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Everything posted by Kieko

  1. A collage (not college, collage)? Anyway, thanks for giving me a headache^_~! lol, looking at all those pictures was really confusing. It must have taken a LONG time to get all those pictures and put them together like that. I did something like that for a presentation on Power Point, only I did it with an Inuyasha theme. It wasn't something for school, it was a random thing I decided to do. It had a lot of pics too. But yours has way more. I really like it, accept some of the pictures are a little too small to see, but it might just be the school computer I'm using right now ^_^. Good job! ~Kieko
  2. [i][color=darkblue]Well, I like your avatar, but there's just a few things: Sesshomaru is a little too high up, and also, I think it would look better if "SM 13" was centered. Other than that, I think it's good ^_^. I like the sprite you used (at least, I think it's a sprite. Sure looks like one ^_^.) For your first, this is pretty good! ~Kieko[/color][/i]
  3. I was born in Baltimore, Maryland, about a half hour away from D.C. But then we moved to NY. So currently I live in Penfield, New York, USA (I'm actually on the border line between Penfield and Rochester) where I go to Bay Trail Middle School. Which is about five minutes (walking) away from my house. The street I live on is Scarborough park which also branches off into Piccadily Square and Dundas Drive. I would like to live somewhere else, somewhere interesting! ~Kieko
  4. Hm... I don't think that made much of a difference, lol. But thanks for trying my suggestion! You're probably really annoyed with me, but I think this banner is really good. I like the way you changed the color of the letters. That looks kool. Good job! ~Kieko
  5. I like it! Yeah, I know it's hard to work with paint, but keep at it, you're good ^_^. Anyway, I like this banner a lot more than the other one. But, just as an expariment, try putting "White Stripes" in the middle of the banner ^_^. (I know you're probably sick of working with this banner and sick of me making suggestions, so I understand if you decline this suggestion ^_^.) Great job! ~Kieko
  6. Well... sorry, but it definately looks like a girl --_--. Maybe if you made the chest a bit flatter and made the eye less girly... then again you can always just change the hair. Well, it's a good drawing anyway. The fingers look a little big and the coloring's a bit off, but good job ^_^. ~Kieko
  7. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That's funny! I like when the yo-yo falls to the ground afterward. And I like how you made the way Dane was hit by the car realistic: the way he moved, flew, and everything. Oh, and I have something I'd like Dane to do! I'd like him to hop on one leg, rub his tummy, pat his head and say "I am a 'dummy'" five times. Can you do that? If you can that'd be really kool! Good job! ~Kieko P.S. Tell Dane I said sorry for requesting he did something like that.
  8. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! DW, you are the best when it comes to comedy!!! Even though these weren't animated, they were hillarious! I almost died laughing because I ran out of breath! Do more! I look forward to it!! ~Kieko P.S. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHA...(ect.)
  9. It's really good, but I would make the entire backround black. Also, about missing something, is there a quote from one of their songs you really like? Or a quote from another artist's song that you really like? If so, why don't you put that on there. Just a suggestion. Also, the pictures are a little pixelly. But good job! I like the border! ~Kieko
  10. They're really great ^_^. The only thing is that the last frame of Dane swinging his sword goes much faster than the others, if you slowed that down a bit, it'd look perfect. Also, the tip of Dane's sword seems to not be colored in most of the frames, I don't know if you meant that to be the sword's shine or not, but I think it would look better totally colored in. Good job, though! You never cease to amaze me, DW! ~Kieko
  11. [i][color=darkblue]Legnakrad stood silently as Gam left the room. "Well? What did you want to see me for? Come on, I don't have forever." Lucifer said impatiently. "I came here to dis-cuss your victory, sire. I-I believe I know the weakness of Heaven." Legnakrad said. There was no turning back now. She had to tell him. "Yes, and? What is it?" Lucifer asked as a small child would when they wish to know the contents of a wrapped present. "It's- well..." Legnakrad sighed, she didn't want to bring suffering to her best friend, but what other choice did she have? "The weakness is GOD. He doesn't really want to fight. He may act like he does, but inside he doesn't. He's hoping that this war will not go on long. So I think that if we formulate a plan to draw back for a little while and let them think the war's over and we surrender, than GOD will order his troops to pull back as well. After that we wait until they're off their guard and slaughter their army. After their army is slaughtered, we sould be able to get at the residents and GOD easily and not even the great "Angel of Chaos" will be able to stop us." "Yes... yes... wonderful!" Lucifer exclaimed, quite happily (for him, at least). Then he was serious again as if a new thought crossed his mind. "Legnakrad, that's al wonderful, but how do you suggest we get into Heaven in the first place?!" "Easy. There's a secret entrance in the clouds about a hundred kilometers east of the main gate. The residents use it to either hide in the mountains during war, or to get supplies during war. They haven't stationed any guards there in case we noticed it." "Well, how do we get through that? Surely it's monitored by someone." Lucifer said as if nothing would ever work out for him. "Easy, again. Send Gam to the front gate and have her bow and tell the guards how she's repented and what not and how she wishes to follow GOD and not you. They will let her in. Then she can find the angels monitoring the entrance and take care of them, if you know what I mean. She can then let our forces in and all we'll have to do until then is organize a surprise attack on Heaven's troops to kill them right away and then the only thing standing between you and Heaven is GOD and perhaps Artemus, but they should be easy enough for you to handle, especially since Gam is going to take care of Artemus, so it only leaves GOD to you. What do you say, my lord? Are you willing to try it?" "Hmmm... yes. Call back the troops and send in Gam. I wish to tell her of the plan to make sure she agrees. You're desmissed." Legnakrad bowed. "Yes, my lord." And she left, feeling baad as to betraying her friend, but also feeling as if the weight of the world had been lifted from her shoulders with the slam of the heavy iron doors.[/color][/i]
  12. I love it! Sorry if this comes as an insult to you, but I think it's really cute ^_^! I love the backround: the design and the soft colors of the backround go nicely together and with the picture. Also, I like how your font looks like it's popping out at you (I don't know why, but I have this thing about shadows, I think it makes all the difference in the world; I really like them.) I also like the border! The only thing I can think of that's wrong with it is that the picture is a tad bit blurry, but not enough that you can really notice, so don't worry about it ^_~. Great job! I look forward to seeing more!!! ~Kieko
  13. Well, just as the title says, this is my first wallpaper. I don't like the way the border was disorted while I was making it, and the guy's a bit choppy... but I think it turned out pretty well ^_^. See for yourself! Enjoy! [url=http://server4.uploadit.org/files2/160104-WALLPAPER.JPG]Click this to see my first wallpaper ^^![/url]
  14. Kieko

    The Dark

    O.C.C: I'm going to try to post more! This thread has progressed magnificantly! Good job everyone! _____________________________ [i][COLOR=darkblue]The door opened and closed so silently even Linë almost missed it. She was lying in the bed, eyes closed and hands behind her head. "Hey, Ts'shiel." Linë said. She opened her eyes and watched Ts'shiel walked over to the bed and sat down at the foot of it. Ts'shiel nodded to her in response. "So... you wanna tell me where you went?" Linë asked. "The library." "Oh, ok." It wasn't the kind of answer Linë had expected, but then again she didn't know Ts'shiel very well yet. There was an akward silence between them until Linë roused the nerve to talk. She sat up next to Ts'shiel. "Hey, we're going to have dinner before we leave, you coming?" Tr'shiel nodded. "Ok." "Alright, come on." And they headed out the door. They took wrong turns several times and had to either retrace their steps or ask a guard or maid which way the Great Hall was. By the time they got there they were laughing at how they got lost.[/i] I've never seen Tr'shiel smile, let alone laugh, before. I mean, sure she's smiled before, but they weren't like this. They didn't have any meaning in them, they were just curved muscles. She looks like a whole new person when she laughs. It's enough to light up a room and make you feel happy even if everything's gone wrong. [i]Linë thought in mid laugh. Seeing the serious look on Veil, the one that looks as if you're descrasing the human race, Tr'shiel and Linë sat down an ate. Linë couldn't help but glance up and watch Tr'shiel eat now and then. Maybe there was more to her than met the eye.[/COLOR][/i] ___________________________ I've taken up a trademark: dark-blue italic.
  15. [i][color=darkblue]I forgot about weapons, you're right! I guess I just assumed you'd put them in with the "Special Abilities". OK, all of you are in. Accept jro 13, you have to get your bio soon or you can't be in, ok? I would really appreciate it if the next few sign-ups were for the other three heirs! Thanx ^_^. _________________________________________________ Here's my sign-up: Name: Yunni Age: 117 Description: (I'll get a picture on here when my home computer gets fixed. I'm at school now, so the picture isn't on this computer and my home computer is broken, so I'll get it on as soon as I can.) Gender: Female Element/Direction/Race: Water/West/Elven Special Ability: Mastering skill of swordsmanship (including with daggers as that is her weapon). She is good with the bow and arrow and fair with every other weapon. Also, being an Elf, she holds the command of water. Biography: (Do that when my home computer is fixed. Same deal as with the description. I have a good Biography written out on my home computer.) And Meena is reserved for foreverinfinity (aka Bethany). So there's just Gamial of the Men (male) left. But I can change it to a female if a girl wants to be that character ^_^. ~Kieko[/i][/color]
  16. [i][color=darkblue]This is my first RPG. Well, here goes nothing! ____________________________ War. There is not an existing world or species today that has not seen one. But the mightiest one ever seen is perhaps the one that took place on Cardinai (card-n-eye), between the people of the planet, the Cardinals. Not a species was left out of the fight. You see, each race from each direction had one ruler; the one who could control their race's element. Each race had one element: the Mystics of the North, consisting of spellcasters and other fantasy creatures (young and old, child and elder) had the element of Earth. The Men of the East, consisting of humans and what they knew as "normal" creatures, had the element of Wind. The Demons of the South, consisting of demons and other sinister beasts (such as dragons [no offence], and gremlins, ect.), held the element of Fire. And finally, the Elves of the West, consisting of elves and other faerie-like creatures (such as water sprites and pixies), held in their possesion the element of Water. The war started as a revolt of the citizens of each nation because each race believed they had the superior element and deserved to rule the world of Cardinai and did not believe that their leader was doing right by letting things go on as they were so they took matters into their own hands and went to war. It was a terrible war with much blood-shed and many casualties. The heirs of the rulers were given their element powers after the rulers were killed as the results of the revolt. The heirs, Yunni of the Elves (female), Meena of the Mystics (female), Gamial of the Men (male), and Nafiti of the Demons (male) have inherited their element powers when their parents, the former rulers, were killed. Now that each race realizes that their element has been passed down to children with no heir to pass it on to, each race is trying to get the other's element before the others get theirs. The four heirs have been called to the center of Cardinai, where a castle awaits to protect them. But, to get there, they need to be able to fend for themselves as they can be easily attacked along the way. ________________________ Ok, just so there's no confusion: This took place in the older days when we didn't have guns. There can be more than the four characters, but I would like to have the four characters in some of the earlier sign-ups for this RPG. And, in the RPG, anyone can take the element powers from the heirs if the heirs have just died (as in, that they died within fifteen seconds ago). Also, you can be an heir that came from the other Cardinai world, it's twin with the same name, help set things right. The elements from the other world are: Darkness, held by the Devils of the South. Light, held by the Angels of the North. Death, held by the Death-Eaters of the West (demons who suck the souls from the living. no one from this race is going to intervine with the story, I just listed it for refrence on who was in the west.) And Life, held by the gods of the East. Oh, and you CAN mix races, for all the characters. But I'd prefer if the main characters were purely one race, but you can still mix them. Now the sign-ups: Name: Age: (it doesn't matter to me what age you are. Just, if you're a regular mortal, meaning you don't have an extended life like an elf does, try to make it reasonable.) Description: Gender: (Remember: Water element is held by a female, Fire is held by a male, Wind is held by a male, and Earth is held by a female if you are an heir). Element/Direction/Race: (direction as in if you are from the north, south, east, or west.) Special Ability: Biography: ___________________ PM me with any questions ^_^. I will post my sign-up later. ~Kieko[/color][/i]
  17. Kieko

    The Dark

    Linë sat in the split of two branches that came together to make a "v" shape. She stared down at the group below her. The boy they called "Toshi" had stolen the girl's basket. Linë waited about two or three minutes and, sure enough, Toshi was caught. The group sat down to eat small violet berries from the basket. "Good idea." Linë said under her breath as she reached into her pocket and pulled out a square cut of bread wrapped in linen. She broke off a corner and popped it in her mouth, chewed and swallowed. She folded the rest up into the cloth and tucked it carefully back in her pocket. She looked down at the group to make sure they weren't going anywhere and looked in the direction of their stunned gazes. When she heard the one called "Evrunal" say Arrav was gone, she was aghast. [i]How can it be gone?! I followed these people all this way to find Arrav and now it's disappeared?! To where does something like that disappear to, I wonder?![/i] Linë thought. She was frustrated with herself for following these people in the first place. She should have known they wouldn't be able to find Arrav. She should've paid more attention to the rumors, they would've helped in a tight spot like this. She jumped down from the tree, landing softly behind the trio. "Where do you suppose it disappeared to?" She asked. The three infront of her turned around. "Who are you?" Evrunal asked. "If you mean who am I as in my name, then my name is Linë. If you mean who am I as in what I do, I'm a fighter, but am in search of Arrav just as you. I'm also an excelent spy, or you would've noticed me sooner." The three stood gaping. "Yes, I was following you. And as long as we've met, I might as well join your group." "Fine." Toshi said. "Now, where do you think Arrav moved to?" Linë asked again. But Evrunal's answer was not what she wanted to hear. "We don't know."
  18. Kieko

    The Dark

    Can you spare a spot for me? You never really said this sign-up was closed, but if it is I'll delete this post and you can forget about it ^_^. But here's my character just in case. ________________________ Age: 14 (about two weeks from being 15) Name: Linë [(lee-na) but you can spell it "Line", you don't need the two dots. Just know it's pronounced "lee-na"] Speical Characteristics: Line is very [i]very[/i] skilled with daggers and swords. She is also a fairly good archer, but does not carry a bow and arrows. If she ever needs to use her archery skills, she steals a bow and quiver of arrows from someone who's dead and doesn't need them. Her last resort is a spell: [b]M'laer:[/b] Pronounced "oom-lair", meaning "sacrafice" in her native tongue, it's casted from the necklaces around Line's neck. This is a final ditch attempt to win when all else fails. The reason it's held as a last resort is because of what it takes to cast the spell. This spell will allow the caster to steal the opponent's soul by releasing their own soul to retrieve it from the opponent. Description: Standing at 5'4", her hair is short and spiky and it's black(on the tips of the spikes it's red). She has pale skin and dresses as a boy (mostly to get into wars and such): baggy black pants, a semi-baggy black shirt with the bottom hanging at an angle (like this: \ so that it's drooping on one side, but raised on the other) it has 3/4-sleeves, under the arms she hides her daggers, one under each sleeve. The sleeves are baggy. She has twin necklaces around her neck that she uses to cast the [b]M'laer[/b]. One necklace is tan and the other is red, but they both have ancient writing on them written in her family's native tongue which has long since died out in every family but hers. Background: Line was born as the oldest of thirteen children. Her parents couldn't afford the children, so they had to make or get their own things so the people at school picked on her for her ragged and dirty clothes and, in fact, her parents didn't care much for her. In fact, at age 8, Line's dad had already broughten home 3 different wives, each time he had left for a month or two and came back chasing the children, trying to beat them. Finally, she took the children out on the streets to live. They stayed close to the house, incase they could inhabit it again when the parents went away, and also incase a mom had another kid they needed to take in. The 8 year old got jobs washing cars and mowing lawns as the little ones played on the already cut grass, or inside the car. They barely made enough to survive, and, once Sheen, the second oldest, was old enough, he helped, too. School was no fun, anyway, so he didn't mind quiting it. But, when Sheen was 10, he was diagnossed with exhaustion because of malnutrition which led to anemonia (sp?). He died a month later due to the fact the others couldn't get her medical health (for financial reasons, duh). One day, it wasn't even noon yet when Line saw men and women rushing to the school. She let go of the mower and ran to the school. There she found a gang of boys fighting five boys, and three other boys on the ground. Each time one of the five boys landed on the ground, another boy would come in his place. When Line finally got through the crowd, fourteen boys and one girl were on the ground. Line jumped into the fight and fought off the gang, getting them on their backs and keeping them there until the athorities arrived. Unfortunately, the fifteen kids died fighting the gang because the gang had used iron knuckles. Most of the fifteen that had died had been Line's siblings. After that, Line wandered the streets, dazed. One rainy evening, she came across a fortune teller who asked her where she got those necklaces. When Line explained they were from her grandmother and what they were, the fortune teller taught her the spell [b]M'laer[/b]. She took Line to her home in the country and taught her everything she knows about fighting. After the fortune teller's death, Line became the strongest she could be. She had heard about the trouble going on in the country and wanted to be ready. In order to practice her skills, she dressed as a man and enlisted in many wars, but she still didn't know if she was ready to fight the warlord Morak.
  19. I would comment on the first three, but everyone else already said what I was going to say. Accept that you need a border. I didn't see a single border on any of your banners. Also, about the last one, if you want it to be a banner, you need to resize it. But I think you already knew that ^_^. Anyway, great banners! I find them unique, or the first one at least. Good job! ~Kieko
  20. Naju was lying in a field on a hill that could allow her to overlook the town. Not that she even bothered to look, it just gave her comfort to know that everyone was down there and she was up here; alone. She stared up at the blue sky, then turned her head towards the sunrise and watched the sky turn purple and red. [i]'A red sky in the morning is a sailor's warning!'[/i] Naju recalled the joke her brother always use to say when there was a red sky at sunrise. She smiled at the thought of her brother and brushed away the memory of his death that was creeping into her mind again. She looked back up at the puffy white clouds gracefully sliding along the sky at a steady, unbroken pace, their color blending with the soft blue behind. A fresh morning wind blew through the grass, making it flutter like a field of butterflies tickling her cheeks. Naju let this and the warmth of the sun sooth her. Her eyelids became heavy until they slid over her eyes and put her to sleep... [i]Naju found herself lying on what appeared to be thin air. She got up and looked around, everything was white. An image suddenly faded in before her and she looked on to study it. There appeared to be a family of four. The brother and sister were playing on the rug near the hearth in which a fire crackled. The girl was playing on a guitar while the boy danced to the tune. "Laki?" Naju said, studying the guitar. It suddenly came to her, "I remember this moment..." Her eyes drifted over to the man and woman. The mother's had was on top of the father's on her shoulder. Looking harder, Naju realized there was something different about her than she remembered, she looked plumper than usual. In fact she looked... she looked... pregnant. Naju was stunned. She looked at her mother's face and found a wet stream of tears rolling down each of the woman's cheeks. She knew she couldn't take care of three children. She knew she would have to leave Naju and Retcetorp, so she wept. She cried because she didn't want to abandon them. Naju reached up to wipe her mother's tears away. But, as soon as she touched the image, it disappeared and she was surrounded in a room just like the one in the memory. Accept there was no one there and Laki sat in a corner, perfectly preserved. She walked over to the guitar and touched the neck, starting to pick it up. But the minute she touched it she remembered the morning she woke up and read the note her parents had left saying they had to leave. Then came the memories of her and her brother wandering the streets, frozen to the bone and starving. Next Naju was surrounded by fire, in the midst of the fire she could see her brother burning at the stake. She tried to run to him, but flames engulfed him and she was back on the streets, crying and struggling for life, all alone... the child on the street corner...[/i] "Eya!" Naju said as she sat bolt upright from her dream. She suddenly realized what she had said. In her native tongue, 'eya' means 'family'. But hers was gone, and all she had left was Laki, the guitar lying next to her in the grass. That, and her sibling her mom held as a secret from Naju and her brother. That is, if the sibling's even alive.
  21. [i]Three years. It's been three years since the news that the murdererous Captain Yojimbo Hakasina had been captured.[/i] Etarip thought to herself, standing motionless on the dock and staring into the silvery moon in the navy-blue sky. Watching it gleem among the blackness, never changing yet always changing. Just like life. It never changes, but it's always changing around you. The thought of life brought to mind the night of Etarip's parents' death... [i]She was back, she was walking down the hall, bare feet landing silently on the cold oak floor, fear slowly sucking the warmth from her blood as it spread throughout her body. She grasped the doorknob to her parents' room and opened it a cracke. She looked in horror to see their mouths half open, eyes wide in shock, her mother's night dress stained with crimson blood which was hard to tell if it was from her split neck or her motionless husband's who's arms embraced her as if he could cling to life by clinging to her. Etarip could hear the pirates' arguments about who would eat what. She had tried to turn, but couldn't and watched them eat her parents in horror. When she finally managed to turn, as the captain took a bone from his mouth and threw it out the window, the door wavered back and forth from the swiftness of Etarip's retreat. She ran to the kitchen and took two knives from the counter then hid behind it. After the pirates had left and taken all they deemed worth taking, Etarip slept the night behind the counter, clutching the knives. In the morning, she went to her parents' room and slowly opened the door...[/i] Footsteps. Someone was coming. Etarip was interupted by this intrution, but she didn't mind, her memory wasn't one she wished to remember. She hid and waited for them to pass. When she got up, she saw, at the end of the dock, a new ship. She had never seen it before, so she decided to check it out. As she neared it, the golden name glistened in the moonlight and revealed itself as the "Darkstar". She saw someone in the crowsnest, so she climbed aboard and headed under the stairs. [i]A little rest won't hurt.[/i] She thought and leaned against the wall and dozed off. ___________________ "On your feet, who are you?" A voice said. It seemed to belong to a male. Etarip didn't even open her eyes. "I'd put that gun away, mate. You'll lose a valuable person." "And who are you, miss "valuable person"? He said. Etarip sat up and faced the man. With two fingers, she moved his gun down so it no longer pointed at her, he seemed to let it happen. "I'm the one you need to run this ship out of the harbor." "Oh really? Why do I need you to do that?" "Because there's an ambush waiting for you and I'm the only one who can get you out... alive that is." "How can we trust you?" "Cuz if I'm lying you can shoot me. It's a win-win deal, whatdya say? Let me join and I'll get you out alive, or shoot me now and rot in the ground. Your choice. Oh, and my name's Etarip." "Mine's Captain Lezs. Come with me." Etarip smiled, he'd accepted.
  22. O.C.C: I'm posting for NashvilleDream. (again) ____________________________ Kaira: Come back with me Ken-Ichi: I dunno Kaira: Please. Ken-Ichi: Alright. Kaira: Yay! ___________________________ Kaira: I'm back! Miroku: and who is this? Kaira: This is Ken-Ichi, my friend. Miroku: (From the way they look at eachother, I would guess more than just friends...) OW! What'd ya do that for? Sango: Because I know what you're thinking, you pervert. Miroku: That would explain being hit on the head without saying a word. (Great, now I need to watch what I think. Oh joy.) ????: How can we be sure he is trustworthy. Kaira: YOU DARE DOUBT OUR FRIENDSHIP! I'm showing Ken-Ichi to his room
  23. You forgot to mention the border and size, Pyrophobic ^_^. It could use a border, a border is instant elegance. As for size, if you want that to be a banner, it has to be within the size limits of 500X100. Yours is 500X140. Try to size it down. Besides that: I love the glowing blue cross/"t", but the white coming from the right doesn't look good. If you need to fill extra room, make the banner smaller. Remember 500X100 is the size limits, not the size, it can be smaller. All and all, it's a good banner! ~Kieko
  24. I'm sorry, but all I can say is PIXELY, PIXELY, PIXELY. You souldn't use MS Paint, it's not very good accept when it comes to spriting. Your pictures are pixely and your font is disorted. I understand that you outlined it with the pencil tool, but take your time next time. Saving it as bmp didn't help either. When you save it, open the bottom box that lets you choose what to save it as and go to the bottom selection: that's JPG. It also needs a border. I use to use MS Paint, so PM me if you need any advise. Nice try, though. ~Kieko
  25. |General Awards| Overall Member of the Year: James Honorable Mention: Annie Male Otaku of the Year: -- Honorable Mention:-- Female Otaku of the Year:-- Honorable Mention:-- Staff Member of the Year: Syk3 Honorable Mention: James Funniest Member:Dragon Warrior Honorable Mention: -- Most Opinionated Otaku: -- Honorable Mention: -- Member most likely to be here in two years: James Honorable Mention: Charles Best Newbie: Box Hoy Honorable Mention: Arunue Shekemari Best Oldie: Syk 3 Honorable Mention: Annie Most likely to become a Staff Member: Baron Samedi Honorable Mention: -- Favorite Banned Member: jonj Honorable Mention: Tical Most improved Member of the Year: BabyGirl Honorable Mention: -- Thread of the Year: -- Honorable Mention: -- Silliest Thread of the Year: My gift to OB:How the James stole Christmas. (animated) Honorable Mention: Movie: Super Otaku Brothers (Rated PG-13) |Random Awards| Avatar Award: -- Honorable Mention: -- Signature Award: Baron Semedi Honorable Mention: -- Best Location: -- Honorable Mention:-- Best Otaku Couple: Charles and Japan_86 Honorable Mention: -- Best looking Otaku: -- Honorable Mention:-- Otaku clique of the Year: -- Honorable Mention: -- Best MyOtaku: -- Honorable Mention: -- |Otaku Writers| Poet Laureate: Heaven's Cloud Honorable Mention: Mitch Writer of the Year: Annie Honorable Mention: The Hurlequin Orginal Story of the Year: -- Honorable Mention: -- Role-Player of the Year: Annie Honorable Mention: -- Brawler of the Year (sparring): -- Honorable Mention: -- Role-Playing Game of the Year: Kill Adam Honorable Mention:-- |Social Otakus| Otaku Social member of the year: -- Honorable Mention: -- Entertainment Otaku of the Year: Dragon Warrior Honorable Mention: -- |Anime Otakus| Otaku of the Year: Shy Honorable Mention: -- .hack//SIGN Member of the Year: -- Honorable Mention: -- DragonBall Guru: -- Honorable Mention: -- Digipeep of the Year: -- Honorable Mention: -- Gundam Member of the Year: -- Honorable Mention: -- Yu-Gi-Oh Member of the Year: -- Honorable Mention: -- Least Disappointing Yu Yu Hakusho Member: OtakuSamurai88 Honorable Mention: -- |Otaku Gamers| Gamer of the Year: -- Honorable Mention: -- Nintendo "Mario" Award: -- Honorable Mention: -- The Sony Award: -- Honorable Mention: -- Xbox Gamer of the Year: -- Honorable Mention: -- PC Gamer of the Year: -- Honorable Mention: -- |Otaku Artists| Best Graphic Designer (Banners, wallpapers, etc.): Dragon Warrior Honorable Mention: Kenetic Best "Traditional" Artist (Drawings, paintings, etc.): -- Honorable Mention: -- Best Spriter: Kazuko Honorable Mention: DragonballZman |Series Otakus| Series Otaku Member of the Year: -- Honorable Mention: -- Square/Enix Member of the Year: -- Honorable Mention: -- PokéPlaque (Pokemon): -- Honorable Mention: -- The Triforce Award (Zelda): -- Honorable Mention: -- _________________ I know I didn't fill in a lot of them ^_^"
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