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Everything posted by Kieko

  1. "Ora." Toshi said, on the verge of tears. He quickly blinked them back. He was kneeling on the ground next to her. Ora was clutching her stomach. She lifted her head, still bent over, and gave Toshi a weak smile before slumping to the ground. "Ora..." Oa had been Toshi's only friend since he was young, and now... just like that, she was gone. There was no one to take out his anger on, now that Rayne was dead, so he decided to fight Arunue as Symoni took care of Garren. Toshi quickly converted his sorrow into rage and charged Arunue from behind with his sword ready to strike as Arunue advanced on Garren and Symoni. Arunue, hearing Toshi coming, spun around and blocked his attack. Toshi didn't care. He just kept on slashing. He nearly forgot his technique. All he wanted was to kill and avenge Ora. _________________________ Kieko landed about ten yards from where Shakia did. [i]He's too fast.[/i] Kieko thought, breathing heavily (but silently). [i]No. He's not too fast. I'm getting sloppy. I need to sharpen my technique.[/i] And with that she raced towards Shakia in fighting stance. He dodged her attack, but she launched another attack directly after the first, creating a huge gash in his stomach. Kieko and Shakia backed off one another. Shakia felt his side in shock. He lifted his hand to see the crimson blood sliding down his palm. He quickly lowered it. "Heh, no one's hurt me, let alone cut me, in a long time, doll face. I'm impressed." "I have two daggers, I'm going to launch two attacks." "But I'm afraid playtime's over, I would like to end this now before I waste anymore time on you worthless people." "Shakia, when you chalanged me you had no idea who you were chalanging, did you?" "Yeah, I'm chalanging a tough girl. That shouldn't be so hard to take care of." And he launched himself towards Kieko. He drew his sword from it's holder and tried to slice Kieko's stomach, but she blocked it with a dagger and tried to cut his neck with the other dagger. If Shakia hadn't ducked, it would have split open his neck and his own heart would have pumped the blood from his body, but when he ducked, it gashed his cheek, not his neck. He pushed away from Kieko and stood, smiling an evil smile. He then disappeared and Kieko felt and arm wrap around her neck and a sword threatening to slit her neck. "Good-bye, doll face." Shakia said, but Kieko stabbed his arm with both daggers at once and drew them out when he let go. She took a few steps and turned to face the bloody Shakia. He was drenched in the crimson liquid, holding his arm, he had dropped his sword. "The worst mistake you could have made you made, Shakia." "Oh, yeah. What was that?" "You let your opponent realize what was happening. In short, you were too full of yourself to see the blunder you made." "Nah, you're just special, dolly." Shakia said, regaining his fighting stance. "Yes, special in the way that instead of dropping my weapons and reaching up to try and pull your grip free, using my weapons. Just like I'm about to use them now." She said, and charged Shakia. She had to be wary because Shakia would disappear and reappear behind her from time to time. Finally, Kieko made a mistake and turned instead of turned and stepped to the side when Shakia appeared behind her. She tried to dodge the attack, but was too close; Shakia's sword when through her shoulder, right below the shoulderblade. He grinned and pulled his sword back. Kieko retreated a few steps, holding her shoulder. "Not so confident now, eh doll face?" Kieko regained fighting position. "Heh, one hit. I've hit you three times. Don't mock me or the next time will be your last hit." Shakia charged her again and they duelled. Shakia brought his sword down and Kieko tried to block it. Searing pain burned her injury and she fell weakly to the snow, gripping her shoulder. [i]He must have hit an artery. No injury I've had has bled this much.[/i] Kieko thought to herself. The blood was dripping to the snow, staining it. She rolled away and grabbed her daggers just as Shakia brought his sword down again. She got up into a fighting stance, wincing with pain, fighting Shakia...
  2. "Ah, yes. Legnakrad." Lucifer said as she entered the room. Legnakrad was glad that looks couldn't kill because she would be dead the second he looked at her. He was far more angry than normal. "What's made you so angry, sir?" "Heaven is gathering followers, they plan to fight us! I don't know about you, but this is a tough situation for me!" Lucifer shouted. Regaining his usual strictness he said, "Well, then. What did you want to see me about? I'm on a tight scedule, you know." "Yes, well it really doesn't matter now." She said, and vanished. She reappeared outside Lucifer's castle and walked on. [i]That's the second time I've tried to tell him the truth. And that's the second time I've been unable to do it. If I'm on his side, why can't I help him?[/i] Legnakrad thought to herself. She knew Heaven's only weakness, and yet she couldn't tell Lucifer. She walked on into the flaming darkness, thinking to herself... [i]maybe next time...[/i] ______________________ "I do not want to fight, Delnoreth." GOD said in his normal calm tone. Delnoreth, however, was on pins and needles. "But, sir! Lucifer's army of demons is at the ready, and they will attack and win over the clouds of Heaven! They will impurify Heaven itself as we know it!" "That is enough, Delnoreth." "Sir, just listen to me! I will go, but think about what I have said here!" "I will." And Delnoreth flew out the castle's entrance. He flew in the sky among the puffy white clouds for a while, and then headed back. [i]Maybe a chat with the angel's will calm my nerves...[/i] He thought, and flew back twords a small patch of clouds, on which he and his friends always met on.
  3. O.C.C: Sorry I haven't been posting, I've been at my grandma's house and it wouldn't let me into this thread ^_^". Heck if I know why! Oh, and by the way, can my character actually DO something other than just stand there? I think everyone else feels the same way, so I'm going to include them, too. ____________________ Kieko serveyed the fight. Shakia's strategy was good, but it had one flaw: when he slashed his sword downward, he left his neck open and unprotected. That blunder would be the end of him soon. Kieko just hoped Toshi realized it in time because his strategy left him entirely unprotected for a second each time he has to touch the ground to regain balance. But Shakia caught him in one of his weak moments and held his sword up ready to strike. The sword came down but was stopped before it hit Toshi. Kieko had gotten between the two and blocked it with her twin daggers by crossing them. Shakia immediately jumped back and regained a fighting stance. Once he was ready to fight, Kieko charged with her daggers in her hands to her side, arms bent at a 90-degree angle. She came within Shakia's sword reach and, just as he brought the sword down, moved to the side and lashed out with one of her daggers, aiming for his neck. But he jerked his head in the opposite direction as the dagger and dodged the attack. They remained locked in a battle that went somewhat like this. [i]It's amazing, that's the fifth time she's almost slit my throat. She's found my attack's weakness, but I can't find hers.[/i] Shakia thought to himself, but he knew all he had to do was keep good defence and Kieko would most likely not be able to slit his throat. Just then, Rayne launched an attack on Toshi. Luckily, Toshi heard it and dodged it just in time, but he and Rayne were locked in battle the second after the attack. Everytime Rayne sent a spell Toshi's way, he'd dodge it and then have to dodge Rayne's sword as Rayne swung it in a surprise attack. Shooting different spells at Toshi, Rayne shouted, "Heh, I see you've improved since our first encounter. But it's useless to fight me. I will kill you and Arunue and Shakia will take care of your friends. Don't you see? All of you will die and there is no way you can prevent it." "You're wrong." Toshi said after he dodged a spell. "We will not die and I swear I will defeat you!" He said and charged Rayne, dodging spells as he ran. He backed off a little to let Rayne draw her sword so Rayne wouldn't kill Toshi with that attack (the attack where Rayne draws her sword and cut open the opponent's stomach, killing them). Toshi and Rayne locked themselves in a duel with their swords. Arunue got up. Just by looking at her eyes, the others could tell her mind was being controlled. Arunue stared at Garren and he could fell his neck tightening, closing his air tube. Seeing Garren choking, Symoni attacked Arunue. She couldn't believe what she was doing until Arunue blocked her attack and began fighting her. Garren fell to a slump on the ground. When he began breathing steadily again, he helped Symoni. Arunue would dodge one attack and attack the person who launched it if she had time between attacks. It was an all out battle between Kieko and Shakia, Toshi and Rayne, and Garren, Symoni and Arunue.
  4. Hmmm... which to enter... How about... this one: [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=532002[/img] And this one: [img]http://server4.uploadit.org/files2/141203-ahmygoddessbanner.JPG[/img] And... hmm... how about this one: [img]http://server4.uploadit.org/files2/141203-fayeBANNER2.bmp[/img] this one: [img]http://server4.uploadit.org/files2/141203-dreaming.bmp[/img] And this one: [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=529539[/img] Don't open the attatchment, it's BMP. I just put it there so I could upload it. The site I usually upload on only allows 5 uploads per day, so I had to attatch it.
  5. "Ok, Chris, you're good at medical stuff so you help bandage Miriki's arm. Liam, you help me find some stuff that will come in handy later. Ashes, stand guard by the door and lock it if anyone comes." Kyo ordered and everyone obeyed; they were reasonable orders. Liam flicked on a light. "No! Someone will see it!" Ashes exclaimed. "We have to use flashlights or someone will know we're in here." "But there's only one good one and there's two people who need them!" Liam said. "So then take the working one and look in the top center cabnet (sp?) and get some batteries for the one that doesn't work." Chris said, handing them the working flashlight. She didn't need it anymore, she had already bandaged Miriki's arm. "Alright, Ashes, pick the lock and I'll stand guard." Miriki said. Ashes nodded. She picked the lock and they got the batteries. Kieko started feeling and listening around the nurses' office for useful things, and every now and then Kyo or Liam would shine a light her way so she could see things, too. She was feeling around in a drawer when she felt something prick her. It was in a bag, so it didn't break the skin, but it was sharp. She picked it up and felt the rest of it. "Kyo! Shine your light this way!" Chris said. She knew what it was, she just wanted to double check. And sure enough, it was as she had expected: the tool they use to give shots. "I have an idea. What if we fill these with medicine and then we can inject them into the gunmen if we get close enough." Chris suggested. "Hmm. Ok, but you have to carry them." Kyo said. "Alright, I'll look through the medicine cabnet and get the strongest medication they have." "Kyo! Chris! Come see what I found!" Liam said just loud enough so that they could hear. Kyo and Chris rushed over. Turns out Liam had discovered a smallish plastic bin of scafels (the knives they use to cut off boils). Each one of them was able to carry a scafel. Now all they needed was another plan to get them to the roof exit.
  6. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^ _________________________ _Race: Dark Angel Name: Legnakrad (leg-na-crad) Gender: Female Age: 5,398 Appearnce: She has a black, silk gown with a blood red flame design comming up from the bottom, and blood red silk around the hem (bottom of the gown) and the collar. She has a red cresent (sp?) moon shaped mark on her forehead, and her black hair falls over her shoulders, her bangs curving (like this: ( ) ) around the cresent moon mark. Her wings are black lined with red. Side: Lucifer Persona/Mannerisms: She is quiet and mostly does what others tell her to do. Legnakrad often spends her time in solitude except when there's a fight, then she fights it and she fights it well. It's as if she's a whole different person when she fights. Weapons: She has twin maces that she can make appear in her hands when she wants them. Legnakrad is quite skilled with them and has never lost a battle. Abilities: [b]Spell of Sacrafice:[/b] This is an extremely powerful spell. It allows the spellcaster (the one who casted the spell) to dissolve his or her body, release his or her soul and take the souls of all they choose. But, it is called sacrafice because the spellcaster gives up his or her own life to cast it. BIO: Legnakrad can hardly remember her old life. All she remembers is that she was (and still is) a spellcaster. Other things she can remember are flashes of her parents, brothers, and the angry mob the night the towns people killed her family. But she didn't really care. Another thing she remembers is when she was going from town to town, killing and stealing, she was stopped by a elderly woman. This woman casted the [b]Spell of Sacrafice[/b] in order to kill Legnakrad. Legnakrad spent her free time (in Hell) from then on teaching herself the spell until she knew it. Other: She is secretly in cahoots with GOD (only through prayer) and holds the answer, she knows the one weakness of Heaven that could lead to Lucifer's vitory.
  7. I'm going to post a third banner. If I'm not allowed three entries take the first two, and if I'm not allowed two entries, take the first one. ~Kieko
  8. Ok, so obviously we're allowed to post second banner entries. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=528995[/img]
  9. Whoa:eek:! We have TALENTED, and I mean TALENTED banner makers at OB! The other banners are awesome! I would say I don't stand a chance, but my first rule in entering a contest is always say you can, so I CAN win, I CAN win, I CAN win... Anyway, I have two banners, so if you want to see my other one tell me. But I'm going to enter my first one for the time being. [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=528723[/img]
  10. Can I be a Persocon that thinks like a chobit but can't act upon their own will? _______________________ _Name: Shine14672398 [Shine for short (sheen-ay)] _Serial #:14672398 _Purpose: To obey commmands. Even if they are to kill someone, but when given that command, her brain blacks out almost instantly so she won't know that she hurt someone. They put this feature in because they knew she would stop herself if she knew what she was doing. _Appearance: Shine has long dark blue hair which she wears up in a pony tail most of the time. She also wears light blue capris and a black, no-sleeved shirt (not a spagetti strapped shirt, it just has no sleeves beyond her shoulders). She likes this outfit, but the family she works for can make her change her outfit to what they please. (She looks like a ten-year-old human). _Personality: She's the quiet type, shadowy and expressionless most of the time. She tries to fight her programing to obey orders when she knows it will hurt someone. She's learned that when she suddenly blacks out, she hurt someone because that's the last thing she hears before she blacks out.
  11. _Name: Juan Kirii _Year: 1 _Team: Digital Starlight (she doesn't like the fact of being in a club, but it was the only way she could be allowed to fight.) _Label: Loner/goth (she likes her solitude) _Bio: Juan has never had a real family. When she was five her dad deserted her and her mom, and at age seven her mom died in a car accident. She was sent to an orphinage in a big city, where a couple adopted her. But, since she didn't want a new family, she stole, gambled, and cut school. She went through eleven couples in the city, all the while treating them the same. The only real thing she looked forward to was school, and that was only when she felt like it. She went to a Christian school where nuns taught, and her favorite teacher was the Principal. She never really had any friends, until they sent her away to a high school. She is currently living with another couple who are about 50 years old, but she'll probably be on the streets again in a few days. She was thrilled when she found out about the championship at the end of the school year, she loved fighting and is ready to kick butt!(Sorry the bio isn't long! I accidently deleted it and so I had to write it again and it didn't come out the same way as before --__--.) _Description: (Pretend the wings aren't there)
  12. _Name: Thgil Sratseht _Age: 18 _Gender: Female _Description:[img]http://server4.uploadit.org/files2/101203-pictureofher.JPG[/img] _Bio: Thgil was as happier than any girl on earth. She had loving parents, and although her grandparents on her mom's side were dead and the ones on her dad's side moved away because they were ashamed their son married Thgil's mom, her great-grandma was always there. Even though Thgil lived in the projects in the city she would give Thgil toys and take her to the zoo, and everything. But then things went wrong. Thgil didn't know about the power crisis then, but later she found out why her dad had come home from the powerplant so sad, and later she learned what her dad said about being "fired" meant. After that, he acted angry and you could set him off faster than a firecracker, everynight he and Thgil's mom would fight and Thgil's mom would run to her room crying and lock the door. When Thgil made him mad, her dad would hit or kick her. And sometimes he would come home from a bar drunk and start shooting randomly upward as he chased Thgil and her mom around the house. But it kept getting worse. When Thgil was about four, her mother died of a terrible fever. Her dad became more and more angry and would hit Thgil more and more. When her dad was killed in a shoot out between him and the police (he was resisting arrest for child abuse), Thgil went to live with her great-grandma. The night she arrived at her great-grandma's house, she went straight to her room, threw her bag down in the closet, and flopped onto the bed. Her dad had always told her that she was old enough not to cry, and she had done a pretty good job of that so far, but she couldn't hold it in this time. She cried herself to sleep. The next few years she kept herself locked in her room, only coming out in the middle of the night for meals. Her great-grandma was understandingand never forced Thgil from her room, even though she had a key. Finally, on a thundering Saturday night, the eight-year-old Thgil came down from her room and snuggled up close with her great-grandma. This was the night that her great-grandmother gave her two necklaces, one tan and one red, with ancient writing no one accept her family remembers. Her great-grandmother also taught her the spells that these necklaces' magic can do over the next few years. When Thgil's great-grandmother died, the eleven-year-old was all but barely clinging to life. Something drove her on, but she never figured out what. Over the next eight years, Thgil spent her time in the country, practicing fighting with the two daggers she made at a blacksmith's shop, and practicing shooting with a handgun she found in her dad's room when he was fired. She moved to the city a few days ago, and has beaten up everyone who tried to mug her. She currently resides there in an appartment above a laundromat(sp?). _Personality: She's a shadowy character who likes her solitude. She will do anything to protect her friends and loves fighting. _Weapon(s): Two daggers and a handgun. _Spells (max 3): [b]Lumos Hurem:[/b] Holding out her palm and reciting these words will cause a jet of blue light to stream from her palm, acting as a candle or flashlight. This was one of the first spells she was taught. She was taught this the night after she recieved the necklaces as she and her great-grandmother were telling ghost stories. [b]Levitium:[/b] Holding her palm out and reciting this phrase will cause whatever item Thgil's palm is pointing at to levitate into the air. By simply moving her hand, Thgil is able to move the object wherever she wants. Her great-grandmother taught her this one rainy day when they had nothing to do. [b]Ezaerf:[/b] By holding out both palms and exclaiming this spell, she is able to stop time. The length of time that time is stopped depends on whe Thgil is drained of her strength and falls unconcious. She only uses this one where there is no other opption as it is extremely dangerous. If she were to stop time too long, her necklaces would burst in a catastrophic meltdown that could destroy the planet. This was the last spell her great-grandmother was able to teach her. She taught her it in the hospital when she believed Thgil was old enough to handle it.
  13. [QUOTE]Lol, I like your little story Katana. ^^ But about what that boy said.... I heard to much of it. I don't like to be belittled by boys just because I am a girl. At my school, however, I have proved that girl can do the same things and do just as well at them as boys. I'm rather violent when someone pisses me off, so normally people know when to stay away. :P I do just as well in sports to, and frankly.... I'm a terrible cook and cleaner. Lol, so I would never be able to live with a man I guess. Or so they think. All I heard that we are good at or meant to only do are things such as keeping tidy and cooking. Heh, I'm terrible at having a clean space... I hate a really clean spot. Plus, they say all girls take an hour or more to get ready in the morning. NOT TRUE! I take a total of about five minutes. I don't like make-up.... it's evil, never use it. I'm not trying to say that women are better than men, it's just they don't normally think of our feelings or how they should treat us. They belittle our gender to much. They think we cannot do the same things as them, but we can. Also, as I said before, men cannot do some things that women can do and women cannot do somethings men can. So really we are equal, because for what a certain gender cannot do, the other one can. So really, no one is superior. True, women may be the source of life, but if it weren't for men, they couln't make life. We all play a valuable part to life and all I ever wanted was a little gratitude. It's like whenever we do something, we are barely ever thanked. Most men have always treated me like I was just something there and I didn't matter and I hate that. I would rather us live more together and help eachother and stop battling over what gender is better. Because we are smart enough to know that both genders are needed on the same amount. That's really how I feel about that.[/QUOTE] Here, here! That about sums it up for me and my life! There are SO many sports, actually, all the sports in our school are gender coded: there are no coed sports. And, on top of that, boys get extra sports that girls aren't given the opportunity to do! Like football and what not. (I love football! ^_^). I agree! Boys DO belittle girls! (It could go the opposite way, but I don't feel that way because basicly all my friends are boys and the two who aren't are tomboys like me).
  14. [i]Hmm. That child, could he be my counterpart? I can only assume that he is, he looks exactly like me. If that's the case, then maybe his dream is my destiny. I think Arunue went back to the Realm of Reality. Maybe I am destined to go back for Arunue, but get mixed up in the war. Either way, I can't just sit here.[/i] "Garren, what happened to Arunue?" Toshi asked. Garren surprisingly answered. "She went back to Reality with Rayne. She's turned back into the Cascade and this time I don't think she's going to turn back into Arunue." "Well, if she's back in Reality, we should go get her, shouldn't we? She needs us right now, don't you think we should go?" "Hmm....I don't know..." "Oh, come ON! She NEEDS us! And besides, we get to go home." Garren sighed. "Alright. Symoni, Kieko, you ready to go?" "Yeah." Symoni answered. Kieko just made one firm nod. "How about you Ora?" Toshi asked. "I'm ready. But I guess that means I won't be able to take my stuff, right?" "Well, it depends if you can carry it AND keep up with us at the same time." "Ok! Then I'm ready!" "Hm! Good, lets go!" Garren said. ______________________________ O.C.C: I don't know how to describe them mass crossing, so could someone else do it?
  15. SECTION A In the following section, please answer each statement with one of five answers: A) Strongly Agree B) Agree C) Somewhat Agree D) Disagree E) Strongly Disagree 1) I find OtakuBoards rules easy to understand and follow. (A) 2) I feel that the staff at OtakuBoards understand their job and are capable of performing it appropriately. (A) 3) OtakuBoards is easy to navigate.(B) 4) OtakuBoards has a friendly atmosphere. (A) SECTION B Please try to keep your answers relatively short in this section. 5) How often do you visit OtakuBoards? EVERYDAY! 6) Do you feel that the rules are too strict/not strict enough/fine as they are? I feel that the rules are just fine the way they are. While people may see them as unfair at times, they are nessicary(sp?) to keep this site under control. If people can't follow them, or don't agree with them, they don't have to join. 7) Should we continue to uncensor the creative writing areas on OtakuBoards? Yes, some of the best stories have swear words and such and it makes them extremely hard to understand when cencored (but you've already fixed that) 8) Would you rather a decentralized forum system on OB (more forums, less activity per forum) or a centralized forum system (less forums, more activity per forum)? I'd like a decentralized forum system because then you wouldn't have to wade through so many threads to find the one you want. But the OB is fine the way it is. 9) Would you like to see a closer integration of myOtaku and OtakuBoards? No. 10) Are you signed up to myOtaku.com? Yes. 11) If you are not signed up to myOtaku.com, do you plan to sign up in the near future? (Already signed in) 12) Do you read Announcements at OtakuBoards? Yes, everytime they're changed. 13) Which single Category (Category, as opposed to individual Forum) do you spend most of your time visiting? Hm. That's a tough one. I think it's a tie between Otaku Art&Design and the Otaku Arena. 14) Do you think that OtakuBoards should offer an in-built chat system as part of our service? If we included a chat, would you use it? I don't think that OtakuBoards should offer a chat system because that's what IM is used for and I think it would be a waste of time because people talk in IM chat rooms and might not use the OB one. I wouldn't use it. 15) If we offered an "OtakuBoards Wireless" service that would be accessible via Internet-capable cellphones, would you use it? Well, I don't have a cellphone, so I guess the answer is no. 16) When we offer a next generation version of OtakuBoards, should we continue to provide semi-regular community events in our Event Arena or a similar forum? Yes, I think it makes OtakuBoards more like an electronic community. 17) If you could add one new Category (Category, not Forum) to OtakuBoards, what would it be? This may sound like a total waste, but I would add a Homework category because sometimes you don't understand something and no one else can help you who's available in person and I just think it's good to have people on OB who can help. 18) If you could remove one Category from OtakuBoards, what would it be? Well, this may just be because I've never really experienced these series, but I would take out the Otaku Series cartegory because I find it a little unnessicary(sp?) because you can just make a thread about them to the Nintendo forum in the Otaku Gamer category. 19) If you could add anything to OtakuBoards (in terms of a new forum, a technical tool/feature, etc), what would it be? I would add a test forum to the Otaku Art&Design category because all the posts people make in this category that are just to test their banners and avatars 20) On a scale of 1-10 (1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest), how would you rate your experience at OtakuBoards since you registered? 10 all the way! I've practacly LIVED here since I joined!
  16. Sorry if I'm being annoying by signing up for your RPGs! They just sound so good! _____________________________ _Name: Sae (zay) _Age Before Death: 15 _Alliance: None (she takes different sides at different times, depending on who's losing.) _Race: Vampire/Dark angel (She was a vampire who died, what can I say?) _Appearance:[img]http://server4.uploadit.org/files2/091203-pictureofher1.JPG[/img] _Bio: At a young age, Sae was blamed for the various murders in her town since, no one could catch the real culprit. Her dad died of cancer, and when her mom was the murderer's next victim, everyone thought Sae had gone crazy (they thought she killed her mom and poisoned her dad) so they drove her out of town, into the woods next to it. During the winter, she didn't have much warmth, and she had to work for the firewood she had (she could've stolen it, but she didn't want people to blame her for crimes any more than they already did.) She eventually died of exhaustion and frost bite (she froze to death.) So, she became a dark angel. She fights for no one unless she feels like it, and takes no one's side. Being dead has made her shadowy and she never speaks anymore. She's like a shadow, only seen when she fights.
  17. Suddenly, the church door burst open. Symoni ran down the steps and met up with Arunue half way. "Oh, Arunue. What are you doing here?" Symoni said, eyeing the rope in Arunue's hand. "And what's that for? Arunue?" But Arunue didn't seem to hear her, without looking up, she pushed by Symoni to the bell tower, she tied the rope onto the beams as Symoni reached where she was. Arunue tied the loop of the rope around her neck and jumped. Thinking fast, Symoni took a nail from the support of the beam, causing it to fall. Arunue fell to the floor on a heap. She was hurt, but not dead. Just then, Garren and Kieko burst through the door. Kieko had felt Arunue's brain waves drop, so she came, Garren came because he read the note, but they both came to see if she was alright. And, thanks to Symoni, she'd live... they hoped, at least.
  18. Kieko sat in her tree and fingered her two necklaces. They were so smooth. The bamboo was carved perfectly and the black ink was written without smudges. They were flawless. Kieko stroked them with her index finger, they were so perfect, just touching them filled you with warmth. These were all she needed when she crossed over. These had been her source of life, almost. Whenever she was sad, she would rub them, feel the smooth bamboo and be ok. She would be reminded that everything would turn out fine. Yes, these were all that she needed (and her daggers, but she takes those everywhere, so that doesn't count). She might not even go. Her whole life was here, why would she give it up? [i]Arunue.[/i] She thought. She would give it up for Arunue. If this is what Arunue wanted, Kieko would follow her. She would go for her friends as well because they wanted to go back, too. And they thought she did as well. But, despite this, she half wished to stay here, among excitement... among action... among adventure... among danger... _________________________ Arunue was ecstatic. She was going back to Imaginations! She was going home! But, more importantly, she was going home with her friends! She had but a small suitcase, so she had to pack light. She knew exactly what to pack: a rose from Shakia she had dried and pressed, a few clothes, and a picture of her and her brother. She stared at the picture for a long time, reflecting on her past up to the part when her brother and Shakia fought, then Arunue folded it in with a shirt so she couldn't see it. Once she was finished packing, Arunue knew she had time, so she thought for a bit. [i]Am I really going to leave?[/i] Arunue asked herself for about the thousandth time. [i]I mean, I've grown to love this place. And, no offence, but,[/i] she snickered to herself, [i]I was probably the most exciting thing in the Realm of Imaginations. It's defiately not as exciting as Reality. I mean, everyday there's a twist here, do I really want to give up all that action?[/i] But Arunue immediately brushed the thought away. She was putting action before her friends and family again. If this is what her friends and Shakia wanted, she would do it. ___________________________ "Hurry up, Ora! We're going to be late!" Toshi yelled. But he knew they weren't going to be late. He just knew how long it takes Ora to pack if not hurried. And besides, he was excited to finally be going home, he didn't want to miss his chance. [i]Why does Ora pack so much stuff? All I need is my sword and I'm ready to go anywhere! But no, Ora has to pack his whole house anytime we go somewhere! I thought he'd hurry up a little more if he knew we were going home![/i] But then a thought crept into Toshi's mind. [i]Do I really want to go home? It's so great here. I've been talking about going back, how it would be wonderful, but am I really ready?[/i] But Toshi knew that he wanted to go. He would go as long as his friends wanted to go. But deep down the thought of staying nagged him, tempted him. Ora finally came out of his room. "Well, I'm ready to go!" He said as he balaced about five suitcases. ____________________________ Symoni sat in her church one last time. She would miss it here, she was sure of that. She would miss the oak pues (p-you-s), the warm light as it shown through the stained glass, carrying the colors with it, and the marble floors, all centered in a horseshoe around an alter where the priest would have sat if the church wasn't abandoned. Symoni looked down at her suitcase sitting beside her in the pue. [i]I'm going home. This is it. I'm leaving, maybe for good. I'll miss this realm, but I'm going home![/i] Suddenly excited, she climbed the stairs to the bell tower and swung on the ropes, ringing the bells, and landing on the ledge with her suitcase on it to punch them every time they came by. Punching things made her happy, and she enjoyed it, even when she didn't need to be any happier than she was now. They were all going home, back to the Realm of Imaginations.
  19. [i]What happened? I mean, why would Yusuke just jump into a hole? I don't think even Yusuke is that thick. I don't think that anyone else would be strong enough to capture him, either. But maybe it could happen.[/i] Shindi thought to herself. "Celestia? Is there any circumstances you have to be under in order to read someone's mind? Or can you just read Yusuke's mind from here?" Shindi asked. "Well, I don't know. I never tried. But I guess if I can sense them, I can read their minds. Let me try." Celestia tried. [i]All I have to do is keep thinking of Yusuke's power source...[/i] She thought, and within minutes she had reached his mind. _________________________ [i]Stay calm, Yusuke. All you gotta do is get outta here. Arg! But how do I do it without getting pulverized by that guy? Everytime I try to leave he pounds me back into the ground. What do I do now??[/i] Yusuke thought desperately. It was to dark for him to see anything so he had no way of fighting back. [i]Yusuke? Is that you? Listen, we're coming to get you, stay where you are. And who's the guy you're fighting? Do you know?[/i] It was Celestia's voice in his head. [i]Celestia? I don't know who I'm fighting, he moves too fast and the darkness doesn't help my vision at all.[/i] [i]Ok, well, we'll be there in a second.[/i] And Celestia's voice was gone. It was just Yusuke and the man now. And the man had the upper hand. _______________________ "He's fighting someone. Hurry. It doesn't sound too good." Celestia said. And they continued as fast as possible. [i]Could this be the man? The man that brought us all together?[/i] Arunue thought. She was excited. A good fight was a way for her to train. Especially if it was in the dark.
  20. "Alright, lets go." Liam said. And they started heading towards the locker room, Kyo in the lead. The halls were black as black gets. The only part that was lit up was the parts they shined the flashlight on. After the flashlight beam, it was pure darkness. After about three minutes, they reached the boys locker room. It was wicked dark there, too. "Are you sure we're allowed in here?" Liam asked. Of course, she realized just after she said it, that it was a stupid question. Of course they were, there were no boys changing and they needed to get to the door to survive. The question must have come from instinct. Everyone immediatly followed Kyo to the place where the tile should be. Chris shined the light in the corner where Kyo said he would look, and Kyo inspected each of the tiles. [i]I hope I can find it. The tile is no longer covered in water. Maybe I should test them all.[/i] Kyo thought. Kyo began testing each with his foot until the one closest to the corner was pressed. A group of about six lockers and part of the wall swung backward, inviting them in the secret passage way.
  21. Ahh, what the heck. I get to be a ghost, how many RPGs have [i]that[/i] kind of twist? ___________________________ Name: Chinili Age: 74 (looks 10 as she did when she died.) Gender: Girl Appearance: [img]http://www.classicgaming.com/splatterhouse/gif/ghost.gif[/img] (Just imagine her face that of a 10 year old.) Location: The torndown project house (A.K.A: an office building in NYC) Personality: She's a shadowy ghost, who likes to be alone. She doesn't talk much, but when she wants to fiight, she does. And heaven help whoever is her opponent. Biography: Chiniri never had a good life. The people at school picked on her for her ragged and dirty clothes and her parents didn't care much for her. In fact, at age 3, Chinili's dad had already broughten home 3 different wives, each time he had left for a month or two and came back chasing the children, trying to beat them. Finally, her eldest brother, who was 8, took the children out on the streets to live. They stayed close to the house, incase they could inhabit it again when the parents went away, and also incase a mom had another kid they needed to take in. The 8 year old got jobs washing cars and mowing lawns as the little ones played on the already cut grass, or inside the car. They barely made enough to survive, and, once Chinili was old enough, she helped, too. School was no fun, anyway. But, when Chinili was 10, she was diagnossed with exhaustion because of malnutrition which led to anemonia (sp?). She died a month later due to the fact the others couldn't get her medical health (for financial reasons, duh). So, once they tore down her house in the projects, and put up a buissness building, she had to haunt there. Main, not main, or a ghost: Ghost (again, duh)
  22. "Garren. Garren! Ho! Garren? You awake?" Arunue said. She had noticed it, too. "Huh- oh, yeah, I'm fine. Continue." Garren said as he seemed to snap out of a trance. "So, anyway, who do you think this guy is?" Toshi continued. "And what is his goal?" Arunue tried her hardest to push the dream away in her mind, but it stayed. And so did that killer's name. It echoed in her head as though said outloud. [i]Rayne, Rayne, Rayne, Rayne...[/i] "Um, I think I'm going to go... walk around a while, I'll be right back." Arunue said, leaving the table. Kieko and Symoni noticed the expression on her face and walked off with her. "Hey, where are you go- ugh. Looks like it's just the guys now." Toshi said. "They probably went off to buy clothes." Ora said. ________________________________ "Arunue! Arunue! Arunue, GOD dammit, wait up!" Kieko shouted, her and Symoni sprinting to catch up with Arunue. At the sound of her name, Arunue turned to see the two darting towards her. "What are you guys doing here- e-e-A-AAH!" Arunue had turned just in time to be crashed into by the other two, as well. Kieko got up and looked Arunue in the eyes. "Arunue, what's wrong?" "I... I dreamt of..." the name was almost too much for her to speak, "I dreamt of Shakia." "Oh, your old boyfriend? The one your brother killed?" Symoni asked. "Yes." "Well, what happened?" Kieko asked. Arunue began to tell the story... [i]She was in the darkness again. But this time she had full control over her mind. not like a dream. So she walked into the darkness wondering what was going on. Suddenly she was face to face with Shakia...the man that she had tried to marry, her brother forbid so he killed him and sent her to the REalm of Imagination while he took care of some bussiness. Shakia began to speak, "Now Arunue...you are back in the Realm of Imaginations..." Arunue looked around. She wasnt dreaming but her mind was brought to the other Realm. "Now Arunue. I need you to help me...You kill the people I sent back...and you can come back with me. You should meet up with Rayne. And once I bring you back here for real..." Shakia put his arms around her and held her. "We can be togeather...something your brother wouldn't understand..."[/i] "And that's the story." Arunue said. Kieko and Symoni were dumbfounded, he was asking her to kill everyone he sent to the Realm of Reality! Kieko thought that, if Shakia was trying to bring Arunue back as the Cascade, he wasn't worth it. That's not being a very good friend at all. "Arunue... what about that horrible Rayne person? Do you think anyone who suggests teaming up with that murderer is... well... sane?" Symoni said. Arunue looked as though she was put in the worst situation of her life. And she was. [i]I know sugesting to team up with Rayne was a bad desicion on Shakia's part, but I want to get back to him. The only problem is I have to choose: him or my friends.[/i]
  23. [FONT=century gothic]Rain[/FONT] If you don't smile again, you will cry until the end. So I beg of you, tell me what I can do, to make you smile again. Cause I let you down my friend. Your sorrow like rain comes down, your sorrow like rain comes down. You're in a life, with your best friend gone. And I know it's not easy, in a life of misery. So I beg of you, tell me what I can do, to make you smile again. Cause I let you down my friend. Your sorrow like rain comes down, your sorrow like rain comes down. I'll dress up as a clown, and turn your frown upside down. I'll pat you on the back, and try to make you laugh. So I beg of you, tell me what I can do, to keep that smile on you. Cause I let you down my friend, but I won't let you down again. No more rain comes down, no more rain comes down. Your smile like sun does shine, your smile like sun does shine. This isn't a long poem, but it's something ^_^: [FONT=century gothic]No Way out[/FONT] There's no way out of this dark place. No hope, no future. And I can't stand another day. But I can't see another way.
  24. Kieko


    Now THERE is a good banner. (Or bannerS, but you know they're all the same axcept colorwise). I love the 3D-ness (is that a word?) of the characters! Another thing that astounded me was that the banner made me like what I don't! I HATE pink (even pinkish purple like you used)! But it suits this banner well. I don't know why, it just looks like a good balance between dark, light, and mystical. Sorry if this sounds cheesy, but it does! Good job ^_^! The only thing is, if you want people to be able to read the words on the left, I suggest making them larger so people can read 'em. ~Kieko
  25. Chris quickly pulled the spare out and turned it on just before the other completely died. "Ok, Miriki, I know you wanna kick some ass, but you gotta remember: these kids have GUNS! Do you hear me? GUNS! One that I've seen looks like a senior from the high school and he could pick you up and start beating the rest of us with ya. He could kill us wihout the gun! And his partner has the best aim I've seen in YEARS. Not even my uncle had that kinda aim, and he was the sharpest gunman I know." Chris whispered. "Ok, so it looks like all we have to do is get the big one "out of the way", if you know what I mean, and get the guns away from the others, then we can pummel some sorry ass." Kyo said. "Heh-ha! I like that plan!" Miriki said, driving his fist further into his hand. "Ok, now all we have to figure out is how to carry out this plan. I mean, how are we going to get the big guy and get the guns from the other kids? They won't exactly hand them to us." Liam said. "Well, it sounds like all we have to do is get the guns from the kids and we can just threaten to shoot all of 'em. I'm sure even the big one will obey us if we've got a gun to his head." Ashes commented. "But how do we do that? Get the guns, I mean. What are we suppose to do? Ask them to give us their guns over lunch?" Cay said. Everyone seemed surprised. They had almost forgotten she was there. Then, a weird smile spread across Chris's face. "It's worth a shot." Chris said with a mischevious look in her eyes. "Whadya mean?" Kyo said. "I mean that maybe we could lure them into the lunch room and chuck food at them from under the tables and then take their guns while their destracted. It's risky, but I think it's worth a try. Whadda you guys think?" Chris said. Everyone just stared, taking in how dangerous that would be. But all the while concidering it. Maybe it [i]was[/i] worth a shot.
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