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Everything posted by Kieko

  1. So, we post our banners here? woah, you won't believe how many I have. i'll just post them and their avis a pair at a time starting here: Yuna Banner1: [img]http://www.uploadit.org/files/251003-BANNER4you1.jpg[/img] Yuna Avatar1: [img]http://www.uploadit.org/files/251003-AVI4you1.jpg[/img] I will post more ^_^!
  2. Caring for yourself, Inuyasha Fandom, is harder than caring for others. Or atleast it should be, seeing your position. You sould be able to do it, and if you aren't, then you're forcing yourself not to. I agree with everyone. My friend told me I was being selfish when I explained my thoughts to him as well. If you remember your friends and family and try to imagine how sad they'd be, you won't be able to commit suicide. Trust me. The fact that you made this post is that, subconsiously, you don't want to commit suicide. Your telling us for support because you want to fight your mind with reasons not to do it. I know. I've had experience...
  3. Well, my teachers have only said c**p, but that's like once in a blue moon. One of my teachers, my German teacher to be exact, was giving us a lesson. He gave us a piece of paper and told us to fill in the missing parts of the sentences. So we did. But, there was one sentence that said "Herr Held ist..." or "Mr.Held is..." and somekids put stupid (am I aloud to post that?) but my friend put something that meant "idiothead" while he wanted "stupid". And my teacher said "That doesn't mean 'stupid'. Idiothead" then he said "I mean, that MEANS idiothead". It sounded like he called my friend an idiothead though, it was pretty funny.
  4. Baron Samedi, don't listen to them. How could someone whos posted only 6 times know what's good and what isn't? Especially with an attitude like that! They didn't even explain why! I bet they didn't because they couldn't find anything wrong with it later, and they like it now but not before. It's super good! I love your creativity and ideas ^_^! Keep it up! I rate it a 9/10! (I never give 10s)
  5. I love it! I like Tsukasa's expression, the contrast of the colors, and the backround ^_^! The only thing, and this is a super insignificant thing, is that for the "//sign" part, the white letters start to blend with the white backround. But, other than that, it's great! Good job!^_^
  6. Yeah, it is VERY simple. But it is funny, I'll give it that. Why don't you try using pictures? I'm sure there's a picture that matches the "KMP" theme. Here's some of mine that I've made for someone: Yuni: Banner: [img]http://www.uploadit.org/files/251003-BANNER4you1.jpg[/img] Avatar: [img]http://www.uploadit.org/files/251003-AVI4you1.jpg[/img] Rikku: Banner: [img]http://www.uploadit.org/files/251003-BANNER4you4.jpg[/img] Avatar: [img]http://www.uploadit.org/files/251003-AVI4you4.jpg[/img] I know they're a bit fuzzy and could use some work, but with a basic paint program, it's the best I can do with these ^_^! Your welcome! I bet it was easy to make, but it looks a lot better ^_^!
  7. My banners: [img]http://www.uploadit.org/files2/021103-Bannar.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.uploadit.org/files/261003-Light.jpg[/img] My Avatar: [img]http://www.uploadit.org/files/241003-IFyouWANTitPMme.jpg[/img]
  8. Here's my avatar: [img]http://www.uploadit.org/files/251003-ISitTOyourLIKINGnow.jpg[/img]
  9. Kyp: We can go my way. And, once again, 15 blades appeared and formed their transportation device that would get them to Sesshomaru's castle. So, all 9 of them (i think there's nine), climbed on and started speeding in the direction at which Sesshomaru pointed. The sun was just peeking over the hills and the horrizon turned lighter and lighter with each of it's climbs. The wilderness seemed endless. Trees covered the rolling hills, only parting to let a river or creak pass through. Not only did the wilderness seem endless, the ride did, too. By mid-day, Sesshomaru said they were only half-way there and would need to go faster if they wanted to make it before sunset. So, they ate lunch and continued, going much faster than before. *later* It had been long since the sun was fully in view, so there was little light. But, they could still see the castle's massive shadow in the darkness. They landed safely at it's front entrance. Kyp stumbled onto his knees, but got back up after about 5 seconds. Kyp: That really takes alot out of you. Once everyone was inside, Sesshomaru showed InuYasha where he could put Kaira. He lead him up the grande staircase and into a room secluded from the others in the far left part of the hall. Inside, there was a bed, dresser, and closet. InuYasha laid Kaira on the bed and covered her up with the blanket. He then took a seat in the corner by the dresser and watched her. Sesshomaru had left to show the others to their room, so the only sound in Kaira's room was the sound of InuYasha and her breathing.
  10. OK, I know this isn't very good, but here's my first banner: [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=504150[/img] Thanx Sara.
  11. Autumn Silence rides the autumn breeze, Blowing colors in the leaves. As wind picks up, temperatures go down, and kids go parading through the town. Walking to each house begging for treats, when others give out candy, we give out meats.:-\ LOL! No, not really! I was just kidding. (I know it's not real good, but, yeah.)
  12. That's really good! It's really got a lot of meaning and it's shown in a very good way! If you want any advise on it though, you could ask me. (Though I don't think mine are better than yours. Yours totally rock ^_^)! Suggestions: There's really nothing to suggest accept that the rythm of the poem changes where it shouldn't. Like, in the middle of a few stanzas, there was a line or two that goofed up the rythm. Also, you rhymed "fly" with "fly" and I think that could be fixed. But all and all its wonderful!! Great job! ^_^!
  13. I have alot of dreams that are strange. But also a bunch of weird experiences, too. Now that Halloween is coming, it seems every spirit has come out of the ground. Almost every dark place I am I see a light, like an orb, zooming up and down, or somewhere. And I think my house has it's very own ghost. While I write this I can feel a presense behind me, and I know if I turn around *darn, I just did!!!! darn curiosity...* that I would see the empty chair and know someone, or something, is in it. Also, doors open when I know they were fully shut, cerial boxes fly off the shelf at me. (One hit my friend once). And it seems like I have fights with the TV (whenever I turn it off, it turns on and that continues untill it stays off after like 2 minutes of arguing). I also have dreams about this spirit, and I think it's pretty much nice and won't hurt us (if there's a spirit in the house). I think that it's a kid, teen, or little kid from the way it acts (the TV thing). And, yeah....
  14. OH! You just sparked my memory! Yeah, this pretty much happens all the time. I dream about a place, and then, a little while later, I go to it. It's really weird. It's like I've been there before even though I haven't. I know almost every turn and doorway. It's really weird.
  15. There once was a lad named Schmo, who dreamed he liked to row, he woke with a fright, in the middle of the night, because of a blackish crow. Hehe! Just felt like altering a poem! Hehe!
  16. Both were very touching. I loved them! Keep !____' them coming!
  17. OK, I'm back to posting for myself. This is mine: Inu Yasha: Iron Reaver Soul Stealer! Three jets of light appeared and zoomed toward the monster. Inu Yasha landed back on the ground. It was harder to fight while holding your sister. The attack worked. The jets of light hit the monster square in the chest, sending it stumbling backwards. But, when it recovered, it's eyes were glowing green and it looked angry. The monster aimed it's fist at Inu Yasha and swung with all his might. Inu Yasha jumped, and the monster's fist hit the ground, shattering the surface of it. Kaira was bleeding bad. her blood splattered on the ground everytime Inu Yasha landed from a jump. Inu Yasha: *thinking* This is too dangerous. I have to get Kaira to safety. Miroku: Inu Yasha! Over here! Get Kaira to safety! We'll hold him off! Kyp, Kitty, Tsicoro, and Sango and Kilala appeared behind Miroku. All looking ready to fight. Inu Yasha nodded and ran back to the huts. _____________ Tsicoro launched the first attack. Tsicoro: Shotilu Needilomus! And he shot about a hundred needles at the monster. After the monster was staggered by this attack, Sango threw her boomarang and knocked it off it's feet. Kyp then tried to cut it with this sword by jumping up in the air and swining down with all his might, but the monster suddenly came to grips with his surroundings and swatted Kyp aside. He hit the ground hard as the monster got up and Kitty tried one of her attacks, but the monster evaded it and punched her with his massive fists and she flew backwards into a tree. Sango tried her bomarang once more, but the monster caught it and broke it in two. Miroku was about to take away the beads restricting his right hand's air rip, but he glanced around and saw poisonous insects were surrounding the clearing. Then, before they could react, the monster launched an attack on Sango, Miroku and Tsicoro with the same needles Tsicoro shot! Every one was down, but as Kyp looked up, he saw a bomarang just like Sango's appear in the monster's hand, and a sword like his at his side. ___________________________ Inu Yasha: Well, the bleeding's stopped at least. Kaira lay on the floor next to the fire in the middle of the hut. She stirred and awoke. Inu Yasha snapped to attention. Inu Yasha: Are you ok? Kaira: Yeah, I think so. Then she felt something. Kaira: Where are the others? I can barely feel their energy! And the monster's is more powerful than before! Inu Yasha: The others went to fight the monster. Kaira: The we have to go help them. Come on!
  18. FYI: I'm posting this for NashvilleDream because she can't get on. _________________________________ It was dark outside when Kaira woke up. She went outside to look at the stars, but they were blacked out by the shadow of a large monster. She slowly backed into the hut. Kaira: Inu Yasha. Wake up. Inu Yasha: What? Kaira: There's a monster outside- But, she was interupted by a scream. Inu Yasha: Kagome! They both run outside. Kaira: Hey! But the monster turned around faster than she had anticipated and put a deep gash in her stomach causing her to be thrown backwards. Inu Yasha caught her. Inu Yasha: Kaira! Kaira: It's ok. I'm fine. Really I'm... And she slipped into unconciousness.
  19. That is really good! I really like it ^_^. I like the way that you blended two types of poems together into one. I really like it. Wait, I already said that, didn't I?
  20. It seems to me that there isn't much common rythm, but i could just be crazy. And, after the other two posts taking my other remarks, all and all, it's good. Edit: to InuyashaGurl_15: I'm depressed a lot and I manage to right a poem with.... oh, wait, I'm not going to brag. Never mind:blush: . It's improved alot! but, on that one line, i think you should put: "you lied; i believed, how could you ever decieve?" But it's still really great!:D
  21. [FONT=century gothic]I'm Still Waiting[/FONT] I thought I was lost, in eternal dark, then, at great cost, your care became a spark. That spark became a flame, and that flame became a fire, you lead me from the dark game, but never did you tire. You lead me to the light, our friendship still intact, you brightened up my night, with your noble act. But years went by, and you got bored of me, how I always cry, and tragic things I make you see. But, if I am alone, I fear how tragic I'll be, you know when your light had shown, I was on bended knee. Now I sit here waiting, for that one pure flame, to rescue me from hating, hating in that dark game. Dying might be easier, though to you it might seem hard, but your light went out sooner, and you played this tragic card. You brought this upon yourself, my family and I, you helped me for a while, but then left me here to die. Dying is my freedom, dying is the only way, to get away from this horror dome, and into the true light of day. So good-bye I say to you, you had your one chance, to keep me in the life circle, to keep me in the life dance. But now I've left this circle, and my feet ache from this dance, it's time for me to return, to whom started my life chance.
  22. That's really good! And, trust me, I know boys write poetry too. It's the best way to express your feelings, the written word. A boy last year in my LA/Reading class was one of those "bad boys" and all he ever wrote in our journals we had to keep was poetry. It's not only for mushy-gushy people, it's for everyone.
  23. I write best when I get emotional about something. Or I'm alone. When I'm alone, there's no one to break the soft rustling of the leaves, or the gentle whispering wind. Therefore, I can let nature (I know it sounds corny, but still) consume my soul and bring out what I feel deep down. Then, I usually express it on paper. But, sometimes it never reaches paper, but rather stays locked in my head until I forget it and can no longer open the lock for anyone else. So, actually, nature sets my mood, being alone just boosts it.
  24. This is really stupid, but sometimes it crosses my mind now a days: I thought about killing myself.
  25. I do draw, but I don't put it on the computer. Sorry. I don't because I don't know how.:(
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