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Everything posted by Tujex
Tujex landed hard on the sandy surface of the desert area. Blackrose and Elf sat in the sand not to far from him. Tujex sat up quickly and slammed his fist into the dirt. "Why did we transport here!!" he screamed. "We could of taken that thing on..." Blackrose yanked Tujex by his collar and lifted him into the air. "Listen," she commanded as her expression changed to sinister," That thing is nearly indestructible and if it catches you you're as good as dead here and in the real world." Tujex slashed Blackrose across her arm causing her to drop him. Tujex jumped back and revealed a scar on the right side of his chest. "See this!" Tujex screamed. "I've been attacked by that damned thing and survived!!" Blackrose was shocked and nearly fell down from the surprise. Elk grasped his arm and lowered his head allowing his long hair to cover his face. Tujex looked over at Elk and his expression changed from enraged to calm and caring. "What's going on?" Tujex asked Elk. Elk shook his head and said, "nothing." Tujex rushed to Elk and liffted his robes sleeve. Elk had a marking just like the one Tujex had on his chest. Blackrose gasped, but this time she fell. "You two both have survived fighting the monster..." Blackrose nearly fainted, but caught herself. "Okay this is just to weird, let's find the dungeon. Maybe whacking some monsters will help me calm down." As the group started to walk everything turned to static for a second. Elk and Tujex looked at each other. "He's here," they muttered. "What?" Blackrose asked as Elk and Tujex rushed past her.
Tujex logged onto the world like he did everyday after school. He appeared in the middle of a large crowded street. People hustled and moved all around him, and with the small size of his character he was easily being pushed around. This wasn't like the people though. They'd usually apologize if they ran into you. But today was different. They all seemed to be panicing. Tujex noticed one of his new friends running by. She went by the name of Blackrose. She was a Heavyblade user and is the only connection to all the wierd happenings in "The World". "Blackrose!Over here!!" Tujex screamed wavin his arms around trying toget her attention. He had to cal her numerous times before she answered. She turned and rushed towards him. "Come on! I'll explain all later we just have to get out of town!" Blackrose grabbed Tujex by his arm and pulled him towards the Chaos Gate. "Ummmm, Sleeping Raging Golden Demon!" she screamed as lights surrounded us. That's whe I saw why everone was scared. Some player was lifted into the air and was Data Drained. Tujex heard the warriors scream as he felt himself being transported.
I'm starting the story now, I may let you join in if ou post here...
Well if we can get at least one more person I'll start the story, but if none post within a day or so I'll post here tht the story has started...
How do you create a banner. I see all these cool banners (eseciallt the Fooly Cooly one!!) and i sadly :nervous: I dont have one. So if someone can take the time to write/type the instructions, i willl be eternally grateful...
Okay let me tr again... *ahem* This story revolves around the show .Hack//SIGN. My good friend Tsukasa tells me he has trouble logging out. He says the only that can help him is some illegal item called the "Key of The Twilight". And if things aren't weird enough I've been stuck with this mysterious necklace. First I must find Tsukasa who ends up moving eery time I get near him. On my journey I will ned some adventurers to journey with me to help me conquer the many dungeons,monsters, and traps. If yo're willing to help me please leave a message on this board. Leave your characters name, his or her vocation and weapon, and some info like how long they've been playing, how they lok and so forth. Here is an example (My information) Name:Tujex Vocation:Twin Blade Weapon: Dante Blades Info: Tujex is a newb on The World. Tsukasa told him about "The World" ,but his friend, Elk, helped him get used to the gameplay. But Elk mysteriusly disappeared with with a cat girl like Mia, so now Tujex is left alone to train. He met a girl amd Blackrose who was willing to help Tujex train until he was strong and skilled enough to veture on his own. But one day while in a dungeon, Tujex was attacked by a man dressed in all white. Hi long golden hair was like vines that would have crushed Tujex. But as the monster created some sort of gate thing called "Data Drain" a necklace apeared around his neck. The neclace reversed he effects of the blast causing the man/monster to run away. The next day Tujex read about his real-life friend Yasuhiko/ Orca being put in a coma after being "Data Drained" and sme boy who had a myterious bracelet that allowed him to "Data Drain". The messages were deleted soon after. Once he logged on that day Tsukasa messaged him saying he couln't log out. No Tujex must help his friend Tsukasa, while searching for the boy named "Kite" with the bracelet, the man that tried to "Data Drain" him, and trying to figure out what happened to Orca...
I'm going to start a . Hack quest. I don't know the specfic goal of our journey, but I should have one soon. It may have something to do with finding the Key of the Twilight and helping Tsukasa. or it may deal with Kite like on the game. But if you're interested in joining this quest type your characer name and his/her class here. And don't forget the weapon. I'm: Tujex Twin Blade Dante's Blade :excited: :) :( :o :D ;) :p :cool: :rolleyes: :mad: :eek: :confused: :ball: :wigout: :love: :tasty: :flaming: :babble: :smirk: :laugh: :devil: :cross: :sleep: :blush: :angel: :smooch: :bawl: :blackeye: :butthead: :drunk: :demon: :freak: :box: :toothy: :mrt: :naughty: :nervous: :therock: :worried: :whoops:
If you ask the cheapest I'd have to say Peach or DK. Peach can float and... she's just cheap. And Dk can jump off of cliffs with you and that darned hand slap move will drive you crazy if your going against a rook.
I'm best with a lot of characters. Fox, Captain Falcon,Mario, Young Link, and Mewtwo. I'll beat anyone with them!