl][size=1']I don't use public restrooms. I've trained my bladder to hold it until I get home or to a friend's house who's bathroom I would consider safe. [/size][/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I absolutely try to do the same thing.. except for the few emergencies. I don't think I'm capable of holding for 16 hours. *shudder* Toilet's in girls' schools are terrible. At least it was the worst in the last school I was at which was ironically a catholic school. Every other day one of the toilets were flooded. In anyone of the cubicles you'd find sanitary pads stuck to the walls or behind the toilet or under it. Toilet paper would be jammed into the sinks, blocking it and er.. grime.. goop.. unidentifiable undescribable things encrusting all surfaces. The smell was hair raising. Needless to say, I definitely didn't use the bathrooms there, even in emergencies >_> At my current school (and surprisingly not at my last school) I've seen turds on the toilet seat. It wasn't once either; honestly I have no idea what would possess any girl to want to plant one on the toilet seat and not into the bowl. However, it might be worse than I think because I was desensitized by prior experiences--I just don't know anymore....[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1] Question of the hour: Casual gamers injure you...how? [/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]*puts up hand eagerly* I know!! It injures their ego to find their favourite games are swept aside in favour of a easier or perhaps, more mindless game. They just want to be popular and be recognized for having a great taste in games. Oh, and to be considered unbeatable masters of gaming amongst their friends.. [/SIZE][/COLOR][QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1] Basically, I feel like telling anyone who gets uppity about casual gamers to piss off. Just because some people enjoy beating games, and only that, doesn't make them worse than you. People are [b]different[/b], as any three year old could tell you. It's not like they're hurting you, or somehow reducing any enjoyment you get from playing your games..is it? [/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I agree with you and some others, but now I think I've gone and confused myself. ~~~~~~ I thought the hardcore gamers enjoyed beating their games too, but supposedly their enjoyment stems not only from the gratification of completing the game, also from discovering all the nuances of said game i.e special features etc. etc. The only difference being is that the "casual gamer" seeks only the gratification of completing the game. However, considering the enstranged hostility between the so-called division between gamers.. what does that make me? For years I've annoyed my brother because I've only personally (single-player) clocked two games, yet I've played a multitude of games stopping only at the very last stage and then not picking it up again. So, wouldn't it make more sense for the casual gamer to be the type of person to play the games, and annoy the hardcore-er by never completing the game? At least the "casual gamer" finishes the game.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. MissWem


    [COLOR=DarkRed] [SIZE=1]Hahaha!Tetris.. ah, that old thing. I do occassionally enjoy Tetris, however it is predictable, it always has a terrible sound track and lacks multi-player capabilities. I guess that's the worst of it. Darn, that was difficult ^^"[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  18. [quote name='Neuvoxraiha][COLOR=MediumTurquoise']Than it'll be creepier to know that this is a true story. He left those letters on my computer. I narrated the rest so it would make sense, but that is what happened.[/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]All the shock and horror in my life could not comprehend the truth in those words. I am truly amazed. And.. amazed. For a true story it makes one really good fiction. I'm not sure I want to know what kind of mind would write the way he did. Although I must say, the narration was really nice. I particularly liked how you alluded to certain things happening making it quite tasteful, yet powerful.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I couldn't resist reading all of this after just the first paragraph. It's just a hypnotically frightening story. Zeno is creepy beyond imagination, yet he has some oddly human components to him. The way your presented him is entrancing. It's scary >_>[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [QUOTE=r3vival]I agree that a persons looks are in some sense a reflection of their personality. This is judgemental but of course it doesn't mean I'm going to cut somebody off just because of their looks. My first impression on somebody is souly based on looks and EVEN MORE THAN LOOKS how they carry themselves what type of manner they act in publicly (laughing joking all the time, always looking depressed, etc.) Of course first impressions aren't the final impressions thats why their called first they are subject to change perhaps in getting to know that hey they arent exactly who I thought they were whether it be better or for worse. I think it is IMPOSSIBLE not to judge at all based on looks whether you admit it or not you make connections based on looks. Whether it be as insignificant a connection as "Hey, she looks polish" or something of the sort or even "She looks ghettod out I hate her" (NOT TO BE TAKEN OFFENSIVELY ITS NOT HOW I FEEL JUST AN EXAMPLE) everybody judges based on looks. EDIT: Dont take any of this the wrong way I strongly believe that judgements along the terms of he has long hair he's gay are horrible and honestly make no sense... There is no real logical connection personality wise (sure girls have long hair but so what?) its just like saying every girl with short hair is a lesbian its unrelated hair is fairly irrelevant when it comes to sexual orientation Also well put siren short and to the point also very accurate at that[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Funny, I've never thought of guys with long hair as gay. Lol. I don't cut people off either due to their looks, but either I'm just a very judgemental person or I'm just fighting the instinct to judge someone. I think appearance gives more than "a sense" of their personality. It is. Like that guy Panda mentioned, he doesn't want people to know he's the richest guy in town so he dresses like he isn't. He just wants to be treated like part of the crowd and be proud of his achievements without everyone else knowing who he is. There's a really good experiment that I did. I was able to do it since it's a uniformed school, with the exception of the senior students who have the privilege of wearing mufti for the rest of the year. Basically, what I did quite suddenly one day was dress really hard-core punk. Baggy pants, chains, stringy hair, fake lip rings (hahaha) the works.. I was treated differently. There were girls who would never have given me the time of day actually greet me nicely. Even people I'm normally on friendly terms with were nicer to me because they thought I looked "so cool" and really wanted bits of my outfit. The dumb part is, the next week, just to be annoying I dress up really cute. In pink fluffy jacket, ribbons in my hair.. the same girls I mentioned before -- didn't even say hi to me. Looking really different, opened up a whole new circle of friends and I didn't even have to open my mouth. Of course, in doing so I also closed off some other circle of friends. You will be judged and you will judge. It's just a matter of consciously fighting that instinct.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [QUOTE=Xy GGu] By the way, "can not" is one word, not two. But who the heck cares! At least the rest of the message was readable and intelligent.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I beg to differ. "Can not" is indeed two words, however I do believe that small nuance originated from American English. I think I'm going to try avoid Godel, because from the way she talks I'm afraid she might stick a colon/semi-colon where it should be in my sentences. That might hurt >_> Aside from that, I think there's a grammar epidemic. People, including myself, are either ignorant of the uses of punctuation or are too liberal with it during the wrong times. The thing about English is that unlike other languages, such as Chinese/Japanese that have definitive rules about formal and informal language, is that we have one language that is not confined within the restrictions of formality. That and I feel that schools do not place enough emphasis on learning grammar, assuming they teach grammar. Take my brother for example, he doesn't know where you would put he apostrophe in "Childrens wear" and nor does he know how to properly conjugate singular adjectives into plural form, 'half' into 'halves. To him you would simply add the 's' and you have a plural. He doesn't recall ever being formally taught how to use those basic aspects of the language. I think, along with grammar and punctuation, [I]spelling[/I] should be added to the list of problems. I realize English makes very little sense in terms of the way a word is spelt and pronounced, but seriously, TRY to spell correctly!! If you can't then use another word or use a dictionary.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE=Lady Asphyxia]Has anyone here ever deliberately experimented with punctuation to see how it affects their style of writing? I've written stories where I leave out the quotation marks in dialogue, and I've found that it forces my style of writing to be quite subdued and very flowing...as well as improving my descriptions. If I ever post it anywhere, I'll add the quotation marks simply because it would become cumbersome for the reader to read. [Alas, I'm the kind of person who will skip description and just read the dialogue -- if there are no quotation marks, I'll put the damn book down, lol.] Anyone else do something like this?[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Experiment, yes. Just not to that extreme though and only in creative writing. My teacher can be a bit of a language Nazi since we are her class and we reflect her teachings and therefore we must reflect her positively with our perfect use of the English language. In her opinion she also thinks that we would understand grammar better had we learn Latin. I don't know if it's true. I've never had the opportunity to learn Latin. I think the only experimentation I can think of is letting my sentences run on more. However that only seems to work well for when I am writing an opinion piece as it allows me to express my sarcasm better.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [QUOTE=Gelgoog Pilot] I think I should have worded that better or..you just misunderstood me...When I used that example I mean to say that in any way shape or form, it has nothing to do with suicide. I know what you're saying " Killing two birds with one stone" so to speak. It's just not the way I see it. I feel that if you're actually willing to do that for someone you love, then you would rather see them live, not that you somewhat want to die, if you love them you'd want to be with them, but their saftely just comes before yours. I don't know if I just did some serious repitition there but, it's a complicated thought and I'm not the best at expressing it. :animestun[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]It's alright. I fully got you the first time. I was just reminded by your example of the selfless act of love to what my friend did to the concept. I understand the way you intended it was not suicide. However my friend was using as the opportunity for suicide, as you put it "killing two birds with one stone" I still get so stupified everytime I think that she would do that.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [QUOTE=Gelgoog Pilot]I don't think this topic wanted to know if seflishness was a bad thing...or good thing. It wanted to know if suicide in your opinion is a selfish act. I think it is. You are only thinking of how miserable YOU are and how unhappy YOU make others feel and how worthless YOU must be. these thoughts are in nature selfishness...you're simply looking for a way out of a temporary problem. Yes life is absolute hell for some, that doesn't mean you should end your life. Ahhh I'm going to stop before I start to get fired up...I'm big against the whole suicide stuff...probably since I know several people who have committed it and several others who even now are thinking of it. [/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I agree fully, then partly, then again for me it becomes such a grey area when I think about my friend who attempted it last year. I could also take it as being selfish for wanting to keep her here in life when she's in such emotional pain it causes her to hurt physically.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE=Gelgoog Pilot] I myself have I'll admit it. At times whent the stress is at it's worst I'll think of it as the easiest way out. Thankfully I have people who can pull me out of depressions in a heart beat. Besides that I also have an issue with the pain heh...I'll admit it I could stand having steel pins in my leg for six months but to cut myself...oh hell no... [/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]And you're lucky to have people around to look out for you, which I'm sure you realize, since there are many that do not seem to have that luxury/privilege. Cutting is easy though, not that I have, but considering it seriously is about as close as I want to get.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE=Gelgoog Pilot] I actually want to know something if anyone would be so kind...show me an example of a selfless act of suicide...I want to understand better where some of you are coming from. As of right now I can't imagine a selfless one...and I don't consider throwing yourself infront of a train or something to save a loved one and act of suicide...that's an act of love. Of transending the instinct of self-preservation.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]That specific example is what made me want to reply since my suicidal friend and I had a discussion about such a scenario. However she put a real mean twist to it, where in saving me from the oncoming train she can have the opportunity of killing herself at the sametime. Thank something that the chances of that happening is slim to none. How would one live with the knowledge that their friend sacrificed themselves for you as an act of love but at the sametime wanted to die anyhow?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [QUOTE=Erika][size=1][color=royalblue] AND I HATE TINGLE. He's so ugly and just---YUCK. He's a damn oversized pickle with a beauty mark...a sack of lard crammed into a green body suit and a thong just isn't what should be in a [strike]Zelda game[/strike] any game at all. [/color][/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]HAHAHA!! I just loved Erika's description. I just found him to be extremely creepy which was probably why I found him annoying. No wait, maybe it was that silly 'song and dance' (OoT) he did whenever he'd blow his balloon back up. Ah, whatever I still found him annoying. After spending the past hour reading through this thread I've come to the conclusion: Navi and Tatl were both annoying. However, it would've been difficult not to make them so, since they were placed there to remind you to do things or tell you how to defeat most enemies effectively. However, Tatl was just plain rude. I hope they get rid of the fairies in the new LoZ game. If they don't it'll start the stereotype that fairies in LoZ know everything about every enemy, save for Ganondorf. Slippy in Lylat Wars was a definite annoyance. Especially at one particular point where he'd be idiotic and get shot down crash landing onto a planet. So THEN you have to go out of your way onto that godforsaken place to save his stupid self. Although the other characters got it in the way often too. The entire game was somewhat annoying. Too easy and too dumbed down in general. Amy in Sonic Adventures. I agree James, she was annoying. Thank goodness Sonic made a quick getaway as soon as possible. Her high squeaky voice, and "I'm sooooooooo cute I can make you sick" made me cringe. Omochao too. Stupid blue robot flying thing in Sonic Adventures. A few times I got really annoyed, because you accidentally touch it and it flies around your head spewing all sorts of information in some silly voice, so then I end up grabbing it and throwing it at a nearby enemy. Which doesn't work mind you, because after that he complains about being hurt!! It's a vicious cycle. Fortunately I haven't met some of the other annoying characters I've seen so amicably described. They sound bad enough to put me off the game completely.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Haha! Yes, [B]Sam and Max[/B] are hillarious. And Max is such a cute sweetie, I adore his character ^__^ A rabbit that enjoys wanton violence. [B]Conkers Bad Fur Day[/B] is also a very funny game. I played most of it on the N64 and never completed it, but fortunately my brother did. The Teddiz Bears are priceless with their insane gibberish hissing :P [B]Turok?[/B] On the GC. Not for it's great storyline or wittines.. no, far from that. From the sheer idiocy of the game. Like you shoot someone in the head and sometimes the guy gets his eye blown out so the creature runs around screaming, "argh, help me I can't see" for the next two minutes. Or the time my brother poisoned one and blew off it's arms and so it stand there squirting out blood and puking it's guts out.. Yes, we were bored.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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