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Everything posted by Kieko
RPG Depressional Act [Mature Content. Drugs, violence, language, and sex]
Kieko replied to ArunueShekamari's topic in Theater
[color=navy][i]“God dammit!” BJ shouted. “Do you have any idea how good that car was? Bullet proof, sound proof, and tinted, one-way windows! I could do a shit-load of hold ups with that thing! And now they’ve got it! Fuck!” BJ ran her hand through her hair, staring at the van and remembering the car. The van looked like a piece of trash compared to the car. She shook her head and looked over at Melody who was backing off slightly, a little shaken up. BJ was intimidating when she yelled, even to a guy. BJ exhaled a long breath. “Ok, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t swear that much or yell or whatever. But this isn’t about joining Sasuke anymore. It’s about getting that car back. I don’t care if he gets killed or if we have to blow up the car, I want that car. If I can’t have it, no one can.” She stopped and thought about what she had said. “Now I’m starting to sound like that rich, bratty girl on[/I] Charlie and the Chocolate Factory[I]. Before we do anything else, lets get you dressed.” "Those bastards, leaving us in the rain, with a crappy van." exclaimed Melody. " It could be worse babe, we could be dead." Responded an exasperated BJ. “C'mon were going to Jacks." "Yeah we gotta get some 'good' clothes first." Responded Melody BJ picked up the business card and pocketed it and then turned the keys left in the ignition of the van and drove back to Jack’s house, got their stuff, and, with the direction of Melody, went off towards where Sasuke and Ryu were headed. BJ took out her wallet and counted the money she had gotten from Mr. Drudo. Melody looked wide-eyed. “Someone paid you that much to sleep with them!? I don’t get that much in a week! Was it only one night?” She asked. “Yeah, only one night. Actually it was more like ten, fifteen minutes.” “I wish I had your life. Was he rich?” “Would I be holding this much money if he wasn’t?” BJ said smiling at Melody. “How much is it?” “Do you really want to know?” “Yes!” “Are you sure?” “Yes, yes! Come on, I’m dying here!” “Ok, before I tell you, I just want you to know I'm going to share it with you. "Ok, ok! Tell me already! "$3,000.” At this, Melody was dumbstruck. “H-how much?” “$3,000. $3,000! And then there’s the credit cards I too- he gave me.” BJ caught herself before she completed the word “took” and finished differently, leaving Melody gaping. BJ was also very excited about this. She also pulled a small box out of her pocket. It was a gold box with a very elaborate design on it and looked worth about $300 as it was. She opened it to reveal two diamond earings, probably a $2.5 million set. Melody and BJ were in awe as BJ locked the items away. _________________________________ OOC: I’m not going to tell you where I locked them or where the key is because you can’t take them! And anyway, your characters don't know about the items. I don't want to loose anything else! You guys already have the car and I want something, too! T_T.[/color][/I] -
RPG Depressional Act [Mature Content. Drugs, violence, language, and sex]
Kieko replied to ArunueShekamari's topic in Theater
[color=navy][I]Valentine was still pointing the gun at the three on the bed, but he was looking at Sasuke who was apparently threatening to shoot him if he didn’t put the gun down. Seeing as how Valentine was occupied, BJ quietly got into a kneeling position on the bed and started to climb off of it. But, the moment she put one leg over the edge, she was caught. “Don’t even think about it.” Valentine said, moving the laser to BJ. “Now just climb back into bed and I’ll have this sorted out in a moment.” He said and he turned back to Sasuke as BJ lay back down next to Jack. This time BJ didn’t move slowly or quietly, she rolled. She rolled off the bed onto her clothes and took both of her handguns and pointed them at Valentine. She looked so confident for someone standing in front of three people naked, yet she kind of had to look confident or Valentine wouldn’t believe she’d shoot him if she had to. Valentine reached up and pointed Sasuke’s gun towards the floor. “You would never shoot me.” He said and he turned to BJ, just raised so the laser was pointed at her head. “But will you?” He asked, not really expecting an answer, just thinking out loud through the process of deciding to trust her or not. He moved closer to BJ. Soon he was right in front of her and moving some of her hair out of her eyes. “No. I don’t think you will.” He said. “Think again.” She cocked the guns after saying this. Valentine’s expression wavered a moment, but he tried a new tactic. “Come on, love, you don’t want to shoot me do you?” He said, rubbing her cheeks. “We could have so much fun together.” He moved his hand down her neck, but she shot him in the shoulder before he could go any further and he dropped his gun. She regretted it, though, because he was rather charming. He straightened up after the blow and then swiftly punched BJ in the stomach right where Ryu had punched her before. BJ doubled over, still clutching the guns, but Sasuke raised his again. “Leave. Now.” He said to Valentine. Valentine nodded his head, but pulled BJ off the ground and, knocking one hand gun away and taking the other and pointing it at her head, started backing towards the door, still calm. “Fine. But I’m taking the girl, if you don’t mind.” He noticed Melody. “Don’t worry, I may come back for you, too.” He said, and he dragged BJ out of the house, shoved her in the car and drove off, leaving BJ’s clothes, the rest of her weapons, and her boots at the house. Also leaving the four people in the room, staring at each other. ____________________________ OOC: I hope this is ok .:sweat:[/color][/i] -
[color=navy][i]OOC: I lost miserably T_T 6-10. Aw! I’m so happy I’m a special person ^_^! _______________________________________ Kieko was a little bit cheered up by Celestia and Asunan’s offer, but they weren’t the ones who she wanted to be close friends with. She really just wanted to become close friends with Arunue again. And, really what she meant by she hasn’t met anyone yet it that she wants to meet someone special, like Toshi met Veil or Arunue met Garren. But she decided that she shouldn’t turn them away just because she was picky. She looked up. “Sure.” She said. What did she have to loose? “Good! Just say something when you need something!” Celestia said and she and Asunan moved back to where they had been sitting before they were interrupted by Kieko’s thoughts. Kieko too got up, but she was walking out of the cave. “Where are you going?” Celestia asked. “Just out for a walk.” Kieko replied, and she stepped out into the cool night air.[/I] So now I can’t think without someone reading my thoughts? That could get annoying… [I]Kieko sighed at the thought.[/I] Oh, well. At least the moon is full. [I]Kieko liked full moons. They gave off silvery light and made everything seem like a dream so if anything bad happened, you could say it was a dream and not real. She walked for a while in the silvery light, thinking about her friends and Hawk. Basically she was thinking about an assortment of things. Everyone always said life was like a box of chocolates, there’s an assortment of things so you never know what you’re going to get.[/I] I don’t agree with that. Every piece of candy in a box of chocolates is sweet. Well, not ever piece of life is sweet, so I see no relation to one another. And, for every action, you should expect a reaction and you should be able to predict what that reaction will be. So it’s really not a guessing game more than a game of choice. And sometimes we make the wrong ones… [I]Kieko thought, remembering all the choices she and the group could’ve made differently and how they would have effected the situation they were in now. But usually it’s not until after an incident that you look back and make the better choice. She continued walking before she spotted something lying by a rock. She ran over. It appeared to be a person. They didn’t look hurt, but Kieko assumed it was because their injuries were in the brain, probably from when they were transported to this realm. Kieko looked at their face and her eyes widened in shock. “Symoni?” _____________________________ OOC: I hope this is ok. I know Noëlle isn’t coming back, but since you guys carried my character through the last thread, I thought that maybe we could do the same for her. Tell me if there’s a problem ^_^.[/color][/i]
RPG Depressional Act [Mature Content. Drugs, violence, language, and sex]
Kieko replied to ArunueShekamari's topic in Theater
[I][color=navy]BJ looked out the window of the van. That man, Ryu, was a hard puncher. BJ swore that if he had aimed a little bit up and to the left he would have hit and broken a few ribs. Her stomach didn’t hurt as much, now, but it felt as if it was untangling from something. It was a strange feeling and it didn’t help the tingling on her side where Ryu had hit her, either. A flash of lightning lit up the sky and a long, deep roll of thunder followed, seeming like it was telling the rain to start falling. And it did. One rain drop hit the window, then another, and two others following each other consecutively. It went in this pattern for a few seconds, speeding up each time, before it was in a total down pour and the windshield wipers were working franticly to clear the sheets of water from the drivers view. “Whew! Good thing we found Jack, huh?” Melody said from the front of the car in the passenger’s seat. She didn’t turn around and look at BJ. Instead she looked at Jack and rubbed his shoulder with one of her hands. “Otherwise we’d be stuck in this dreadful rain and I’d get all wet!” Melody said, leaning her head on Jack’s shoulder and smiling at him. It was obvious to BJ that Melody was trying to flatter him and act like a poor helpless girl that he could save. BJ normally pretends to be friendly to people she doesn’t know, anyway, so she played along. “Yeah. I would hate to get my hair wet! It gets all frizzy in the rain.” BJ added, acting stupid, just like Melody. She sat back in her seat and looked in the rear view mirror to see if this guy was easy or “good”. It was normal, so he was “good” and obviously not naughty. But something caught BJ’s attention. A red car behind them had been following them. Just when Jack reached up to adjust the mirror, BJ stopped him. “Wait!” Jack stopped, but BJ decided not to tell him. “Never mind.” She said and Jack adjusted the mirror so that he had a better “view” of things. More specifically things in the front passenger seat next to him.[/color][/I] -
[I][color=navy]Kieko pretended to enjoy her food. She picked little pieces off and ate them. It wasn’t that it was bad food, it’s just that she wasn’t feeling that hungry. In fact, she was fighting back the first tears she’d had since her last piece family died.[/I] I’m useless. Everyone else has improved in these years except me. I’ve stayed the same. I’m the same strength, the same skill level, the same feelings and thoughts. Everyone else has improved. Toshi and Garren, or Gaitei, became more powerful than I ever dreamt they would be, Riv, or Izzy, rather, and Rayne may not have improved much on their power, but they found somewhere they could belong. Arunue not only became a happier person, she found Hiroshi. What did I find or improve upon? I improved on nothing and I found nothing. Everyone else in the group has their best buddies that they always hand around. Toshi has Rayne and now Riv since Symoni’s gone, Arunue has her brother and Gaitei, Celestia has Ansunan, there’s no one left. I’m left alone. I suppose I should like it, though. I’ve always favored solitude. [I]Kieko thought, she made up the last thought to try to cheer herself up, but she knew it wasn’t true so it didn’t help. She was trying desprately to keep back her tears.[/I] Maybe they don’t need me anymore. Now that they’ve got Celestia and Asunan, maybe they have enough people and they don’t need me. [I]“Uh, Kieko? You ok?” Arunue asked. “Huh? Oh, yeah. I’m fine.” Kieko said, realizing she had picked her food clean to the bone and it’s pieces were lying scattered on the floor. She began to pick them up and put throw them in the fire. “Oh, come on. A little soil won’t hurt them.” “I’m not that hungry anyway.” Kieko said as she threw the last piece in the fire. She got up and began to walk further into the cave. “Where you going?” “Here.” Kieko said as she sat down at the farthest corner of the cave. She could be barely made out by the light of the fire and she knew this, so she started crying quietly. No one would hear or see her anyway.[/I] Maybe I should sit here the rest of my days and die looking at the daylight outside the entrance. [I]Kieko thought and then she fingered her daggers.[/I] Or maybe I should end it now… No. when the time comes, I will decide what to do. Eventually I will leave them, whether it’s alive or not, but for now I will see just how much I’m really needed… __________________________ [i]OOC: Time to go beat a Danish boy in air hockey![/color][/I]
RPG Depressional Act [Mature Content. Drugs, violence, language, and sex]
Kieko replied to ArunueShekamari's topic in Theater
[I][color=navy]Sasuke and Ryu gave a soft grunt when they landed on the ground. They had climbed down the fire escape into the ally below. The two looked up when they heard a voice yelling from what use to be their window. “They must have gone down the fire escape, men! Quick! Follow them!” The man said. He couldn’t see into the darkness of the ally, but he knew they were there because there were armed police guards in front of the building and ally waiting behind their cars and there had been no attack yet and there was a brick wall (it was the wall of the apartment building) about thirty yards into the ally, cornering them. Sasuke and Ryu knew this and Ryu cursed under his breath, but it was short because someone cupped their hands over Sasuke and Ryu’s mouths and pulled them back and up against the wall, the person’s hands still on their mouths. They squinted through the darkness and saw that it was the girl. She looked younger than them, but not by much. “I am looking for Sasuke. I do not wish to harm him or turn him in. Is one of you Sasuke?” She asked. Sasuke’s answer was muffled by her hand. “Just nod or shake your head!” She said and Sasuke nodded. “Ok, then I will make a deal with you. You let me join you, and I’ll get you out of this mess alive and free.” They nodded and the girl let go of their mouths. “Ok. Here’s the plan…” ******************** Three people emerged from the ally. They looked like beggars and were running franticly. The police stopped them. There were two men and one female. One of the men had an old hat on so the officer couldn’t see his face and the lady was holding the other man’s arm. This man had glasses on. “Who are you? Take off your glasses!” The policeman instructed. “Please! Let us go! We just barely escaped death! My father is blind, he could not be a criminal! Not like the ones who threatened to shoot him in the ally!” The girl pleaded. “Hm, yes, very well. You can go, we have this situation under control, don’t worry.” The policeman said and the three ran off. Once they were a safe distance away, the three stopped to catch their breath. “I almost burst out laughing.” Ryu said. “That was good. Did you see the look on the officer’s face when he was told I was blind? It was classic!” Sasuke said. “It was something.” The girl said. “So, uh, who are you again?” Sasuke asked. She had never given them her name. “BJ.” The girl said. She wasn’t going to give them her full name. She didn’t fully trust them with that information at the moment. “So, what do you do for a living?” Ryu asked. “Lets just say it’s interesting enough and that it keeps the money coming.” BJ said straightening up. “Now what do you suppose we do?” ____________________________ OOC: Hope this is ok ^_^.[/color][/I] -
RPG Depressional Act [Mature Content. Drugs, violence, language, and sex]
Kieko replied to ArunueShekamari's topic in Theater
[I][color=navy][spoiler]BJ kissed the man intently and he kissed back. They were standing in front of his bed. He reached down and started unbuttoning her blouse. When he reached the bottom it softly fell around BJ’s feet revealing her green shirt underneath. He was a little disappointed, but reached under this layer and pulled it off revealing BJ’s lace-lined bra. The man slipped his tongue into BJ’s mouth and unbuttoned her pants and let them fall to the floor. He removed his own, including his boxers and she did the same to her underwear, showing a second underwear underneath. The man tried to pull that pair off. BJ grabbed his hand. “It’s edible.” She whispered, pulling away and then resuming the kiss. The man laid her down on the bed and pulled away from the kiss, beginning to eat the underwear. BJ gave a moan to excite the man and pretty soon he had eaten through the underwear and climbed on top of her. Just then, a BJ heard a door open. She turned over so that she was on top of the man and then got off the bed, grabbed one of her daggers and slit his throat. She didn’t have so much as her pants on before she was looking into the eyes of two surprised men in the doorway.[/spoiler] ______________________ OOC: Sorry for the shortness, I didn’t know what to type for their reactions.[/color][/I] -
[color=navy][Kimii! Over here!] [I]Shade spoke alone. Kimii felt her foot squish into an unstable substance and noticed it was a man’s stomach. She heard a thud as the man she kicked fell to the ground.[/i] [Thank you. He was standing on my hand.] [I]Shade spoke on his own. This time both Shade and Lumina spoke.[/I] [We are going to help with the dragon.] [I]This was one of the only times they didn't talk in unison, but they were gone before Kimii had time to ask why. Kimii didn’t delay on this thought for long. She put her weapons away and dragged the stranger out of the darkness. “Jaht!” She called. Jaht looked over. “Tie him up good and leave him! We’ll deal with him after the battle!” He replied and Kimii did as she was told. She disarmed the man and used spare rope she kept with her to bind his hands behind his back and his feet together. Once this was done she whacked him over the head once more to make sure he was unconscious for a while before leaving Vaxla to watch him and regaining her stance next to the others and re-drawing her weapons just as the door to the dining hall opened and Droston and Opralo’s troops entered. _______________________________________ OOC: Sorry for the shortness! This is NOT going to be the norm for me, I promise![/color][/I]
[I][color=navy]Everyone quietly ate their food, except Kimii, as Luna sat down and helped herself to some steak. It was deathly quiet in the room after that. Kimii felt around for her fork and, when she found it, she took a stab at where the smell of steak was coming from in order to get a piece. She found her knife and began to cut her steak carefully. “So… um… is this everyone?” Kimii asked to no one in particular, as she was just looking for an answer, she didn’t care who it came from. “As far as I know. Jaht?” Vaxla said. “Yes.” He choked out after swallowing a mouthful of food. “Mm-hm…” Kimii said and resumed cutting her steak, eating the last piece she cut. It was extremely small. She ate the next piece. It was extremely large and she had trouble swallowing. “Um… Kimii?” Rayna asked, noticing Kimii was having a hard time cutting the right sized bites. “You ok?” “What-Oh, yeah.” Kimii said, eating another large piece. “You sure?” “Yeah. I just have a little trouble seeing, that’s all.” Kimii said. It wasn’t a lie entirely; she just minimized her disability. The fact was she couldn’t see at all, but she didn’t want to tell the others that for now, although they may have guessed already. “But I’ve got it under control.” Rayna shrugged and went back to eating. Kimii eventually found a method to make sure that the pieces she cut were the right size and continued eating quietly with everyone else. She couldn’t think of something to talk about and decided that if the others wanted to talk that they would start a conversation themselves. ___________________________________ OOC: I re-edited my sign-up ^_^.[/color][/I]
[I][color=navy]Niji slowly regained consciousness. She tried to sort out her brain. Random things kept passing through her mind. [u][b]*Flashbacks*[/b][/u] [b]*Flashback-12 years ago*[/b] “But mom, I don’t want to go! I want to stay with you!” A seven year old Niji said, pleading with her mother not to make her go to Vain. “Oh, Niji. It’s for the best. You’ll go over there and you’ll train and you’ll work hard with Mr. Frypo and you’ll be famous and you’ll live a much better life than the one I gave you.” Niji’s mom re-assured her. “But what if I can’t find you again?” “Nonsense, Niji. We’ll be right here, waiting for you to get back.” Niji’s father said. It wasn’t exactly a lie, they were going to wait for her return, but they knew she would never find them again. Niji’s mother looked hesitant to lie to Niji. “That-that’s right! You see? Everything will be fine!” This time Mrs. Ju sounded like she was trying to re-assure herself. “Now go. The ship’s leaving.” She said and Niji turned and left, giving a final glance from just inside of the ship’s door. She could see her mother clinging to her father, a single tear dropped down her dirty cheek, leaving a clean streak behind, her mother’s deep blue eyes were shimmering and her hair was blowing in the wind. Mr. Ju held a serious look, but smiled encouragingly at his daughter just as they slammed the door shut. [b]*Flashback-17 years ago*[/b] “Oh, Niji! No!” Her mother cried as Niji shot another fireball at another cockroach. She was getting better at her aim because now she hit almost every cockroach she shot a fireball at. But that didn’t stop the fire from burning the rest of the house, too. The last one had scorched a hole in the wall. Mrs. Ju hurried over to the two year old and picked her up and set her on the table. She turned her hands over and smacked them as hard as she could. “No! Bad, Niji! Bad! You don’t use your powers in the apartment!” Niji’s palms grew red and the little girl began to cry. Her mother wanted to comfort her, but knew she had to teach her a lesson, so she just put her on the ground again and walked away. [b]*Flashback-7 years ago*[/b] “Concentrate, Niji! Concentrate! Think of nothing but hatred and channel that into energy! Good. Now try again.” Maersto told Niji. She was learning how to shoot beams of fire and failed to totally demolish the building she had tried it on before, so she moved on to the next. She could see people scrambling out of the door and she could hear the screaming of the other citizens as they tried to escape the blazing city. Niji could hear a mother comforting her baby not far off. It reminded the twelve-year-old of her own mother and how she sent her away, knowing she could never return. She grew angry and sent the biggest fire blast she’d sent that day. It leveled everything in it’s path and left Maersto awestruck and Niji firing more and more blasts at different areas of the city. [b]*Flashback-About a day ago*[/b] "Listen, hon., I don't know what you are trying to achieve...but I ain't interested in you...sorry." Imric said and he carried on walking and smirking to himself. Niji was fuming[/I] I cant believe this guy...how could one person be so annoying?! I can't stand him! [I]she glared at Imric and he just saluted her, "Can't take your pretty eyes off me, can you?" he smirked and then winked at her. She growled low in her throat, "If you aren’t careful I'm going to have to kill you, whether you are on my side or not." she threatened. Imric laughed, "I'd love to see you try." After a few minutes silence Imric stood up. Niji had her back to him and was clearly doing her very best to will him from existence. He walked behind her and in a flash he had pulled her up off her feet. She stared at him, "What the hell are you doing?" she asked but Imric placed a finger on her lips. Her eyes widened, [/I]What does he think he’s doing?! [I]she screamed inside her head. Before she knew what was happening Imric had leant down and kissed her. [u][b]*End Flashbacks*[/b][/u] After sorting out her mind, Niji finally opened her eyes. She was staring face down into Dark’s chest. She gave a little yell and jumped off of him, staggering back a few feet away from him. He didn’t even flinch. She knew he wasn’t dead, and she knew he had saved her, so she did the kindly thing to do. “HEY! DARK!” Niji yelled as she kicked him as hard as she could in the shoulder.[/I][/color]
[I][color=navy] I hope this is ok! :sweat: __________________________ [b]Name:[/b] Bethany Jerret (B.J.) [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://server6.uploadit.org/files/ForgottenChild-mycharactercopy.jpg[/img] [b]Weapons:[/b] Two handguns and two daggers (one dagger in each of her boots.) She puts one handgun on each hip attached to her belt and puts her white shirt on to hide them. She keeps extra amo in her pockets. [b]Short Bio:[/b] [Short? Ok ^_^.] Bethany seemingly grew up a normal life, despite the fact her parents were rich. She had [url=http://server6.uploadit.org/files/ForgottenChild-parentscopy.jpg]two parents[/url], one male and one female, she had five brothers and two sisters. Three of her brothers were [url=http://server6.uploadit.org/files/ForgottenChild-characterspicturecopy.jpg]triplets[/url], the other two brothers were [url=http://server6.uploadit.org/files/ForgottenChild-twins.jpg]twins[/url] and her sisters were [url=http://server6.uploadit.org/files/ForgottenChild-twins1.jpg]twins[/url]. Bethany was the only “single” birth in the family, but she was also the youngest. Her triplet brothers were five years older, then it came her twin brothers who were three years older than her and then it came her twin sisters who were two years older than her. Eventually, her oldest brothers went to college and then, when Bethany’s twin brothers left for college, things started to go downhill. They had spent so much money on college that they had to move into a smaller house. When Bethany’s sisters went to college, the family had to move into an apartment and could barely afford a car for Bethany. The sudden loss of four million dollars threw Bethany’s parents into depression. Bethany’s mom quit work and spent her days on a rocking chair, five feet from the TV, drinking beer, and watching the same channel, even if there was nothing on. Bethany took up a job at a sit-down restaurant called “Charlie’s”, which paid fairly well and was able to support the family when mixed with her dad’s paycheck. By the time Bethany was sixteen and had taken up her job, she was full-grown and would go through no more bodily changes. After about a month or so, she noticed her dad looking at her (since they moved to the apartment he had forgotten she was there). One night she was eating dinner with her dad and her dad had set the table and got the drinks. She took a drink of the water in front of her and blacked out after half an hour. When she woke up she felt dizzy and her head ached. She was trying to piece together what happened when she saw a condom on the floor and a note on the nightstand. Dear Bethany, I love you. You are really pretty. Love, Dad This happened every night until Bethany was eighteen and moved out. She didn’t have enough money to rent an apartment, so she was forced onto the streets. She started stealing food, but then it grew to banks and then it grew to houses as well, killing any who stood in her way. Sometimes she’d kill every costumer in the bank, just so no one could ID her. Over the years she has collected $25,000,000 dollars worth of items and money, but she still acts like a normal person and doesn't treat herself to "rich people" things. She heard about a theif that was suppose to be the best and decided that it was time for a change and that it would be good for her... erm... "career" if she joined up with him. Besides, she'd need all the help she could get now that she had a bounty of her own, a $25,000,000 dollar bounty to be exact. [b]Personality:[/b] When a stranger comes up to Bethany, she acts nice until, if they're a guy (which they usually are), they get into their bed. After she has her fun, she kills them and steals whatever she may think valuable from them. When she's not pretending to be nice, Bethany pretty much dispises most people and usually doesn't trust anyone since the first night "it" happened. She likes to be alone and is quiet and withdrawn when alone and usually sulks around when alone, too. But, with people, she tries to be as intimidating as possible; yelling, shooting, killing, whatever it takes. But, if you get past all that and just try to be her friend, she can be nice and quite enjoyable to be around. [b]Thief/Bounty Hunter:[/b] She’s considered bounty hunting several times, but has stuck with thievery. [/color][/I]
[i][color=navy]I love it, DW! It's so funny, too! I love that mage, I think he's so funny. I would like to go to one of your... erm... "sexy" tea parties. I really like the banner. There's nothing I would change ^_^! ~Kieko P.S. I made an avatar to go with the banner. It's really nothing special, I just made it to go with the banner. You can make another one if you want ^_^. [/color][/i] [img]http://otakuboards.com/customavatars/avatar7073_5.gif[/img]
[i][color=navy]Don't worry, Inuyashalvr, I started out with MS Paint, so I can tell you what you need to know and how you can do it ^_^. List of improvements for your banner and how to do them: -Border- you should add a border. Preferably black, but you can choose whatever you'd like. You can make a border in MS Paint by selecting the rectangle tool on the tool bar to the left. Then you can choose what color you want it to be by clicking one of the colors in the color bar. And then you start at the one of the very corners and make the rectangle as big as the banner. You can also make multiple borders by doing these steps over again, only this time making the rectangle inside of the last one. (Like, if you made a black border and you made an orage one, you would make the orange one just inside of the black one.) -Cropping- First, click on the magnifying glass in the tool bar to the left (it's third from the top and in the right column). Look below the tool bar and click on the "8x". Click on the star-shaped selection tool (It's in the very top left corner of the tool bar. It's next to the rectangular selection tool). Then, trace the outside of the person or thing you want to crop. You can even do a little at a time by selecting the areas around the person or thing bit by bit and deleting them. -Scaling- I know in a banner you'll be tempted to make the picture fit perfectly; I was. But in MS Paint you can't change the size at all or it'll get pixelly. If you really want to change the picture size, take note of the original picture dimentions and try to make roughly the same dimentions in banner size. (For instance: if a picture was originally 600X800 Pixels, I could make it 100X300). This won't make it not pixelly, but it will help a little. -Font- I think your font was fine, but I would suggest a different color. That may just be me, but I think pink on pink just doesn't look good. I would suggest black or green or another color in the picture that would go against pink. (Oh, and whatever color your font is, you could make the border the same. That is, if the color will stand out against OB backrounds.) Well, hope that helped ^_^. ~Kieko[/color][/i]
[color=navy][i]OOC: I'm going to start posting more, I've just been busy since I got back... even though you probably think that's not an excuse... and I don't think so either, so there's nothing I can say except that I'm sorry and I will try to post more. :sweat: __________________________________IC: Kieko was lying on the cave floor, hands under her head, her eyes tracing a path around the maze of rocks hanging from the cave ceiling. A loud thud brought her back to reality and she turned her head sharply to where it came from. She turned it a little too sharply because she pulled something in her neck that made her brain ache on the right side and made her bolt up, clutching her head. "Hiding in a cave eh?" Someone said from the mouth of the cave.[/I] I know that voice… [I]Kieko thought. “Trying to be courageous again are we?" the voice said again. Then Kieko heard Toshi speak. "This is our battle Uni. Not your brothers. Not any of my friends. Ours," he said.[/I] I knew it. I knew they would find us sooner or later. [I]Kieko’s head was still throbbing, so she didn’t look up. Although it started to subside just then. "If that's what you wish," Uni said. Kieko looked up just in time to see Toshi and Uni disappear and Ios smirking at the group. Kieko stood up and quickly formed a fighting stance and drew her daggers next to the others who had done the same. Ios chuckled a little. “This is amusing. You people actually think you can beat me? Did you not see what my brother and I did to your pathetic realms? How can you even[/I] hope [I]to match even[/I] half [I]of that power?” Ios said with a strange grin on his face. It was a cross between a forced smile and a smile you’d expect from an evil scientist about to put his latest world-destroying device to the test. “We’ll see how tough you are when we’ve pounded you into a handful of dust.” Arunue threatened. Ios said nothing, but kept his odd smile as if it was pasted onto his face. Then he attacked. He ran in a blur to Arunue and delivered a series of blows with his claws. Arunue did her best to block them, and she did a pretty good job until Ios attacked with both claws at once and one made a gash on Arunue’s shoulder. Gaitei rushed over and jumped on Ios’s back, wrapping his arms around his head and clinging on for dear life as Ios tried to buck him off. Gaitei managed to take out his sword, but Ios grabbed the arm that wasn’t hold the sword and threw Gaitei off to the side towards Arunue, who stepped out of the way and let Gaitei hit the cave wall. He got up and glared at Arunue. “What was that for?” He asked. “Hey, you would’ve knocked me into the wall, too. Any sensible person would step aside.” Arunue replied, getting ready to attack again. Ios looked up just in time to see Kieko about to stab him in the heart with her daggers. He tried to knock her to the side, but hit her too late. He hit her in the side of the head, knocking her a few feet to the side, but her daggers stuck into his side as Kieko fell, dazed. She held on to her daggers and pulled them out, stepping back, trying to bring herself back to full consciousness, and regaining a fighting stance just as Ios hit her again, she went flying into the cave wall, making a dent and causing it to crack, making some rocks fall on a half-conscious Kieko. Arunue came from Ios’s side and stabbed his shoulder when he hit Kieko and Izzy joined the fight as Toshi re-appeared.[/color][/I]
[I][color=navy]“S***! Why did we go this way? We’re going to be so late, it’s not even going to be funny!” An angry Kimii said, moving some branches out of her way. “It wasn’t my idea.” Lumina and Shade said in unison. Kimii rolled her eyes. They did that all the time, and sometimes didn’t know it, so it was hard to lay the blame on an individual one.[/I] [If you guys weren’t my only friends with me or in a pact with me, I’d strangle you.][i] Kimii told them telepathically.[/i] [No you wouldn’t.] [i]They replied.[/i] [I know…][i]Kimii thought. The branches eventually stopped clawing at Kimii’s hair and she could feel an open breeze as they emerged from the forest. “Finally!” She said, walking cautiously down the grassy hill in front of her. Kimii knew they were close to the stronghold when she heard a large, iron door shut. She reached down her shirt and took out the knife. She fingered it a little while, admiring the design on the handle and how smooth it felt. She thought back to when she was a little girl, when she met that soldier, Noah.[/I] Noah. [I]She thought to herself. [/I]He said he would wait for me. Heh, how childish I was to think that he would. He’s most likely gone home or been re-assigned elsewhere. [I]She pondered the thought and then corrected it.[/I] No… he’s most likely dead. [We’re nearing the stronghold. We should become our [url=http://server6.uploadit.org/files/ForgottenChild-spirits.jpg]spirit forms[/url], our [url=http://server6.uploadit.org/files/ForgottenChild-humanformscopy.jpg]human forms[/url] are too noticeable. If we turn into our spirit forms, we can hide in the shadows and lights.] [i]Lumina and Shade thought to Kimii. Kimii nodded as her friends turned into their spirit forms. Kimii took out a candle and lit it and Lumina walked into the light and disappeared from sight, even though she was just camouflaged. Shade did the same with Kimii’s shadow. Kimii reached the door to the stronghold and two guards blocked her way. “Who are you and why are you here?” One guard asked. “I’m Kimii, one of Vaxla’s guardians. Sorry I’m so late, we- I took the long way by accident. Two people tricked me into thinking it was the short way.” “Hmm… go ahead.” The other guard said and they stepped aside, letting Kimii pass through. Kimii opened the door and blew out her candle, as Lumina could hide in the room’s lighting, Shade still in Kimii’s shadow. Kimii listened a bit and eventually found Vaxla. “Kimii, at your service.” Kimii said with a bow. “Sorry I’m late… really, really late… but I’m here now. What can I do for you?”[/I][/color]
[color=navy][i]“OW!” Vinny said as she bolted upright. Rubbing her eyes she looked at Monica, the Head Servant, with resentment. “Couldn’t you think of another, less painful, way of waking us up?” “I wake everyone up with hot coals and you’re the only one who seems to be bothered about it. No one else complains.” She said, putting the flaming embers back into the fireplace. Vinny turned so the upper part of her arm was facing Monica. It had so many rings of scars from the coals, practically that whole area was scarred. “Would you like this lovely design on your arm? I’ll do it for free!” Vinny said sarcastically. The truth was that it didn’t really hurt, she just liked to get under Monica’s skin. Monica ignored Vinny’s arm. Especially the fresh burn mark on it. “No, I would not! And if you have any problem with it, you can tell that to the master! Hmph!” Monica said as she stomped out of the room. Vinny looked around. Everyone else was already awake and getting dressed. Vinny looked outside. It was still dark.[/I] Couldn’t they wake us up [I]after[/I] the sun rises? Or at least when there’s a little sunlight peeking through that window. [I]Vinny thought. But she knew that, if that were the case, their whole schedule would be thrown off. So the fifty-seven-year-old (remember, that’s young for an elf. She looks 14) dragged herself out of bed and started changing from her nightdress into her day clothes (she doesn’t where her cloak unless it’s cold or they’re going somewhere and it’s not cold this day). “You know, Vinny, one day we’re going to get her, don’t you worry.” Vinny’s friend Rikii said as an attempt to encourage her friend. “Yeah.” Was all Vinny could think of to say. She finished getting dressed and combed her hair and washed her hands before going into the Servant’s room. It was nothing special; a few old wooden chairs were about all the furnishing in the room. By the time Vinny got there, all the chairs were taken, so she took a seat on the dirt floor, her friend next to her. Monica stood in front of the group and began to call out the assignments. “Ok, Group One, raise your hands.” A cluster of drowsy people put their hands in the air, arms bent and limping. “Ok, you’re on house call. Clean and dust everything from top to bottom. Group two?” Vinny and Rikii raised their hands along with the several other sleepy people around them. “You’re on meal duty.” Vinny’s hopes skyrocketed. This would be the first job Monica had given her that wasn’t disgusting. Monica then brought her cheer to a halt. “You will feed the animals; pigs and horses. And after that you can clean their stables and pens. Group three?” The rest just kind of faded out to Vinny as her hopes were squashed just like that. The next thing she knew, she was mashing garbage in a bucket next to her friend. “This stinks.” Rikii said. “Tell me about it. Monica hasn’t done one nice thing for me… EVER.” Vinny replied. “No, I mean literally, this stinks. In case you haven’t noticed, we’re mashing garbage.” “Oh… yeah.” Vinny said and she walked her bucket over to the pig’s food tub and poured the slop in. All the pigs immediately ran over and started eating, spraying a few flecks of garbage on Vinny’s cheeks which she wiped off hastily. She then picked up a shovel and her empty bucket and started scooping the poo in the pen into the bucket. Flies buzzed around her head with their annoying hum and the smell was almost un-bearable. “Vinny!” Monica called. “Master Talbot is ready for you.” Vinny dropped her shovel and ran inside. She walked into the dining room and stood against the wall that was behind Henry Talbot’s chair. He seemed to be enjoying his food as the sweet smell of bacon wafted over to Vinny’s nose, reminding her of how hungry she was. She had just remembered that she had forgotten to get her bread that morning. Vinny was swooning with the smell of the juicy piece of meat when Master Talbot snapped her back to attention with a yell. “Where is my salt? How in GOD’s name do you expect me to eat this egg without my salt?” He yelled, turning slightly to look at Vinny. He was in a particularly bad mood this morning because he received word that the other races had already begun advancing on Lord Damien VIII and he wanted to launch the first attack. Vinny hurried to the kitchen and brought a spare saltshaker and placed it in front of Henry. He picked it up and shook it a little over his egg. Nothing came out. “Its empty, you idiot!” Vinny quickly went back and re-filled it. She placed it in front of Henry and retreated to the wall. He returned to his breakfast. He asked for various things throughout his breakfast as he usually did. When he was done, he had Vinny fetch his coat and follow him out the door. She helped him mount his horse and walked along beside the horse as they made their way down the dirt path leading away from the castle. Vinny had to jog a few times to keep up with the horse, but after a while they came upon an army so big, It stretched for at least a mile on the path (remember, though, it’s a small path, so it’s not as much as you may think). Henry and Vinny made their way through the army and lead them towards King Damien’s castle. It was, however, an awfully, awfully, awfully long way. As they were walking, Vinny passes the time by thinking back to her child hood. Her family had served the Talbots for generations. She had been Henry’s servant since he was born…[/I] [u][b]*Flashbacks*[/b][/u] [b]*Flashback-31 years and three months back*[/b] Nine-month-old Henry was in a playpen across from a twenty-five-year-old Vinny (she looks 5). “Now, Vinny. Be nice and give him whatever he wants, ok?” Her mom said. “You tell me that every time! You know I will!” The young Henry threw a rattle at Vinny’s head and giggled when it collided. [b]*Flashback-21 years back*[/b] “Vinny! Vinny!” An eleven-year-old Henry shouted. Vinny came hurriedly into the room. “What is it, master Henry?” “Could you get me some warm milk and a blanket? I’m cold.” With that Vinny left the room, hiding her exasperation. [b]*Flashback-30 years back*[/b] “Come on, Vinny, is that all you’ve got?” Henry asked, landing a few feet away from Vinny in his weapon’s room where he and Vinny always sparred. Henry launched an attack. Vinny stayed on the defensive as to not make Henry mad by accidentally cutting him or something. He did improve, however, because she put up her toughest defense and he would have to breach it. He did and his blade came across Vinny’s right cheek, knocking her to the ground. She reached up and touched her cheek then brought her hand down to see blood on the tips of her fingers drizzling down to her palm. [u][b]*End Flashbacks*[/b][/u] The cut healed in a few days and left a scar. However, the scar went away in little over a year. [I]Vinny thought, recalling the incident. She walked on, every now and then glancing back at the army.[/color][/I]
[i][color=navy]I took a wack at it! I hope you like it! I didn't put the words where you wanted them, but I hope it's still ok. If it's not, I'll change it ^_^.[/color][/i]
[I][color=navy]“Dark! Let me go! I’ll blow your head off, you know I will!” Threatened an angry Niji, struggling to get out of Dark’s firm grip on her arm. Dark just ignored her and kept dragging her along behind him as he flew forward. He seemed to be in a trance.[/I] I know fleeing was for the best, but I still couldn’t help feeling like a coward. [I]Dark thought. He was totally out of it.[/I] I’ve never retreated before and now… I don’t know, maybe those angels are going to be tougher than I expected. Maybe we have our work cut out for us. We will train and next time we will defeat those angels! [I]“Yo! Dark! I swear, when we land you are dead meat! I will- ow! Ease up, you’re crushing my wrist! Ow! Hey-ow, Dark! Hey- no! Dark, you’re freezing my wrist! Dark! DARK! OY, DARK!!!” Dark didn’t even glance at her. “Damn it, Dark, let go! Cold, cold, cold-ow!” Dark’s hand felt like it was burning all of a sudden. He looked down. It was burning! He let go of Niji and brought his hand to his mouth and blew out the flames (they were very small). He looked over at Niji with a hateful glare. “Hey, that’s what you get for crushing my arm.” She lifted her arm to show him her bruising, crystallized wrist. “This would probably take until next year to thaw out if I didn’t control fire! You’re very lucky I can thaw it now, or I would make sure you’d get a burn that would hurt when you sit for the rest of your life!” She said and she emitted a small flame from the tip of her finger and started melting the layer of ice around her hand and wrist. Dark paid no attention. “The angels are stronger than we expected. We need to train.” “No, they’re stronger than[/I] you [I]expected. Notice how I don’t have a scratch on me!” “That’s only because I blocked that one angel’s attack on you, and you know it!” “No!” “YES!” “NO!” “Do you get along with anyone!?” “Yeah. I got along with Maersto.” “Who-oh, yeah. Well, you kind of had to.” “Yeah, I guess so.” “Still, now that Imric’s gone you are arguing with me and that just lead me to believe that you have to not agree with someone constantly.” “No. I agree with you, we do have to train.” “Thank you.” “The only thing I don’t agree with is that we both underestimated the angels. I think that only you underestimated the angels.” “You-you know what? I- you-I- garg!” And with that, Dark turned his head away from Niji and flew ahead. The truth was that Niji did agree with Dark that they both underestimated the angels, she didn’t know why she said she disagreed with him. The truth was that, even though the angels didn’t harm her, the fight made her extremely tired and she didn’t know how long she could stay in the air on her own. But she wasn’t able to swallow her pride and tell Dark, so she pressed on. Gradually her breathing got heavier and she slowed down a bit. After about two minutes she passed out and plummeted towards the trees below her. She blacked out before she hit the canopy.[/color][/I]
Request A New banner would be cool (pics included)
Kieko replied to Amorphous's topic in Creative Works
[i][color=navy]I gave it a shot! If you like it, I can make a matching avatar. Well... here ya go![/color][/i] -
[i][color=navy]My character is Lord Henry Talbot's servant. ______________________ -Name: Virginia Henrickson (Vinny for short) -Gender: Female -Age: 14 in appearance, 57 in age -Creature Type: Elf -Weapon: An expert with daggers, she is also skillful with a bow and arrow. -Description: [img]http://nwvault.ign.com/Files/transfer/pictures/PORTRAIT_Amalthea11NessimeL.jpg[/img](pretend she looks 14) Standing at 5'4", Virginia wears a blueish-green cloak that falls down to her ankles and has a hood that covers her head, hiding her raven-black hair and golden-colored, plain dress beneath it. The dress's collar doesn't start until the shoulders, leaving the tops of her shoulders and her collar bone exposed. It has long, baggy sleaves and flows down to her ankles. The edges of her cloak are trimmed in gold and have writing on it written in the ancient tongue. It says "With this cloak, may mother nature and father sky watch over you." Although it provides no real protection as the words are just a way of saying "good luck". Under her cloak is also twin daggers, sheathed and strapped to the upper part of her arms. -Personality: When she is not working (which is almost never, seeing as she is a servant) she is quite enjoyable. Open minded and cheerful, she tries to make friends with everone. When she is on the job, she does nothing but what she is told and she keeps alert for any attacks. She is also serious and only speaks when spoken to. -Weakness: You can kill her the same way you would kill a human, but the wound must be aplied 3 fold as, since she is an elf, she is a bit tougher than a human and will live until killed of disease or another un-natural cause (such as another person).[/color][/i]
[i][color=navy]Ok, tell me if I need to change anything. _____________________ Name: Kimii (key-me) Age: 22 Gender: Female (I can change if you want me to.) Class: Vaxla Guardian (I can also change this if you want me to.) Appearance: [see attatchment] Pact-Beast: Spirit (light/dark) Name of Pact-Beast: Lumina/Shade Gender of Pact-Beast: Female/Male Abilities of Pact-Beast: 1)Lumina can blend with light and Shade can blend with darkness. 2)Shade can cause the lights to go out in a certain area, but only for as long as it takes someone to turn them back on. Lumina can light up dark areas. 3)They can create an energy shield (it can be breached) for a few minutes, but only once every hour because it takes so much energy. 4)They can heal wounds if it is not too bad (like a hole in someone's stomach or a severed limb. They can do nothing for disease), but they can't heal their own. Pact-Price: Reproductive ability Bio: An eight-year-old girl, too small for her age, ran as fast as her little legs could carry her through the fields. Corn leaves brushed against her exposed ankles and caught her long, raven-black hair. Some even tickled her nose or scraped her cheeks as she ran through them. The earth felt soft and cool beneath her bare feet and mud squished between her toes with every step she took. She finally reached the edge of the field and ran out of it to be greeted by the gentle breeze in her hair and nightdress. She ran to the side of the dirt path and listened. She could hear them. She could hear the thumping of their rubber boots, most two sizes too small or too big, she could hear the sloshing of horse’s hooves in the fresh mud, and soon she could feel them, too. She reached out her hand so that she could feel each soldier and their outfit as they walked by. Most of them had a different outfit than the next, but they felt so professional and determined that it didn’t really matter what they wore, Kimii thought they seemed like a real army all the same. Kimii felt them pass with awe. Her eyes were wide and shimmering with hope and her mouth was agape with amazement. One soldier reached down and lifted her chin until her mouth was closed, straightened up and winked at her before walking on. All her life Kimii had wanted to be a soldier. She ran up and marched next to him for a while. “What are you doing?” He asked after a little while. “Marching.” Kimii replied proudly. She’d never marched along side an army before. “I see.” He said thoughtfully. “Are you going to come with us to the Eastern Stronghold?” “Can I?” Kimii asked with a bubble of hope swelling inside of her. The soldier laughed. “No, sorry. You have to be a bit older.” The bubble popped and disappointment washed over her. “Don’t feel bad. When you grow up, I’ll be positioned at the stronghold for some time. If you promise to meet me there, I’ll promise to wait for you there.” The soldier offered. Kimii glowed. All she could do was nod. “Good. Here.” He handed Kimii a pocketknife. She groped around for the item for a little bit before the man realized she was blind and pressed it into her hand. “It’s a family heirloom, but I’ll give it to you. Keep it and give it to someone you truly care about. Well… I guess this is good-bye.” The soldier said as Kimii stopped marching and stood in one spot. “Wait! I forgot! My name is Noah, what’s yours?” He shouted across the army. No one seemed to notice. “Kimii!” Kimii shouted back and wished she could see his face. She gave him a final wave. She didn't know that the surrounding ranks had already blocked him from view. Once the army had passed and Kimii was alone again, she began to venture into the forest. She didn’t feel like going home just yet, so she decided to walk for a while. She marked each tree she passed with a “K” (so she could find her way back) using the knife Noah had given her.[/I] Some day, I’ll be as great a soldier as Noah. And I’ll meet him at that stronghold and we can fight side-by-side in battle. [I]Kimii grinned at the thought as she ventured further and further into the forest. The trees were getting thick now. So thick that some of them were almost impossible to squeeze through. Soon she heard a noise. It sounded like the falling of water over stones. Kimii raced over to the bushes where it was coming from. She pulled back the bushes and got on her hands and knees to feel around. She came across a wounded maiden and man. The maiden's cheeks were cut, both of their stomachs gashed open through their soft clothes, and tinier cuts all along their body. Kimii had been taught how to care for wounds, so she got right to work. She pocketed the knife and undressed the maiden and man to their undergarments to find out more about the wounds (how many there were, how deep they were, etc.). She felt around and discovered the small stream by the maiden and used the water to clean their wounds then she began to dress them. Kimii tore the sleeve of her nightdress off and wrapped it tightly around their abdomens where the gashes were. She tore the other sleeve of her nightdress and wrapped their arms tightly with it, as they had cuts up and down her arms. Kimii could do nothing for the maiden's cheeks, but she also tore about five or six inches off the bottom of her nightdress and wrapped their with it. She re-dressed the two and made a fire to warm them. The two woke up after about three hours and found they had been shifted to a more comfortable position and a steaming spit venison roasting on a fire. they also noticed that they were bandaged. They looked around for her rescuer and spotted a sleeping eight-year-old girl, too small for her age, leaned up against a giant oak tree. Her dress was ripped and covered in blood, so it was only to be assumed that she was the one who prepared the venison and saved the maiden. The maiden put a hand on the girl’s cheek and she immediately awoke, a bit startled. “Don’t be afraid.” They talked in unison. “I’m not afraid, just surprised. How do you feel?” Kimii asked. “Fine. We're fine.” “That’s good. I made you some venison.” They ignored her comment. “Do you know what we are?” “A couple?” Kimii asked. They chuckled. “No. We are spirits." Lumina said the next line on her own. "My name is Lumina.” Shade said the next line on his own as well. "My name is Shade." “Those are pretty names. Mine’s Kimii. I’ve heard stories about spirits. I’ve heard all about their powers and how they control elements and all kinds of great things!” Kimii said, her eyes shimmering with excitement. “It’s very nice to meet you.” “We can say the same. And, for your help, we would like to offer the best thing we can offer you: a pact. Now, do you know what a pact is?” Lumina asked and Kimii nodded eagerly. “You also know that in a pact you must give up something.” Another nod. “Are you willing to give up your ability to have children?” Another eager nod. “To have a pact with you, I’d be honored to give up my ability to have children.” “Very well. Take our hands.” Lumina said and she and Shade each extended one of their hands. Kimii took them. Lumina and Shade immediately healed and removed the bandages. The bottom part of Kimii’s abdomen seared with burning pain as her ability to have children was lost. When everything was done, Kimii straightened up. She couldn’t see where she was going, so she used her other senses and made it back to her house. She spent later years improving her other senses to help her move about and now she can move like any other person. She enlisted in the army when she was sixteen and moved through ranks rapidly, as she had the powers of a spirit. She is now guardian of Vaxla, the last un-captured sealer. Personality: Open-minded and willing to be friends with anybody who wants to be friends with her. She's very friendly and cheerful, but it's as if she's a whole different person when she's working. She becomes withdrawn and only does what she's told to do. She also becomes alert and is very serious. She keeps all her attention on her work when she's working. She also keeps her cool in tough situations and has to depend on her other senses to survive (since she's blind). _________________________ Again, tell me if I need to change anything! By the way, Takuya, I changed my post to what you said! Just pointing that out in case you missed it ^_^.[/color][/i]
[i][color=navy]Is this better? Your link didn't work, so I just used your avatar instead. I hope this is ok ^_^!.[/color][/i]
[i][color=navy]Here you go! Don't know if it's what you're looking for, but I made you a banner! I tried to find a picture that matches your avatar.[/color][/i]
[I][color=navy]OOC: Sorry I haven't posted in this thread! I was on vacation! _______________________ Kieko watched the battle silently. She saw Hiro get kicked to the ground and Hodur in complete tranquility and peace with it. It was depressing. She had tried so hard to forget about this way of life; about fighting cold, heartless people in a hopeless attempt to win, they always come back or win themselves. But that’s what bothered Kieko the most, they always come back. They never leave them alone. Their life is a constant, hopeless battle with the darker parts of life and there’s nothing they can do about it. Not only that, but they have the added stress of having to win or else another universe would be destroyed. But somewhere in that mess was hope and it had weathered a lot and not given way.[/I] Damn. It hasn’t been two days and we’re already in another big fight. Why won’t people just leave us alone!? I would like to have just one week where no one attacked us and nothing universe-threatening happened! What happened to the days when I didn’t know about this crap? [I]Kieko thought to herself. But she knew it was her place to be fighting like this. It was just getting a bit annoying that every five minutes someone else wanted to kill them and rule the universe or destroy it or whatever. Hiro had gotten up and joined Toshi in the fight. However, neither seemed to be doing much damage. Hodur was getting more powerful and could dodge or block every attack Toshi or Hiro could dish out. Toshi was trying with all his might to relax, but the fight kept him on his toes. He couldn’t help it. He felt if he let his guard down that he would be vulnerable. Kieko knew the feeling. Hodur had a way of intimidating you to make you feel weak and vulnerable no matter how tough you were or what state of mind you’re in. She felt it when she fought him so long ago.[/I] What am I so sad for? I don’t give a damn if we fight! Oh, yeah, the realm thing… oh, well!! I should get over it… I’m over it… [I]Kieko thought and perked up a bit. “If you don’t hurry up, I’m going to have to jump in!” Arunue yelled from the sidelines of the fight. ____________________________ OOC: I hope this is ok! I haven’t posted in this trilogy for so long… I may be a little rusty on the characters and how they act and whatnot… tell me if I have any problems in this post ^_^![/i][/color]
[i][color=navy]Um... not meaning to sound rude, but I joined The Dark. I was Linë, remember? Maybe you just didn't count me because I didn't post as much, and that's ok then ^_^. ~Kieko[/color][/i]