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Not real good at anything (except being bad at everything)I live on regret...And I daydream a lot, I daydream I can draw, and, I draw to try to get better, I'm quite tall for my age, I'm not interested in boys (except ,my 3 bishies) I love horses,etc
Drawing crappy drawings, dwelling on regret, daydreaming....oh yea, AND PRISON!!! *sorry, it's not called prisson, it's school*
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[FONT=Century Gothic] [I][SIZE=3][COLOR=Green]I loved the opening ceremony, it was very very inspiring, it made tears come out of my eyes, no kidding, it was just soo beautiful, it's a time when all countries are equal, even though some Olimpic Teams are huge and have more than 80 people, and some have only 3, it's really a special moment for me, and, when I saw my country, Venezuela, it made me feel soo happy! My country has gone through [B]A LOT[/B], and to see them there, it's really inspiring, maybe they wont win anything, but it still makes me happy... :D I would really like to see tennis, I love tennis, and to see it in an Olimpic scale, makes it more eciting, and all my favorite players are there (They DON'T include Andy Roddick) and, it'll be a battle 'till the end, it's acually a very exciting idea. I'd also like to see equestrian sports, since I ride, it's exciting to see those people jumping extremely high jumps..A man that rides in my city was going, but, his horse got hurt, and he couldn't go... :( I also like gimnastics, since I can't do them, it's fun to see them, it's such a gracefull sport, but, you also need mental preparation, which makes it extremely hard. I'm also glad no terrorist attacks ave occured, unlike the Munich 1972 Olimpics (Correct me if I'm wrong, I think that was the year...) When the Israelites where taken as hostages, and killed,by Plaestines because of their war, in which the Isralites that went to the Olimpis had nothing to do with, it just tore my heart when I saw it in The History Channel, and the heard the interview of one of the widows of one of the men that died, it almos made me cry :( ...It makes me happy to hear that nothing like that has happened.... :D :love: :D [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet']I was watching the opening ceromonies as well, it confused me a bit because there would be a K then an I L U then another K. Hey, I'm old and I get confused easily. [/color][/quote] ChibiHorsewoman, it got me confused to, but then, I noticed that they weren't going out in a normal alphabetical order, in the the Greek alphabetical order...I know because my country Venezuela, came out as one of the first , it was number 25 or 24 I think, when, in the other alphabet, is should be one of the last :confused: Peace to all!! Peace and out, this was, HetepKa[/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/I] [/FONT] :angel:
[FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=Green][I]Truth be told, my grandma (from my mother's side, I live with and all... ) can get on your nerves sometimes, when she complains and rants about the little insignificant ant that went in the kitchen and grabed a piece of bread, or about how costly it is to go to a super market in these times... :rolleyes: And can't forget the chocolate, everytime she sees me with a chocolate, even if it is has about 1/2 a calorie, she says that'll give me 30 extra kilos, and that's when it starts to get annoying, but, I know she does it because she cares for me, so, I basically just shut up and listen :D But, there are sometimes when she's a very nice person, and gives very very wise advise, that only comes with experience and watching soo many documentaries, I enjoy watching stuff like that with her, I even watch my country's version of "Who wants to be a millionare?" And we scream at the TV together saying that that dumb man couldn't see the difference between George Washington and a banana cream pie :wigout: We also criticize the government together,and such...It's actually quite fun!! :laugh: But, some people claim I complain and rant a lot, and they claim I look just like her, when she was young, and that I act just like her when she's well..um...a granny!! :D , Soo, I suppose that's why we get along so well :eek: But, then again, I've lived with her since I was born, I had tog et used to her, and I did... I belive some grandparents rant and complain because of their age, and because, maybe, sometimes, they see other people are younger and healthier, and the way they can "get back at them" is by complaining and ranting, and trying to make them miserable...In my opinon Well, peace and out, this was! HetepKa[/I] [/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/FONT] :angel:
[quote name='::Ex-Soldier::']...I always feel that they have no soul. Or atleast there music has none. It feels as though they put no effort into their music. "They're not gonna get us, they're not gonna get us, they're not gonna get us, they're not gonna get us, they're they're not gonna get us, they're not gonna get us, they're not gonna get usssss." You get me right?... [/quote] [I] [FONT=Century Gothic] [SIZE=3] [COLOR=Green] Totally agree with you there ::Ex-Soldier:: , TaTu's music is just soulless, I mean, whats the effort in saying "All the things she said, running through my head"?? They just say that, the rest is practically computerized!! They may be catchy and al you want, but, they seem to be empty, they lack true feelings, unlike very many other songs. I also find them extremely annoying, they say they same thing over and over again...it reallyg ets on my nerves :babble: And I wouldn't consider them rock, not in the littlest way!! It reminds me more of techno and pop, maybe it has little rock, but I haven't noticed it. :rolleyes: Now,being leasbians as a marketing ploy has to be what annoys me about them the most, while I [B]DON'T[/B] support lesbians [B]AT ALL[/B] I've come to respect them, but, this just brakes the ice, it has to be one of the most sickening ways to sell something, icluding music. And, they're not even real lesbians, one's even pregnant and married!! :eek: And it worked, but, for 5 minutes, they're pretty much forgotten by many people now...And, I consider them to be "one-hit wonders". These are my thoughts, and my presonal opinions, they do not have to everyone else's, and I am sorry if I ofended anyone, because I didn't mean it. Peace and out, this was, HetepKa :angel: [/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/FONT] [/I]
[I][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=Green]Well, the funniest comercials I've seen are the Geico one's, especially one, where the guys reads a sorta "fan letter" or something like that and it says that the Geico site would be "Da Bomb" if they had the geko do the robot, I find it halarious!! :laugh: Also, I can remember laughing my pants off over the Six Flags commercial, ok, maybe it's not that good, but, the old dancing man really makes it a blast!!I love it! I even wanted to record it to take it with me to my home country...But, I couldn't :( Well, these are all the funny commercials I can remember right now... Peace to all!! Signing off, this was, HetepKa[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/I] :angel:
[I][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=Green]Well, how am I? I'm an extremely tall, teenage girl, that's gonna start her first year high school when summer ends, and graduated form junior high with the best grades in her class; I'm considered strange here because I like manga and anime, which aren't very famous here; I also do sports, such as tennis, and horse back riding, and, I own my very own horsy!! I draw manga as my favorite hobby, but I also have other hobbies, such as being on devART or here on the OB or reading. :D My mom's American and my father's from Venezuela, but, my father's and mother's family comes from Spain, but , one great granmother of mine was German, and came to Venezuela during World War 2; so, you could say I'm Venezuelean, American, Spanish and German!! XD :wigout: Now, the other question, where do I come from? Well, that's a simple question, I live in a small country in the northern part of South America called Venezuela, maybe you've heard about our political crisis, that and the Miss Universes we have are the only thing that makes us relatively known by people :rolleyes: I live in it's capital city of Caracas, it's really a nice place, of course, if you don't count all of the insecurity, the deaths, or the military that doesn't respect civil rights, and harm citizens when they're protesting, it's a very nice city... :eek: Well, hope that's enough for ya!! Peace to all, signing out, this was, HetepKa[/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/FONT] [/I] :angel:
[I][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=Green]Being stuck on a little island me all alone, with nothing more than maybe a coconut tree or a rock? [B]NO[/B] thank you, even if I'm not a big fan of being surrounded by people, and I really like my privacy, from time to time, everyone needs to talk to someone, tell them how they feel, and get a feedback; you can't get that from a fish or a rock. I believe that if a human being is isolated for enough time he'd/she'd be willing to do absolutelly anything to get out of that place, moslty because he/she could go, literally insane, and permanently, or, horribly depressed, which can lead to serious concecuenses such as suicide, in my opinion. Comunication of humans is essential to maintain a steady state of mind; if isolation weren't that bad, I don't think it'd be used as an interrogation mechanism for criminals, now would they? :rolleyes: And if was stuck on an island, I think I'd die first because of my extreme lack of survival skills :wigout: I think most would die this way... Peace to all, signing off, this was; HetepKa :angel:[/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/FONT] [/I]
[I][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=Green]Things that put me on my last nerve?? Well, they might be somewhat dumb, but they are... [B][U]Vanity Freaks[/U][/B]: Ok, it's ok to have a few things to make you look pretty, go to the shop and buy clothes and make up, and yes, get your hair and nails done every once in a while, but, [B]NOT MAKE YOUR WHOLE LIFE REVOLVE AROUND HOW YOU LOOK![/B] and, it's more important to have something called [B]FOOD![/B] That really makes me sick, because, they way you look isn't as important as the person you are inside... :rolleyes: [B][U]Pre-teen movies:[/U] [/B] And, we have the best example in our theaters right now, yes, it's the one and only, Hillary Duff in "A Cinderela Story" . Saw a small part of it, but read the reviews over nd ove again, and in my opinion, the plot, ok, acting, a smewhat disaster, everythings else, not good at all; and this is just an example of the movies that are all about a girl, that wants to find her ideal guy, and so on and so forth the plots are usually a disaster, adn they're all practically the same... :laugh: [U][B]Girls whos life revolves around guys:[/B] [/U] This has to be what bothers me the most; I can't stand them!! Maybe, other poeple don't know what I'm talking about, it's girls who can't stop talking, breathing or thinking about boys, their lives is based on making them notice them!! And so, they don't pay any attention to [B]LIFE! [/B] and, they just think about guys, and they only talk about them, it's really annoying... :flaming: [U][B]Hipocrites:[/B] [/U] Can't stand them, at firrst, they're your friend, and then, they turn their back on you, because your not old enough, ar somehting like that, anyway, this more like a personal experience, nothing else, but, hipocrites really bother me in general, they're all a bunch of liars and dirty friends, can't trust them at all... :mad: Well, thse are just a few, if I continue, I can go on forever, and get a headache that'll last a lifetime :wigout: Peace to all, and have a goo day!!! The one who returned, HetepKa :angel:[/COLOR] [/SIZE][/FONT] [/I]
[I][SIZE=3][COLOR=Green]Drama in my school?? Everyday is like a soap opera :rolleyes: But if I must tell theone of them, I'd tell thsi one: Once we where just all in class, doing nothing in particular, and suddenly we heard voices of men running around (My school is an all girls school, so it's pretty odd to hear men) and then we heard the fire alarm, now, the first you'd think is "Those men set it off... And I'm sure that was the TV repair guy looking for soda or something..." But, guess what? WRONG ANSWER! We were all quickly evacuated from the school and we spent like 3 hours outside, waiting to see what happened, and then we saw a couple of trucks with especially trained police, sorta like a SWAT team in my country, go into the building with guns and all, and of course, we got scared, and as usual rumors started spreading, some were crazy, like "The government set a bomb here because we didn't pay taxes" but, one of the was true, turns out those men we heard before were the TV repair guy and his assistant, but, the were actually looking for a bomb, yes, a bomb had been planted in my school. We knew this later becasue a teacher had gotten a phone call earlier telling her that there was bomb inside the school, that was gonna explode near midday, and that is she didn't want the students to get hurt, she had to evacuate the building NOW, the TV repairman was with that teacher, which nearly fainted, and went to see if he could find the bomb, he had had experiences like this before, and knew where it could be hiding. Well, this is the best one I got, and I hope it's good enough!! Back from a long vacation away from the OB has gotten me a little dumb :eek: Peace to all!!! Have a good day!! HetepKa :angel: [/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/I]
[I][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=Green]Thinking about my favorite movies, I decided to put the three best of them, because, I have soooo many favorite movies, choosing just three is hard work!!! So, anyway, here are my three favorite films, they're in no particular order: [U][B]Shrek[/B][/U]: I just love this movie!!! It's soo danm funny!! I especially love, [B]THE DONKEY!!![/B] XD And Shrek, at first, he's wants to pass off as a badass, but then, he finds love... :p And, who can forget those adorable little doll-thinggies when Shrek and [B]THE DONKEY[/B] XD reach the KIngs town, I learned their rules by heart... It was a great comedy, I wanna see Shrek 2!!!! [U][B]Lord of The Rings-Trilogy[/B][/U]: Now, who doesn't love Lord of The Rings?? Ok, maybe a couple of people don't and I respect that; but, I just can't get enough of them!! All of the actiion, with the storyline, and the spectacular scenery!!! And the actors where most of them excellent, my favorite movie from the Trilogy, if I had to choose one, would have to be "The Return of The King" , in my opinion, it did deserve at least 10 Oscars. [B][U]The Last Samurai[/U][/B]: If I'd seen "The Passion of Crist" trust me, it'd be here, but I wasn't allowed, I faint when I see too much blood, and someone suffering a long with it, but, I mean it in an extreme, like "The Passion". But, anyway, I really loved this movie, it shows how people, when only showed one point of view, think it's right, and forget to look for another one, and when they find it, many times they are surprised to find that their "enemies" aren't that bad, and are quite friendly; in my opinion, this movie has moral to it... "Look for all the views, before you destroy and kill" OK, not much of a moral there, but, I'm no poet!! Peace to all!! HetepKa[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/I]
[FONT=Century Gothic][I][SIZE=3][COLOR=Green]I've seen Saber Marionette J and Saber Marionette J to X, it's actually one of my favorite animes!! :D The storyline is quite nice, and I really like it; it also shows the need that men have to be with something resembling a woman,like an android; and what they do to have her, and be happy, or put the rest of the world on the brink of chaos. (Hope I didn't insult anyone here :( ) The character designs are cute, but, in Saber Marionette J to X, the character designs are really different and modern, compared to Saber Marionette J, which is more of a less "CGed" (Color Generated) Style. My favorite character from the whole series would have to be Bloodberry, because, she's like the most "mature" of the Saber Sisters (Lime, Cherry and Bloodberry). If you like it or not, it really depends on your anime likes and dislikes, maybe you'll like it, and maybe you wont :confused: . It's a has a bit of action, but it's more of a comedy, and a romantic story;it's a romantic comedy; if you ask me. But, I believe this is a really nice anime, and, it can also get very touching and sad at times, so, it has a little bit of everything!!! :toothy: HetepKa :angel:[/COLOR] [/SIZE][/I] [/FONT]
[SIZE=3][FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Green][I]I'ts true, that some politicians are respectful, truthful people, who try to their best by saying the truth, now, does this mean that ALL politicians are like this, now are they? [B]NO[/B], some politicians lie, and lie in the most noticable, way, some have could have whole lying conspiracies for all I know; and still, some people eat those lies, like a big sandwich. Some politicians are lying, dirty rats, like the government in my country for example, who has gotten away with lies, trickery and deceit (Not to mention murder...) and others, are respectfull truth-tellers, who say the truth, even if it sometimes is against them (But, some politicians lie in these cases...) [B]NEVER[/B] trust everything you hear on TV or radio, or read on the newspaper, even though some of the news you hear/read are based on fact, most of them aren't, and most of the media often changes things to suit them. Anyone above the age of 7 should know not to trust everything people say to them, and it's something that should always be kept in use. So, in conclution, some politicians are truthful people, others are doulbe faced... HetepKa :angel:[/I] [/COLOR] [/FONT] [/SIZE]
[I] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=Green] [B]I LOVE EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND!!!!! [/B] :D :D :D It's one of my favorite non-anime shows!!! I just find it halariously funny how they all sometimes look like idiots!! :D My favorite character would have to be Ray's father, Frank; he's like the supporting character that's keeping it real :box: ; he portrays the normal, everyday American man, on the other hand, another of my favorite characters, Ray's mother is totally the opposite, she's colorful, cheery, happy, sweet, caring, she's on the moon soemtimes, and her comments are often out of place (which makes it funny :) )...but, she's one of the best supporting characters I've seen in any show. My favorite episode is when the entire family gets to speak with the school psychiatrist, even though I don't remember every tiny detail, I still remember it was quite funny, I saw it on an airplane, and I remember the guy behing me threw me every pillow he could get his hands on, just so I'd shut up!!! :toothy: Saddly,though, they don't show it here, but's it's still one of my favorite shows!! :D HetepKa :angel:[/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/FONT] [/I]
[I][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=Green]Ok, this is [B]HARD[/B] for me, I've told these things to almost no one, so, here it goes!!! [B]I LOVE THE BEATLES ,QUEENS AND THE ROLLING STONES!!!! [/B] :blush: Ok, I did it!! I've said it, and it's true, I've downloaded Queens and Rolling Stones songs, and I have the Beatles 1 collection of their gratest hits, and I enjoy listening to them!!! And, I sometimes, sing them while taking a shower, even though I also sing other stuff, wierd stuff as well, ok, I must confess, I sing "Acuarius" (Hope I spelled that right...) and old song that goes "When the moon is in the 7th house, and Jupiter alines with mars, then peace will guide the planets, and love will steer the stars...bla bla bla" I also sing old rock and roll and soul songs, I guess I just like them...I can't believe I just said that :blush: And, I sometimes sleep with my stuffed animals, and I dream about them, but, not often :wigout: They all have names, the horse is "Flash" the rabit is "Ms.Huggieloves" and, the sea otter (Strange animal to have as a stuffed animal, no? *.*)is called "Fuzzywuzzy sea ottery". I also tend to talk to myself and repeat random anime frases...So some people cualify me as insane, but, I don't mind, it's just something I do, and I can't control it XD Well, I believe these are some of the strange things I do, but there are more, but, I'm not telling!!! HetepKa :angel:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/I]
[I][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=Green]Ok... 1.)[B]Have I cheated on a test, ANY test?[/B] Yes, I must confess, I have, but not recently, it was in 1st grade XD, I remember it clearly, it was a Spelling Test, and I forgot how to spell "hearing", I remember, looking over at my friends papaer, and then, not being able to sleep for a week, since then, I can't cheat any more, I just can't do it, and, I need my sleep...And basically, I don't need to cheat, since I'm always studying, and I always know the answers in theexams, because, unlike some people in my school, my life is centered around studying, and anime.... :D 2.)[B]Do I think that a person would cheat if he/she thought they could get a away with it?[/B] Of course, it depends on the person's morality; they don't have high morality, they'd do it faster than you could catch them, like in my school, they pass the test to check the answers, adn write whole 5 page reporst in a little tiny napkin they "blow their nose" in...But, it really depends on the person's morality. If people don't have morality, they'll take the first oportunity to cheat, if they have some morality, they'll think it twice. 3.)[B]Now, the eternal question, integrity or GPA?? [/B] Integrety all the way, I've lost count of people who have the best GPA, and their integrity is, well, on a permanent vacation in Hawaii. I'm not saying that GPA isn't important, on the contrary, it's one of the most important things in life!! But, what's the point of having an excellent GPA, that's not yours?? None whatsoever, unless you don't care about you're integrity and you morality...And, in the real life, if you have a high GPA that's not yours, it's never gonna help you; you can't cheat of your employes,or co-workers...And, soo, like the phrase goes "All that goes up, must go down". That's why I say, integrity all the way!!! I still can't believe I cheatted in 1st grade.... HetepKa :angel:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/I]
[I][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=green]Even if not American or Iraki, that really made me mad, and really diturbed me. I was never a big fan of torturing prisoners, even if they want to take over the world, and make us all eat blue meat; they're still human, and deserve to be treated as such!! And, the militaries? I mean, aren't they supposed to be honored, be respectful, help people [B]WITHOUT[/B] discrimination, and [B]SAVE[/B] lives (Well, depends...) ?? What kind of world do we live in?? Where even the militaries, honored soldiers, fighting for their "nation" (Or, in my opinion, Irak's case, "nation's interest" )[B]TORTURE[/B] inocent humans?? It's unforgivable and inexcusable!!! Even if you're military, and those were direct orders from a general or something, and that guy lives in a country you're fighting in a war... [B]IT'S NOT AN EXCUSE TO BEAT HIM WITH A RIFFLE-BUTT!!!![/B] And, I agree with Dagger IX1, this WILL have serious consecuences, in the US, Irak, and abroad; it will also change the way some Irakis feel about Americans occupating some of their territory; even if not all of the American troops act as if not human. [B]NOT[/B] only American troops, maybe, Irakis can also feel disturbed if troops from [B]OTHER[/B] countries occupy their territory. It disturbed me so much, I hardly slept last night because of it! It's soo inhuman!! I hope no more soldiers of [B]ANY[/B] country, do such a horrid, digusting thing again!! HetepKa "Peace to all" :angel:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/I]