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Everything posted by Kieko

  1. Kieko

    first wall

    The wall is really good! To me it looks like the Kenshin on the side is having a flashback of him and Koaru, it's really sweet! The only thing I would suggest is if you could make the word "Kenshin" a bit clearer, it would be great! I couldn't see his name until I looked a second time. But it's still really good!
  2. Now, everyone's saying "free candy". That's part of the reason I go out... heck, it's MOST of the reason I go out! But, anyway, it's not the only reason. I go out to see the different costumes, play tricks on my sisters friends when we intercept them on their route, and to have fun with MY friends. Also, it's just a way to spook you siblings in some sense, it makes them more spooked out for in the middle of the night when them and their friends are in the basement and you and your friends in the other room of the basement, you cut the power, get into position and you grab your little sister's shoulder, she screams they all run upstairs, you follow, sending someone ahead to cut the lights, you chase them into your room and pound on the door, break in and then they scream and....... you're grounded and have to give your sister ten peices of HER CHOICE of candy.... -_-
  3. In this thread, I'm going to post short stories that I make up when I'm bored. Here's the first: "DAMINATION!" He shouted into the darkness. And it was more a descriptive word than anything else at that point, too. The clouds shot their icy bullets at all who lay before them, the wind tore at his clothes, the trees creaked and groaned with the rhythm of the storm, and the hills, those ugly, rugged hills, seemed to go on forever, sinking into the darkness surrounding all. In fact, that was the most perplexing thing, the darkness. It was the center of all living things, light, and yet, here was an ocean of darkness. An endless terrain of shadow. He walked still further up the gravel path that lay at his feet. He knew not where he was headed, only that he must get away from it all... sirens blared in the distance and he knew why. They were carrying his mom onto the ambulance truck with a useless attempt to get her to a hospital in time to save her. Tears welled up in Jan's eyes. His dad had always said that in times of despair, follow your feet, they'll guide you. Now he was following his feet, and they led him into the darkness, the wall of shadow surrounding him. He wanted to fling himself from the cliff, but was too scared to bring himself up to the task. The darkness closed in, it was enough to make the strongest man want to huddle up in a tight ball and cry, cry until the sun came up, but there was no light and cry again, to make them cry until their knees weren't only soaked with rain, but also with their tears... their essence... It's not really even a short story, so I think I'm going to continue it once people give me feed back on the way it is now.
  4. Sorry to interupt the request: Those banners are really REALLY good! The pictures corrispond with the fonts nicely and the avatars pic the best parts of the pictures and bring forward to be noticed. Nice work! Check out my banner thread to tell me what I can do to make mine better, I really badly need advice ^_^'. I especially like the first banner you made. The only thing is that they're all pretty simple (which makes them good) but I think that, with your talent, you could make them a little more complex. Otherwise they're FANTASTIC! Keep up the good work! I can't wait to see what you post next!
  5. Ok, I will be rude: uh! What is THAT? You should have taken the picture at a better angle, it's hideous! Ok, I'm done! It's really great! Personally, I think that you should draw some more characters! You're really really good. I just think you shouldn't make them puppets all the time (not that you have, you've only posted one picture!), I just think that you should make them without strings. I'm not really fond of the puppet idea, but it's a really good drawing, and your perspective leaves a lot to be desired! Draw more ^_^!
  6. You like using irregular polygons don't you? Anyway, I think you could make the picture a bit bigger and the font a bit clearer. But it is great^_^ Oh, and I know why the color was messed up. It's because there's a break in the outline of the word, so it flows into the backround. If you draw a line on the break and close the word, you can then fill the word in with brown.
  7. I like the last two the best. Simpley because I'm not very fond of thinking of Vash as a "Diva". I'm not saying the banner is bad, just that I don't really like the idea. But it's a good banner ^_^.
  8. It's very unique, very different. I like it accept that I think you could have made "Life" a more contrasting color to your backround, it blends a little.
  9. Photo Shop. I, sadly, don't have it. But I here it's one of the bests you can get.
  10. No! In fact, it's pretty good! The only thing I can think of is the fact that I find it a little bit boring, you know, not a lot's going on in the banner. Also, try to border/frame it. But that's it, otherwise it's great ^_^
  11. I'm going to start off my post like almost everyone else does: The banners are great. Only, I do have some suggestions: Banner 1)I could hardly make out what the picture was, and one of the word boxes is half colored in, which makes it harder to read. Make the picture bigger and color more white in the word box. Banner 2)This banner was good, but I think it should belong in the sprite forum. I also think you went a little over board when it came to using pictures. I would suggest deleting a few and making some bigger. Banner 3)I already commented to you about this banner in the request forum, go there for refrence. (I use Microsoft Paint which is the same, if not worse, as yours when it comes to quality.)
  12. Kieko

    My Avatar

    Well, here's another one any way: [img]http://www.uploadit.org/files2/021103-KOOLavatar4me3.jpg[/img]
  13. ;) Thanx for the advice. Here's another avatar: [img]http://www.uploadit.org/files2/011103-ISitTOyourLIKINGnow1.jpg[/img]
  14. Do you have hard times at school with some people? It seems like it. Any way, that's a really good poem. It rhymed and every stanza flowed into the next. Very nice. The only thing I would sugest is on the line "Forbid a contradiction" I would replace "forbid" with "forbade", you know, as if they "forbade a contradiction"? It's really great I can't wait to see more ^_^! Keep up the good work!
  15. Umm... I don't think you need to make a totally new thread about that, but ok^_^
  16. The only Otaku dreams that I had were of me getting banned. It was horrible. I don't know what I'd do if I were banned (probably get a new username, but hey, all those things I've done on this one? I wouldn't want to give that up!)
  17. I would have to say when my friend stuck a coke bottle rapper in my hair at lunch one time. The table behind us was chock full of my worst enemies, so they started laughing and making a big deal out of it. I didn't realize what they were laughing at until my friend pulled out the rapper. Another embarrasing moment was also at lunch. We have round tables and they have stools around them that are hooked together like this _|_ and I got off one of the stools on the wrong side and tripped over the metal bar. It was hillarious.
  18. Yeah, I say stupid things, too. See, there are these people at school that tease me sometimes, so I think of combacks to defend myself with. Some are good and some aren't. And some they use against me even more than I used against them. It's kind of embarrasing...:confused:
  19. Even so, it's really good. I like the way it rhyms and captures the reader. I especially like the last stanza using opposites like still and shake, very nice. And I'm sure that you can regain the voice you had ^_^!
  20. That was really really good^_^! I loved the wording and the idea. You certainly have a way with words. Keep it up and you'll be one of the best in my book ^_^!
  21. O_O woah... those... were.... GREAT!! They're much better than mine! I love the first one becuase I find it unique. Most of the poems in this forum are depressed and sad (no offence, it makes them good^_^ and anyway, mine are sad like that) but your poem was very bright and spontaineous^_^! I loved the idea, the rythem was great, and it rhymed very well (not that it had to, but I think you were trying to) ^_^! GREAT job!
  22. I regret somethings, but not all. See, I only regret passing up ONCE in a life time opportunities because some opportunities come around more than once and, once you've missed them, your more likely to take them when they come around again. I also regret things that I say to people that are mean or unneccesary. But even those I think happen for a reason: to test my relationship with others. We really shouldn't have any regrets, though. Seeing as if we regret something, we're (most of the time) pitying ourselves, which is ok, but life goes on and we should too.^_^
  23. [FONT=century gothic]Experience[/FONT] I use to have these thoughts, these troubles and these fears, teasers that weren't caught and all the wasted years. Then you stepped forward, to my sorrow and my pain, though it didn't last onward, your attempt was not invain. But, the days went on, and the trouble, it seems, my fears weren't gone, I was being torn at the seams. Then one day I decided, I couldn't live anymore, I couldn't be more divided, it's time to settle the score. But that very minute, pill in my hand, I pause for a momment, to think of this land. These people that surround me, love and care, I know, though seeming to see right trough me, they see me head to toe. So I thought of my family and friends, and using all my might, I put back my life's end, and my trouble and fright. I think of my loved ones, as I sit here, I know they love me tons, so nothing shall I fear. Although I'm still divided, like cloth at the seams, that cloth can be mended and I will keep my dreams. Then it was pointed out, that, by our peers, you shared my doubt, my troubles and my fears. Though yours had just started, and there was still time, I felt as though we'd parted, because you didn't tell me of this crime. For you school was hell, just as it was for me, you who broke me from the spell were on bended knee. You hadn't told me then, but my mom had told me after, I confronted you when you looked as sad as ever. I know we can get through this, together or not, on this world you are a bliss, so your life shouldn't stop.
  24. I'm in school right now in my favorite subject: flex. We can talk and yeah. We also have the nicest teacher. But, that's like the only thing (besides lunch of course) that's "cool" in our school. Yep, my nice teacher has let me on Otaku Boards. She's so special! (in a good way, not in a "special ED" way) ^_^
  25. Everyone just stood there, oblivious, except for Inu Yasha, Sesshomaru and Raven. Raven walked about ten more feet then stopped and looked at Sesshomaru. Raven: Now, really, you don't think I'll take orders from you, do you? Even if we are family. This was the confuser. Every one looked dumbstruck (except Inu Yasha, Kaira and Sesshomaru). They were family? Miroku: Sesshomaru, what's she talking about? Sesshomaru ignored the question. In fact, he didn't even seem to notice that the rest were there. He just looked into Raven's eyes. It was impossible to tell which face was more serious. Although, Raven's face was a little mocking. Raven: Yes, Sesshomaru. Tell them the wrongs of your past. Tell them how you drove me from the home and left me to fend for myself. Rin: Sesshomaru wouldn't do that! Right Sesshomaru? Huh?-Sesshomaru? But Sesshomaru ignored her as well. Kagome: Sesshomaru, tell us what she's talking about. You obviously have a story to tell, so tell it. Kaira: He did it because she tried to kill me. A long time ago, the night of the fire that killed them...
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