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Everything posted by Kieko
I did one too, just because I was bored. I made it in word bc I'm not on my comp, but I thought I'd send it in anyway haha I have a bunch of friends in the military, so good luck to you.
I gave it a try, too. : ) I used paint so you'll probably still want to wait to see what jigglyness made.
I made one. I didn't know what you wanted specifically, though.
I gave it a try. I'm using paint, so it's nothing phenominal, but I tried ^_^
[b][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Well, ND, I made something! I dunno if you want it because it's not good because I used paint --__--. Oh well. Here it is:[/FONT][/b] [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23864[/img] [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23865[/img]
[b][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I made a few. I don't really know if it's what your looking for because you didn't state specifics, but I think they're all dark! ^_^[/FONT][/b]
[b][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I put in the avatar![/FONT][/b]
[b][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Sorry if these come out funny, I'm using paint --__--[/FONT][/b]
[b][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I made you a banner. I'm using MS Paint so it messed up when I saved it as a JPG, so I saved it to PNG, but I also saved it to GIF.[/FONT][/b]
[font=tahoma][i]I don't know if this is what you're looking for, but I made one.[/font][/i]
[i][font=comicsansms] Name: Mina Age: 249 (appears about twenty one, age she died at) Race: Angel Sub-Race: Aurablade Appearance: [url=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg39/012a.jpg]Angel:[/url][url=http://server2.uploadit.org/files/ForgottenChild-char.JPG]Human.[/url] Weapon of Choice: An sword that seems as ordinary as they come, but is also as strong as they come. Bio: Mina doesn?t really remember much about her past, nor does she really care to. She had wonderful parents, two sisters and one brother. She went to a nice school in a nice community and played an assortment of sports with her brother in her spare time. She often to the liberty of beating him in the games. When Mina was about fifteen, however, everything seemed to go downhill. Her younger sister became sick and, after months of medical treatment and expenses, she died. She didn?t die alone though; her other sister had also caught the disease and died a short while after her. When Mina?s mother was bed ridden with the same disease, the doctor was alarmed. Fearing the family may infect the whole town, the townspeople helped the doctor in boarding up their windows and bolting their doors shut. On occasion, they would open a door a slight crack and throw in some bread which Mina and her father ate. Mina?s brother spent all of his time sitting in the corner of the hut, staring into space. He would not eat and so died shortly of starvation. After three years in the prison, Mina?s father began to go insane. The dead bodies of his family strewn about on the floor was too much for him to handle looking at day after day. He began talking to his wife, then the baby sister who died first, then all of them. He also started beating himself up, arguing to himself. It pained Mina to see the man she thought could not be broken before her in pieces. He eventually beat himself to death by ramming his head into the floor with all his might. Mina spent another year alone in that hut, looking at the rotting corpses of her family, she became sick, as she had been getting sick since her sister?s corpse began to rot. But this time the sickness wasn?t so much a disease as a broken heart. She started pounding on the walls, but no one answered. She began yelling out of cracks in the wood, but no one answered. She finally began kicking the door until it fell down. This took over a month since there were rocks piled up outside it. When she came out, she saw that there were bodies everywhere. They had all caught the disease and died from it. The people who hadn?t gotten sick had left and, hearing moans, Mina suspected they left a few people who weren?t dead yet. She ran and ran away from this place. She didn?t know to where and she didn?t care, she just ran to keep from crying; big girls don?t cry. She struggled to get by after that, living from town to town, leaving before anyone recognized she could be carrying the disease. Alone after another two years, she was killed by demons, but she welcomed death, she knew it was better. Her family is proud of her, being an angel sent to help the city on earth, and she wouldn?t have it any other way.[/i][/font]
[i][color=sandybrown][font=verdana]The sunlight shine through the trees in blotches, most of it blocked by the leaves. There was no wind that day, so the park seemed unusually still. Exept for an occasional squirell chittering as it made it's way up a tree or bird flying into the distance, there was no movement besides Vantrice. She stopped next to a giant oak, the leaves turning read and orange with the autumn season. Vantrice sat down and leaned up against the large tree and looked ahead.[/i][/color][/font] [color=sandybrown][font=bookantiqua]It's funny. You can be in a place like this, quiet, relaxing, and look up and there's the skyline behind the canopy.[/color][/font] [i][color=sandybrown][font=verdana]Vantrice loved the feeling of power from the souls she sentenced, but she didn't like to be around other people when she had the feeling. Vantrice hated to make a fool of herself and running around town like a drunken idiot wasn't exactly her idea of a good first impression on other people. So, she usually slept the feeling off.Vantrice began to close her eyes and just listen to the now present wind blowing through the leaves, feeling it moving the grass surrounding her bare legs. She couldn't remember anymore... **************** Vantrice slowly opened her eyes. She had to blink a few times to get use to the now dimming sunlight. She sat up and stretched her arms as high as they would go. As she recollected her thoughts something occured to her.[/i][/color][/font] [color=sandybrown][font=bookantiqua]Damn it! I'm suppose to be in Thantos! What time is it? How could I be so stupid!?[/color][/font] [color=sandybrown][font=verdana][i]Vantrice turned to a reaper and headed off towards Thantos, rested, more powerful, and ready for her next assignment.[/i][/color][/font]
[i][color=sandybrown][font=verdana]Vantrice glanced over at the digital clock on the end table at the heat of the bed and sighed as she resumed her blank stare out the window. Her head in her hand, the other drumming anxiously on the sill, she watched the cars rush by. She watched the men with their push carts assume their regular posts, each hoping to accumulate a greater ammount of money than their debts, and each half-heartedly believing it was possible.Vantrice looked at the clock again.[/i][/font][/color] [color=sandybrown][font=bookantiqua]10:08. The girl has to be done by now, it's been nearly four hours! This is depressing, I'm waiting for a girl to bleed to death so I can whisk her soul away to it's eternal resting place which could very well be Hell, considering she's worshiped the devil for who knows how long...[/color][/font] [color=sandybrown][font=verdana][i]Vantrice grew tired of waiting and slipped inside the bathroom.There was a shallow pool of water spread evenly over the tiles on the bathroom floor. The girl's body was in the overflowing bathtub, while the girl's spirit was staring wide-eyed at it. The girl's spirit turned to Vantrice, who had decided to take the form of a human as to not scare the girl. "Is... is that..." the girl stuttered. "You? Yes. It's what you wanted, isn't it? Death? That's why you slit your wrists, isn't it? Or did you make me wait four hours for nothing?" Vantrice asked. The girl didn't know what to say. After a few moments of astonishment, Vantrice thought it would be better to just send her away then. So, she turned to a reaper and touched the girl's cheek before lashing herp with her whip. The girl disappeared and so did Vantrice. She wanted to go for a stroll before she sealed the fate of another.[/i][/font][/color]
[i][font=verdana][color=sandybrown][b]Name:[/b] Ana Dorsdey [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [see attatchment] [b]Personality:[/b] Ana is your basic stereo-type of a girly girl, prep-like person. That is, if the traits were thrown in a blender with threats, violence, and trickery. Ana can be girly, yes, but if you get on her bad side, she can turn violent in the drop of a hat. Some think she has multi-personality disorder, even though she's perfectly sane... for the most part. She once strung a man from his balcany by his ankles because he shoved her in the halls and called her a rude name. He wound up having to have a few toes amputated from frost-bite and had to remain bed-ridden for a week. He had been hanging there for seventeen hours straight. To sum up her personality in one sentence: No matter how much you hate her girly-girl-prep attitude, don't make her mad. [/color][/font][/i]
[color=sandybrown][font=verdana][i]I made an avatar. You'll have to wait a bit if you want a banner because I got a new computer and it'll take a while to download Photoshop again. ~Kieko[/color][/i][/font]
[i][font=Verdana][color=sandybrown]Name: Vantrice Wiggins Reaper Name: Dark Lash Soul Age: 185 Appearance: Edited Appearances: [url=http://server2.uploadit.org/files/ForgottenChild-hi3.jpg][color=sandybrown]Vantrice in human form.[/color][/url] [URL=http://server2.uploadit.org/files/ForgottenChild-hi4.jpg][color=sandybrown]As a reaper, Vantrice looks much like this.[/color][/url] Personality: Vantrice is quiet and does what she's told (she never quite got out of the habbit). She only talks around friends, when she can be quite enjoyable company. She can play harmonica, she has a lively enthusiasm that shows in her smile and tries to be as friendly as she can. However, she has quite a temper, and a short one at that, so it's hard to like her, but she tries to conceal it as best she can. Reaper's Becoming: Vantrice was killed by her mother for food. They were in the middle of nowhere and they were starving. Driven by her empty stomach and perhaps more, Vinni (Vantrice's mom), beat her daughter over the head with a rock until she was dead. This sudden end to Vantrice's life, with so much promised ahead of her, lead her to become a reaper when one showed her to Death and gave her the option. Reaper's Weapon: [url=http://server3.uploadit.org/files/ForgottenChild-whip.jpg][color=sandybrown]A black whip.[/color][/url] Reaper's Gift: perserverance, healing 2X faster than humans. Reaper's Former: Vantrice was born on a large plantation just south of Atlanta, Georgia. Her father was the owner of the plantation, her master, however the man her mother "married" (they didn't have an actual wedding, they were just coupled and in love) was a slave. The master fathered the children of the plantation to control the amount of slaves. If a child was found that was not his, he would sell them. Vantrice's father was a field worker and her mother was a house servant. Her mother served the master and his family meals and looked after their children. When Vantrice was old enough, her mother taught her to sew and to wash the dishes and set the table and do the laundry and scrub the floors; any little thing that a five year old could do. When Vantrice was twelve, the mistress had a child and so it was Vantrice's job to watch the infant while her mother watched the others. Vantrice was now cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, washing dishes, serving the meals, and watching the baby. One time, she was serving coffee to her master and a friend from South Carolina, and she spilled the coffee all over her master's white shirt and specially tailored tuxedo. Enraged, her master grabbed his chair and beat her even after she was unconcious. After, she was moved to the fields to work. She became strong in the fields, but was whipped too often for her mother's liking. So, with the companionship of her mother, she ran away. Her father was killed by the master when he refused to tell of their whereabouts, not that he knew anyway. Vantrice and her mother never found civilization. They were lost in the wilderness with the promise of finally being free the only thing driving them. Vantrice truely believed she would one day be free and lead a good life. However, without food for two weeks, Vantrice's mother lost hope and broke down. She decided that the best thing for both of them was if Vantrice were dead; she would be put out of her misery and go to a better place, and her mother would have a full stomach. So Vantrice's mother beat the thirteen year old with a rock until a final sigh escaped her throat. A reaper lead her to Death where she became a reaper herself when given the choice. Her gift was perserverance and 2X faster healing that a human. She also aquired a black whip as her weapon. She soon learned that her mother had been captured and returned to the farm where she gave birth to twins. One was killed because the master only wanted one. And besides, the other was a girl and he didn't want another "Vantrice".[/i][/color][/font]
[color=purple][i][font=garamond]Here you go. Tell me if you want something more like the banner I have now with no one on it. ~Kieko[/color][/i][/font]
[spoiler][color=plum][I][font=verdana][b][u][size=3]The Mental Ward[/b][/u][/size][/i] ?Hey!? Jessie called from the couch. ?Hurry up, I?m starting the movie at ten whether you?re ready or not!? No answer. However, much bustling and scrambling came from the kitchen followed by the ruckus of two overly-excited boys running from the kitchen into the living room. One flopped on an easy chair, spilling some of the popcorn from the bowl in his hand, while the other fell onto the other seat on the couch Jessie was on. ?What are we watching again?? The boy next to Jessie asked. Jessie rolled her eyes at her socially deprived friend. ?Only the best movie ever made.? ?I know, you told me. But what?s it called?? ?Kill Bill.? ?What?? At this point, the other boy turned his head sharply to look at his friend. ?Ricky, no. No, tell me you?re joking.? ?I?m not.? Ricky said. ?You?ve seriously never even heard of Kill Bill?? Jessie asked. ?No.? At this point the other boy turned back to the TV and started to laugh. ?What?s so funny?? Ricky asked, totally and utterly clueless. The boy continued to laugh. ?What?s so funny? Seriously. Stop laughing. Greg, seriously.? ?I?m sorry it?s just that it?s so funny.? Greg said, holding down a snicker. ?What is so funny?? Ricky repeated. ?Never mind. Just watch the movie.? Jessie said, grabbing the popcorn from Greg. Ricky heaved a disappointed sigh; he hated to be kept in the dark and would probably ask later what was so funny, but for now he was quiet. Jessie was thankful for that. She loved Ricky like a brother, but even siblings don?t get along all the time. But it was ok because it provided some comic relief for later when she would look back and laugh at what was said. Soft, dramatic music started to play, and it seemed as though the movie was starting. The three friends shifted into positions that they thought they could keep for the next three hours and waited anxiously for the opening of the first scene. The black screen faded to white and the white faded into a picture as if the camera had turned away from a hospital light. However, the image was not of the experienced robbers who, when committing a crime, left behind no way to be captured, instead it was an image of two doctors and three nurses at an entrance that seemed like the doorway to a cheery hospital, awaiting those in need. ?Hey, what gives?? Greg asked to no one in particular. ?Fast forward. Maybe it?s a commercial.? So Jessie picked up the remote and pressed the button with ?FF? printed on it in tiny, bold letters. The button appeared to work, however the image ran at a normal pace and the sound did, as well. It was like the only difference was the jagged lines on the screen. Jessie took her thumb off the button and they watched the strange program. ?Welcome to Serenity?s Mental Ward, where our doctors and nurses are working on round the clock shifts to make sure our patients get the attention and accommodations they deserve. Here, we nurse the mentally disabled and insane to an almost normal state using kindness, care, and patience?? As the women?s sweet voice faded, so did the commercial. Jessie woke up lying on a stretcher being rushed down a dark corridor, like a dungeon. She tried to sit up, but noticed that she was strapped to the stretcher. She lifted her head up and looked past her feet. Two stretchers trailed her holding Greg and Ricky. They seemed to be struggling to get away. ?Ricky! Greg! What?s happening?!? Jessie yelled at them. They turned to look at her, but before they could say anything one of the doctors pushing her stretcher pushed her back roughly. ?Jessie!? Ricky shouted, struggling even more. As they moved down the hall, it looked more and more like a dungeon. Jessie surveyed the area, seeing a metal grate in the ceiling with the shadow of a woman twitching about like a fly trying to escape from inside an upside down glass. Jessie turned her head to see a man sitting on the cold stone floor, near a pool of water, bashing his head against the wall, his knees pulled into his chest; he looked no older than twenty-two. Jessie shut her eyes tight and struggled to get free. ?NO! NO, YOU WON?T TAKE ME!? She screamed franticly. ?I?M NOT MENTAL!? She flailed and kicked (or at least tried to under the straps), but a doctor held a gas mask covering her nose and mouth. ?No.? He said in a deep voice. ?You?re not mental. Not yet.? And he flipped a switch on a machine. Jessie tried to hold her breath, knowing that sleeping gas was being emitted from the mask, but eventually she couldn?t hold it anymore and gasped in the fumes. She took one final glance at Greg and Ricky, who had also been given the gas, before laying back. Accepting that the last thing she may ever see is the doctor?s a-bit-too-cheery smile, she waited helplessly as the darkness surrounding her seemed to close in and swallow her whole. _________________________________ Ok, just a few notes. Ricky, Greg, and Jessie are all in the same room in the mental ward. The rooms are exactly like they would be in a normal mental ward, but not as nice. Like maybe there could be some spider webs, cracks in the cots, dust, bugs, you know. Also, other people can be in rooms near theirs or across from theirs. And two can even be in the same room. The walls to the rooms that are facing the halls are glass, so the people in them can see out of them. There is a maximum of five people per room, but there is no minimum. The ward is not a mental ward at all. The ?doctors? and ?nurses? from the ward broadcast their commercial to the Movies On Demand channel and send out a message to everyone who was watching, targeting their brain. However, the message only affects certain hormones that are only found in 20-25-year-old?s brains, so that the ward gets young specimens and not people who are on Death?s Door as it is. The next thing the person remembers is when they wake up on the stretchers being led to the ward. There the ?doctors? do experiments on them and test their brains and when they go crazy, they leave them in the corridor to starve and die, like the young man Jessie saw pounding his head against the wall when Jessie was being led through the corridor. Oh, and by the way, two people can be Greg and Ricky if they want. Jessie, Greg, Ricky, and your characters are trying to get out with their sanity. Now the sign ups: Appearance: (Pictures are great, but descriptions are good, too.) Name: (Modern day names would be nice, but you can be creative if you want.) Age: (20-25, Ricky and Greg are 21) Personality: Location: (Where they were when they saw the commercial. Greg and Ricky were in New York City, NY) Residence: (If they didn?t see the commercial in their current residence, then where do they live?) Position: (How many years you?ve been in college, if you?re out, if you have a Bachelor?s, etc. Ricky goes to an arts academy [you can make up which one] and Greg goes to a computer science university [you can make up which one]) Ward Room Number: (What ward room you?re in. Ricky and Greg are in 5B) Brief Biography: (Just a short touch on your character?s background will be fine. I just want to know what kind of environment you come from.) My sign-up: _Appearance: [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21221[/img] _Name: Jessie Williams _Age: 21 _Location: New York City, NY _Residence: New York City, NY _Personality: Jessie is funny, outgoing, pretty, and smart. Sure, school comes easy for her, and she?s pretty and is nice, but her peers in grade school (starting from when she was 5), didn?t seem to like her much and teased her until she was in college, which is how she became what she is today. _Position: Jessie just finished her third year of college. She plans to go back next year for her Masters? in journalism. _Ward Room Number: 5B _Brief Biography: Jessie?s dad left when she was little, so she was left alone when her mom would go on ?work trips?. But she still managed to stay in school and her mom managed to make enough for the both of them to live in a pretty nice house with decent food. However, for as long as Jessie could remember, she had been teased and alienated by classmates. They would call her names, put tape in her hair, and play keep away with her belongings. One Saturday, she went to the store with her mom and bought a new hat. She loved that hat and wore it everywhere. Then her mom suggested she wear it to school. Jessie didn?t want her mom to worry that something was wrong, so she did. The minute she walked into Ms. Paulson?s first grade classroom, someone grabbed her hat and ran to the back of the classroom. Jessie asked for it back and tried to grab it, but the person threw it to another and that person did the same when Jessie got near them. This went on until the teacher walked in the room. Then the person with the hat threw it on top a bookshelf so that Jessie couldn?t reach it. Another day, when she was in sixth grade, she received her book order. She had ordered a Pokémon drawing book for her sister, but one kid saw it and thought it was hers. No matter how many times Jessie told him that it wasn?t for her, he kept on teasing her. That day, she was sitting at lunch and someone bumped into her. It was the kid from her class. The table behind her started laughing and she turned around and then looked at her friends asking what everyone was laughing about. One of her friends reached behind Jessie?s head and pulled off the Gatorade wrapper and showed her. She acted like it didn?t bother her, but she was just trying to stop the tears. She did have friends, but they were either never in her classes, or they were hanging out with their other friends. Her only real true friends were Greg, Ricky, Bethany and Joelle. However, Bethany and Joelle were in California and Jessie hadn?t seen them since high school. And Greg and Ricky could only come over in the summer when school was out. She?s having a hard enough time surviving college without having to survive the Mental Ward. ______________ Well, that?s pretty much it. PM me if I missed anything. ~Kieko[/color][/font][/spoiler]
[color=orange][i]Now that's not a good attitude to have, Rhain! Perk up! :) NOOOOOOOO!!!!!! My computer's being evil. It crashed and my files were deleted :bawl: ! Sorry. I don't have the banner. :( You have no idea how sad this makes me. But Rhain's banner is great! ~Kieko[/color][/i]
[color=orange][i]I'll make one tomorrow. I have to go to sleep now or I'll never get up in the morning. [/color][spoiler][color=yellow]*[/color][color=darkslateblue]Good Night[/color][color=yellow]*[/spoiler] [/color][color=orange]~Kieko[/color][/i]
[color=orange][i]I made you one banner in two sizes. You can choose which you like best ^_^. ~Kieko[/color][/i]
[color=orange][i]OOC: I'll try to post more. But read my profile and you'll see why I haven't. __________________________ ?Yay!? Kieko said as she ran out of the woods. ?Finally. I didn?t know how much more of the forest I could stand.? Arunue said, walking behind Kieko and stepping out into the dimming sunlight. ?It?s close to sunset, Kieko. We should stop here.? Kieko flopped down on the soft sand of the beach they had just stepped onto. She then immediately decided not to do anymore flopping. ?Sure.? She said, rubbing her back. Arunue sat down next to her, surveying the landscape. Her eyes fell upon a skyline just to the left of them. It had just a few yards of trees between them and the city. ?Hey, Kieko.? She said, looking down at the girl who was now trying to go to sleep. ?Hm?? She said sleepily. ?Lets go to the city and sleep there.? Arunue said, but Kieko was already asleep, so she laid down as well and fell asleep to the soft sound of the waves crashing against the sand. __________________________ Arunue woke up to the soft touch of sand. She sat up and noticed Kieko a few feet from her. Arunue walked over to see that Kieko was still asleep. Arunue shook Kieko as hard as she could. ?Come[/I] on, [I]Kieko! Get up!? But Kieko just rolled over lazily. ?Five more minutes?? She whined. At this point, Arunue abandoned her method of shaking Kieko and stood up. Thinking to herself for a moment, she swung back her foot and kicked Kieko as hard as she could in the back. Kieko tumbled a little ways, landing on her stomach. She laid with her face down in the sand for a moment or two before getting up and brushing herself off angrily. ?What was that for!?? She said straightening up. ?What have I done to you!?? ?Nothing. But you wouldn?t wake up, so I decided it was the only way.? Arunue said, smiling. Apparently she was trying to keep herself from laughing. ?Fine. Well, can we just find the others? I really don?t think Hawk?s going to wait while you mess around. He?s probably already in Yggradisil.? ?You?re right. Lets go.? She said and they headed towards the city. __________________________ OOC: Hope this is ok. Just trying to help. Don?t expect this much because I?m usually very busy. Sorry ^_^?. I?ll try to post more. ~Your friend; Kieko[/I][/color]
Request Looking for an AKIRA AVVIE AND BANNER!!
Kieko replied to master_of_anime's topic in Creative Works
[color=orange][i]I will try ^_^. But I should have you know that the maximum size for an avatar is 150X80, so I can't make one that's 100X100. Also, the maximum size for a banner is 500X100, so I can't make it 400X200. ~Kieko[/color][/i] -
[color=orange][i]I made two banners, but the only difference between the two is that one has your username and one doesn't. Banner1: [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20606[/img] Banner2: [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20607[/img] ~Kieko[/color][/i]
[i][color=orange]I made you two banners ^_^. I couldn't decide which way I wanted to make the banner, so I made two of them. If that makes any sense... It makes sense in my mind, so that's ok. Well, here they are! Banner1: [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20604[/img] Banner2: [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20605[/img] ~Kieko[/color][/i]