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Everything posted by Kieko

  1. You've still got it DW! That was just as hillarious as the last one "How the James Stole Christmas"! Well, maybe not as funny, but it's hard to top that one ^_^! I look forward to more!
  2. Kieko stood up and scowled at Rein. "You know for a GOD you sure aren't too Godly." And she left the dojo. Arunue was walking towards her brothers grave. She kneeled down in the soft mud and touched the smooth oak cross at the head of the grave. "Arunue!" Kieko shouted, making her way over to her. Arunue didn't look up. "Arunue, you know we need you. To begin with I had a different reason for being here than I do now. Now my reason is to protect you. To help you. Arunue, I'm pretty sure that's everyone's reason, including Symoni. Rein could never replace you." "Heh, thanks, but I'm a little old to fall for that "we all love you" stuff." "You don't have to fall for it because it's not a trick, it's the truth." "Listen to her, she's right." Symoni said. Arunue looked up. Symoni was standing behind Kieko. And behind her were Toshi and Garren.
  3. [b][size=4]HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!![/size][/b] Sorry, it's just that it was so funny!! I loved it!! I think I'm going to watch it again! *clicks attatchment, staring at screen with reindeer's glee* I loved the characters and what they said! Some of the jokes were old (like the broken record one that you used when Dragon Warrior kept saying "not the james"), but they were funny! Great job! I especially like when James threatens to give ban warnings because he's the administrator. Hilarious! Great job!
  4. That's very good! I've never tried a wallpaper, so I can't say it's better than I can do, but it probably is. The only problem I have with it is the quote. It doesn't really seem to go with the picture. I know you have snowflakes and everything, but I would focus the quote on what might be happening in the picture, like something about what you think the man is doing (or was doing because he or someone else decapitated someone.) Well, it's good anyway ^_^. I especially like the energy balls around the people. 8/10 (oh, and it could just be my computer, but the man's face is kinda fuzzy.)
  5. O.C.C: I've been real busy, but I'm going to start posting more if I have time. _____________________________ [i]Darn it, where could she be?[/i] Thought Legnakrad. She was soaring above even the highest branches of the trees, looking into the distance, but she still couldn't see a place Nymphanie might go. She hovered a bit and looked around, surveying each horizon. She caught a glimps of a light in the distance. [i]That looks promising.[/i] As she drew nearer, she could see that the light was surrounded by flames. [i]Maybe Gam is there. I'm sure she'll know where Nymphanie is.[/i] As Legnakrad neared the light even more, she saw it was a blade. But not just any blade, the Blade of Purity. She looked at it's weilder and saw him; Artemus. She guessed he had regained his name Angel of Chaos on account of he was leading other angels to battle. [i]Looks like GOD forgave him. Lucifer won't be happy, years of trying to find a way to get him on our side, wasted.[/i] Legnakrad suddenly caught a glimpse of silvery wings leading away from the battle, soaring into the clouds. As she looked closer she saw that it was Nymphanie. All she did was smile. She knew it was coming, but it still hurt to know her friend was now against her. [i]Heh, Angels of Hell need no friends.[/i] Legnakrad thought to herself, flying towards the battle. But inside she knew she was wrong. She hovered over the battle, surveying it to inform Lucifer of how it went so she could have an excuse for leaving without permission. The Angels of Choir hit the dragon on one side while the half-breeds hit on the other. The Blade of Purity seemed to have penetrated the skin (if there was any O.O) and into the side of the beast. The others continued to fight, but Delnoreth stopped to look at what Artemus had done. Never had there been a blade powerful enough to penetrate the skin of a dragon. Legnakrad was also amazed. [i]Hm. I see that the tales are true. Maybe now would be a good time to inform Lucifer of the weakness of Heaven, before Artemus can block the attack.[/i] And Legnakrad turned and flew away from the half-dragos and angels being burned by the dragon spirit. She smiled at such destruction and headed towards the Hell Mouth.
  6. Ok, first question: What program are you using? If you're using one of the better programs like Photoshop and Paintshop Pro, sorry but that banner looks like it was created in MS Paint. Miroku looks like the top of his head wasn't smoothly cut when you cropped him and so does the middle picture if you look towards the bottom. Also, the font doesn't really go with the banner and your font color sort of blends with the backround in some places. But good banner, very funny! 8/10 ~Kieko
  7. Ok, just clarafying a few things that Nashville told me to clarafy: 1)Sign ups will be open until NashvilleDream says otherwise. 2)The available characters are: Sango, Shippo, and Sesshomaru. 3)Kagome 1, I believe someone has already taken the spot of Kagome, and unless they post or PM you otherwise, you'll have to change your character.
  8. "Celestia!" Arunue said as she bent over to see if she was still alive. She was, but she needed medical attention. "C'mon, Shindi, Yusuke, we've gotta get Celestia back to camp." And Shindi and Arunue started running back to camp; they didn't know Yusuke was back in the cave. "Wait!" Shindi shouted. Arunue tried to stop so suddenly, she slid in some mud and crashed into a tree. Shindi dropped to the ground, she had turned back into a human and landed gracefully on her feet. "Why'd you stop me, Shindi?! And it better be something good!" A muddy Arunue said. "Well, if you concider loosing Yusuke again a good reason, than yes, it is 'something good'!" Shindi said. "What are you talkin' about? Yusuke's right h-" Arunue broke off as she pointed to where Yusuke should have been, where there was nothing but air now. "Koron must have teleported him back to the lair." Arunue said. "And it's not just Koron. I feel another, one with superior strength. This must be Koron's master, and they must want Yusuke for something or else Koron would most likely not take orders from a superior." Shindi said. "Well then let's go!" Arunue exclaimed and they headed back for the hole. Hoping they could reach Yusuke before Koron and his master finished him off. _______________________ "Hm. You aren't well built, nor do you look very strong or fast." Zsade said, inspecting Yusuke. "Koron, are you sure you brought me the right one?" "Yes, Zsade, I'm sure." "Very well. Hold out your palm." Zsade said to Yusuke. Yusuke looked as if he didn't know if Zsade had spoken to him or not. "Hold out your palm, boy!" And Yusuke held out his palm. "No, no, the other one you fool!" Yusuke dropped his right palm to his side and held the left one up. Zsade held his hand, palm up, under Yusuke's. To Yusuke's surprise, the blue stone inside his hand started to glow a dulled electric blue. "Well done, Koron." Zsade said, dropping his hand and letting Yusuke do the same. "We've got him."
  9. Symoni woke Garren as Kieko went for Arunue. She wasn't there. [i]Where could she be?[/i] Kieko thought desprately. Once she decided that Arunue must have gone to help Toshi, she when back to the others and told them. Symoni, Garren and Kieko ran through the trees until they came upon the clearing where Toshi and Garren were fighting. There they also found Arunue sitting in a tree having a jolly time. "Oy! Guys, you're missing a real good fight! It's just starting to get interesting!" Arunue shouted once she saw them come into the clearing, Kieko jumped into the tree next to Arunue. "What'd I miss?" "Nothing much, they just started." "Good. I hope Toshi kicks Rayne's a**." "Ha, yeah, but if it gets ugly I get to go in first ok?" "Heh, heh, ok. Oh, shh! Toshi's making a move." And with that, Toshi sent a beam of energy from his sword and the fight began to heat up, all the better to the enjoyment of Kieko and Arunue.
  10. O.C.C: Bringin' this thread back to life... ____________________ "Hm." Kyo nodded. "Right, then. Let's go!" Liam checked to see if anyone was coming, then, when she was sure no one was there, Miriki peeked his head out and looked down the hallways on either side of them. No one, they were safe. "C'mon." Miriki said. And everyone followed. Again, they only used one flashlight, preserving the other's batteries in case the one they're using ran out of juice. And again, they had to be careful about where they would shine the light. Chris thought she heard someone following them once and a while, but she dismissed the thought as hearing one of her friends' footsteps or breath. They finally reached the gym. Kyo nodded to Ashes. Not that he needed to, she knew what to do. But, to their surprise, the door was open. "Um, maybe they forgot to lock it..." Damai suggested. The others looked a bit skeptical of this, but it seemed enough for the time being, they just had to be wary, incase one of the gunmen knew how to pick locks and was smarter than your average nutcase.
  11. O.C.C: Sorry I haven't been posting, but I am now... _______________________ Legnakrad was sitting in the corner of her one-roomed hut, her arms resting limply on her knees. But while her body was limp, her mind was active with thoughts. [i]Where's Nymphanie? She should be back by now. I certainly hope she hasn't repented to Lucifer yet, I'm looking forward to fighting at her side, not at the tip of her blade. Heh, oh well. Whatever she wants is fine. Heh, GOD, what an ignorant fool. Not only did he lose much of his army, he practacly handed the rest over to us! Certainly Lucifer has sent someone to convince Delnoreth and his army to join us. That Delnoreth was right, but that simple-minded fool GOD is too concieted to listen to anyone but himself. At this rate, Hell will rule all in no time. Then maybe I can get a decent home. Not only that, but I can actually spread my wings a bit and fly where I want. I haven't seen the world in a long time, I wish to fly upon the fresh air. Smoke gets kinda boring after a while, one needs a change in the air they breathe after over five thousand years.[/i] Sarcasm. [i]Heh, I'd better be careful or before long I'll be turning loop-de-loops in the air.[/i] After waiting four hours, running all thoughts possible at that time through her head, and practicing her fighting techniques, Legnakrad finally snuck out of Hell and into the world, greeted by a blinding sun. She would look for Nymphanie and find out more about Delnoreth. _________________ O.C.C: This is just for my character, so Annie you can still fill Noelle's request.
  12. Name: Etarip Drows (eh-ta-rip) (dr-rows) Age: 15 Gender: Female (unless you want me to be a male) Weapon: twin daggers Appearence: [see attatchment] Backround/Bio: When Etarip was about four through seven, her family was one of the wealthiest families around. They owned a huge mansion and had at least five parties a month, to which only other wealthy families could attend. Etarip hated her life. All she would do was wake up, act dainty, smile and curtsy and let people compliment on how well behaved she was at the parties, and then go to sleep. She didn't have any friends since the only other children she came in cotact with were those on the rare occasions that one of the guests had to bring their child or they couldn't come to the party. And the children Etarip came in contact with, she didn't even talk to. They were like her; they acted fancy and well-raised, but inside they felt like they were in a crowded room screaming at the top of their lungs, but no one would look up. Day after day of this finally drove Etarip mad. At age 7 Etarip and her mother and father were sitting at breakfast, her mother nibbling eggs and her father reading the paper. Her father stated that pirates had invaded town. To this her mother said she hoped they wouldn't attack them because she didn't want to have to run in high heels or trip and soil her dress. This just made Etarip blow, she stood up so quickly her chair flew backward and shattered the sliding glass door that lead to the backyard. She started screaming at her parents about everything and ran to her room where she shut and locked the door. That night, staring out her window at the backyard, Etarip saw the pirates coming. She quickly fumbled with the locks until they were open and went to warn her parents. But, when she reached for the handle to their room, the knob was already turning. Etarip ran down the stairs to the kitchen and took two knives from their holders, then she hid behind the counter, waiting. The pirates left shortly after, figuring they had stollen everything worth stealing. But Etarip decided to stay in her hiding spot until morning. In the morning, she went to her parents' room to find their necks had been slit; they were dead. She ran from the house and found work for a blacksmith. She made herself two daggers. By age fifteen, Etarip had all but mastered her weapon's skill. She was practicing on the dock, when she saw a ship coming into the dock. She hid until who seemed to be the captain got off and went to explore the town. Etarip decided it wasn't the captain that had killed her parents, so she decided to tag along. She got into the ship and rested in her favorite spot; under the stairs leading to the wheel of the boat (the one they use to steer the boat). When the captain discovered her there, she asked if she could become part of his crew and he said yes so she became part of the crew on the "Darkstar".
  13. Haze, you said it all. Actually, you said it all accept that the banners go over the size limit. The limit is 500X100 and you have banners that go over the limit. That's part of your problem, you're trying to make the pictures too big, make your banners smaller, not bigger, and you won't have to stretch the pics so much and they won't get pixelly or blurry. I do like the last one, though ^_^. Nice and clear. But one thing: why do you always use the same font? Try one of these banners again using the advise we've given you and a different font and see how it looks ^_^. I'm interested to see the results if you do! ~Kieko
  14. Again Sesshomaru is pixelly --_--. Don't make your banner so big and you won't have to stretch the picture as much. As for the fonts: 1) even though you don't have good fonts, you can still make the text interesting. (PM me for details) 2) I know a site you can get LOADS of free fonts: [url]http://www.1001freefonts.com/fonts/afonts2.htm[/url] ~Kieko
  15. Well, it's good, but Sesshomaru is pixelly, so you can't really see his face. Also, a good border would make it a little more pleasing to the eye. But it's a very good banner. I especially like the string of light from Sesshomaru's attack going through the banner like that, very nice. What program are you using? If it's MS Paint, I can understand why your banners are pixelly, I use to have to use MS Paint so I know how it feels, don't worry. But a way you can improve is by making your banners smaller so the pictures are less stretched out and therefore less pixelly. (I have more tips for MS Paint if you want to PM me. That is, if you're using it.) ~Kieko
  16. I tried as well and I think it's pretty good ^_^. [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=532112[/img]
  17. Kieko

    My Banners

    Thanks for the comments. Yeah, those banners are in MS Paint, but I just got Photo Shop 3 (so it's an old version, but it beats MS Paint by a lot). I still need improvement in Photo Shop, though. Here's a banner I just made:
  18. "Shakia, that jerk! He musta clued in the government! Now they'll know we're here in a matter of days! Maybe hours!" Symoni said. "We need to rest. We can worry about this afterwards." Arunue said. "I'll keep watch." Kieko said and left before anyone could protest. "Hm. OK. There are some blankets in the back closet, you can use those." Arunue yawned. "I'm going to my own bed." "Yeah, sure, you get the bed while we get moth-eaten blankets!" Symoni said jokingly. She couldn't believe she still had her sense of humor after all that had happened. She and the others got the blankets and went to sleep. Garren was sleeping sideways in the lap of a chair: legs resting on the rightside arm rest. Symoni fell asleep in the corner, leaned against the wall while Toshi fell asleep sprawled on the ground with his foot sticking out of the blanket on one side. Arunue was in her bed, lying awake, thinking about the past 24 hours. [i]Shakia, what happened to you? Why are you doing this, Shakia?![/i] Arunue almost burst into tears. He had almost killed her friends, and he had joined sides with someone who had killed one of her friends. How could they still be an alliance? How could Shakia bare to see Arunue like this? [i]Does he even love me anymore?[/i] But Arunue knew it was a hopeless question. He wanted her to burn in hell, there was no way he loved her still... no way... _______________ Kieko sat outside on the porch of the dojo, leaning against the outer wall of the building and fingering her necklaces. They filled her with warmth after past's events. In a deep train of thought she felt the tiniest emotion, trying to be smuggled. She reconized the burning coldness of it even when it was faint. [i]Rayne.[/i] Kieko thought. She got up and turned to go inside and warn the others when someone hit her over the back of the head with the handle of their sword. The last thing she saw before blacking out was Rayne looking down at her, smiling...
  19. Don't double post. Edit your first post using the "edit" button at the bottom of your post next to "quote". You will also see a delete button, click that to delete your second post. And another thing: what is this RPG about? What's the plot? Setting? Characters? Be sure to post that stuff and I'll concider signing up ^_^. ~Kieko
  20. The man's fist swung around his side. Kieko reached up with the hand closest to his attack and grabbed his arm, stopping it. The man struggled against Kieko's grip, but was unable to move his arm. Kieko wasn't even trying. She was too strong for him, and she had a little trick to help. "Heh. Oldest trick in the book. Well, my book at least." "And what's that?" The man said, struggling to pull his arm free. "I know where to hold your arm so that your muscle reacts and you can't move it. In short, I know your body's weaknesses." Kieko said, still holding the man's arm. "Yeah? Well there's one thing you forgot." The man sneered, reaching behind himself, grabbing a knife and making sure Kieko didn't see it. "Hmm. And what did I forget?" She said, squeezing tighter on his arm causing him to wince. "You forgot to learn my strength!" And with that, the man swung the knife down, attempting to stab Kieko. But, with her free hand, Kieko drew one of her daggers and blocked the attack. Their weapons made a small [i]ching[/i] when they hit. Then she punched the man square in the stomach. He let out a small grunt and winced. "No, I don't think I did forget anything." She said, driving her fist deeper into his stomach, forcing out another small grunt. Kieko backed away from the man. She had already hit him in the cheek, and blood was dripping out the corner of his mouth. He regained his fighting stance and charged Kieko, weapon raised, ready to strike. "You b!tch!" He shouted. And, just when he was close enough, Kieko stabbed him in the stomach. Crimson blood dampened her hand. "Your attack was extremely sloppy. Your arms weren't locked ready to make a quick strike, but worst of all, you left your stomach and chest open for an attack. No fighter would do that." And she pulled the dagger from his stomach and watched him fall to the floor and bleed to death. He must have been the leader because a second after he was dead, Kieko was attacked by the whole bar. Luckily only some could get to her at one time. But, hey, if that's the good luck, what's the bad?
  21. O.O I love it! It looks awesome! I do agree, though, it does look like it's lacking something... I've never played the game, so I don't know what quotes would go good on that banner. If you gave me something you would want it to say, I can shorten it to three words (well, most of the time.) Then maybe you could put words on it. ~Kieko
  22. Kieko

    My Banners

    Thanks for the comment. (I think O.o) Anyway, here's a banner I made. The words might be kinda hard to read, but tell me what you think ^_^.
  23. Yeah, and it's going to get this thread killed! Come on! We have to make our posts longer! Do you want this thread to be closed???? I'm going to try to post longer posts, but you have to do the same, ok? ____________________ "Arunue!"Garren, feeling...well... nothing, really, got up and ran to Arunue's side. He knelt on one knee and checked her breathing. Her chest moved slowly up and down, she was alive. "She's ok." Kieko said, seeing the worried expression on Symoni's face. "How do you know?" "She still has faint emotion and brain waves. I can feel it emmiting from her body. She's only fainted." "How can you feel her emotion and brain waves?" "Well, it takes practice. But for now, just close your eyes and concentrate on Arunue." Symoni tried it. For a moment, nothing happened. Then, her mood started to share her body with a different one. This one was cold and brought sadness and confusion. "You feel it. I can feel your brain waves rising and your emotion intwining with another." "Yeah..." Was all Symoni could say. She had no idea what Arunue felt like... it felt terrible. No wonder she seemed depressed. "Caught ya in a numb spot, eh, Garren?" Toshi said. "Yeah, I'm fine." Garren said, picking up Arunue. "Lets fine somewhere to sleep." "I know a good inn on White Lane." Toshi said. "Follow me." "White Lane? Why would they name it that?" Kieko asked. "Because no one ever plows the streets in the winter time, so it's covered and snow and looks white." Toshi explained. They walked about fourteen blocks in snow before they got to the inn. It looked ok on the outside, and it had Christmas lights on the door, some burnt out in different places along the string. They entered and the bell above the door made a soft ring. The innkeeper looked up. "Ah, how may I help you fine young people?" He said. He was a stout man, with a fuzzy beard and mustache, both white. He was bald and wore overalls and a white long-sleeved shirt, his clothes were dirty in spots, but his voice was pure as the deep church bell. "We're looking to stay a few days, do you have a room?" Symoni said. "Aye, we have a room. Room 304. Ya can't miss it." "No key?" Garren asked. "We don't have locks." On the way up, Kieko looked back through a door where she saw some men fighting while others rooted them on and smoked and drank. Fighting, heh, looked like a good time. She'd have to pay them a visit sometime. She smirked as she turned and walked up the creaking stairs.
  24. "I hate this job. It's fun for a while, but it gets kinda boring after a few days." Nymphanie said while killing the half-dragons who came through the gate. "Hm." Legnakrad said in almost a sigh, killing as well. Once the gate closed and the last half-dragons were killed, Nymphanie and Legnakrad put away their weapons and walked away. As soon as they were in their favorite patch of flames, Nymphanie decided to start a conversation. "You know, the sooner you tell Lucifer the weakness of Heaven, the better. Then we will win and be able to poison those hideous clouds. I want to turn mine blood red. How about you?" "I'm going to turn mine black, I'll feel more at home." Legnakrad answered. This seemed to cheer her up. "Yeah. That is, if we ever get clouds." She turned towards Legnakrad. "You know, you can't keep this secret forever. Someone's going to find out and then they'll tell Lucifer, and then we've got the screaming problem again..." She sounded like Lucifer was a child she hated babysitting. "Either that or he finds out himself and cooks the town." "Ha. Yeah, I know." Legnakrad seemed to be smiling, which was unusual. [i]She must be happy knowing she can win this war for Lucifer anytime. Anyone would be happy knowing that their victory in a war was in their hands for anytime they pleased.[/i] Nymphanie thought. She only hoped Legnakrad would tell Lucifer in time. [i]Wait, what am I thinking?[/i] She thought. [i]We won't need to worry about time, we have an eternity.[/i]
  25. Well, all my banner threads die, so PLEASE! Try to keep this one going. I know I'm not great at banners, but I want to improve. Here: [img]http://server4.uploadit.org/files2/161203-BANNER4you1.bmp[/img] [img]http://server4.uploadit.org/files2/161203-dreaming.bmp[/img] [img]http://server4.uploadit.org/files2/161203-fairyBAN.bmp[/img] [img]http://server4.uploadit.org/files2/161203-fayeBANNER2.bmp[/img] [img]http://server4.uploadit.org/files2/161203-killhannahbanner.bmp[/img] Well, that's all I can do for now. Tell me what you think ^_^.
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