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Everything posted by Kieko

  1. Kieko

    My Work

    [color=orange][i][quote name='Balmon']Am I on drugs?[/quote] I don't know. Are you? O.o [quote name='Balmon']I dunno much at all about visual arts - but the first banner(while i LOVE the image) has got that weird squishy effect to it... unless my comp is off.[/quote] Yeah. It does have the squishy effect. I just noticed... wow... Anyway. Here's another banner. It's pretty cool, if I do say so myself. I made it for one of my friends here on OB, so don't be surprised when you see it in their signature. [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20576[/img] ~Kieko[/color][/i]
  2. [color=orange][FONT=verdana][i]Are you talking about uploading an image? Because if you are, then in your next post in this thread, click on the large "Reply" button at the bottom of the thread, not the quick reply button, the bigger one. And when the window comes up, type a message and scroll down. There's a seperate box that says "Additional Options". In that box, you will see a button that says "Manage Attatchments" click on that. You will see another window come up. In it you will see a "Browse" button. Click on the button. It will let you browse through your files for the one you want. Then cilck "upload". Once the file has uploaded, close the window and click "submit reply". Then, get the URL of the image and put it in your signature with the IMG tags. You know how to do it because I see you already have an image in your signature. I hope you got all that ^_^". ~Kieko[/color][/i][/font]
  3. [color=orange][i]O.O How much time did you spend on it exactly? Anyway. Concidering that you didn't spend much time, it's a good drawing...erm.. sketch. He's well proportioned, there's pretty good detail, the hair looks good, and so it's an all around good job ^_^. The only reason why I made the comment that I did in the beginning of this post is because there's a lot of extra lines and you can see some of the lines you tried to erase. But, concidering again that it is a sketch, good job. I especially like the headphones. I love to listen to music. Anyway, if you would like me to comment on the whole...um... is it a card? I don't know, but if you'd like me to comment on it, I really think that you should have colored the guy first. I know you didn't have time, but it just bothers me that he's in black and white and not even inked in and then you have colors in the card and... I think it may just be me, but that bothers me... on second thought, don't pay attention to what I just said, it's probably not you, it's probably just a personal issue I have to work out... Good drawing, though! ~Kieko[/color][/i]
  4. [quote name='Sonata][b][font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=magenta]OOC: For a second there, I thought you were going to stick me with the old guy, Kieko. ;) [/color][/size][/font'][/b][/quote] [color=orange][i]Wouldn't dream of it ^_~. lol. ______________________ Melody looked at BJ, waiting for an answer. BJ looked thoughtful for a minute before clapping twice. It worked. The lights went off. Apparently having "clap-on, clap-off" lights weren't the best if you wanted to keep your money. Melody apparently understood what BJ was thinking and got off her and headed over to get her clothes. BJ ran over to the men and knocked them out hard enough to give them amnesia before they were able to do anything. She then ran into John’s room and dressed as well. She also opened the drawer to the nightstand with the wine on it. Sure enough, there was an assortment of drugs; more specifically, rape drugs. She grabbed all and poured two glasses of wine, adding the drugs. She ran into the other room, the lights were on, and forced the liquid down the men’s throats. Melody looked at her strangely and BJ noticed. “It’s to ensure that they have amnesia. If they don’t, then it will at least erase their memories of tonight. That way they can’t track us down.” BJ said. She didn’t want to kill them in front of Melody, because she still hadn’t told her that she was a murderer. “What about the money? We need to get it from them.” Melody said. “Search the house. If there’s something I know, I know that every rich guy keeps a stash about in a safe. Check behind pictures first. Then in random parts of the wall.” “Ok.” Melody said and she was off. BJ was going to stay upstairs and take whatever seemed valuable. She stole the men’s wallets, leaving the ID cards on the dresser before getting up. She looked around and spotted a small, simple, cardboard box. Almost too simple for BJ’s taste. She opened it up and found that she had hit the jackpot. It was a key. She had seen a trunk in the old man’s room at the foot of the bed. That must be what it was for. She ran into that room and kneeled down next to the white trunk. She put the key in the keyhole and turned it until she heard a click. She slowly opened the lid, revealing what looked like a treasure chest. There were gold bricks and some diamonds and under that, there was a mountain of cash. It looked like a $10 million dollar stash. She called Melody and she came running into the room. BJ gave her the wallets and told her to pocket them. She did. The trunk was fairly small, so it was easy to carry. But the house had so many other great stuff, why should they leave? BJ set the trunk down and told Melody to get the men’s ID cards on the dresser. She did. “Ok. This is what we’re going to do. I want you to go get two street bums and tell them that we’ll give them $500,000 if they do us a favor. What we’re going to do, is dress them in Ian and John’s tuxedos and give them suitcases of their clothes. Then fix them up so that they look like Ian and John. Then we dress Ian and John in the bum’s outfits and put them on a street corner. We then have the bums go to the real estate and have them put the house for sale. We send the bums to a different country with John and Ian’s ID cards. Then we go and buy the house.” BJ said. Melody went out and found two bums. She brought them in the house and had them shower and change into tuxedos and pack. And then dressed John and Ian in their clothes and drove them to a street corner where they dropped them off. Melody then drove the men to the real estate and they put up the house for sale within a matter of hours. Once they came out of the real estate, Melody went in and bought the house. She said that she was a friend of the men and that they told her. She then drove the men to the airport and had them on the next flight to Australia. She drove back to her apartment, got her stuff, and then drove to the house and locked the deed to the house in the trunk before joining BJ on the couch to watch TV. They had become instant billionaires. It was a dream come true. __________________________ OOC: Yeah. They got the house and all the money. And they will get away with it, too. If you would like to come live with them, you are welcome to. I love the way my mind works ^_^. Is that not the perfect crime? Remember, the men can’t remember ANYTHING.[/color][/I]
  5. [color=orange][I]After changing into something a little more casual, Amy and Monike bounced onto Amy’s queen-sized bed. They took out their notebooks and pencils and textbooks and began to take notes on chapters 17-19, just as the teacher had instructed. A lot of the notes helped the two with their science report. That’s why they picked Emphysema and Diabetes, the whole 17th and 18th chapters were about them. Aparently no one else in their class noticed because they were the only ones to get those diseases. In fact, it’s probably because none of them had ever opened the book. Who says you can’t get good grades on less work? After they had taken the notes, they gathered their supplies. Amy let Monike borrow a poster board, since she already had one of her own. They leaned the boards up against the bed and collected colored paper, markers, pencils, pens, scissors and glue and set them on the floor by the posters before leaving to get their information from Shell. “Mom! We’re going to visit Shell! We’ll be right back!” Amy yelled. “How many times to I have to tell you?! You don’t need to yell!” She said, turning around, but they were already gone. So, with a sigh she went back to cooking. The girls didn’t even put their shoes on, they went down in their bare feet. Monike pushed the “down” elevator button. And it lit up with a green light. Once the elevator “dinged” the light went out and the door opened, allowing two sophisticated-looking people to step into the hallway. Seeing the two girls with no shoes and baggy clothing, the woman looked at the man and took out her purse, pressing a twenty into each of the girl’s hands and patting them on the head before walking away. The girls boarded the elevator and, once the door closed, they burst out laughing, stuffing the twenties in their pockets. “Maybe we should go everywhere like this! Then we’d make twenty dollars a day!” Monike joked. “Yeah. Kids in school like to dress all neat and fancy, but casual and baggy will do the trick if you want money!” Amy said. They both continued to laugh even when they stepped out of the elevator and up to the clerk. “Hey, Shell. Got the papers?” Amy asked. Shelley turned around in her chair and handed them a stack of papers. “I highlighted the important stuff, so you don’t have to go through it.” She said. “You are so smart, you’re fast! What are you doing at a job like this?” Monike asked. “Enjoying company like you!” She answered. “Ok, well we’ve gotta go! See you later!” Amy said and they jumped back on the elevator. Once at the top, they sped into Amy’s apartment and straight to her room, not even looking at her mom. They went through the facts and Monike typed up the good facts on the computer because she loved to type while Amy pasted pictures and the colored paper onto the poster boards, also drawing and coloring the titles. When Monike was done, she cut the information and handed them to Amy in two piles; one for Diabetes, Amy, and one for Emphysema, Monike. They pasted the facts onto the colored paper. Some crooked to add “creativity”. Each fact sheet had it’s own sheet of colored paper. They always did it that way, it was an easy “A” because it looked nice to the teachers. Once they were done, they realized that they didn’t have any other homework! They had done History in Social Studies, Social Studies in Math, and Math in study hall. “We should invite Jessica and Ashley over!” Amy said. “Sure! Tell them to come over in their indoor soccer things. We’ll go to the gym and play!” Monike suggested. And Amy dialed 1-800-867-5309 into the phone and put the receiver to her ear. She heard two rings before someone picked up. “Hello?” Answered a voice on the other line. It sounded like Jessica’s younger brother. “Hi. It’s Amy. Is Jessica there?” “Yeah, hold on.” He said and Amy could hear the boy shouting Jessica all over their house. Amy heard another receiver pick up on the other line. “Hi, Amy. It’s me, Jessi.” “‘Hi Amy. It’s me, Jessi.’ Mah, mah, mah-mah!” Jessica’s brother had apparently not set down the phone. “Get off, twerp face! I’m trying to talk to my friend!” Jessica yelled. “Yeesh.” Was all that Amy heard until she heard his receiver hang up. “Sorry about that.” Jessica said. “That’s ok. Anyway, I was wondering if you could come over.” “Sure.” “Bring your indoor soccer stuff. We’re going to the gym.” “Ok.” “Bye, Jessi.” “Bye-byes, Amy!” And Jess hung up, followed by Amy. Amy punched in 1-800-522-6582 and put the phone to her ear. It rang at least five times before someone picked up. “Hello?” “Hi, Ashley?” “This is her.” “Hi, it’s Amy.” “Hi, Amy.” “I was wondering if you could come over.” “I can’t. I’ve gotta take care of my brother. That freak, Kento and one of his girlfriends beat the s*** out of him. And can you believe that Imric helped?!” “Woah. What happened?” “Well, I don’t know for sure, but he said that he was just walking down the street when he passed Imric and gave him my invite. He said that then, all of a sudden, Imric punched him in the gut and that Kento and another girl came over and beat him half to death.” “Jeez. Well, you take care.” “Bye.” “Bye.” And they hung up. Amy told the story to Monike and they both agreed that, when Jessi got there, they would go give Kento and Imric a piece of their minds. They slipped on their shoes and joined Jessi on the elevator, explaining to her what happened and their new plan. Which definitely didn’t involve playing soccer.[/color][/I]
  6. [color=orange][I]Celestia, Asunan and Mereduin were leading the group, hovering a few feat above their heads, while Yeix, Rayne, and Gaitei were in a group behind them, Yeix and Rayne chatting while Gaitei looked at his feet, and then came Symoni, Veil and Kieko behind them. Kieko looked up at Celestia. “Can’t we go any faster?” She asked impatiently. “By the time we get there, the others may already be dead.” “No. I can barely sense Hawk as it is. If we go any faster, I might lose the signal.” Celestia replied. Kieko gave a sigh and looked straight ahead. “So, does anyone want to explain to me where Rein and Garren are?” Symoni asked Kieko and Veil. “You know how we appeared in this realm after… “it” happened?” Kieko didn’t want to dwell on the memory of their homes being destroyed along with all those lives. “Yeah.” “Well apparently when Garren and Rein crossed over, well, they didn’t wake up themselves. They woke up as re-incarnations of themselves. Rein is now Yeix,” Kieko said pointing to Yeix, “and Garren,” Kieko pointed to Gaitei, “is now Gaitei.” Symoni looked a little upset, hearing that her lover had turned into someone else. “Is there any way to bring them back to their old selves?” She asked anxiously. “Yes, there is a way, but we don’t know exactly how to do it. Izzy, Riv’s re-incarnation, turned back into Riv when he was given Lemaria by Yeix. I think that re-acquainting strong relationships from a past life, whether it’s to an animal, person, or inanimate object, brings that person back. But that’s just my guess. I’m probably wrong anyway.” Veil piped up. “No, that sounds pretty reasonable.” Kieko agreed. “Yeah. Maybe you’re right.” Symoni added, looking hopeful. Anyone could tell from the look on her face that she wanted it to be true so that she could bring Rein back. She would need him not only for her child, but for herself and her happiness. “Hey! I’ve found a stronger signal! Time to speed up!” Celestia said and she, Asunan and Mereduin sped off, Yeix, Gaitei, and Rayne picking up speed behind them. “Finally.” Kieko breathed. Then, turning to Symoni and Veil she spoke. “Time to go!” She said before darting off behind the others.[/color][/I]
  7. Kieko

    My Work

    [color=navy][i]Ok. For now I only have banners and avatars, but later I will get to a scanner and put up some drawings I made. Won't that be wonderful? ^_^ Ok, anyway. I hope you don't think that I'm selfish just because my name is on all the banners. I was just experimenting with the different fonts and how they look in different situations ^_^. Next I think I'll experiment with the different effects... but anyway, here they are! [b][u]Set 1[/u] Banner1: [img]http://server6.uploadit.org/files/ForgottenChild-kiekobanner1.jpg[/img] Avatar1: [img]http://server6.uploadit.org/files/ForgottenChild-kiekoavi1.jpg[/img] [u]Set 2[/u] Banner2: [img]http://server6.uploadit.org/files/ForgottenChild-kiekobanner2.jpg[/img] Avatar: [img]http://server6.uploadit.org/files/ForgottenChild-kiekoavi2.jpg[/img] [u]Set3[/u] Banner3: [img]http://server6.uploadit.org/files/ForgottenChild-kiekobanner3.jpg[/img] Avatar3: [img]http://server6.uploadit.org/files/ForgottenChild-kiekoavi3.jpg[/img] Avatar3 (alternative):[/b] [img]http://server6.uploadit.org/files/ForgottenChild-kiekoavi3A.jpg[/img] Comments and Critique are appreciated! Thanks! I'll try to get my drawings scanned soon! ~Kieko[/color][/i]
  8. [color=navy][i]animechick015, he did add shadows, he just didn't add shine to the swords ^_^. Anyway, I love the swords. I love their design and shape. I also love the colors and the effects. Like the shading effect you used to make it look 3-D and the glowing effect you made by tracing the perimeter of the blade in yellow. I admire your hard work and determination. This must have taken you a while. Great job ^_^. ~Kieko[/color][/i]
  9. [color=navy][i]Good banners! Especially with paint! Just as everyone else, I liked the WDIAM ("What does it all mean...?") banner and the Dark avatar. The WDIAM banner reminded me of a dream I have had on several occations, but I won't get into that right now. The Dark avatar was good because it had a completed look to it. It had a nice bold border and a calm, uncrowded picture. I also like how the font matched the banners and how the colors in the banners and avatars flowed. The only thing that I would recommed is that you remember to add borders to[/i] all [i]of your banners and avatars because I noticed that some of your work didn't have borders. Good job ^_~. ~Kieko[/color][/i]
  10. [color=navy][i]OCC: Can we stick to one language? Lol, just kidding ^_^. _______________________ Monike took a shot and it swished silently through the hoop.[/I] If only everything could be that silent… [I]Monike thought, retrieving her ball and trying not to get hit by anyone else’s. She went to the left elbow and took another shot. This time it banked and went in. She ran over and got her ball again before walking over to a group of girls that was forming at the top of the key. “Hey, Monike, I’m having a party on Saturday. You should come. There’ll be food and a pool and guys.” The girl in the center of the group said. Her name was Ashley and she had a twin brother, Adam. “What guys?” Monike asked. “Well, I’m inviting some girls from this school, and my brother’s inviting the guys, so I don’t know what guys are there, but I told him to invite Imric and Yukio. I don’t think he knows Yukio, though. Just to be sure, would you give him this invite?” Ashley said, handing Monike a small, neatly sealed, pure white envelope. Monike took it. “Sure. I see him in the halls after school, anyway. His locker is literally right around the corner from mine. I might want to warn you, though, he may not be too into going to a party where most everyone, if not everyone, is a year younger than him.” Monike pointed out. “So tell him to invite his friends, too! Then he won’t be the only older boy.” “Alright, girls. That’s enough. This is basketball, not a social. Come on, get back to your hoops.” Nancy said, breaking up the group and herding them back to their courts. Monike folded the envelope so that it was smaller than her palm and she stuffed it in her chest pocket on her shirt before returning to her court. Once at the right baseline corner, she shot the ball. The bell rang just then and the ball hit the rim and bounced back to Monike. She put it in the cart and went into the locker room to change and join the rest of the students in the race for the buses. At her hallway locker, after she got her backpack, she checked around the corner to see Yukio. She walked up to him. “Hi, Yukio?” “That’s me. Who wants to know?” “I do. I was hoping that you and your friends would come to Ashley’s pool party on Saturday.” She said handing him the envelope. He took it and gave a scoff. “Whatever.” He said, walking away. Monike felt like a total idiot and went to the bus and sat next to one of her friends, Amy. “Tough day?” She asked. “No, tough last thirty seconds.” Monike replied, sighing. “Well why don’t you come by my apartment and we can hang out? You can call your mom and tell her you’re there.” “That’d be great.” Monike said, giving a grin. “So you want to help me with my science project? It’s due Friday and I haven’t even started.” “Only if you’ll help me with mine.” “Oh yeah, we’re in the same class, aren’t we?” “Yeah…” Amy and Monike both laughed as the bus stopped and they got out, heading into the apartment building in front of them. “Hi Monike, Amy, how are you?” The clerk asked. “We’re good, Shell.” Monike answered. The clerk’s real name was Shelley, but Shell had been their nick-name for her since they were two. “Hey, if you’re not busy, could you look up all you can on Diabetes and Emphysema?” “Why?” “Well, we’ve got science projects due.” Amy said. “Heh, sure thing.” Shelley said. And she turned to her computer. “Thanks.” Monike said and Amy and her got on the elevator and pressed the number 22, causing it to light up. Once they got to the floor, the light went out and the door opened with a “ding”. Monike and Amy crossed the hall right to Amy’s apartment and entered. “Hi mom!” Amy yelled. “No need to yell, Amy, I’m right here.” She said from the stove. She turned and saw Monike. “Oh, hi Monike. Call your mom and tell her you can stay for dinner.” “Thanks, Mrs. Heggen.” She said, but Mrs. Heggen had already turned and was cooking what smelled like vegan stir fry. Monike picked up the phone and dialed 2403, her room number. Her mom picked up. “Hello?” “Hi mom, it’s Monike.” “Hi. Eating at Amy’s?” “Yeah.” “Don’t you work tonight?” “No, I get Wednesdays off.” “Oh, ok. Call me if you’re staying the night.” “Ok, bye.” “Bye.” And Monike heard a click at the other end of the line. She hung up as well. “My mom said that I could stay the night, too if you would let me.” She said, turning to Mrs. Heggen. “Fine with me.” Mrs. Heggen said. “I’ll get my stuff later.” Monike said. “We’ll be in my room!” Amy called, and they disappeared into her room.[/color][/I]
  11. [color=navy][I]Monike pretended to laugh as she walked down the halls towards the girls’ gym. One of the girls in her group had made yet another joke about Kento. This time it was about how the new kid, Imric, would be getting all the girls[/I] and [I]Kento. “But seriously, isn’t he so cute?” Another girl asked. “Who? Kento?” Monike asked, confused. The girl gave a repulsive look towards Monike. “Ew! No! How could you even think that Monike?” The girl said, and Monike was surrounded by a group of appalled looks. “You’re right. What was I thinking!” She said, and the girls looked satisfied and went back to talking. “Anyway, I think we all agree that Imric is by far the cutest boy in school.” The girl finished. Monike and the rest of the group nodded in agreement and some girls gave smiles or giggles as they entered the locker room. “I don’t know. That senior boy, Yukio Maro, he’s pretty cute, too.” One of the girls said, bringing a few ‘yeah ’s and other agreements from the group as they lined up and opened their lockers; their lockers were all in a row and all in the same section. Some were across from each other, but they were all near one another. “So what do you think we’re doing today?” One of Monike’s real friends asked. “Um, who cares?” Monike answered, followed by laughter, even from her friend, who knew that was true. After everyone was dressed, they left the locker room and entered the gym to meet their teacher, Nancy. She was one in a million; she was smart, funny, and probably the nicest teacher in this school. And, her actions are so much like the students (but more mature and good) if they gave her a make over, she could pass as one of them. She’s also the youngest teacher, being only 27 years old and therefore almost all the other guy teachers want to go out with her and are constantly trying to win her affection. But no one’s succeeded so far. “Hi girls! Today the boys are using the field, so we won’t be able to play soccer. In stead we’re going to stay in here and play basketball!” She said, trying to sound optimistic, even though she knew soccer was the class’s favorite sport, and therefore raised some groans and mumbling, even from the tom-boys. “Why do we have to play basketball? I hate basketball!” One girl in Monike’s group said as they went to get a ball. “I know! If those stupid boys weren’t there, we could play soccer! Nancy promised that we could play today!” Monike said. “I wish those boys would just disappear!” One girl said and everyone in the group stopped and stared at her, awestruck and gaping. “Or they should at least build another field?” She said, questionably and this satisfied the girls as they grabbed their basketballs and showed they agreed to that comment by saying “yeah” or nodding. Monike was the first to get her ball, but the last to get on the court. She was trying to prolong the inevitable and not play basketball. But she finally got out on the court and began joining the class and shooting at random at the basket the rest of her group was at. It was going to be a long gym class. ______________________ I did sign up for this RPG, just a little late, ok? Just letting you know so that you don’t think I’m some stupid person who decided to interrupt your RPG ^_^![/color][/I]
  12. [color=navy][i]I don't know if the sign ups are still open, but here it goes. Tell me if I'm too late and they're closed ^_^". ________________________ _Name: Monike Ferruzza _Gender: Female _Age: 17 _Appearance: (I'm drawing a picture, it'll be up when I get back from vacation on Sunday) _Personality: Monike is your average girl; she loves shopping, make up and boys. She's quite popular, but she doesn't mean to act so mean. Her "group" only hangs out with her because she acts like she's in control, but, if you catch her without her group, she's very friendly and fun to be around. After school she hangs out with her real friends and becomes a totally different person, but no one else would see that person unless they ran into her outside of school. _Bio: Monike has had a very normal, dull life. She has grown up a normal person, she's been raised normally, and she has a normal family of twelve people, ten kids and two adults. She is the oldest in her family, then it's her four brothers-John, 16, Mike,15, Luke, 14, and James, 13- then it's her five sisters- Julie, 12, Stephanie, 11, Chloe, 10, Rylie, 9, and Kimmie, 8. And, on top of that, her mom is eight months pregnant with her baby sisters and brother; they're tripletts. Even though they have so many children, everything works out. Chloe, Stephanie, Julie, James, Luke, Mike, John, and Monike work. John and Monike work at Wegmans (a supermarket near by) and Chloe, Stephanie, Julie, James, Luke, and Mike work around their neighborhood, cleaning out garages, mowing lawns, taking care of pets and plants while people are on vacation, the usual. Then, they give the money they make to their parents, who use it to buy food, clothes and pay bills (however, they have jobs of their own, so they make money, too.) Before Monike was 17, though, she had gone to school with Kento. From the moment she met him, she knew he was the one. They were friends for a while until they started high school. Monike instantly became popular and started acting mean because her "group" only liked her because they felt like she controlled the school and no one could hurt them. But, after school, Monike turns into a whole different person and hangs out with her real friends, however, Kento has never seen this person and thinks that Monike has changed for the worst, so they aren't friends anymore. Especially since people in her "group" make fun of him for being gay and pressure her to do the same, which she does. Now she is 17 and still trying to decide if she wants popularity or to be friends with the one person she loves but can never have. _Occupation: Cashier at Wegmans. She gets $10/hour _Skills: Monike is excellent in every subject in school and recieved one of the top rankings in her grade. She's not great in martial arts or anything like that, but she knows a little bit about defense and hand-to-hand combat. ________________ I hope this is ok ^_^"[/color][/i]
  13. [color=navy][i]Yeah, but sometimes you have to send it out to multiple publishers before it's published. And, maybe someone here in NY will publish it. I'll try ^_^. Could you send me the edited version of Realm of Reality? That would really help ^_^". Please and thank you! ~Kieko[/color][/i]
  14. [quote name='Box Hoy']Let me do the explaining of who the hooded figure is in my next post. *cough* Esdad.[/quote] [color=navy][i]Awwww! You just gave away the surprise! Ehem, anyway! [quote name='Box Hoy']Regarding the whole Legend of Riv thing. Skitto and I need to get that going again. Maybe edit a couple of posts and read back on it so we can return it to greatness.[/quote] I may be wrong, but I don't think you're aloud to bring back several month old threads. You could start it over again in the Adventure Inn and just take all the posts from the thread and make them part of the base story. Or you can just start it over again from the original base story, it's up to you ^_^. Over and out- (lol) ~Kieko[/color][/i]
  15. [color=navy][i]A white limo with lights in between the doors pulled up along side the two girls. It stopped so that the back seats were even with the girls and a window rolled down revealing two men; the first looked thirty-one, and the second looked fifty-two, give or take a year. "Well, hello there, ladies." The older one said. "May I just say that you are looking fine this evening." While he spoke he looked Melody up and down. BJ leaned on her hand which she had put on the top of the window. "We don't work for free, no matter how flattering you are." She said. "How much would it cost us?" The younger one spoke up, resting his arm on the window ledge. He was sitting across from the older man. "$2,000 for you, $4,000 for your friend." BJ replied. BJ couldn't see, but Melody was a bit shocked at the prices she suggested, until she added something else. "Free samples." "What do you mean?" The younger one said. BJ leaned in and kissed him on the lips. It lasted about three seconds or so, though. When she withdrew, the man smiled. "Done. Hop in, ladies." The men scooted over and BJ and Melody got in the car and it drove off. BJ sat next to the younger man and Melody sat next to the older man. The younger man looked fit and had blonde hair and blue eyes and a beautiful white smile. The older man also had a beautifully white smile and also looked incredibly fit. However, he had brown hair and was balding slightly in the front; hardly noticable, though. His green eyes were entrancing. The car stopped and the driver opened the door on the girls' side, leaving the men to get out on their own. "Well, here we are ladies." The younger man said, coming up behind the girls with the other man. The house was wonderful on the outside. It was taller than the other buildings around it and looked like a tall, white, apartment building. The inside was white and filled with crystal and glass. "Why all the white?" Melody asked. "White shows sophistication. You saw the white limo instead of the black one? Black limos show a need to impress people." The older man said. "So, what are your names?" BJ asked. "I'm BJ and this is Melody." "I'm John and this is my son, Ian." The older man said. "Is there more to that name, BJ?" Ian asked. "Yes. My name is Bethany." "Is there a last name?" "Jerret." "What about you? Do you have a last name?" He said, turning to Melody. "I don't give my last name to strangers." "Yes, after tonight I don't think we'll be strangers, though. Let's hope." "So which one of us do you want?" BJ asked Ian. "Hm. You're both so pretty. However, I'm afraid I must go with Melody." He said, holding out his elbow, hoping she'd link it with hers. She did. "Shall we?" "Yes." She said, as he led her upstairs, she gave a teasing glance at BJ; she was left with the old man. "Shall[/i] we[i]?" He said, doing the same. BJ pretended to be happy, and she really didn't mind. She had a trick she could use. They got up the stairs just in time to see the other couple disappear into a different room. They, however, went in the opposite direction and entered a room of their own. It was magnificent. BJ had never seen anything like it. Everything was white and, on the nightstand next to the bed (which had a lace canopy) there was a wine bottle and two glasses. John walked over to it. “Wine?” He asked “No, thanks. I’m not that thirsty.” BJ said, walking over and kissing John on the lips. She broke the kiss. “Do you mind if we turn off the lights?” She said, laying down on the bed. “Not at all.” He said, and, clapping twice, he turned off the lights.[/color] [spoiler]BJ felt the bed shake slightly as the man got into it. He laid down next to her and began to kiss her, pushing his tongue into her mouth. He unbuttoned her blouse and pulled it off, some how still holding the kiss. He took her green shirt off, as well and then she took off her bra as he removed his shirt. He ran his hand along her body, down to her pants and pulled them off along with her panties. She pulled his off, too and immediately pushed into him. He began rubbing her up and down, but finally stopped and messaged her breasts. She reached down and rubbed his crotch before they shifted and he was on top of her. He pumped into her again and again, her hips bouncing in rhythm. She felt him climax and he rolled off of her, exhausted. But she wasn’t done. She felt her way down his body and started sucking his crotch, feeling his legs up and down. He got up and put her on the bed so that her legs were hanging over the edge and started licking her crotch. She moaned to excite him, grabbed him and pulled him on top of her. He began to pump into her harder than before and, when he rolled off this time, both just laid there until the man spoke. “What would you say if I told you I’d chip in another ten thousand dollars if you were to play with Melody?”[/spoiler] ___________________ [color=navy]OCC: Hope this is ok ^_^”[/I][/color]
  16. [color=navy][i]Being a member of the Realms Saga thing, I was thinking that the Dark may be good as a prologue, seeing as how it's so short and it explains about Toshi, Celestia, Asunan, and Veil and yeah. I also think that the Ledgend of Riv should be a prologue as well. I think that there should be one section in the "Realm of Reality" book that's for The Dark, one for Ledgend of Riv, and one for the actual Realm of Reality story because I've edited the Realm of Reality and it only adds up to seventy or eighty pages; hardly a chapter book. Adding those threads will make it longer. ~Kieko[/color][/i]
  17. [color=navy][I]While Ios was watching his brother’s battle, Gaitei, Veil, Yeix, and Kieko attacked, the others staying behind for back up. Ios turned just in time to dodge Kieko and Veil’s attacks, but Yeix’s attack made a gash in his arm. Ios continued to dodge the attacks given by Gaitei, Kieko, Yeix, and Veil, smiling. “Now this doesn’t seem fair. Seven vs. One?” He gave a fake sigh. “No matter. I’ll still be the one to kill you all.” “Actually it’s more four vs. one, seeing as we’re the only ones attacking you at a time.” Veil said, attacking and dodging a counter attack. Ios had taken the offensive. “All the more reason that I will defeat you.” He said. Kieko noticed that his arm had healed. Gaitei, Yeix and Veil noticed it when the four jumped over his arm to avoid being punched. Ios turned to face them. And, when he did, Celestia, Asunan and Symoni fired their attacks at his back. Celestia fired orbs of energy, Asunan fired three arrows at once, and Symoni fired a small beam she called “threads of fire”. Ios heard this and turned around just in time to see all three attacks hit him square in the chest and abdomen, creating a large explosion of the rocks beneath him, raising a cloud of dust to hide the results of the attack. The seven remained at the ready, waiting for the dust to clear. _________________________ OCC: Sorry it’s so short! I have to go to baby sit some kids![/color][/I]
  18. [color=navy][i]Here's my wisdom ^_^: [b]What makes an RP last?[/b] That's an easy one: Intrest. People have to be interested in the RPG. If it gets too boring or the posts reach a point where the people can't relate their character to it or there are too many posts about a single character, people will stop posting. You must include at least a few people other than yourself in your posts and it often helps to add a twist to the story in your post. It helps even more when it's about a different character. [b]What makes people want to join an RP?[/b] Well, for me, there are several factors that help my reasoning: ~Mood (if I feel like I'm caught up in my dreams, I will join a fantasy-like RPG and if I feel more down to earth I will join a realistic RPG, somthing that I can relate to in everyday life.) ~RPGs (the number of RPGs I'm in at the time will effect whether or not I think it's wise to join a new one. If I'm already in almost more than I can handle, I won't join any other ones.) ~Storyline (I like a story line that I can relate to in everyday life. Maybe not directly, but emotionally. Like, if someone in a fantasy RPG had suffered a loss, I would be able to relate even if I couldn't relate to the battle they lost their loved one in.) I don't know if that's what everyone takes into account when they join an RPG, but that's what I do. [b]What makes for inovative and entertaining involvment?[/b] There are two basic things I would take into account: 1) Have an everchanging story. Add new twists now and then. Like I said before, it helps if the twists are about characters other than yourself because then they feel like they are a part of the story if someone else is giving them the spotlight and will post and may get others interested in the story as well because they will have a different posting tecnique and that may be enough to draw other's attention. 2)Have a wide range of characters. Like the others said, you don't want to have too many people who are withdrawn, serious, depressed, blah, blah, blah. While I do admit that I have made characters like that and that most of the time it makes a good character, it also helps to have some happy people in an RPG. Also, people in an RPG, you can change your character's personality through the story. I did. My characters use to be withdrawn and such, but I changed them into good people with friendly personalities. (Except in certain situations, then anyone could be angry or such.) Hope that helped! ~Kieko[/color][/i]
  19. [color=navy][i]I really like that one! It's better than the first, I think! I'm still going to wait for other people to send requests before I make a desicion, but thanks ^_^. ~Kieko[/color][/i]
  20. [i][color=navy]It's good, Arunue! I don't mean to be picky, but I can't see the person's face. That's the only thing, though! Good job! I'm going to see if anyone else replies, though ^_^. So, yeah, who else is going to try? I'm still open for any new banners! ~Kieko[/color][/i]
  21. [color=navy][i]Yes, as it stands, I am asking others for a banner. I could make one myself, but I want to see what other people can make. There are, however guidelines, so you don't have to just guess at what I would like. [b]Color[/b] Background color: It doesn't really matter, but a blurred image of a live city would be good. But, like I said, be creative ^_^. You can do something different if you want. Basic coloring:I would like the banner's colors to be what you could call "cold" colors. You know, like blues, purples, grays, etc. But you don't have to use those colors, use whatever "cold" colors you think are best. [b]Theme[/b] Who/What I Want On It: I would like any person on it. They can be real or anime or manga. Just make sure they look sad. Emotion/Feeling: I would likethe banner to have a kind of hopelessness sadness feel to it. What I Want It To Say: Either "Caught in oblivion" or "Trapped in reality" Thanks to whoever makes this for me! I look forward to seeing the results! ~Kieko[/color][/i]
  22. [i][color=navy]Wow. This request it popular ^_~. Well, here's my try! Banner: [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20386[/img] Avatar: [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20387[/img] Enjoy! ~Kieko[/color][/i]
  23. [color=navy][I]BJ and Melody exchanged glances as if they were talking telepathically to one another. Finally BJ sighed and looked at Valentine. She stood up and put her hands on his desk, leaning over it. “Fine. We’ll help. What’ve we got to lose?” “Very wise decision.” “There’s just one thing I have to do first.” BJ said as she moved her hand onto the top of a wine bottle. Once she had a firm grip on it, she spun around, swinging it over Melody’s head as she went. Sasuke ducked, but Ryu didn’t react in time and the bottle shattered on his skull. He fell limply to the floor as BJ threw the remaining piece of the wine bottle on him. The pool of red wine surrounding Ryu surprisingly resembled blood, even though it wasn’t. “Ok. I feel better now.” “Good, `cuz you won’t in a second.” Sasuke said as BJ turned to face him. And he punched her. His fist collided with her temple and she blacked out. “Bitch.” ****************** When she came to, Melody was standing over her. “Can you not get beaten up by those guys for one day in your life? Or is it just a natural impulse to make so mad, they want to kill you?” Melody sounded a bit angry. Probably because she was tired of taking care of BJ when she gets knocked down. “No, not kill me. If they wanted to kill me they would’ve done so.” BJ said getting up. She walked over to a mirror and looked into it. There was a light red mark on her temple. Nothing a little make-up couldn’t fix. Then she looked around. “Is this your place?” “Yep! Home sweet home! I put your stuff in my secret safe, so don’t worry about it.” Melody said, flopping down on her favorite chair. BJ opened the front door. “Where are you going?” “I’m going to work. I need some money.” BJ said winking at her on the word “work”. “You wanna come? I’ll show you where the rich people are.” “Sure.” With that, Melody and BJ left the apartment and headed out onto the streets.[/color][/I]
  24. [color=navy][I]OOC: We’ll miss you, Imi! ____________________________________ “I think that we should stay here and rest, it’s getting dark anyway. I will make a fire.” Niji said and Dark arranged some rocks in a circle around where the fire would be. Breaking off some branches on trees and collecting them in a pile, Niji collected the firewood. Once Niji had enough wood, she started carrying it back to Dark to put in the circle of rocks. Niji was about five feet away from Dark when she dropped the wood, causing some of it to break into splinters. Dark shielded his eyes with his arm so no splinters would penetrate them. After it had cleared, he turned and looked up at Niji. Her face showed a mix of sorrow and anger. A single tear rolled down her cheek and her eyebrows were cringed up in an angry expression. “Niji? What’s wrong?” “I… I can’t sense Imric’s life force anymore. It’s… gone.” She managed to choke out. She had never experienced grief before and she didn’t know how to deal with it. More tears came and she collapsed to her knees, staring at the broken wood. She had never felt so strongly about anyone before; sadness was new to her even if death wasn’t. Then a thought came to mind.[/I] This must be how people feel when their loved ones die. And I’ve been causing their loved ones to die. This must be how they feel when I kill their family and friends. [I]She remembered the mother and the little boy that Niji had killed during her and Maestro’s last “lesson” and started to arrange the wood in the center of the rock circle. When she was done, she set the top piece of wood on fire so that the other pieces wouldn’t burn as quickly than if the fire started on the bottom. Fire always burns upward. Niji looked up at Dark who was also staring into the fire. He looked as if he was on the verge of tears as well. When he finally noticed Niji looking at him, a tear was already rolling down his cheek and he brought his arm up to wipe it away and hide his face from Niji, starting to stand up. “You… you know what? I’m just gonna go take a little walk.” He said, turning and walking away, leaving Niji to dry her eyes and face the fact that she had brought this kind of grief to almost everyone she had met in her life. And the fact that the person she cared about most in the world was now gone.[/color][/I]
  25. [I][color=navy]As BJ and Melody pulled into the club’s parking lot, they spotted the car. They also saw Sasuke and Ryu un-arming themselves and disappearing into the club’s front door. BJ pulled up beside the “Valet Parking” post, got out, gave the keys to a kid probably no older than sixteen and watched him speed off towards a free parking space before heading to the VIP parking space where she saw the car. “Um, BJ?” Melody questioned. “Yeah?” “The club is this way.” “And the car is this way.” “Aren’t we going to see the man? Or Sasuke?” “Well, I was going to take the car back.” BJ thought for a moment. “But a car like that has to have some kind of super security, so I guess we could go inside first.” And she door with Melody at her heals. “I can’t let you go in.” A large man was standing in front of the door. “Of course.” BJ said, taking out her daggers and handguns and giving them to the man. He bowed and let them pass. The club was alive and kicking. There were girls dancing in guilded cages (literally), the bar was almost as full as the dance floor and everywhere there was a table there was a group of drunken idiots laughing their head off at a stupid joke or action someone at their table had said or done. There were no real lights in the club, everything was tinted with a blue lighting and, time-to-time, the blue lights would shut off and bright white lights would blink on and off rapidly, creating the illusion that every other moment in time was skipped. Music was blaring from speakers surrounding the dance floor. BJ was surprised the glasses at the bar didn’t shatter from the vibrations. “Hey there, beautiful. Whatcha say I buy you a drink?” A drunken man said to BJ with a Texan accent. One of his friends came over. “What about you, love? Anything for you?” He said to Melody. He had an English accent. They both looked like they had had about six or seven of the shot cups they held in their hands. BJ was surprised they were still conscious, let alone able to speak. The girls pushed them away and made their way to the back of the club. The manager’s office was always there. And, sure enough, they found it and walked in, seeing Sasuke and Ryu already talking with Valentine.[/color][/I]
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