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Everything posted by Kieko

  1. Well, lets see.... 1) I won't eat my potatos unless they're mashed, salted, and mixed with ketchup. 2) If there is a usable square cup in a house, I won't drink from anything else. 3)I must put my M&Ms into groups with one of each color until they are all in a group, then I eat the smaller groups first, but I just let the M&Ms melt in my mouth, I won't chew them. 4) I eat regular pizza backwards, and stuffed crust the right way. 5) I won't eat a sandwich (unless it's PB&J or tuna fish (which I eat with cheese on it)) unless it has one of everything on each slice of bread: Mayo, lettuce, cheese, musturd, ketchup, and meat. That's all I can think of right now.
  2. I would say... none. We are given emotions for a reason, even if it's not a good emotion. I know at least one person here has posted on my "What would you do if life had an "undo" button?" thread, and almost everyone that posted said that everything happened for a reason, even if it was bad. Well, why did those bad things happen? Probably 75-90% of them were caused by human emotion. So, if we take an emotion away, then what? Sure, we don't have to take the bad ones away, but if we take away the good, then we'll be more focused on the bad and our world would be worse than it is today. Human emotion was meant to be there to give us a soul. If we took away a human emotion, we wouldn't be as fun. If you think about it, all the arguments you've been in were fun in their own sense. It's fun to make up combacks or tell off another person, especially when you're the one that's right. If we take an emotion away, say... a bad one for instance, we will take the fun out of life. Human emotions are unpredictable, and that's why they're there, to make each person unique. I wouldn't take that away for the world.
  3. Well, I've had a bunch, but the only one I can think of right now and it happened recently. It's not real spectacular, but it's something: I was IMing my friend and then he had to get up to get the phone. So, I was bored, and, being the weird person I am, I started to type in "moo". I typed it 5 times. Now, there's something I should tell you, my friend and I both say things that are weird and we act weird. So, as I was saying, he got back to the computer and, he saw the "moo"s and told me that on the way back to the computer, he felt bored and said "moo" 5 times. So, we shared the same feeling and the same words at the same time. It's not real enthusing, but it's something.
  4. It depends on how you define the word "monster". If you are talking about physical apperance, what do you expect a monster to look like? There's really no answer, as we have not claimed a spiecies to be a monster yet. But, on the other hand, we have defined a monster's attitude or actions. They are mostly mean and destructive, right? Well, what is it that humans are doing to the earth? We sure as heck aren't saving or respecting it, now are we? No, not the people who have the power to destroy it. Though, why is it that the little people, the ones who don't have the power to destroy an entire rainforest, are the ones who make the best decissions? This is where greed enters this sad story. People want money. But, what would happen if we took money away, many people ask. I have an answer now, if we took away the money, there would be something else people would want. Many of you who post next will disagree with me saying that the people who run polluting companies or who tear down forests are doing it to keep their family welfare high and to provide wood for our needs. But, we have more wood than we know what to do with, so why not get a different job? It would keep the earth nicer for the up coming generations, and it sure wouldn't hurt our generation.
  5. No, he wants to borrow my sword, but I'm using it for my costume. I'm going as a character no one accept for 4 other people know about, i'm going as Kieko. I also might host a party, but I don't know.
  6. Kikyo staggered through the darkness, the pain in her heart getting worse and worse. After she had gone about 40 yards since she entered the forest, she had to lean on her arm on a tree for support. But she soon dropped to the ground, clutching her white gi where her heart was. Why do I have this pain? And why is it in my heart? She thought. But she didn?t have time to dwell on this thought because the noise came again. Agonizingly she forced herself to stand up and walk. While she was walking, every tree she passed she had to put her hand on incase she had to stop. The pain in her heart grew more severe, but she kept going, she didn?t know why, she just felt the need to do so? ______________ The sun rose over the hills around the huts and, being use to getting up with the sun, Tsicoro awoke and walked out of the hut he was sharing with Miroku and Kyp. The fresh warming rays of the sun and the smell of dew instantly greeted him when he stepped out the entranceway. He looked around; there was something in the woods, he knew it, he could feel it, but what was it? Oh, well, he decided and shrugged it off turning his mind towards the new day. Slowly, one by one, the others awoke, Miroku, being the first, stepped out of the hut into the sunlight. Miroku: Oh, here you are Tsicoro. Your bed was empty so I thought you left. Tsicoro: *regaining the thought in his head* There?s something in the woods. Miroku: Huh? What do you mean? Tsicoro: There?s something in the woods, I don?t know what, but I can feel it. Miroku: Hmm? _______________ After the others had awoken and eaten, Tsicoro decided to find Kyp in a private place and discuss his dream. He went into the cabin and saw Kyp alone there, so he sat down next to him and told him about his dream. Kyp: I don?t know what exactly this dream means, but I have a guess. Tsicoro: Go on. Kyp: Well, the rogue blade behaved for you, right? And that girl *No one accept Miroku or Tsicoro knew the girl was Kikyo because they hadn?t told anyone about the meeting* fell to her knees right before the blades attacked you right? Was the rogue blade leading them? Tsicoro: Yes. Kyp: Well, then I think that the rogue blade behaved for you because it either felt a dark presence inside of you, which is highly unlikely, or it was building up your trust so that it could betray you easier. I think it is either purely bad, or is being controlled by a dark presence because Miroku said that it started acting up once they felt the dark presence. And, I think it?s in alliance with the dark presence that made the girl fall to her knees. But that?s just a guess.
  7. This is a thread where you can post your own poems that you've made up. They can be in any form, they can be any length, and they can be about anything. I will start: [FONT=century gothic]Darkness[/FONT] Darkness surrounds and engulfs me. I try to get through, get to the light, but I found none. Only a sea of eternal darkness lay ahead of me. An ocean of sorrow and broken dreams and promises. A swirling mist of forgotteness. I knew then that I would never be happy again, never laugh, never see the light. Then you caught me from the swirling blackness. Your light grew brighter everyday until you lead me out of the dark and into light. I was there for a long time, in the light. But, in every lighted place, there is shadow, and did you even glance at the ones in this one? It took such an effort to get use to, because I had spent so long in the dark, that I gave way, and fell into darkness again. I don't think I shall ever return this time... [FONT=century gothic]Autumn[/FONT] Silence rides the autumn breeze, Blowing colors in the leaves. As wind picks up, temperatures go down, and kids go parading through the town. Walking to each house begging for treats, when others give out candy, we give out meats.:-\ LOL! No, not really! I was just kidding. [FONT=century gothic]Halloween[/FONT] Halloween, a fearful night, full of danger, lacking light. In the dark the clock does sound, to turn your world upside down. The clock will sound 12 chimes, and all those dead will arise. To haunt this place, this night so new, to keep away the morning dew. And, if you are out on this lonely night, you might never again see the light... There! Now, does anyone else want to post their own? to thethespian: I couldn't have gotten any ideas from you because I wrote down what was in my soul, not your head.
  8. Yes, but also reallize that you can control when you want to control your life, too. Like, when it gets boring, you can go back to not controlling it and vise versa.
  9. Well, you could make promises you don't intend to keep. Or you could just say basicly what you said now; why you want this job. (Unless you want this job becuase you want to sneak free money, then don't say why you want this job).
  10. I had a really bad dream about a friend. It was so real, I almost called him to make sure it hadn't happened. His name is Ricky. And here's my dream: I dreamt that Ricky and I were at a convention and we were outside of the building and Ricky had just heard some depressing news about himself (I?m not going to tell you because then I?d have to tell you the whole dream). So, because of this news, Ricky wanted to go home with his dad and sister (who in the dream live next door to him and his mom), so that he can drive away from his troubles with them. Meanwhile his mom is trying to convince him to come back home with her and he has his back to her and I and he?s ignoring our pleads to come with his mom. So, when Ricky, his sister, and his dad are packed and in the car when we got home, (at least, I thought he was in the car) I heard him say "Hey, Stephanie," I thought it was coming from the car and that he was asking me to come with him, but then Ricky came out of the house and said "well, bye." and got in the car and drove off with the other two. Later, I was on the computer and I was on the verge of tears. The ghost sites didn't matter, all I could think about was that I?d probably never see Ricky again. So, when Lene came in, I told her she could get on and I went up to my room, flopped on my bed and cried. But, 30 seconds later, I realized it was just a dream and I woke up. **I'm awake** but, when I woke up, I was face down in my pillow and my face was wet with tears. I continued crying for 5 minutes before going downstairs and writing my dream so that I could tell it to him and even as I was writing it I cried. It was awful. thethespian:I beg to differ, I remember a lot of my dreams because a lot of them are either bad or really good.
  11. Hmmm.... I say a lot of weird things. Here's a list: Blargenfaddibblenohip Crum Crummy Munchkins Blarg Yorgeeshmorgeez Babushka Babushka Babayaga (that babushka is wearing a babushka!) Confuzzled Moo Sowieso Schmo (butt) Poop (butt) and that's all I can think of right now. If I were a chess piece, I'd have to be the cow.
  12. I don't know if there's another thread like this one, there probably is, but I would want to know what people would think about my topic whithout searching. Don't know why I won't search, maybe I'm just too lazy. :rolleyes: What If you could control life? What if you could have your dreams really come true? What kind of life would you want? Action? Adventure? Romantic? Or something else? Would you get rid of your enemies? Would you want your life to be like a movie; perfect? Would you even want to change your life? My dream life would have to be action/adventure. I would not touch anything in the world accept how everything would play out, that's the one thing I would control. The rest I would leave as they are. And I wouldn't control whether someone is bad or good and I might not control whether someone likes me or not, it depends. In my dream life, I would be able to go to any Anime series I want and be a character in that series. I could also return to the "Real World" and visit my friends and family there. (I would also be able to go to some "Real World" movies like The Lord of the Rings.) What would your dream life be like considering it could be as far-fetched as possible?
  13. Mmm-hmm. I agree with Semjaza. I was thinking on what would happen if I undid my elementary years (when I was 4-11). I would probably undo those years because of all the pain I went through. I mean, it wasn't anything major like some of yours were, but it was that every day at school, people would tease me and some of my "friends" did so also. They would be nice to me for a little while and then turn around and be mean to me with the rest. I guessed it was peer pressure, and I really wanted to be their friend, so I forgave them every time. My only true friends were Matthias (who's moved away now) and Ricky and we fought a lot in our earlier years as friends. But, then I reached middle school and, even though the teasing was still going, I had more friends so I was happier. Now, I have the same amount of friends but the teasing's stopped. I think me being teased was a way that I built my character, just like the bad experiences builds anyone elses. As for quirells with my friends, and saying the wrong thing to people, unless they're you don't like them, I think it's just a way to test your relationship with them.
  14. :babble: We've all done these really crazy, stupid, and sometimes mean things. I'm not saying it's wrong that we do these things, it's our human nature and we can't help it. I was just wondering what I or anyone else would do if life could be undone and redone with the simple press of a button. The number one thing I would redo is the time I did something really stupid and mean to one of my best friends. I ignored them for quite a while. I think I was thinking that, if I ended my friendship, then when they moved away (I'm not going to go into detail about why they would do so) I wouldn't be so attached and therefore I won't hurt me as much. It was so stupid! I did something like this for myself! It's been a month since I started talking to them and I still haven't patched things up with their family (they brought them into this). I hope to patch things up with them soon, I'm starting to feel real guilty. So, what would you undo in your life?
  15. This may be bad, but ok: Tsicoro, Miroku, and Kagome walked through the woods fairly slowly, but, in a way, it felt as if they were like little children rushing to get somewhere else so they wouldn?t get in trouble. Tsicoro: So, who are the others? What are their names? Miroku: Well, there?s Inu Yasha, he?s a half-demon also, but don?t remind him. If there?s one thing you should know about Inu Yasha, it?s his temper. And, let?s see, there?s Kyp, when he lets his 16th blade loose, you?d better duck. There?s Kitty, don?t get on her bad side; she knocked someone out while barely touching him, and not with a magic spell. Then there?s Kaira, she?s Inu Yasha?s twin sister, but she doesn?t have his temper. There?s Shippo and Sango and her three-tailed cat Kilala. Tsicoro nodded. The three of them didn?t say anything, because there was nothing to say, until they emerged from the forest into a clearing that seemed just on a hill looking down on the village below. They walked down the hill and approached a hut. They went inside and saw the others sitting on the floor. Immediately after they walked in, Inu Yasha stood up, either preparing to fight, or is so use to the position he was in it automatically. Inu Yasha: Miroku, who?s this? Tsicoro: My name?s Tsicoro. I do not mean to cause alarm. I hear that you too have a score to settle with Naraku, well, so do I. Therefore; I believe I am on your side and I think you?ll agree that it seems idiotic to fight with people who are supporting you. I?m assuming you?re Inu Yasha? Inu Yasha: *sitting down* Yeah, that?s me. Kyp: I?m Kyp, that?s Shippo, Sango and Kilala, Kaira, and Kitty. Kyp said this, pointing to each as he said their names. Kyp: Well, that was a good dinner. I?ll see you guys in the morning. `Night. And he left the cabin. Miroku: Yes, I think I?ve had enough excitement for one day as well. Tsicoro, you can sleep in our hut. Good Night. And he followed in Kyp?s wake as Tsicoro followed in his. Pretty soon the others had gone to sleep and the fire died leaving nothing but darkness and the feelings of excitement and confusion of that day, and even they were fading with every second.
  16. I'm still trying to get the hang of this, but here it goes... Kaira: Inu Yasha! I sense Kikyo in the area! Inu Yasha: Huh? Where is she? But, before Kaira could answer, a scream came from the forest. ____ Kagome: INU YASHA!!!! ____ Inu Yasha: Kagome!! She sounds like she's in trouble! Inu Yasha desperately wanted to find out where Kikyo was, but didn?t have time. He took off through the forest with Kaira at his heels, speeding towards the scream. ______ Kikyo: Ha! You think Inu Yasha will save you? Well, he may. He does seem to like you quite a bit doesn?t he? But didn?t he like me just as much? And look what he did. He betrayed me just like he will betray you! Kagome: You?ve got it all wrong Kikyo! Inu Yasha loved and still does love you! Kikyo: He betrayed me! Kagome: But he didn?t! If you only knew! Kikyo: All I need to know is that Inu Yasha is a betrayer! Now hold still and this won?t hurt a bit?
  17. OK, Trying this one more time........ _Name: Miroku _Age: 20 _Race: Human _Gender: Male _Personality: Miroku has a sly personality. He has a personal interest for stealing and/or cheating people out of their belongings. He also has a great temptation for girls. Any age will do for Miroku, but he tends to like the women, not the girls. Perhaps he just doesn?t want them to be led down the wrong path when they?re young. **Sarcastically** Aw that?s so sweet! _Biography: Miroku is a traveling monk. He likes girls and taking free hospitality. He carries a staff with him everywhere and is extremely lethal for a human. He has one goal in life: to destroy the demon Naraku (don?t we all want to?). Why does he want so badly to destroy him? Naraku is the one who cursed his family many years ago by cutting a hole in one of his ancestor?s right hand. Thus forth every generation has had a hole in their right hand, but it?s not just a hole, it?s a Kazaana, an air-rip, a black hole. While this hole is a good weapon and a blessing in some ways to Miroku, it is also deadly. You see, the hole gradually gets bigger until one day it sucks in it?s bearer. Miroku met Kagome, Sango and Kilala (Kirara in the magna version), Chippo, and Inu Yasha on his journey. He has a way of making good friends. _Enemies: Naraku is who he has been after all of his life b/c Naraku was the one who cursed his family with the air rip in every generation's hand. _Weapons: Kazaana (air-rip), and an extremely powerful staff. _Image: [url]http://theotaku.com/inuyasha/inuyasha16/image_11.jpg[/url] THERE! If I missed ne thing, PM me!
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